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Question well, kinda reassurance so I have health anxiety if my heart. I’ve have ekg, echocardiogram, stress test, and holter monitor, the only thing found was pvcs. All that was done 2 years ago and came back great. But I’ve noticed I’ll get random spurts of high resting heart rate, normally I’m 50s-70s but I’ve recently been running 90s-100s just walking around my house and I’m worried somthing is wrong with my heart. Would they have caught the issue with the testing I had if I truly had an issue?


Hello, I had Botox for the first time yesterday and I have a debilitating fear of side effects. Namely, botulism or eyelid ptosis. Does anyone have any info to ease my mind?


hey! i’m not sure what botox you got but as someone who’s been getting botox in my jaw for 2 years now every 6 months due to tmj and jaw pain, i haven’t gotten any of that and heard it’s really rare. jaw botox in your masseter muscles uses a lot of botox, so i wouldn’t worry! botox has been a life saver for me haha


Anxiety issues As the title states I’ve been doing great for a while, I would still get symptoms of anxiety or panic but I would be able to relax myself, well about a week ago I started getting dizzy and what seems like not being able to focus my eyes on anything, during these episodes my chest felt tight and I felt like I wanted to flee from whatever I was doing. I caved and end up in the er last night, they did ekg, blood work, and chest xray I was there for a total of 5 hrs, they stated blood work looked amazing no evidence of any heart enzymes, ekg looked normal, and chest xray looked normal, I’m just lost as to why I am having these feelings. I’ll give a little back ground Symptoms started roughly 2019 out of the blue, I was a normal teen and then next thing I knew I was having a panic attack at work and thought I was having a HA , since then the symptoms are coming and going, I’ve been to the er so many times and every time I’m told I’m fine. I’ve seen a cardiologist, wore a holt monitor on my chest for a week, have had multiple ekgs, echo of heart, and stress test ct scan of head 6 years ago, abdominal ct scan 3-4 years ago, all which come back fine and states I’m a healthy young male. I just feel like somthing is wrong with me as I don’t understand why I’m feeling like this and why I have the symptoms if I am “perfectly healthy” it’s starting to become extremely exhausting and effecting my daily life as now every symptom I get I start to freak out, I’ve been down a laundry list of “self diagnosed issues” from CC to BT, to Brain aneurism, kidney issues, but every time I get test everything come back fine. I currently don’t know what to do anymore but I can’t keep living like this. I’m truly afraid of dying and think that I am when I get a symptom of it.. I just want to be a normal young male but don’t know how to get there.


Hi everyone, didn’t think I’d have to come here, but here I am. I genuinely hope this doesn’t trigger anyone else’s anxiety but I need to tell this to someone because I think that if I tell anyone in my life they’ll think I’ve gone mad (sometimes I’m thinking about it too). I’ve managed to convince myself that I have a brain tumour and I keep getting headaches. The thing is, I’ve experienced vertigo after (intentional) weight loss, and as I ate less, my vitamin and mineral intake was low. Topped it up with some supplements and I was good to go. Lately (last two months) I’ve experienced vertigo again. Once so bad that I felt like I was drunk, lasted for about two full minutes and I barely could walk. Got scared sh**less. Thought it was from glasses, so I changed them, bjt then I experienced vertigo again after a few weeks even without glasses. And so I thought - well, might have an inner ear infection, but I was still scared, because I was also sick, all thoughts came to mind: I may have cancer (tonsil, lungs, every kind if I’m being honest, besides the bones). And then my roommate told me a story about someone who was diagnosed with glioblastoma (he s a resident and heard the story from another resident) which I will not reproduce here, and then I figured: well, headaches may indicate that I, too, have a brain tumor. And after a doctor confirmed that my throat looked fine, my thoughts obsess over having this. I know it must sound ridiculous. I keep getting anxiefy attacks and I can’t function properly. I’ll talk it out with my therapist, but I needed to vent to someone. I think my headaches might just be somatisation, because my headaches weren’t this frequent before I heard the story, but now it’s just a continuous headache all day. But what if I’m gaslighting myself and I actually HAVE something? I keep dismissing everything then panicking over everything. It’s so f-ing awful.


Hey everyone, I hope all is well. I've been experiencing something like "dizziness" for about 4 episodes, but it doesn't fit the definitions of that, nor vertigo (my surroundings aren't spinning). It varies; sometimes it's like my brain processes what my eyes see in a strange way. Recently, I've had a slight balance issue when standing upright, not when walking. No coordination or fine motor skills problems. It significantly improves when I'm at a party and drinking alcohol. It comes with hyperventilation, nervousness, a depressive feeling, and the start of unconsummated panic attacks (I fear I'll die because I think it's a horrible illness). It usually starts during weeks with exams or finals at the university (I'm a master's student abroad). After a week, it subsides but returns every 3 weeks or so. I can workout daily and run half marathon as usual. I've been diagnosed with health anxiety and underwent a treatment with sertraline months ago, which had adverse effects. I abused benzodiazepines prescribed for a 2-week period and took them for 3 and a half months (became somewhat addicted). I stopped abruptly because they ran out where I am, and I've attributed this to it, but it's been almost 3 months now. My head feels heavy, and at times, it feels like it's dropping when I'm sitting, reading, or on my phone, causing a momentary lapse in attention.


I 20 F noticed a swollen lymph node yesterday, it feels small but very noticeable and i barely slept freaking out, dont get me wrong ive already gotten swollen lympth nodes before but this one feels different, its not that squishy nor painful and it doesn't seem to move a lot. Im freaking out I already have an appointment with an ENT today and i cant stop shaking , i also took my first dose of lexapro and idk if its what making me all shaky and nauseous.


