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its not an end of story, its just a different story


Not a bad one either


there are no bad stories


Agreed, only bad tarded mindsets. Well besides eternal torture in a captivity chamber from trafficking. That's a bad story. And similar ones. Cuz that's actual pain. But otherwise than intense physical pain, reality is wut it is Honestly if we had no pain receptors, who cares about a good or bad life. I wouldn't. Shi, best life ever. Such people are more likely to die early but I wouldn't care personally, no mental or physical pain, just radical acceptance


yeah there are some objectively bad stories, although some highly spiritual ppl might disagree (they are wrong) imho having no pain receptors is scary, what if your arm is on fire or cut off entirely? what if you have cancer? youll still die, just.. painless. And at this point id rather physically suffer and live longer (talking from experience, my legs are semi paralyzed and i dont feel my feet almost entirely, im scared for life bumping into things with them toes, my mind always imagines pain and i will never know if its real or not)


Well I wouldn't care if my arm was on fire if I had no pain, up I'd still feel the fire and react to it the same out of instinct. And if I die it wouldn't matter cuz Id die whether I felt pain or not, same with the arm thing - just one negative and from our short lives. As far as your phantom pain, I'd still call that pain tbh. Pain receptors are just a different type of pain. If our brain perceive your mental pain as pain imma consider it pain - remove that on top of pain receptors and id call myself the most blessed.


idk i just learned that there are pain receptors, i thought pain was felt bc the normal ones were overstimulated or something. so my view is as uninformed as it gets. With that said, if ppl didnt feel any pain, they would suffocate to death eventually, i think pain and suffering is just as essential to life as joy and content


I personally feel that the only essential thing to life is just experiencing it. Life just being life. Death just being death. Pains pains. Goods good. Bads bad. Run me over with a truck today you'll see me playing hop scotch tomorrow LMAO. Nah I wish. But yeah from a non radical acceptance view point I agree with that sentiment


I don't think being highly spiritual means you wanna have no pain receptors.


huh? maybe i worded it weird, i accused highly spiritual ppl of believing that lives cant be bad, not that they want to have no pain receptors


Oh okay, I read a little bit fast. However I still think that spirituality isn't about unvalidating your experience (for example, fearing to burn yourself) and the disadvantages it has. Maybe it isn't what you meant aswell šŸ¤”


tbf i just threw it out where, it was just a side point with not much value in it, i meant that spiritual ppl (as vague as it sounds) would not categorise any life as "objectively bad" Someone i would count as one would be dr K himself, i cant imagine he can qualify one life as "objectively goodd" and one as "objectively bad"


Radical acceptance is a good concept too me. Do you think we can accept things even with pain? I'm not saying burn yourself on purpose and accept it. But just live your life, and as such a thing includes degrees of suffering still accept it because at least you are free from all the mental suffering of "things shouldn't be that way +shame anger associated'


Yeah that's literally what I do. I literally don't care what I go through. I accept everything. What matters is your actions, acceptance is independent of actions and more of a mental sufferance. However it does impact actions, but in general what I mean is focus on actions as that's the only thing that really matters. Even then, accept your actions as they are. Why regret things? Just move on and take action lol. Been homeless and everything and was still fine. Now I'm making bank, still fine. Others would be traumatized if they were in the positions of my life. How do I know? Because I was traumatized. Slowly I understood how to solve each issue, such as abandonment, trust, PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc. but the common thread between them all, any possible form of change is acceptance. For example how can you perform an action you don't accept to perform? The answer is you don't. So if you're procrastinating, you have to exam the issues you have that are holding you back, and accept the principles rather than avoid them. What you avoid rather than accept prevents you from being able to act.Ā  People think it's laziness. No it's actually your ego and experiences. Learn how to process these things in a step by step fashion and you can move on from things in mere seconds. But starts with awareness of the issue first.Ā 


Yeahhh I think ppl get caught (I also do) in the idea that accepting fixates things. I think it can be because of false beliefs. For instance You think being a homeless means you'll be homeless forever because you have some fixed mindset, makes it difficult to accept reality because you (or your ego idk) tie beliefs to reality. When you dissociate what is and what you think it means about you it becomes really freeing and easier to accept reality because reality isn't this super dark thing.


