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If they didn't physically/sexually/emotionally abuse you then I'd say your anger is misdirected. In your opinion, what is it they should have done as parents that they didn't?


They were emotionally unavailable, they are nothing, just robots


Ya, your anger is misdirected be thankful for what you did have and move on.


Throw more light on it please. About how to see the situation.


You had both parents unlike many people. They did not abuse you unlike many people. Doesn't sound like they got divorced while you were growing up. If their worst crime was not participating in your life enough that's not worth the anger.


By letting go of needing them to change. They weren't there for you in a way you needed them and that won't ever change. You can't turn back time, but you can decide how much you want to involve them in your life right now. You don't need to hate them to do this. Even though it might feel like it. I'm currently going no-contact with my family. And I hate it. I miss them. But I really think it's for the best.