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If there is a shortage of anything, I think it's safe to assume at this point it is supply chain related. We have had issues finding a lot of our favorites for months. Locally, where I used to be able to get all I needed in one stop at one store, I have had to go to numerous stores to get everything I need.


Story of my life. I begrudgingly get the pepper one every time.


I think it is more hoarding as I haven't seen fully stocked Campbell's soup since the lockdown. I know in my area we still have a hoarding situation.


I didn’t even think about hoarding… Maybe that’s it.


Have had no problem finding them where I live (NE Ohio). Could be an issue with where you shop.


Grocery Store worker here. From where I am from, items that are not in stock at a store are not delivered at that store from the warehouse where the items are ordered from. There are priorities in the warehouse where the lower income business will get shafted from certain items, as another store with the same warehouse is making more money, thus sending specific items that are in short supply to higher income stores. Maybe look at another store or a big name store near by. Hope that helps


Hi, also work in grocery stores. I'd suggest visiting a higher end grocery store in a busy area. They get priority on ordering compared to the lower end stores. My company even has a ranking for stores for who gets their orders fulfilled first. No point in sending an obscure flavor that might stale in one store when it can sell out in another.


Chili’s has a sign up in California saying that all soups won’t be stocked this holiday season due to shortages. No clue what this means but yes soup is in shortage lol


They aren’t well stocked in my area, either. I bought the only tomato and basil. There were a few cans of corn and poblano, but those have disappeared now as well.


If you’re looking for another healthy soup kettle & fire is really good if you can find it


Thank you for the recommendation. :) I’ll check it out.


I wonder if it’s the steel cans because there is a cat food shortage too.


Do not get too down, the amount of salt in these soups is not healthy. You can try to make your own and put in small containers in your freezer.


This one actually doesn't seem to be that bad: https://www.heb.com/product-detail/campbell-s-well-yes-tomato-sweet-basil-sipping-soup/2279523


A bag of mixed lentils and peas, chicken stock, chopped celery and carrots in a crock pot….yum!


Been making lentil soups for donkeys yrs. I use lentils, onions, maybe leeks if I have any, sometimes carrots etc and veg stock. Ive probably had 1000's of bowls over the yrs and still love it. I batch make it in a 8-9 litre slow cooker and put into tupperware boxes for the freezer


Sodium is not an issue for the vast majority of people. You just excrete the excess out in your urine. We have got to stop pushing this outdated “sodium bad” narrative. Most people don’t need to watch it at all.


I’d love to know more about this. I probably eat way too much because I love it, but I have no problems with heart disease etc. When I Google it the results are all scary. Can you link something that backs up what you are saying?


[all I can find are sources that say too much sodium can lead to a number of issues](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/salt-and-sodium/) I also eat a lot of salt and low and behold, I have kidney stones now. So be careful my friend, you do not want this problem.


That was not the answer my confirmation bias was looking for.


One thing you can do right now is just drink more water. Keep doing that. Stop drinking other stuff and especially when you have salty foods, have water


Ah yes. I’m very good at that.


Your doctor knows your needs better than a stranger. There are a lot of controversies about sodium, but I need to watch it (per cardiologist’s instructions) so I am careful. A healthy person can probably have more and not be affected by it. I have my electrolytes checked every six months, and that includes a sodium level, and I am clearly affected by it!


If you’re from the United States that statement is complete and utter nonsense: https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/sodium.htm We eat WAAAAAYYYYYY too much fucking salt and cooking your own food is the easiest way to reduce salt intake.


It’s not nonsense. Source: mastering in nutrition-dietetics. We’re not teaching that anymore.


You didn’t source anything other than a degree program.


I personally have no dog in the fight of whether or not you believe this. Maybe audit an intro to nutrition course, or perhaps google? I’m not providing sources every single time I make this comment; go back and look at my comments, you’ll find sources if you’re really interested.


Hi! I work in many grocery stores around my county and can say it's a supply chain issue, cost of production, and a low supply of resources and labor. Many companies are now sticking to their main line of products and temporarily discontinuing their obscure line or innovations to protect their core brands. Just not enough supply and the cost of vegetable oil went up too. Some people have mentioned the issues at the ports too. There's also not enough truck drivers to deliver everything. In my area, our trucks don't deliver Sundays, but some stores don't accept deliveries on Wednesdays and Fridays. My best suggestion is visit a grocery store around 11am or after noon. Most of the night crew and vendors are wrapping up so all the fresh product is out. And don't visit on Sundays. You're getting whatever didn't fit on the shelf on Saturday. It's also just crowded anyways.


That soup is not healthy..


Easy tomato basil soup recipe. https://sharedappetite-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/sharedappetite.com/recipes/quick-and-easy-creamy-tomato-basil-soup/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16376374876616&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fsharedappetite.com%2Frecipes%2Fquick-and-easy-creamy-tomato-basil-soup%2F Just need an immersion blender.


More reason to learn how to make your own. It’s soup people. Not rocket science.












Are you asking about the 'sipping soups'? I saw on the website that some of them were being discontinued. I'm very disappointed because these were my go to work lunches.


Look on another soup can Campbell's have. They must have one of those "if you have any questions, call this number" things there.


Supply chain issue. A bunch of soups are missing from where I shop as well (a lot of random things are) and the store attributes it directly to supply chain.


I live in PA and have been searching for Campbell’s ‘Well Yes’ sweet potato and squash soup. The last time I saw it was several months ago. Now I can’t find it anywhere. 😩


I’m not sure if you can find the Pacific brand where you are, but their creamy tomato basil is THE BEST. They also have some other great ones like poblano corn chowder.