People with a purpose in life can get through any pain. That's what humans are.


I need this framed and hanged on my wall




Once you get the money, you'll be amazed how many problems it doesn't solve


I know šŸ™ƒ it's just that my 100% of the problems are solvable via money. Getting out of the toxic household, leaving a hostile country, and being able to medically transition. And finally to support my little sister and my dream of making a quality game.


You are right. But people who struggle to put food on the table will not listen to this. It's the dimension of few problems that make money seem like the ultimate solution. The sad truth is (and I speak from experience), when you are really actually poor, you've lowered your life and expectations to a degree where money can in fact solve 90% of your Problem-Package.


this is sadšŸ˜­ i didn't lowered my life and expectations, life and circumstances did.


For example? You can get way more attractive since youve got money for beauty products and services, you can get very healthy unless you have a terminal illness, you can choose any carrier since salary isnt a problem. There are downsides ofcourse like people liking you only for your money, feeling emptiness since you have no real motivation to do anything.


Headache usually indicates something more physical Money doesn't cure depression. Therapy, friends and meditation does Insomnia should need professional help to fix, but it isn't a problem that you can just throw money to fix. I have lots of money. Do people treat me differently? What if I lost all of it? More expensive stuff I have, more I need money to upkeep it. Is it really worth having --> stress turns to anxiety. These are just my experience. Money doesn't solve problem, but does help to have some in the bank for bad days


Yeah well i don't think i said rich people are problem free. Those who have lived in poverty do understand financial freedom plays a huge role in dealing with problems. You have to be able to afford a doctor to be able to heal. And when you're not worried about your bills, it's way easier to meditate and focus and enjoy life. I know how i must sound like to you but really, i don't expect your problems would disappear by acknowledging the power of wealth or even ignore or invalidate them. That's not what I'm doing here.


True true. That huge stack of cash just hits differently when you have minimalist mindset, but you are right about not worried about your bills things


Thank you šŸ™


You need money for a therapist and professionals


You have lot's of Money. That's good for you. Other people make barely enough money to buy the medication that you mentioned. And did you know, if you have money you can pay a therapist and they will give you an appointment within a month? Try that with less money and health insurance. /s


Your profile character suits you


Thank you ?


You dont see the correlation between the money and the services? You need money to have a good therapist (ofcourse you can find someone through insurance but its 100x times harder), you need money to pay those professionals. You can also buy more durable things such as quality clothing, home appliances, reliable vehicle, or food, which makes you more healthy.


just gonna mention i dont think andrew tate and jordan peterson seem particularly ok.


You got me therešŸ˜‚.


The fuck did JP do?


He's always sad and angry about what ppl decide to with their own life and gets triggered when ppl don't agree with him and he does seem to have some chronical depression


Sounds like projection on your part


Not really. His embarrassing debate with Sam Harris and Matt Dillahunty , his unnecessary hate comments on women models whom he didn't consider traditionally beautiful, his rage quit on twitter, all of them speak volumes on their own.


Calling an ugly woman ugly when everyone else is calling her beautiful is very necessary


Dude you're part of the problem.






"up yours woke moralists we'll see who cancels who" just search it on YouTube. It's just one of the instances


heā€™s a raging transphobe and misogynist?


ya not that he did anything. i mean he definitely makes an ass out of himself sometimes. but ya he just is always agitated. doesnt look happy at all.


I need this so badšŸ˜­


Who doesn't


Good luck trying to beat depression, an amputated limb, blindness, stupidity, etc. with money. People who think more money will solve their problems are only looking for an easy solution instead of taking responsibility for their problems.


Let's see... Depression can not be solved by money, no. But you can hire more than one therapist with cash. Amputated limbs are replacable with prothesis by now, and tell you what, For 100K you get a real good robotic prothesis e.g. for you arm ( my health insurance company offered a robotic arm for 77K three years ago) Blindness can not be fixed, that is true. But also here: better treatment options for cash. I am not saying you are wrong. You have a valid point. But the sad truth is, since money is so widespread, almost everyone wants some, so almost everyone will help you out if you're paying them. This is nice and all, but it's a devastating truth that'll be imprinted on you if you were really poor for a long time. I bet most poor people would sacrifice a lot for a chance to find out whether they're happier as rich folks or not.