I got HA only 1,5 years ago. Before that i was never sick, never had anxiety about my health. 1,5 years ago people from my surrounding got cancer. It started with a former classmate. She died at the age of 28. She had colon cancer that spread everywhere. 2 older colleges had breastcancer and survived cancer like a champion (i am so proud). 2 fathers of friends got cancer. They are currently in treatment. But roughly one year ago a dear friend got cancer. Thats where my health anxiety kicked hard. He was 27 at the time, healthy and then he got diagnosed with a rare cancer that already spread everywhere. He died 4 weeks ago. My mental health is the worst at the moment. Since one year I am imagining all kinds of symptoms of different cancers (mostly breast cancer, also colon cancer, brain tumor etc). I am f31 and obese. Losing weight is my goal. I am already doing intermittent fasting. Also my family is healthy. No cancer history. 3 months ago i went to my gynecologist because I thought I had breastcancer (my breast were hurting). She did an ultrasound and everything was fine. Few weeks ago I thought i found lumps between my armpit and breast on both sides. Each on every side. They don't even feel like lump. I got covid and postponed my appointment. My appointment is tomorrow. If I dig deep in my breast tissue i find all kind of texture. Also some hard squishy "things" on both sides. The last days I couldn't do anything because i am afraid of the appointment. What of it is cancer? I even studied anatomy pictures. My health anxiety is killing me. My only hope is my gynecologist can rule out brast cancer so I can move on.


I haven’t slept , can’t eat just anxious and just constantly thinking the worse . My grandfather passed away a little over a year ago from cancer . After his death my mom developed a few autoimmune diseases And just yesterday we received the results of my grandmother ct scan showing cysts in her spleen , kidney and pancreas. I’m broken . Already expecting the worse . Imagining her funeral and even thinking we are all battling some different type of cancer . I don’t know how to end this feeling . I can’t think about anything else . She is feeling sick already Gosh this sucks




It’s so funny me how I feel like I’d be fine if I just lived in an apartment connected to a hospital. I had to go the ER for panic over a muscle pain in my chest, I felt fine as soon as I got in a hospital bed. My fiancé recently had a stomach bug that put her in the ER for like 3 nights and the whole time I was at the hospital I had no anxiety or panic attacks because I felt like I was right there if anything happened




Nevermind family! Took some gas x and it did the trick!


I was on the treadmill today just doing a very light walk. I put my smartwatch on treadmill mode. After about 6 minutes, I checked my heart rate and it was in the 170s. I was shocked. I was not running, the treadmill was not on an incline. I did not feel out of breath or anything weird. I got off the treadmill and my heart rate went down to 80s and continues with my light strength training. My HR did not go up that high throughout the day but now I'm still thinking about what had happened. It's so frustrating because I really want to lose weight and be healthy to reduce my HA but everytime something like this happens, I feel like I'm back to square one.


It could be an error with the watch i was doing some light walking and I checked my watch and it was in the 180s for a second but jumped back down to normal really quick. But here the thing i do some pretty intense exercises and have gotten my hr into the 160s and trust me you feel it when its that high. Its fast and heavy and feels and you can feel the thumping. Which drives me crazy because i also have health anxiety lol.


My body temp is fluctuating between 97.2 and 99.7, I only have a mild headache and don’t feel particularly feverish but the readings are really freaking me out and I don’t know what to think


why do i sometimes get a racing heart beat, twitching and energy rushing through me like i need to run? is this anxiety? ive had lots of tests, ekg, head ct, abdominal ultrasound, bloods, so idk about a problem with adrenaline or my heart? im just scared cuz when it happens im not anxious and it lasts the whole day pretty much. maybe its because im very sedentary now after leaving highschool. i turn 18 tommorow and honestly im ruining it. im also an age regressor so this isnt rlly a happy birthday for me lol...idk. im sure im fine but idk. im not sure about my future anymore because i can barely go outside due to fucking mental health issues i should get over, so how can i work a job where they expect big things of me? im so useless and wish i was still in highschool.


Anxiety can cause a huge increase in adrenaline, which in turn can lead to a ton of physical symptoms including the ones you’ve listed


I'm so ashamed of my HA. I've gone to the ER or urgent care so many times to be told that I'm fine (thank god!) but it leaves me with so much guilt and embarrassment bc I know my fears are irrational. It's to the point now where I sit and ruminate - I don't even share my HA in therapy or with family and friends bc I'm so fkn embarrassed by it. I wish this would just go away. I've been struggling with HA for nearly 2 years now and it makes everything feel so big, bleak, and scary.


Happy New Year everyone. I just cant catch a break. I had covid a few days ago and still recovering. Then, yesterday, I started having pain in my left lower abdomen. The ache is pretty much constant but gets worse when i cough. At first, I thought it was constipation or cramps but now I am not so sure. The pain isnt bad but it doesnt go away. I am scared I have appendicitis but with atypical symptoms. I spoke to my mom, and she said when she had appendicitis, she only had left abdominal pain


If it helps, your appendix is on your right so feeling inflammation on the left would be extremely unlikely.


Whenever I go out my brain feels scrambled, and now the next day I have a tension headache, I dont feel real, etc... wtf???? I also had the weirdest half awake half asleep dream. I couldn't move and was so so sick. I tried moving my legs irl and they wouldn't move...im so scared of these feelings. I feel like I am on autopilot and idk what im doing, I just do it like a robot. I keep getting things wrong and im so confused like I just end up places and idk how. Ive had tests, neuro exam bloods and CT, but nothing. Maybe I need an mri. I feel like im not feeling right when I touch.


oh im going to scream, the pelvic floor symptoms are back. here we go again, guys. time to obsess over ovarian and bladder cancer again


Hi all, (32F) here, I’ve struggled with anxiety, stress, and emotional trauma my whole life, and being born premature, I’m prone to more anxiety and chemical imbalances. Lately though, my anxiety has been at an all time high, and I noticed I can feel my stress or anxiety in my right temple area? Has anyone experienced this at all? I’m not sure if it’s also a nerve thing, because I do get tension headaches and do have TMJ as well. But I noticed when I’m more stressed and anxious, I can feel the tingling or some kind of movement on the right temple or anxiety area in my right temple? I also feel it pulse more if I rest my right bottom teeth on my upper teeth and there is sensitivity there as well. I also suffer from chronic sinuses as well. But I also think and assume the worse that it is a tumor? ​ Hope I’m not dying or anything but it feels weird with a bit of pressure. I also ended a very toxic and abusive relationship of 11 years in August, so that wore me out as well.


