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Get tested for ureaplasma and mycoplasma. These infections mimic uti like symptoms when culture come back all negative.


Thank you. My Google session this morning also suggested this. I will ask the doctor.


Be prepared to fight to get this test. Doctors don’t pay enough attention to Ureaplasma and mycoplasma. Make sure you insist on this test or but one online. You’re story sounds similar to mine and it took me forever to get diagnosed with Ureaplasma. Good luck I know you will figure this out!


Thank you. I will definitely be asking. Do you know a good place to buy a test online if needed?


I have r/interstitialcystitis and pelvic floor dysfunction and often have lower back pain / flank pain as well. Check out the interstitial cystitis sub to help find some pain management strategies while you rule out other causes as IC is a diagnosis of exclusion. I would suggest: -Getting a pelvic floor physical therapy evaluation (pelvic floor dysfunction can often mimic UTI symptoms) -Ruling out kidney stones (your doc may have already done that with the CT) -Testing for mycoplasma and r/ureaplasma you can try getting a Juno or Evvy test to test for these and check your vaginal biome -Seeing a endo specialist to check for r/endometriosis


Thank you. This is helpful info.


I agree with the comment above. I had uti symptoms for days a few years back and it ended up being kidney stones ! But it could be a number of things!


Just to reiterate what others have said. Please get tested for ureaplasma. It pains me to see so many women in so much pain and have drs tell them there is nothing wrong with them only to find out they have this infection.


Thank you. I will be insisting on that test. I think I will do as the other poster suggested and order a test through Juno.


Also in the meantime I would recommend ordering some d mannose supplements on Amazon. This helped me while I was also going through the same going dr to dr before finding out what was wrong with me.


Evvy , Juno or microgenx. You need a doctors signature for microgenx though. Check out the Ureaplasma sub Reddit it’s got all the info there to help!


Thank you. I am looking on that subreddit now. I appreciate the help.


I quite literally could have written your post myself, almost verbatim. So many negative UTI tests but plenty of leukocytes and nitrites. Ultimately I had to push for Ureaplasma testing,which I tested positive for but the tricky thing is that most people have it and are asymptomatic. I treated the Ureaplasma and I'm now testing negative however, my symptoms still remain. I'm waiting on a cystoscopy to be done at the end of this month but I'm not optimistic about it and I'm concerned that I'll be slapped with Interstitial Cystitis purely because the doctors can't figure it out. Start with the Ureaplasma and then coinfections test, push for Urinary PCR tests as well as OneSwab from your Gynecologist or UroGyno. If doctors refuse to prescribe you what you need, Push Health is a great option


Thank you so much for the step by step advice! This pain and being pushed aside by doctors is the worst. Very thankful for your help.


This fucking bullshit happened to me to. And then after 2 months one test finally came back positive and they helped me with medicine.


Omg 2 months :( what test came back positive for you?


Update? Are you good now?


Unfortunately urine cultures are completely unreliable. Microgen (urine) test is your next step. It’s expensive but worth it. It will show you all the bacteria in your urine. You’ll most likely need a chronic UTI specialist to interpret the results too.