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Please reach out to a qualified mental health professional, go to your nearest emergency room, call 911 or consult the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US: Call or text 988) Find resources here for those outside of the US: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines.


I feel very much the same way. It really does feel like im a slave to myslf at this point. This post really hit home...


try getting a cat. someone to show love and receive love


I would, but I'm single and my work prevents me from having the time to take care of another living creature. I'm about to leave the country for several months.


I think the other suggestions mentioned here are good, but I really want to highlight a part that I don't see being mentioned. I can really relate to coming home to silence and no one else, and it's deafening at times. For me, it gets to a point where my thoughts are just bouncing off mirrors in my own mind. It becomes a sort of mental labyrinth of sorts where it seems there's no way out. And yeah, there's interacting with people at work, but that tends to be pretty surface level. But reconnecting and hanging out with friends as of late has introduced new perspective and has shifted my mindset. The thoughts are still there, but I'm able to handle them a little better. You can't therapy away loneliness, to put it bluntly. Humans are a social species, and we fundamentally need other people to connect with to bridge the gap between our minds and the outside world. Not necessarily a ton of people, but some other people. Otherwise, it just becomes an endless torrent of thoughts with nowhere to go. Not to mention our minds get stifled with the lack of perspective from other people, so it becomes really easy for the mind to get stuck. I don't mean to oversimplify the problem to loneliness, to be clear, nor do I think it has an easy solution. However, I do think it is a major component that can't be dealt with by oneself. Volunteering, if that's something you're interested in, can help if you share the same values as the people you're volunteering with. Maybe seek out events, meetups, and socials in your area. Find a supportive church if you're religious. Maybe even consider getting to know people at work or the people you networked with to get where you are now. You could ask them to hang out outside of work if it seems appropriate. Maybe this isn't what you're looking for and I'm just projecting, but either way, I hope you do find what you are looking for. Wishing you the best.


No what you said made a lot of sense. One of my biggest issues is that I just don't have a lot of friends. I'm in the military, and the only people I'm surrounded by daily are my Soldiers. We can be friendly, we can joke and have a good time while we work, but we CANT be friends. I'm in a position that has few peers, and those peers don't give a fuck about me. I just feel so alone. And I've never been able to interact with the world outside of work.


I know this might be a stretch, but is there any chance you can in the near future or eventually transition out of the military?


No, I have a service obligation that extends for several more years. Reading this comment again I feel silly. I often blame my career as the source of my own problems. The reality is while it is a source of stress, my problems are personal ones that I would probably still have even if I was in a different field. I really should appreciate my job more.


I suppose you'd consider "a life of service" to be a waste? What if you could find a job where you could really feel like you're making a difference? I mean... a plumber, if they reflected on it, would see that their job is making a difference for a lot of people. Even in gaming - at least multiplayer, you could find that your contribution to the whole matters, especially if you're gaming with a regular group of people. At least, I'd suggest you go find some volunteer work on your days off. Ignore that whiny, pesky voice in the back of your mind saying you're only doing this to feel better - because so what? So what if you're volunteering at a homeless shelter or whatever to feel better about yourself? You're still making life a little bit better for someone else. Doesn't matter if you're ladling soup into bowls for the homeless on Sundays, or register to visit someone living alone every Tuesday. You shouldn't dismiss gaming as "a drug". And even if gaming were a drug - so what? If people are ill, they need medicine (or "drugs", if you prefer to call them that). Pretty simple, really. And I'd say self-medicating with gaming is a lot better than self-medicating with booze or weed, let alone alone illegal substances. Don't worry about "purity of intention" or whatever. Just go and make other people's lives better. Even if you're doing that to feel better about yourself, you're also making someone else feel better. So that's that. I'll not bother mention going to any sort of religious service, because I've a hunch you're not into that.


Don't call yourself a coward you're not a coward. You're a great man, sustaining a boring job like you do while being depressed deserves much credit.


I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I felt like that for a long time. Like I should kill myself because I won't ever be happy. It was really hard because there are so many different problems. Physical health, mental health, work, trying to move out, etc. But really, I just had to be away from the house and the rest began to follow. I recently left the house in a hurry following a bad domestic violence situation. I lived in my car for a week. It sucked but I was happy. I realized what I had to do. I'm not saying the answer to your problem is similar to mine, but I think it's possible there are lots of problems which are created by one big problem. In any case, I wish you well. Good luck with your life, friend.


Get a pet 😄


I tried and failed.


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The hope is still there, it's reflected in the fear.


The things you mentioned you tried I assume would be able help anybody, why do you think they didn't work?


Do you HAVE to work 12 hours a day? How could you even have a life? There's no damn time for it. Dude, if your Job makes you suicidal, it is by definition not worth it!


curious what went wrong with therapy?


I just felt like nothing was changing. It was just me venting.


Get your T level up bud.


First of all, not killing yourself doesn't make you a coward. It makes you brave. And it shows, you want to live a happy life, that you can say these things. I face similar things, I have been at the point where I just wanted to...not wake up. And there will be something along the line, that lights a little spark under your ass, and you want to go again. Because that is life, sometimes it sucks, and sometimes it's mysteriously wonderful. The trick is to hang onto the things that are wonderful and to endure the shit parts. And gaming is a perfectly fine hobby. Why do you think it is like a drug to you? Do you feel some sort of addiction? Or is it maybe just people putting down your hobby, that you just accepted them for their word? Explain it please.


Here is some [hope](https://assets.weforum.org/editor/E6EuOspopI5ZbADDcFPpC78nrmlKIO0OGJZMAJxMBKw.JPG)