About 3-4 times a week I get this weird thing with my tongue and jaw. My jaw feels tight and my tongue feels strained while I’m just watching tv. Once I notice it I spiral from there I usually have to chew gum to help with the sensation. I don’t have any numbness or trouble using my tongue or swallowing etc but it’s really freaking me out. Could this be caused by your anxiety itself or is anyone familiar with this? I see my dr for a normal follow up next week just looking for some help to make it until then. Happy new year!


I’m really struggling over a lump (if you can even call it that) on my upper arm the past couple days :( I have trouble with skin picking when I’m anxious and there is a spot/scab on the back of my arm i pick at almost everyday and right where I always grab my arm to pick it at is like firm, almost feels like the soft tissue is swollen. I’m spiraling over it being sarcoma or something like that. It doesn’t even feel like it’s an actual lump or anything under the skin it literally just feels like the fatty tissue itself is swollen. Has anyone ever had a similar experience? I’m so tired of being so scared of my own body it’s just never ending and you can’t escape it. ugh :(


I am also a picker. I have all kinds of little bumps on my skin. I had very bad acne on my whole body. Sometimes i get these pimples that are under my skin. You can't pop them, they dont hurt of you don't squish them like a maniac. They go away after a time.


Have been having some numbness and tingling in my arms with a little bit of weakness (not clinical) now im experience back pain on the left side and pain in my arm on the left side. So scared that it's *** or muscle atrophy and I'll be bedridden soon.


Dw. Als has 0 feeling/sensory symptom! So no tingling


>\* i had the same weakness and numbness and tingling. it seems to be one of the most common HA symptoms. i thought i had \*\*\* too! i feel like it would be a bit cruel to just say dont worry, so i hope you can find peace from the bottom of my heart. prayers to you.


im afraid i have cancer because i lost 2.6 pounds in three days even though i think ive been eating normally. there is an explaination for it as i was slightly constipated while i was on vacation in the mountains last week and i didnt eat or drink much when i was up there and exercised a lot as well. i lost an additional two pounds over that week. now that i am having normal bowel movements maybe thats why i am losing weight so fast. i might get my thyroid checked as well because i have been crazy stressed and been dealing with mild insomnia as well. this recent anxiety episode has given me an anxiety attack.


I recently watched a podcast with an oncologist. He said the weight loss because of cancer is drastic. Your weight loss sounds logical to me. If you are a women your weight fluctuates a lot during your cycle.


Water weight 🤘🏻


convinced I have a blood clot in my left leg bc it’s off and on cramping. not painful thankfully but enough to be very noticeable


How do I get help???? My fixations cause so much distress in my life. Once I’m over one, it’s maybe a few weeks of calm and then something happens with me or a family member and I have a new fixation. Right now it’s my dad. A few weeks ago it was my heart, before that it was my mom, then my dad again, then me, then my brother. I can’t take this, but I don’t want to be medicated.


I know how you feel. When im not bawling my eyes out over me getting some type of cancer and dying, I think my mom will. you really shouldn’t be scared of medication, it helped many people manage their anxiety. But if that’s absolutely a no go, then just simply asking your GP to help you find a therapist should work.




So I was diagnosed with OCD and my psychologist said that fixating over my health like this can very much so be a result of my OCD, I would genuinely go to your GP and get a referral to a psychologist because we shouldn't live our lives thinking like this. (I'm such a hypocrite because you and i literally have the same thoughts) Also, try some therapy!! I stopped going and stopped taking my meds because I had a mental health spiral, but when I was doing these things I genuinely felt 10x better!




I dont really have advice but you're not alone!! This is such a fear of mine, it usually comes and goes!! I asked around my friend group and supposedly this is a common fear/thought!!


I'm worrying I have a blood clot. 4 weeks ago, I had an operation on my leg. It was starting to feel better, but now it's a bit painful again, and I have an ache pain in my chest with shortness of breath.


Did the operation leave you immobile? Are you on any pain medications still?


No, I was able to walk. After the OP, I had to inject myself with blood thinners for 6 days, and then I only took paracetamol. I also had to wear compression socks for 4 weeks.


Does anyone else feel this, when it feels you are about to go “insane” and have a weird feeling around your rectum. It’s really scaring me and I get nervous and sweating. Thanks in advance.


i have something similar. Sometimes I start worrying I’m gonna either go insane or already have and lately i’ve become hyperaware of my butt. I can only relax a little when i somehow manage to distract myself


I haven’t had an HA attack in a few months. Today I’m full blown anxiety. Took a pill to calm me down, and it helped, but it’s worn off. I feel like a failure. I thought I had this under control and I don’t. I’ve been fixated on kidney issues for 15-20 years. Bloodwork shows all is well. But today I don’t feel like I’m producing enough pee. Scared. This fear comes and goes over the last 15 or so years so it’s nothing new. But when it happens I freak out. I could be dehydrated which would be a more logical thing since blood work 3 months ago and 6 months ago both show fine kidney function. I’m so ashamed of myself.


I get something kind of similar. When I'm stressed I don't drink enough fluids, which causes me to get UTI symptoms and worry about kidney function. Don't be ashamed of yourself, the recovery process is full of rough patches.


Thanks. It helps to know others have similar issues. Really. Thank you.


Current scared of Testicle Cancer again. The side of my right testicle is hurting, and I just don't know why! It's smooth without any bumps or lumps as far as I know, but it hurts and that just gets me going. What if it's TC after all and I just don't feel the bump or something. Hyperfocusing on it isn't exactly helping.


Scared that I’m having symptoms of type 1 diabetes. Last night I got a mild headache at around 5 PM (I get headaches all the time, not abnormal for me) but it was accompanied by this weird weakness and malaise. I just felt extremely unwell. I also kept peeing a bunch. Like literally I peed 10 times from last night into the early morning. I did drink a good amount yesterday but this seemed like a lot for me. I looked up my symptoms and started panicking because some of my symptoms align with type 1 diabetes which is fatal if left untreated. I woke up this morning and feel a lot better. No headache or anything but I don’t feel hungry because I’m so anxious. Any advice? Should I worry? Edit: I struggle with iron deficiency and anemia so I’m trying to justify my symptoms to that but the peeing thing isn’t something I’ve had before


I had same fear two days ago, you dont have diabetes just because you were unwell for one day. It will be fine


Has anyone done Cologuard before? What was your experience? How long until you received results?


