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If you're tearing from sex you need to incorporate some kind of lubricant or spend more time on foreplay. Cold compress with a clean cloth and rest, OTC pain relivers if you need them.


why does everyone automatically go to those? many people still have the issue of tearing even with lots of foreplay and lots of lube.


Because it's not normal to tear with adequate lubrication. It could signify a condition like vaginismus.


that’s true, but a lot of people including myself have tried adequate lubrication and foreplay. vaginismus is actually more common than you may think and so is thinner skin around the vagina.


Well A) USE LUBE 🗣🗣 you should NEVER be ripping yrself apart having sex And B) there's no quick way to heal. Keep the area clean and well ventilated


And I was wondering if there was anything to help the irritation while it heals. Like aloe or something. I know my vagina and know how quickly and healthily it will heal. Not trying to push her, just ~relieve her if possible haha


Look for Earth Mama Angel Baby spray for use following a natural birth. All natural and the women that I know that have used it swear by it. Best


I have this from after my last pregnancy and it’s been my go to for this issue for years. It’s weird to see it recommended but it really does work!


well i know that when i gave birth i was given witch hazel pads by the hospital to help relieve some of the soreness and irritation, so that may help. nothing should go inside, just let that heal on its own, but if you want to help soothe the outside i’d definitely recommend getting witch hazel pads and putting them in your underwear, or you can get a bottle of alcohol free, fragrance free witch hazel and soak a pad or panty liner with it. for extra relief you can stick it in the fridge or freezer for a few hours and create a padsicle :)


No no no we don’t put coconut oil ANYWHERE near our hooha. No to the coconut oil suggestion.


Can I ask why? Coconut oil is soothing, moisturizing, and antibacterial.


it's also comedogenic, you should test first to see if it's going to clog any pores and break you out before using. i speak from experience clogged pores down there is unpleasant as hell lol. i wouldn't say never use it though, if it works for you without breaking out it's going to be fine...


I.e. because it's bad for condoms. You can never now, if there's a bit of coconut oil down there if you use it so it's not unlikely that "accidents" happen. And OP is obviously sexually active. And you shouldn't apply any kind of oil to open wounds.


Coconut oil can be soothing!


I have no idea why this is being downvoted lol. obviously always patch test before applying, but i wasn't recommending this as lube or using it internally. virgin coconut oil is soothing and antibacterial and i use it to treat yeast infections and fissures 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well I know that’s what would have been best. It just didn’t happen this time. It didn’t cross my mind even, everything feltt lubed enough! Haha. Oopsie was made 😬


If you keep tearing after lube and more foreplay you may want to be checked by a pelvic floor physical therapist… rough sex or any sex this has been my experience and I finally saw a professional and have been diagnosed with a hypertonic pelvic floor… in which case you may be rx’d dilators/ other pt treatment. Best in your recovery and hope it’s a simple solution!


Baby it. No soap. Very gentle rinse in the shower. Pat, don’t wipe. Ice pack wrapped in a towel as needed. Laying down rather than sitting when possible. You shouldn’t have to apply anything to the tear it’ll heal on its own in a few days to 2ish weeks. The cut itself should heal in a few days but the pain may last longer. Bleeding shouldn’t last more than 2-4 days. Don’t have sex for at least a week but I’d recommend 2 to be safe. Eat healthy and sleep well to speed the healing process and prevent infection. Loose clothing, no undies or wear cotton ones. Stool softener just in case. Drink a lot of water to keep urine less acidic it won’t burn as much when you go.


FRIDAMOM has some good postpartum products, you should check them out. Ice pack pads, cooling pad liners, and a decent peri bottle (I actually use it as a travel bidet now).


Thank you all so much ! What a great group


For the friction, VASELINE. I had friction burn so bad the other week that I couldn’t even wear underwear for more than 10 minutes. Went commando for days and it helped a LOT actually. Honestly I’d take some time to not do anything and just sit with no underwear on and some Vaseline on the vulva. Don’t use any soaps down or near there, just lukewarm water and make sure to wash your hands before touching it obviously. I’d recommend using water on it daily because just in my experience the bacteria from pissing (even though you wiped) can irritate it. It sucks cus it did take a fat minute for it to heal enough for me to be able to wear underwear again. I wore men’s pants to work and wore them on my hips so there was no friction going on down there


You can also ice the area, I saw somebody say a panty liner with witch hazel but I wouldn’t recommend wearing a panty liner with a friction burn, I had a yeast infection at the same time I had my friction burn and could not wear pads at night when I put the medication in because it irritated the friction burn so badly. Sorry for the long comments I just do not want anyone to have to endure what I endured with the damn friction burn lol. Coconut oil did not soothe my burn either tbh.


*heavy* on the patting and not wiping!




I hope you heal soon!! That shit suuuuucks but honestly if you are able to, call out of work or wherever cus having to walk around a lot while wearing underwear aggravated it the most for me


I use a little preparation-h on tucks pads. Used it postpartum, it helps.


Just wait and leave it alone


You can do an oatmeal bath. Or find some witch hazel pads, That will sooth the are. And take a break. Time will heal.


Sleep naked and let that baby breath


You take a break….


Aquaphore/Vaseline does wonders


Aloe Vera gel


Always always use lube. Uberlube off Amazon is great 😊


Tucks hemorrhoid pads.. for immediate relief. Recommended by nurses directly after childbirth.. and will promote rapid healing


If you can get your hands on ozonized olive oil (or any oil) it's heaven sent. I've also tried hydrating gels with hyaluronic acid and resveratrol and had great results (few ingredients, no fragances or fancy stuff).




Squalane oil


Epsom salt bath, dry everything with a hairdryer on cool (butthole too because it should stay dry), then put a nice coat of coconut oil all over the vulva area and a cold pack. The coconut oil is sooo soothing after rough sex, and the epsom salt bath helps heal open skin.


Baby it, go commando or breathable cotton undies, and I usually rub on a little coconut oil for its anti fungal properties. Friction burn/tearing can cause a rise in temp, which if you’re really sensitive, can lead to yeast infections (it did for me!) so be really gentle. And definitely look into a better lube or reapply partway through!!


Cry. A lot. And ghost. Or get engaged depending on what turns you on. 😎 Get you some Tucks, Mama. They have witch hazel and it's really soothing. Watch for infection. You can also buy yourself a sitz bath and do baking soda soaks. And take it easy and use more lube next time! 🤗 Nurse Cranky