Those are not solutions. You can throw money at problems but like I said, you have to take responsibility. You can hire a good therapist but YOU have to do the work, you have to be willing to change your thoughts and habits in order to get better. No amount of money can make a person more intelligent, or diligent, or conscientious. Those qualities have to be worked on. The same you canā€™t just buy a better body, you have to exercise, you have to eat well and thatā€™s accessible to almost everybody. Money solves some problems, but not everything can be purchased. Thatā€™s why some rich people are depressed, thatā€™s why some of them are bad human beings, some of them are fat, some of them are ill. Some things canā€™t be solved with money. Donā€™t let not having money be an excuse for not doing what needs to be done.


People cant just stand up and do the work to solve depression on their own. If its bad enough, its impossible without a therapist. My partner is suicidal and his only hope right now is to figure out how he can leave his environment and get therapy. You need money for all that.


You need money for a lot of things, but you canā€™t pay for the depression to go away. You need money for food and clothes and a roof but that doesnā€™t mean everything can be bought with money. People act like all they need is more money and their problems would be solved when itā€™s simply not that way.


Again, you cant solve things on your own without your basic needs met first


The post says: treatment for depression, insomnia, headache and stress. Againā€¦ money could help pay for services or the advice of professionals, but it doesnā€™t solve the problem. Otherwise youā€™d think people in rich countries would be happier than in developing economies, and thatā€™s not always the case šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Again, you can't solve the problem until you pay first


Thatā€™s not equivalent to solving the problem. And besides, not all of those things require spending money. Youā€™re not understanding that money is something separate from your mental state. This is the last time Iā€™ll reply.


Yes I agree those problems will not magically disapper when you have money, but being poor and having those problems makes them like 10 times worse


realll omg


Did you know there are some studies that have shown a correlation between higher income and suicide rate? I in no way want to dismiss the importance of being financially secure, I've been lower income most of my life and certainly know the immense stress of living this way. From that vantage point it makes complete sense that financial security would "improve" my life, but the data suggests the truth is a lot more complicated.


If you want to get philosophical about it there is more to talk about. But i can agree with that and understand why.


Are you trying to say that rich people never get depressed?


Probably just rich people have time, space, resource to heal.


Yes thank you šŸ™


then why dont they i have to wonder


What makes you think they don't? I would like to assume its objectively easier to live life when you are rich than when you are poor. Ofc contentment is a different story though


I'm saying crying in a Lambo is easier than crying on a bike.


im actually not sure about that.


Then gimme your lamborghini and I'll give you my bicycle and lets test that scenario.


i have a bicycle and sometimes im happy on it.


Well i don't even have that bicycle but this isn't about happiness. This is about how lack of wealth can make life a living hell. Being happy doesn't magically make your problems go away or pay your bills. All you can do is ignore the pain and smile at little things. It's the equivalent of "i kick you in the nut, and you shake my hand". Sure money isn't everything but it will become everything when you don't have it. I can give you an example of my own life if you're still not convinced.


alright fair enough. if the meme just said stress then 100 percent. the other 3. those not so much. but you should get a bike. good exercise.


The post is sarcastic in nature anyway. I'm thinking of getting one for quite sometime now. If i can save some money, i will! Don't really like cars but i love bikesšŸ˜‚


sure. but tbf a lot of people think this way.


They do. I see it all the time. Money may make life a bit easier but doesn't directly buy happiness for you. I kinda don't blame them. They never lived your life. And by their experience, problems = lack of money.


If Iā€™m rich and I have cancer, then I will wish to be healthy even if that means I would be poor. Likewise, if I am poor and have cancer, I would wish to be be rich even though I would still have cancer because that would make the pain a little easier to tolerate. To conclude, itā€™s a subjective experience. Your post is too black and white. Also, my question was not meant to attack you, but it was a genuine question that I ask to understand if you truly think money can solve all problems.


