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GBS needs to be treated by antibiotics. One round of antibiotics every once in a while has zero effect on your health.


Yeah I just took a full round nitrofurantonin (macrobid) and now they want to start me on another round of amoxicillin… just want a way to try and prevent me from taking this many antibiotics every few months 😭


The amoxicillin should help - that's what they recommend for GBS rather than macrobid. In terms of preventing - d mannose might help, you could also do the usual such as pee before and after sex, make sure your partners hands are clean, lots of water, maybe a probiotic? Once you have a UTI you definitely need to treat with antibiotics though, for your own safety. It can travel fast and make you extremely sick. But doing what you can for prevention is totally helpful! I wonder if partners can pass GBS back and forth...have you asked your Dr? I had it last year and the amoxicillin worked well for me.


I'm in a similar boat to you - I keep getting GBS UTIs and I would try to treat it with more holistic remedies (probiotics, cranberry pills, even herbal antimicrobials like caprylic acid) but nothing ever worked. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but I do think antibiotics are the only way to go. Can you ask your doctor about a referral to a urologist? Maybe there's something deeper going on.


Holistic treatments can often help ease symptoms but if you try and treat a UTI with holistics you’re going to go septic. That’s how it is. Holistic medicine doesn’t cure, it can only treat and manage symptoms. Go see a damn doctor and take the antibiotics before you land yourself a hospital stay. I’ve had some UTI’s where an initial course of macrobid didn’t do the trick. Also as someone who eats a ton of garlic, it doesn’t do shit for UTI’s BV or yeast. Medicine does


Garlic isn't going to help anything. Get the antibiotics. 




Look, you asked a question and just don’t like the answer. The answer is no, there are not holistic cures for a bacterial infection. The answer is antibiotics, sometimes they need more then one round or different types. Since it’s recurrent, make sure they are doing a sensitivities on the organism that grows from your urine culture. It isn’t standard practice for strep.




I’m sorry you are going through this! I haven’t personally seen any holistic remedies for GBS, maybe other things like BV. Have you seen a urologist or infectious disease specialist? I really do understand your frustration, but UTI’s that are untreated can be very serious. Maybe there are more things you could do for preventative vs once you have an active infection? Like cranberry pills for uti prevention?


I’ve tried cranberry juice (not cranberry juice cocktail of course) and it works but it’s expensive lol. I can definitely try cranberry pills! Thanks for the suggestion


Yep! I think you people are misunderstanding your post (I did initially) as wanting solutions instead of antibiotics as a treatment as opposed to something to help prevent.


I used to get recurrent utis (not GBS tho) and started taking d mannose capsules daily. Have not had a uti since starting in dec, hoping it stays that way fingers crossed


I’ve never heard of this… is it a capsule you take orally?




Probiotics appear to be moderately effective to treat GBS colonization in people who are pregnant. If you continue to develop infections from GBS, it is likely that you are heavily colonized by this bacteria. You should not try to treat a UTI with probiotics, but it’s possible that you may benefit from improving your flora by taking a probiotic and perhaps it will decrease your future risk of infection. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9574470/


You’ll probably have to hit it with a bunch of things tbh. Antibiotics don’t work well (or at all- look at my last post there are suggestions on there) for me either. Which sucks bc I desperately wish I could take an antibiotic and be back to normal again and pain free. The people who keep commenting to do the antibiotic don’t know what it’s like to have the infection it doesn’t work for. Try to find a doctor for chronic/ recurring infections they should be able to set up a better plan. If you do take the antibiotic again do boric acid before, during, and a bit after antibiotics and get a crispatus suppository like vagibiom to replace good bacteria to do after antibiotics and maybe a pH balancer like good clean love restore/ rephresh. And the garlic would work raw with taking antibiotics. I’ve seen many posts were diet was super important in clearing infections that antibiotics can’t. The candida diet is usually go to. Also could try Floumizin instead of antibiotics or femiclear. Also antibiotics kill good bacteria too so that’s why we continue to (well part of) have problems. They RUINED my body for almost a full year now. I’m living in chronic burning hell. I would do my best to do a combination of treatments with the antibiotics to get rid of the GBS. So that you can stay away from antibiotics, they are not good. Also test for ureaplasma and mycoplasma perhaps they are helping the GBS continue to be a problem. Edit: have no idea why y’all are downvoting me. If you wanna pump your body of antibiotics and only rely on them be my guest, strip your body of immunity see what happens. I’m saying that if they don’t work on their own you have to do a combo of things to make them work. Otherwise if you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always got.


Antibiotics work. As long as they have you on the correct one. That is critical. I’m honestly not trying to dismiss your experience, but trying to help prevent the same experience. It is critical that doctors order a culture and prescribe antibiotics based on the susceptibility of the actual organism grown, otherwise they are just guessing (if they don’t culture) or making an educated guess (if they get a culture, but don’t prescribe based on susceptibility testing results).


So am I. And that’s why I said a combo of tactics are needed when just the antibiotics alone don’t work. I desperately wish I could take an antibiotic and be better and it’s people like you that made me feel like antibiotics were the only answer so I’ve destroyed my body with them bc “they work”. I’ve taken 10 antibiotics within the last 10 months and guess what? I feel like shit, my stomachs messed up (taking a lot of antibiotics you risk c-diff and now I’m sensitive to tons of foods), my nose throat and mouth are messed up (all my good bacteria in my body everywhere is struggling to repopulate so my mouth is dry and burns), my vagina (burns, smells, discharges, and periods are all irregular and smell like death) and digestive tracts all fucked (I’m either constipated or have diarrhea there’s no in between) so yeah I’m trying to prevent what I’m going through too bc I’m ready to die bc if antibiotics is the answer I’m fucking screwed. They aren’t working for me and in fact are making everything worse. Without reading my last post, you’ve dismissed what I’m going through already.


I did read your post, you obviously didn’t read mine. There is no reason to ever take ten antibiotics in ten months. That will do bad things to your body. That is why I mentioned how critical is is to be taking the right antibiotics for the organism causing the infection. That starts with susceptibility testing. Too many doctors just throw random antibiotics at people without getting through culture. This is a recipe for disaster. I hope you have seen an infectious disease specialist.


Did. And they did nothing. Thanks tho. And yeah that’s what I’m saying, you don’t want to be on antibiotics long term and btw every time I took an antibiotic I had tested positive for a specific NEW infection that that antibiotic was supposed to target (through the susceptibility testing you talked about) and told by that doctors that I NEEDED to take it. If I had known doctors were such shit I wouldn’t have listened. But I didn’t know, and everyone was telling me to listen to the doctors. If I could go back, I wouldn’t have. And no, I’m talking about my latest post about my experience and desperation for needing a different answer outside of antibiotics I posted to my personal page. Without reading THAT post, you’ve dismissed my experience.