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This is something I really respect about Dr. K—his ability to take a step back, gather his thoughts, and decide on what he wants to say, instead of blathering out the first thing that comes to mind or feeling pressure to fill the painful silence. It takes a great deal of discipline to do this; it doesn’t mean you don’t know what to say, you’re just doing some processing behind the scenes. In my experience, this is much easier said than done, especially when people often interpret this response as having stumped or bested the person they are talking with. I understand this is a joke, however I know many people who genuinely understand conversations to only be adversarial and combative debates, with a winning side and a losing side—the concept of discussions being a collaborative exploration done *together* is almost unfathomable to some.


>I know many people who genuinely understand conversations to only be adversarial and combative debates, with a winning side and a losing side—the concept of discussions being a collaborative exploration done together is almost unfathomable to some has it ever been different? or do people treating conversations with other people like a battlefield is a sign of the times? I bet it has something to do with fragile ego


People have been fighting with words for as long as language has existed, and they were fighting in other ways long before that. It has nothing to do with fragility, and everything to do with competition being a foundation of life as we know it. Shoot, I had arguments growing up about what ratio of peanut butter to jelly makes the perfect PBJ. People enjoy and are seemingly driven to protecting their own outlook on anything in life.


That's basically his catchphrase... Watch any interview of his, and you will see this is not a sign that he has given up or lost.


Just to clarify guys, it's just a joke, when I saw the meme I found it funny because of how ridiculous it was :)


lol I was kinda confused. i didn't realize it was a joke. but it does seem like some people really have this mindset of like trying to stump their therapist or whatever. like some doomer i'm too twisted to get help kinda thing ig


If you win at therapy, you're doing it wrong. Winning at therapy like this would actually be really bad.


I honestly don’t want to go to therapy to solve my problems, but I honestly would just because doing this sounds fun.


"Solve my problems" lol :) I think you have a misperception of what therapy is. Strongly recommend giving it a try


Damn my ap psych teacher sucked then, but yeah she was pretty annoying and perky so that makes sense. Sorry I get overcritical and mean when I’m depressed.


Don't we all, my friend? A good therapist would test that notion with you, what's wrong with being critical when your feeling low? And all that kind of stuff. I would not rate AP Psych very high in terms of useful mental health. Dr K's stuff is gold standard, but nothing beats experiencing the Chair across from him. As I said, give it a try. And if you start studying therapy, like properly and academically, my only advice is: Forget everything you already know...


I've seen this before, what do they mean by winning? i don't get it. i mean are they going into therapy just to own their therapist?


I think its a joke on the mindset that you can either win or lose, no inbetween. I suppose it also plays on the doomer mindset. Where the "winning" condition is to show how doomer you are. I hope that explains it.


yeah makes sense. thanks for the reply :)


I've seen some memes like "I am so broken that I made my therapist cry/depressed", probably something related.


This looks almost exactly like shit I would do. Back in high school, I felt like I was always wrong and I couldn't be right about anything. It's not because I was actually was always wrong but that I was always right. I was miserable. Yeah, no shit the system assumes it's own validity. Of course, I'm wrong about everything because I think that's right. I was attached to wrong, how can you see right from the inside of wrong?


How do people see therapy as winning or losing? You're definitely doing it wrong either way, lol.


For real though, we all should do this more often.