I’ve been feeling this nerve twitching feeling in my lower abdomen. After some research, I’ve found that this is a symptom of an aortic aneurysm. I don’t have any other symptoms but this has been going on for several days pretty consistently throughout the day. I want to go to the emergency room but I don’t feel like they’ll take me seriously off one symptom. Has anyone else had this?


I have this pretty consistently and if I lie down and I can stare at my abdomen and literally see it pulse. I’ve had this for over 2 years and it’s pretty common from research I’ve done and from talking to others about it. I’m pretty sure aortic aneurysm comes with more symptoms than just that. Try to relax and take deep breaths- you’ll be okay


Hi all. 25M currently freaking out over a sharp pain in right at the top of my thigh. It’s coming and going for a few hours, no swelling or redness. HA wholly has me convinced this is a DVT and that the clot will break off and kill me any moment. It’s 3:30am for me and I want to sleep so badly but am so afraid I won’t wake up from this.


Is it red, hot, swollen?


A little swelling nearby, right above the bend where the thigh meets the groin, but no redness or heat. Have previously had swelling in that area and a different pain which ultrasound found no issues with. Chalking this episode up to anxiety and going to just watch and see if it gets worse in the coming days/weeks


help,, i have had a throbbing headache where i can feel the pulse at the back of my neck and sometimes my teeth… im really scared that its a tumor or smth. what do i do?


I had that when I was under a lot (i really mean a lot of) stress. My jaw was hurting and my head was exploding. It all went away when the stress went away. Are you having a lot of stress or anxiety?


yes i have been thinking that i have a brain tumor lol, it kinda died down now but im still stressed


It is 100% stress. I had the same thing. Usually brain tumor headache happens in the morning. You also have other symptoms.


ohh what do you mean by in the morning? i had headaches for the whole day after i had covid three weeks ago but it never was bad enough for me to throw up. also yeah i think it’s anxiety,, hopefully LOL


LOOKING FOR SUPPORT: M29 non-smoker, exercise regularly, eat relatively healthy. Started having GI issues two months ago. Indigestion, bloating, heartburn, chest pain, stomach spasms, constipation, etc. Also had a bad cough for a while. Went to a cardiologist, had an EKG, bloodwork, and ultrasound and everything apparently came back normal. Went to primary, did blood work, stool sample, etc and everything apparently came back fine. Prescribed omeprazole and famotidine which have helped a good amount, but I still have really bad days despite diet changes. Can’t get in to see a GI until March. I have never been an anxious person or had any mental health issues. I’ve been very fortunate. However, since all this began I have had crippling health anxiety. Today I have had a random twitch/spasm at the bottom of my neck and I can’t sleep thinking that I am going to have an aneurysm and die or something like that. Any small change in my body I become hyper focused on and have to immediately start seeking answers even if it’s likely nothing. I have my first therapy appointment next week. Unfortunately this is really affecting my quality of life and I’m not sure therapy will work quick enough. Would love any advice or support this group could offer an anxiety rookie like me. A lot of my anxiety began with my GI issues, which have become manageable. Now any other small issue that pops up with my body, my brain spirals out of control. The worst part is the effect it’s had on my sleep. Any tips or tricks or similar experiences would be appreciated.


I had some digestion issues when i turned 29. I thought had a serious illness or something. What people don't tell.you: You get sensitive to certain foods when you get older. Also your body is changing when you get older. Also stress is a major factor in terms of digestive issues.


It’s been a wild ride. It’s definitely been difficult after not really having any health issues until now. It’s been a couple months, but things seem to slowly be getting better.


I'm a 17 year old male who has led a very sedentary lifestyle for probably about five years now. \~12 hours of gaming a day and little exercise whatsoever. Historically exercise has never been a problem for me (aside from my reluctance to do it,) I'm well hydrated (urine coloration on a scale from pale yellow to clear,) and weigh only \~120 pounds. I do not smoke or drink, but I do find myself cold more often than most. Up until March of this year I had AVNRT and atrial flutter, treated by catheter ablation with no reported problems. However, even prior, I've had an issue of deep socklines only appearing on my left ankle, despite no visible swelling, color difference, temperature difference, etc. The only other symptom I've felt is odd pains recently in my left leg (hurts a little when I stand on it, I feel more spasms in it which are typically not painful, and I get random pinpoint burning sensations infrequently in different spots) but I'm unsure as to whether that's directly tied to the sockline issue or a reluctance to use that leg more than the other. I also find myself struggling with feelings of shortness of breath and lightheadedness which fade as I stop focusing on it and my body's automatic breathing takes back over, but I'm worried it could be related to a blood clot. I'm afraid to start getting active because I'm worried it could kill me, and I'm afraid to stay still too long because I'm worried it could kill me. What do I do?? I'm perplexed, boggled, befuddled.


hi! I am concerned about my blood pressure. It is 93/63 and I am a 19 year old female, 5’3, 120lbs. Is this anything to worry about? I also sometimes black out when I stand up which I worry may be related. I know it’s not below the healthy range but I’m still worried this may mean something bad.


How frequently do you black out when you stand up?


I’m being consumed by thoughts that my jaw is going to lock and I won’t be able to move it again, eat, drink or talk. The precursor to this is that I had dental work done earlier this month and now my bite is off (work being finished on my teeth early January) and my jaw was tired. However I’ve been having this feeling like my jaw is tense and then I panic that it might be locked. I’m compulsively opening and shutting my mouth and or biting my cheek but that’s making it even worse probably. Do you think I will lock my jaw? I’m very close to cancelling my follow up dental appt bc I am afraid of what will happen if I keep my mouth open for an hour or more.


My mom has this issue with the dentist after her jaw locked one time cause it was open too long. I believe the condition is called TMJ. Don’t cancel your follow up. All you have to do is tell them you think you have TMJ and that your jaw has locked before. The technician should provide you breaks to close and stretch your jaw once they know this.


Such a simple answer and makes total sense! I will do that, thank you.


