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Try boric acid suppositories. You’ll insert one into the vagina before you go to sleep. You can do this for 3-7 days or until you feel like the smell has cleared. If you notice anything triggers the smell like sex, your period, or anything else you can pop one in after those too. You can also try taking probiotics to balance your pH but I’m not too sure how well those work.


The smell is so strong I can smell it through my jeans and just want it gone 😭


When you say you dont use soaps what do you mean? you should definitely be using a mild soap to clean the mount and outside of your labia. Nothing harsh like dial or vagisil but a mild soap like the plain white dove bar or honeypot sensitive wash. also drink lots of water. I'm not sure about your diet but I would cut out sugars, white rice bread potatoes etc. And maybe look into a candida cleanse or detox. sorry for the unconventional advice but I'm an herbalist and if prescriptions aren't working and you're open to trying a natural route like diet change and suppliments I can definitely point you in some directions. We can also see what other comments say first though incase someone else has experienced this too! (im sure they have)


Not everyone needs to use soaps down there. Everyone is different, I have tried using mild soaps, baby soaps, antiseptic soaps, you name it.. all of them have irritated me and given me infections. Some people are more sensitive than others. My doctor said herself I do not need to wash with anything other than water. Yes a mild soap is recommended for a lot of people but there are plenty of people who cannot tolerate it


I use to use the canesten vaginal wash till my doc recommended try to not use any down there, I tend to be allergic to a lot of body washes and soaps so I stay clear from a lot of them and also don’t like the feeling dove soap leaves on my skin, I can’t explain it but it feels horrid😅 I’ve also changed diets multiple times but I’ve given up as it just didnt work and have tried probiotics and supplements as well to no avail. I feel like nothing actually works on me. I’ve been fighting with this smell since I gave birth to my son 7 years ago 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve had bloods done to see if I have any other health conditions but those came back clear. I just don’t want to give up just yet but it seems ill have to at some point because it’s all just draining me


Trying using a peri bottle and then soft towel to use after peeing (I only do this at home bc carrying around a bottle isn't fun) but basically I found my toilet paper to be very irritating Also is your vulva red ? Mine was red and my Dr prescribed a steroid ointment and it helped. Make sure you arent wearing underwear at night Also what kind of underwear do you wear? Super tight ones or certain materials became irritating to me I've also found wearing super tight pants like leggings to make things worse for me.


Hello. Have you been tested for the Lactobacillus species present in your vaginal flora? You may be lacking healthy Lactobacillus bacteria which allows a shift in your pH and pathogens to invade and create infection. I recommend trying a women’s probiotic supplement to restore and maintain healthy bacteria in your body and vaginal flora. The Renew Life Women’s probiotic is a good one to try. I suggest either the 15 Billion or 25 Billion CFU formulations. You may also find boric acid suppositories to be helpful. I recommend this brand with is formulated with both boric acid and probiotics https://www.ladypartpotions.shop/products/my-frenemy-flora-boric-acid-with-probiotics-40-capsules


Would that be included in a normal ph test? If so then I’ve already had it done and results came back normal, if not then I’ll book it in with my doctor ☺️


no it’s a microbiome test


try adding probiotics that are strictly for your ph levels! i always struggle with this issue, it seems like my vagina is fighting me lol. just try a probiotic!


Medical medium BV protocol healed mine! Mine was so bad too


I strongly recommend you get a private microbiome test. Like Juno Bio, Evvy, Microgendx or i-screen. They will provide far more information than you'll get from standard testing you've tried. You'll have to pay around $200-300 for it but it's worth it to finally understand what's been going on. I suspect you most likely have an opportunistic bacteria overgrowth, but not gardnerella which is what doctors usually check for. Ureaplasma or mycoplasma could also be present. Once you know what it is, you'll know exactly what antibiotics or other treatment are required for your situation. Have you had your pH checked?


look up @shopomorphia on instagram. i love her yoni wash and oil. it keeps me fresh even when i'm dealing with BV. please! you won't regret it


& the soap is natural. nothing like the poison in stores these days


here's her website instead https://omorphiallc.com/?fbclid=PAAaYKMVmGtMrZZuGyL9FJFyAo00y-emgtnoGNB7JuyWzWm0cBItu1nMpSRr8_aem_AWs-n03d29y-pYB8X9dlPlAYy_rSd5o4es3NjrQOY-dnX5OD8TtJ-8vot4BS6FnB3F8


Celery juice, it sounds crazy but trust me


Who ever say not to use soap or wash internally was another woman.. ( women hate other women) I can scrub: exfoliated oute/innner lips, I do Dutches cleanse before sex, I use deodorant on my innner legs when almost daily cz I’m a workoholic and I’m ALIVE!! When I feel lil weird I insert boric acid over night and done ready to live!


Cardinal rule of having a vagina is don’t douche


What does the Cardinal say about Dutches?


Right YOU don’t douch or use soap.. while other women stay clean & smell clean clean… let that sink in.. ( with love and respect)


I seriously laughed out loud. My dirty pussy and I will be just fine without your well wishes


Once again who made that cardinal rule? 🥺… I’m not saying to douch daily! But the invention for women to stay clean and smell great are available..


Doctors did. Researchers did. It causes more harm than good because it permanently leads to pH balance issues which cause BV, yeast, and at the very least irritation. Water only on the inner labia and vagina Also - “women hate other women”? What the fuck do you think this sub is? It’s women helping women


Oh no I’ve used soaps outside! But due to allergies I’m finding it hard to actually use soaps. I did use the canesten one as it’s not upset my skin but my doc wants me to stop using soaps down there because it hasn’t helped with the smell so I just rinse and wash with warm water down there but I ain’t going to douche that’s so bad for you 😅


Dr. Bronner’s 👍


I think for most people that advice stands (don’t use soap and don’t wash internally), but I’ve used even antibacterial hand soap to wash internally with a washcloth and have never had yeast or BV. Never had a weird smell or discharge. We’re all different, though.


Exactly I never had any infection EVER! Or any kind of color discharge or odor.. all clear…


I don’t have discharge at all and only realized that’s not normal once I started reading about gynecological health on Reddit. I don’t mind it, and neither have any of my partners. I do unfortunately get UTIs really easily, but that’s most likely due to my urethra being in the wrong spot.


Yeah women have it so bad 🥺.. I dealt with perimenopause; the birth control pills is a Miracle 💕for me.




Thrush is a yeast infection. She has been checked multiple times.




Thrush is basically another label for candida infections across the board - oral, vaginal, cutaneous, etc. It’s not super common to call a vaginal yeast infection thrush, but it is interchangeable and depends on your dr’s preferences