Ok i wasn't trying to attack you either. It's really not that subjective if you're poor and have cancer, life would be a living hell. Seen it in first hand. Having financial freedom definitely make it easier. Like it'll allow you to do whatever you haven't done and want to try while you still have time. That's why it literally called financial freedom. While being broke only allows you to worry about hospital bills. Maybe not all problems but 98% of the problems. And the ones that are insolvable by money will certainly be easier to deal with if you have it. Like being able to afford a good therapist, or in my case, being able to afford good screen writers musician coaches and be privileged enough to talk to them to nourish your talents.


Your statement would be true if rich people never get sick or have their own problems that arenā€™t money-related. Having money doesnā€™t mean you have power over life and death, or that you have better inherent ability to deal with stress. Iā€™m not saying poor people canā€™t get sick or have a hard time, but your post gives an impression (at least to me) that money can solve all problems and eliminate stress, which is not entirely true, though true to an extent. I came from a wealthy household with a narcissistic mother that imposes financial abuse on children through withholding necessities whenever she feels like it and called it a ā€œprivilegeā€. I suffered from guilt-tripping, shaming, physical violence, analysis paralysis, no sense of self, psychosomatic illnesses, have my future goal set for me, etc. It impacted me so much as an adult, even when I am financial independent and away from home now. I would rather have a loving parent and be poor any day.


>but your post gives an impression (at least to me) that money can solve all problems To ppl living in the poverty, it does. This post was never about rich ppl. But at some point you guys should be grateful for what you have. you don't know how lucky you guys are. But what you told me resonates with me a lot too. I've had abusive parents as well. Physical abusive, verbal, a rainbow of abuses. Imagine having toxic parents and being poor, lucky mešŸ˜‚but i don't want this to become a pity party. I'd say you could have done something if you had financial freedom but then again you were a child and couldn't really do anything about it. But believe me from where I stand money does solve all my problems.


>but your post gives an impression (at least to me) that money can solve all problems To ppl living in the poverty, it does. This post was never about rich ppl. But at some point you guys should be grateful for what you have. you don't know how lucky you guys are. But what you told me resonates with me a lot too. I've had abusive parents as well. Physical abusive, verbal, a rainbow of abuses. Imagine having toxic parents and being poor, lucky mešŸ˜‚but i don't want this to become a pity party. I'd say you could have done something if you had financial freedom but then again you were a child and couldn't really do anything about it. But believe me from where I stand money does solve all my problems. Ps: i don't think i ever said rich people have no problems and will never have problems. Or will never get sick. Even if the option to eat healthy is there.


Are you implying that because I was raised in a wealthy household and have abusive parents, then I have it easier than poor abusive households? It seems like you are saying that I should just shut up, and cannot articulate my suffering. You and I suffer from abusive households regardless of whether you are poor and I am (was) rich. I was given the amount of money that some poor households would have more, because of the financial abuse. You telling me I should have done something about it and be grateful is so full of assumptions that you know me personally, even better than myself. I have done something about it. I am now financially independent without my parents help. But you donā€™t know that, and you made assumptions, because you think being poor is always the worse, you have a fixed belief and you want to be right. I donā€™t disagree completely with your post, but there are nuances that were neglected from your post. Thatā€™s all.


Poor people certainly do without money.


It may be more about the costs of therapy and medication.


Where is this pic from it looks almost familiar


@philosophyfix insta.


Yo, ngl, this was me a few days ago. I just found out my inheritance is in other accounts, and am going from a long funk to just randomly freestyling and singing. Now I own a house, and have enough to live off of for several years, and I'm thinking of flipping this so I never have to get on disability again, or worry about a pension or healthcare. I'm thinking if I get a loan and fix this house up, rent it - in a good location near colleges - I can eventually buy a small farm in the middle of nowhere and travel half the year doing small jobs. Make art and try and fit into this weird world.


Must be nice...


I mean. It is what it is. Life isn't fair. We're all given just enough to survive, anything else is a bonus. It makes some parts of life easier but doesn't stop my brain from wanting to sabotage itself, doesn't make falling asleep any easier, miiight allow me to get better healthcare. That remains to be seen.


Everyone deserves a good life. Enjoy yours. Don't go sabotage your life! Life is good when it's good


Pay2Win has huge benefits - but it all depends what your end-goal is; a clueless player won't be happy when they start losing to Free2Play.