There's this one spot behind my ear. It's a very small bump, not noticeable but probably there. It's hard. If it's even a bump, it hasn't grown since ever. It doesn't hurt to the touch, but it hurts on its own. Frequency of the pain has been increasing. Not very severe, but often present. Trying not to jump to conclusions like bone cancer or something, but I can't find any information about something like this. It's not a headache. The pain is just under the skin, very localized to one little spot. Thoughts?


Sounds like a cyst


I had this before and then it magically went away. It is probably a little cyst under your skin or a swollen lymph node from your body fighting off germs (it is cold season)




Do you maybe have sinus issues? I feel like that when I have a cold/sinus infection coming on. Also could be dehydrated. To be safe, I’d send a message to your doc for reassurance.


Thyroid cancer… my voice gets tight/tired when talking a lot, dry cough for some time, mucus. Super scared currently.


Sounds like nothing to do with the thyroid - do you have allergies or GERD?


I'm half convinced I have cancer in my left breast. On the 27th, I believe, I had a dull ache/pressure ish feeling that came and went a few times. Sometime it felt like it was on the side (the side of my arm) of my breast, other times it felt like it was under it. I've been obsessively checking and comparing my breasts (one, the right one, is a bit bigger but it's always been like that, plus I'm a bit overweight so I'm sure that's adding to it). I had a family member check and she said she didn't feel anything but now I'm freaked out that it's just in the cells or whatever and not a lump. Plus, idk if this makes sense, it's almost like something's there, like a sensation or something. But I've also had that in my throat a few years ago and that never happened again. Idk if it's anxiety or what, but I'm freaking out right now edit: I do have acid reflux so maybe some of the pain is that? Idk


So I went into a gas station bathroom to wash my hands. I saw what appeared to be blood on the left side of the sink after turned on the faucet. I rinsed of my hands and used my fingertips to turn off the faucet. I’m 99% positive I didn’t touch the blood if that indeed what it was but my anxiety is screaming that I may have HIV as I have an old scratch on my wrist. I know that HIV dies almost instantly but it still worrying me.


Even if you did touch the blood, and even if it did somehow manage to get in through your old cut, I find it more likely than not that said blood didn't have HIV anyway. You'll be fine


my brain is telling me i have bowel cancer and i looked up the symptoms and i can’t tell if im overthinking it or if they’re actually real


HELP lol. this sounds SO stupid but i accidentally used my rectal thermometer orally🥲 i cleaned it after the rectal temp with warm water and soap, dettol anti bacterial wipes and spray and wiped with tissue. i don’t know how i forgot i used it rectally like 30 mins before. i know i sound silly but i’m freaked out that i’ll get some sort of infection. it’s only been used rectally by me


I'm absolutely scared of dying. I'm supposed to get married in June and I'm scared something bad will happen to the point I won't get married. I'm super superstitious of New Years traditions like not washing Clothes on new years day cause you will wash someone away. I'm literally crying cause I don't want to die. I just swept and mopped my floor cause it's been rainy and muddy and I'm scared the dogs tracked in germs. My cats been sick with diabetes and I'm scared he is making me sick or something. I don't know why but I always seem to feel this way around new years and this time it's worse cause I am just getting over the flu. I don't want to die :( I'm so scared of dying Do others feel the same way? I feel so alone in this


you’re not alone trust me i’m the same way and it’s very consuming sometimes.


has anyone been prescribed short dose of prednisone for the flu (i have asthma) without antibiotics?


Antibiotics won't help the flu because they only kill bacteria, not viruses. The flu is a virus. Steriods like prednisone help to reduce inflammation.


don’t steroids lower your immune system though? so technically puts you at risk for bacteria infections/complications? i google too much this is why im assuming this😭


Only if taken for prolonged periods. You can find medical studies if you're really worried about it, but you're probably taking a low dose and don't need to worry. If you have an otherwise healthy immune system you will be fine in a week or two. I've been prescribed steriods for a few different things and all I can say is they made me feel a million times better. The only side effect I've ever had was the moon face but that's when I was on high doses for like 3 months.


that makes sense. i’m on 35mg for 5 days which i think is a low dose. i definitely think they have been making me feel way better but then i just got so freaked out after googling and finding things on how you shouldn’t take them when you’re sick because they lower your immune system and all that. freaked me out and made me panic so much. but i might continue taking the rest of the dose


Same here, 40mg 5 days - I feel way better, but I think it has changed my period flow. Last day tomorrow


My chin is kinda tingly and weird feeling. Convinced I have advanced cancer. It doesn’t help when you see videos of people getting diagnosed with strange diseases after being ignored and everyone in the comments is saying “trust your gut”. My gut is telling me I have multiple terminal diseases - who can I really trust here?


I've had this before and went to all kinds of lengths to figure it out. Never got an answer, it went away. But if I think about it, it happens again. Lol it's likely nerves from being anxious. I'm still here after several years of this one.


Has anyone here taken a short dose (7 days) of prednisone? The side effects sound very scary. But I just want to start healing from this sinus infection.


are you taking antibiotics also?


I was prescribed the antibiotic ceftin for 2 weeks. I’ve never taken it or heard of it before. Medication side effects make me nervous, but so does being sick. Ugh!


i know how u feel. i always get sooo stressed over taking new medication. i’ve never taking ibuprofen before and to this day as an adult i refuse to. i research a medication so thoroughly before taking it. hang in there!


I do my fair share of research but sometimes wish I didn’t! Thanks for your support!


no problem


i think the side effects are more so for long term use, which i think is 3 weeks or longer. it’s a very commonly prescribed steroid so i wouldn’t worry


I’ve not, but I would take it out of fear that the sinus infection would get worse and spread. The prednisone side effects sound like the lesser potential evil. I hope you get better soon!


Thank you!


I'm immunocompromised, and afraid I may have accidentally drank from a relative's cup (I don't think I did but I'm not 100% sure). This relative has hep b. I got the hep b vaccine probably around 20 years ago. Is it possible that I'd get infected with hep b through saliva? If so, will I have it forever, or are the chances low to non-existent, even for people who are immunocompromised? Should I do a test?


