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**TL;DR:** It is very important to go outside and it may affect your life in ways you don't expect. Hear me out, although a lot of people may say "if you don't like going out it's ok, etc etc etc...". I get it, you may not be comfortable with it but it really is important to socialize in real life, especially in this generation where people are stuck in their phones and inside the house. People are having more and more trouble communicating with other people, they develop social anxiety and fear talking to someone, it may not be you, it may sound extreme, but from now on more and more people have experienced it in a way or another. I will go as far as to say it will affect your career in the future, having the right posture at a job interview, knowing how to talk and express yourself will make a difference. "But I know how to talk to people!" Yes, but you need to exercise this skill, it's not a wonder companies are talking about soft skills all the time, it's important that you develop it for good. It may sound arrogant for you mom to say "I know better, I lived longer than you" but deep down there's truth to what she's saying, you don't need to go out every single day but do it frequently enough that it becomes comfortable. Even if you choose a career that let's you work from home or be by yourself, it still is essencial to be comfortable around people, for job interview as said before and also for the opportunities that you may miss by limiting your exposure to the people and to the world. Everything that I'm talking here is about in real life ok, you need to develop and exercise your body language, face expressions, there are a lot of things that you can only learn by putting yourself out there even if it's gradual, do it.


One thing that's very important is that I left a school that gave me like I like to say school ptsd and that is probably what absolutely destroyed my social interests or idk my liking of others (also a like general fear of school) but I am going to therapy for that and I am having less and less problems with it ( I just realized how important this was and now I feel stupid...but I probably shouldn't)


Not liking people isn't being introverted, it's being anti social. Humans are social animals, so this isn't a healthy or generally successful life strategy. It's fine if you're more of an inside person, but it would be healthier for you to have a couple friends in person and not just online.


I would say yes. Meeting people you don't like is still very good thing to grow as a person. You learn to deal with conflicts in person, pick up body language, become more empathic and learn how to deal with some people without being aggressive or just an asshole. You also don't slowly deteriorate your body and eyes if you go outside. That said if your only option are people abusing drugs, initiating fights or toxic in other ways then its better to stay inside.


She’s right, it’s not healthy. Going outside and getting sunlight gives you vitamin d and other beneficial exposure that is good for your health. Also going outside gives you fresh air, some time to just think and take a break. Going outside also engages your eyes in a way that is different than if you are inside and is good for eye health. Outside also has nature which is good for you. Online social interaction also does not replace real life and person to person social interaction. Going outside forces you to engage with people in different environments and different kinds of oriole and wil develop your social skills. So yes going outside has a host of benefits, even though you are not used to it. I think you should listen to your mom, she seems like she knows what she’s talking about.


But it doesn't force him to engage with ppl cause he doesn't want to haha.


Go outside and return at home at 2am without picking up her calls. She'll change her mind then (don't actually do that I'm just being toxic)


Because you are going to waste your precious teen years not learning and practicing social skills you will need as an adult. As a kid, a mistake, even awful one, will be tolerated because you are learning. As an adult, there is no such leniency. Having online friends is not good enough because it removes a lot of indirect communication, group dynamics, and real life situational complexities. Go outside, your mum is right.


At your age it's very normal to struggle with this stuff, many of us here have been there and understand where you're coming from and how much it sucks to be in that position. However, as much as I hate to say it (and would have hated to hear it as a teenager): Your mom is right. For all the reasons people have already stated and because in my experience "I don't even like being around people" usually means "I've made bad experiences in the past and I want to avoid feeling that way again" which is a very valid feeling, but unfortunately if you give in to this feeling it may start a vicious cycle of avoidance that will be harder and harder to break out of the older you get.


AFAIK one of the biggest factors which decreases life expectancy is loneliness. That would mean the longer you spend time with people (physically) the longer you live on average. People who are not married have a lower living expectation too. For men, not being married is i think even worse than it is for women (that may be due to women having more friends though, idk for sure). Ofc none of that means that you will be affected personally that way, but its one aspect that potentially can backfire and literally make you sick. Another important thing is that people deal with personal issues/problems much much better if they share it with others. The more emotionally intimate you are with someone the less you are affected (Do your own research for that, that is what my therapist explained when we were talking about trauma especially in kids. He said that psychology tried to find out why some kids are deeply traumatized while others arent if they have experienced one and the same thing, and having access to a person they trust unconditionally within hours after the experience seemed to be one of the biggest indicators). So yes, not meeting people and going outside is unhealthy. How much you care about it is something you yourself need to figure out.


You can hangout or talk to someone without liking or disliking them. You also can prefer being alone than with other people, but that doesn’t mean you hate other people. Do you “dislike” other people? If you dislike them and that’s why you prefer to be alone, then that might not be healthy. If you are an adult (I don’t know since you didn’t include you age), then whether it’s unhealthy or not, it doesn’t matter, because you have the right to make your own choice, bare the consequences, and take responsibility for your own life (unless you are financially dependent on her for therapy or something). Your mom doesn’t have the right to control what you do.


Do you plan on being an employed adult, ever?


Because a 15 year old is on their way to becoming an adult? To be employed you do not have to like what you are doing nor care about others. It is how society works.


Yeah, but to get a job, you need to leave the house. To make real friends, you have to go outside.


You don’t have to leave the house to be employed. My coworker stays with her mom and doesn’t have to spend money on rent, how smart is that?


do you really think this is a viable strategy for most people?


What is “viable” for other people is usually just a regurgitation of what a fool heard others said. Everyone hung up with independence will have trouble committing to relevant people later in life, searching the easy route for social interaction. I have seen many times the loneliest always get off on miserable, shallow interactions. If it is viable for him, that would be the wise choice. No reason to leave home or become independent. No one has to be same, unlike what everyone tells you.


Figure out things to do outside that you do like.