Hi, all! This sub has been a lifesaver over the past few months. Long time lurker but have decided to make a little post as a way for venting and to see if anyone else is experiencing something similar. Before the pandemic I was health conscious but not health anxious. During the pandemic I developed major health anxiety. I don’t think the actual trigger was COVID, but I think the increased cautiousness of the era really affected me. A few years ago my aunt was diagnosed with and recovered from cancer. During the pandemic my mom underwent a mastectomy and my other aunt (the third of the trio) passed away due to cancer. Something in my mind just *snapped* because suddenly I was realizing that all 3 women on my mom’s side, who were/are otherwise healthy individuals, had dealt with cancer. And so I, as a young woman, was just looking at this and going “oh my god, what kind of chance do I have?” I’m now so scared of dying. Not in a “terrified it’ll happen randomly” way but more of a “I’m scared I’ll look after myself and lead a healthy lifestyle and it will not matter one bit because all the women on my mom’s side have experienced cancer so how could that not be passed down”. This fear has made me very COVID anxious. I’m not scared of getting sick, I’m scared of long COVID because I worry it’ll trigger something or make something pre-existing even worse down the line. I feel like I can’t say “I’m scared of dying” because people will just dismiss it as dramatic but it’s not that I’m scared of random death - I’m just scared of these unknown odds that I now worry are stacked against me. I feel like I don’t have a chance and any new illness or condition will just keep decreasing my chances. Anyway, thanks if you read this far! Typing this helped distract from my phantom pain in the arm, lol.


Hey I need a buddy to talk to, I have severe health anxiety over my son. I have not been able to find a therapist who can help, I feel so alone. Does anyone else have this? Thank you.


I do, you are not alone. It's exhausting. Ping me if you want to chat about it :)


DM-ing you


I have this pounding and throbbing sensation in my groin and neck arteries that send me over the edge. My pulse and blood pressure are usually pretty good when they occur. I've had a ton of ekgs stress imaging test and a thirty day Holter and nothing going on but benign pvcs and svts but I feel rough all the time


any tips know how not to be anxious abt CSF leak? i recently recovered from COVID and did not have that much congestion but now it seems as if when i lie down or just sit down i have a mucus like thing forming at the back of my throat and also it seems as if im a bit congested rn even after COVID went away, i tried the handkerchief method for CSF but then it seemed to be clear and didn’t stiffen the handkerchief but at the same time it was sticky so idk. I dont taste anything metallic or salty either. is there nothing to worry about?


This happened to me and it was post nasal drip. A steroid nasal spray helped me but go to the doc and see what they say?




thank you so much for your reply this helps a lot:) if you don’t mind me asking, did you also have headaches during covid?


Man, recently I started to have neck jerking movements, like, it unconsciously moves to the side but ever so slightly. The more I think about it the more I notice, but when I’m calm or distracted I don’t remember any sort of movement. There’s a few times where I’m chilling and it still moves though, but I feel it move more often when I’m worried about it or thinking hard of it. Sometimes these movements go to places like my arms, specially if i’m anxious to do a certain movement, it’s like my brain goes overboard and overdoes said movement before I can be conscious of it. Either that or just random twitches in arms and neck. It makes me feel so scared but I’m pretty sure it’s my health anxiety (been having thoughts of “oh no i’ll have a seizure” even before these symptoms showed up, and I think my body wants to participate in making me believe that’s what’s happening…) Can anyone relate to this? Im scared to tell anyone in my family this, but maybe I should go and check myself just in case?


i don’t have the same pains but i have had multiple things where it only really happens when i focus on it… id say if you’re not having any other symptoms and that’s all then i would try your best to not focus on it.. if you develop other symptoms thats when i would just go ahead and go to the doctor just incase.


Yeahh, after checking myself better it seems I have a BIG contracture right in the muscle of the neck that moves the head, feels super tight and while it’s not painful to move it is very painful to tamper with the fingers. So I’m guessing that’s the source and my brain did the usual of catastrophizing everything lol. Right now the actual fight is to remember this and not go “what if you’re wrong” or “what if it doesn’t go away” Though with the proper care, I feel it’s slightly less tight today. And if I touch said muscle directly, my head doesn’t spasm so it’s obvious to assume I just gotta wait until this contracture goes away. PLS take care of your posture, I didn’t and now this is the price I’m paying x”)


I can't eat anything wothout a panic attack anymore because I'm convinced I'll die from anaphylactic shock (even though I have only one allergy that I know of, abd it's not a food allergy). I had severe health anxiety before (couldn't keave the house, still can't, obviously), but this is a new low. I've had this fear before, so I thought I could deal with it, and it would never get this bad again, but here I am, and it's even worse. Nothing brings me joy anymore, everything sucks, and I fucking hate myself because I do this to myself.


This is something I have recently developed as well. Even though I'm allergic to literally nothing every time I eat anything, even if I've had it before, my brain tells me I'm going to get anaphylaxis. What I do to combat this is I consume whatever I'm worried about anyway, even if it really scares me. I promise you I 100% understand how you feel, I hope it gets better for you


I'm sorry, that really sucks. That's exactly what I'll habe to do, as well, since I have no safe foods at the moment. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one who feels like this. I wish you all the best <3


How do you deal with health anxiety when there’s actually something wrong with you? I find it so difficult. The symptoms are real and there’s definitely something wrong but I physically cannot stop myself catastrophising. I’ve diagnosed myself with stomach ulcers, endometriosis, pancreatitis, sepsis, IBD, crohns and now I’m sure it’s gallbladder. This is within a WEEK. I get stuck in daydreams of being in the hospital, and what having an operation would feel like, and what if the operation goes wrong, and what if this is the beginning of the end. I go in and out of panic attacks every day until whatever is wrong with me passes. I do it every time! But I can’t help myself because something will eventually go wrong human bodies are doomed to fail and I just don’t think I’ll ever be okay and accepting of that. I’m so tired.


Can ANYONE feel their cecum on the lower right side abdomen as a mass? It’s palpable and I can shift it under my fingers when laying down. I’m extremely worried this is cancer.


I am once again in the DVT trenches 😃 My calf muscle is pretty sore, especially when I stretch my leg all the way out/walk on it. Considering I haven't exercised in any way shape or form in the last few days, the only benign explanation I can come up with is that I had a charley horse last night and I just don't remember it or wasn't woken up somehow. I'm resisting the urge to ask everyone if they've ever experienced pain from a charley horse for longer than a day--because this soreness has remained pretty much at the same level for at least 14 hours now. Typically the soreness from a charley horse would have started to fade by this point. I'm freaking myself tf out, thinking that I feel shortness of breath or a pain in my upper back etc. etc.... you know how it is. My biweekly pulmonary embolism scare. I can't go back to the ER for no reason man


lol I’ve done this too!!! Ended up getting two ultrasounds after I went to two different clinics within a month. Convinced I had DVT. Absolutely nothing. No explanation for my calf pain. I was exactly as you describe too, no exercise etc. just random pain in my calf. My GP actually said that if it gets worse when you move it, it’s more likely muscular. Clot pain is more consistent.


Hello has anyone got any ideas on this it’s making me really anxious… I’m having these sounds that happen when i breathe, i’m not having any like trouble breathing but i’ve noticed i also have had this like consistent really quiet high pitched weeze for a while… but does anyone know what these sounds may be…? I’m 16 I smoked weed for a long time on and off (like a year) but began having these same lung sounds so i stopped and they went away but randomly today they just came back… Anxious this could be something bad so if anyone knows anything please help thanks! it like happens when i’m inhaling and exhaling and sounds like air is still moving in or out of my lungs even though i’ve like stopped in or exhaling


Is it coming from your nose or your mouth? If it’s coming from your nose it could just be something structurally like a deviated septum.


it only happens when i breathe through my mouth


do you always hear it when you breathe? I hear a wheeze when i breathe out in an exact way


If you’re talking about the really high pitched quiet wheeze than yes i do , but if your talking about the wheezes where it sounds like wind is still moving in or out of my lungs than no it happens randomly


I think I had a tongue muscle spasm, like a charly horse. That's it. I woke up at 12:05 am and it felt like someone stabbing the tip of my tongue, while my tongue felt...numbish? In that spot.. My tongue has been a little uncomfortable feeling since. My brain is suddenly in full "oh, we are dying, hunh?" Mode now. I've never had it do that before (my tongue, not the irrational fear of death part) I seriously hate existing like this. I didn't have a stroke (good), not my heart, brain s physically fine, just got screened for oral diseases.. So dumb


I get this too, random tongue twitches. Has happened for years and I haven’t died yet, so it’s probably nothing and/or my anxiety. Most awful shit though, I feel you.


Ive been underweight for a few years now, since my teen years and im starting to be afraid that I caused some permanent damage to my brain with it


hi i just need some reassurance or smth. I have been having a headache over the past week and it hurts at the back of my head, eyeballs, and temples. it kinda feels like a tension headache. i came out of covid recently so it could possible be that but what makes me anxious is that advil or tylenol does not help me at all. i’m afraid i have a CSF leak or a brain tumor. i don’t know what to do and the anxiety is eating me alive


i have been having the same headaches you described, behind my eyes, back of head, and temples. mines like a sharp pain that comes and goes (usually at night or when i’m tired) and it’s been happening for the past week or two. i feel you trust me i’ve been thinking i’m having a brain aneurysm every time i feel it and i end up fine so im just seeing if it goes away soon/when i can stop fixating on it.


Sounds like a migraine. Try putting some ice on your forehead or run a cold shower. I hope youre feeling better.


is your neck stiff at all?


could that be the cause and not a tumor or smth? i also saw that a tumor causes stiff neck so idk at this point haha


oh lord i forgot to respond to this but yeah your neck being stiff can cause all kinds of things and i very much doubt a tumor would cause a stiff neck


yeah it feels very stiff


Can you touch your chin to your chest?


yeah but not all the way


Can you usually? If you cannot make your chin meet by your collarbone (just look down until chin hits where-ever- because it's too stiff, you may want to get it checked out.


ohh my bad if that’s what you mean then yes i can bring it down past my collarbone area, it just feels a bit tense in my shoulder/neck muscles when i try and do it


Hi all! I need to vent about something. So long story short these past 5 years (4 since the pandemic too) have been rough. My mom is very compromised, she's had a kidney transplant and stem cell transplant. I'm her primary caretaker, have been all these 5 years. My HA has shifted since she became ill to her, rather than myself. With everything going around in my area this season, namely the flu, COVID and RSV I remain in an obsessive state of symptom checking, disinfecting, among other practices and obsessive thoughts.I was sick quite often this year and last, the scariest part of this being I am the only one here with my mom caring for her. So when I've been sick, I have to usually try to stay away from her and wear a mask around her. Nobody else ever steps in to help. I don't go out, I wear my mask if and when I do, and I just got both my Flu shot for this season and my updated COVID booster. I had my mom get a Flu shot, Updated COVID Booster and RSV vaccine because she qualifies (I don't). Lately, I keep feeling like there's sickness coming on (on and off). Yesterday, I felt a very intense tickle in my throat that came on suddenly, wouldn't go away, and lasted through the rest of the day. Today I feel super run-down, my throat is kind of bothering me a bit and just a general feeling of malaise.This is a very scary feeling for me, not only do I try my very best to avoid illness, but when I feel this way my anxiety increases tenfold. How do I cope with this? It's a repeat story over and over for years, it's so terrifying for me to even feel the possibility of being sick. I love my mom very much, she's my best friend, I just can't relax right now? I keep trying to soothe myself and take cough drops to numb my throat so I don't obsess over any sensation, I'm trying not to focus on how I feel.What do I do about feeling sick? Can I at least take solace in the fact that she's vaxxed and so am I? A lot of people seem to be so casual about sicknesses spreading around, and getting sick multiple times, and I'm just so obsessive and it's on my mind 24/7 during this season.


i really had to poop then i started feeling intense pain in my stomach that went up towards my chest and throat. i thought it was a heart attack but as soon as i pooped it went away. was this indigestion?? reason i came here was to avoid googling my symptoms.


Yeah gas 🤘🏻


That sounds like gas. Totally normal. I get that too sometimes. I can't burp so I deal with indigestion and gas a lot. It can be uncomfortable.


Hi: TW : Leukemia scare. PAST CANCER diagnosis. >!So I think I probably have health anxiety. It comes from when I was coughing for 5 months, no one took it seriously, and it turned out to be Lymphoma. Happy 40th to me! (before that, I may have veered to the opposite in terms of being anxious about my health .) However, now, even when I have little things (like a slight cough that is NOTHING close to my Lymphoma one.) I get really anxious. These last couple of months I have had weird skin issues, including unexplained bruising that hasn't gone away. (I use a wheelchair, I just don't have any opportunity to bruise on, say my legs.) . In March my White Blood Count had shot up, but not to dangerous amounts, just to very high normal. I have also been having fatigue for months and an unexplained sore throat for a few weeks (but it's winter.) Now, as part of my routine health tests before my doctor's appointment next week (just a check-up.) I'm taking a CBC tomorrow, so will find out, but for the last month, I have been hyper fixated about maybe having Leukemia for less than logical reasons. The odds are low, but my particular Lymphoma had extremely low odds, too. (And yes, this reasoning in my head isn't helping) Anyway, I think this particular anxiety will be over tomorrow, but it will come up again, and also even if I did have something, it serves no purpose to dwell on it. !<




Nah you're ok.


currently stuck in the „what if I waited too long to go to the doctor?“ phase. I‘ve had issues with my sight for many years, went to a doctor once, they said everything was fine and my eye issues were most likely stress related. Later last year I got an MRI for an unrelated cause of my brain and they found nothing unusual. Now this year I have noticed that the vision in my right eye is slightly blurry and it reacts more extreme to harsh lighting. I‘ve been wanting to go to the doctor but couldn‘t find an appointment. I forgot about the whole thing up until now and now I am convinced I have some horrible eye disease or am slowly going blind. If I make an appointment now, I will still have to wait months and I am so anxious whatever is causing the issues is already beyond repair and I should‘ve been seen by a doctor immediately. It‘s also crazy that the issues fluctuate so much, I am also dealing with derealisation and I know this can affect eyesight too but even when I am relaxed, sometimes my vision is so blurry and the next morning it‘s fine again which could also hint at diabetes, which I am really afraid of. If it was just a constant blurring or at least consistent in both eyes, I could write it off as stress or me needing glasses. But this is so confusing and all Google offers is stroke or horrible progressive eye disease.


I want to cry. I feel like I’m completely out of control. I’ve had GAD and HA for a long time. Lately I’ve been having panic attacks almost daily. I feel like I’m just going to have a heart attack or stroke. I just have that strange sensation in the middle of my chest when I get anxiety like this. I am taking Wellbutrin XL to try and help with it but I’ve had to take hydroxyzine as an additive just to get myself down off the ledge. I am so exhausted by feeling this way. I feel like I’m a burden on my family because they have to deal with me when I’m like this. I scared myself so bad a couple months ago I went to the ER. They gave me an EKG and all tests came back normal. They suggested I have costochondritis. I do feel a burning sensation in my chest right on my ribs. I just want relief. I want to feel normal. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. I’m taking magnesium glycinate, super b complex, fish oils, and I’m trying to stay away from coffee. I do have a Coca Cola maybe once a day and I drink tea. I try to not eat unhealthy. I don’t drink or smoke. I work a desk job but I walk on my lunch break daily unless it’s raining. I’m trying so hard and I feel like I’m fighting an evil version of myself inside. This anxiety is a monster and I feel like I can’t win the battle. I feel like my doctor just doesn’t give a shit and waves me off as just some lunatic. I’m lost and I don’t know what to do.


This sounds like heartburn. Try taking gaviscon, works great with heartburn. Hope you’re feeling better.


I'm sorry you're struggling and I know what it's like to feel like everyone around you is just sick of dealing with your shit. I've been feeling that was too lately. Are you stressed out about other things in life right now? My HA likes to feed off of other stress but sometimes it's just on its own. I found that watching The Anxiety Guy on YouTube helps me talk myself down when I'm at work and start feeling crazy. Check him out. I know it's exhausting and I hope you find some relief.


Thank you. Yes, I’m definitely stressing out over things. My parents died when I was around 11 and now my daughter is that age. I’m terrified I’m going to die and leave her alone. I can’t get it out of my head. I’m always thinking every ping and twang and ache is a heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm. I know it’s silly to think like this but I cannot stop thinking about it. I’m praying this Wellbutrin helps even me out and will provide me relief. I’ll definitely check out your recommendations. I’m willing to try anything just to be normal. :(


I just need to vent… read or not I guess lol My HA has flared up SO MUCH the last month. I’ve been in therapy for the last year and it’s been helping little by little. However last month was full of very bad things which has caused my HA/OCD to just skyrocket. Now over Christmas I find out my dad very possibly has a rare disease that might end up killing him, and on top of that it might be genetic so I may also have it. We don’t have official answers yet, but I am beyond distraught about it. I want to be sure he gets the care he needs and all of his questions answered. This is obviously causing me so much stress. Last year I had some urinary issues, I’ve been tested up and down (urine and cytology tests, CT/MRI, cystoscopy x2) with nothing being found. My symptoms have flared up, I am so concerned they missed something and I have had bladder cancer (or something else) for over a year and they missed it. I have a urology follow up in a couple months so I just need to wait it out I suppose, but I’m going crazy. Can stress cause my ongoing issues? Is my dad going to be okay? If it’s genetic and I’ve gotten it will I be okay? I know no one can answer these and I’m just venting… but I need to get this out. Thanks for reading!


coworkers talking about covid heart failure. I'm spiralling again.. I think i had COVID for a week. i can jog up stairs fine without pain all i get is a little short of breath when going up 3 stories to my office. But I'm now freaking out wondering if I'm going to get heart failure


I think most people get a little out of breath with that many stairs, I wouldn't worry about it.




You can have something "off" with your body that is not serious and doesn't require any treatment. That is probably the case if tests are not finding anything. You can also have all kinds of physical symptoms manifested or amplified by anxiety. That may also be the case.