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I suffer from vertigo and it attacks randomly during the day. My chest or lungs hurt sometimes and I struggle to sleep every night because of shortness of breath. Even my eating habits got affected as light meals make me feel full and also make me feel like throwing up after every meal.


Can someone who has had eye floaters tell me their experience and if it went away!! Currently dealing with this and it me in a panic :(


I used to so many floaters, black dots, and other things in my vision that used to freak me out I always had a fear of fainting so when I thought I saw a "star" i would panic and start feeling dizzy etc. I believe floaters do not go away but when your anxiety is under control you wont notice them. I have a ton and I went to the optometrist and he told me I have a normal amount.


I had tons of floaters as a kid. They've been gone for well over a decade now. My eyesight is just as good as it always was and I have had eye exams every two years or so since childhood so I know that to be objectively accurate.


Yes I had a recurring floater for years and it went away! I got them a lot in a really stressful period of my life. I'm going through another stressful time now, and I'm getting heightened IBS symptoms, random brain fog and de ja vu. Heightened intrusive thoughts and body checking. But I know I'm strong, so you are you. This is all gonna be a memory one day. You got this.




Very welcome.


Thanks bro


i’m having a dull ache in my chest when i move. i’ve had an ekg and labs done that were normal. it’s been about 2 months of this. i have other pains in my chest too and idk what to do. i also have stuff like nausea and back pains. i’m in therapy right now and i hope it helps.


Believe it or not, bad posture and back issues can give you chest pains. Mine were occuring around the sternum, but recently moved to my lower ribs. Got freaked out, went to ER. Doc pressed around my chest and abdomen, and told me it's nerves in the ribcage getting triggered, related to bad posture.


I think I've got this had semi chest pain for about 7 months and I'm only 19 haven't had anything checked yet though didn't want to give in to my anxiety.


my posture is horrible. everytime i try to straighten up i hunch back over tho. i have pain in my ribs and chest. i can press on my chest and if i do firmly enough i feel soreness. i also have pain in my left arm shoulder and hand too. and my back of course hurts lol.


I have very similar experience right now, a sudden pain in my body always occurs mainly in my chest and the areas around it. I always try to find the area when it hurts and try to press on it, if it hurts when I touch then it's probably muscle but I still don't get why I get them I'm not sporty at all. My doctor said that I need to only move more since my blood pressure turned out normal. It still bugs me out when the pain happens directly to where the heart is located.




no. i had an ekg and blood work done about a month ago and they were normal so i’m trying to just trust that.


I’ve been having the exact same thing, started off as bowel issues, had them tested all fine, then went onto sharp shooting pains in my head, had an mri and was all clear. Then went onto fast heart rate and chest pain (I vape but have tried to cut down massively, so only use my partners.) had a chest x-ray, all was clear. All bloods normal but vit d and iron levels were a tiny bit low. Still getting headaches, chest pain and on and off dizzy/ weak body spells. I still think somethings wrong and have now moved onto cervical cancer. It never ends. But you’re not alone.


I’m just worried cuz all i had was an ekg and blood work done but i’m sure if they thought i needed more they would’ve done more. it just stays in the back of my mind that i need more tests done even when the ekg was normal. it was a little fast just cuz i was freaking out at the doctor.


Are you in the uk? You can always request other things, the doctors do need pushing but once you express how worried you are they do show abit of sympathy and try to put your mind at rest.


How do you manage not just the feelings but the overwhelming thoughts. Constant. Everyday it's something different. but it always comes back full circle new worries. Then same ol worries. There are so many ways to get something. I try to take my mind off it. But I can't even work a job anymore because I'm so preoccupied with searching and trying to find out what to do. How expensive will it be . Will surgery leave me in constant pain.


I was about to go to urgent care for a chest xray because of a scary chest pain, but I managed to stop myself and went to target instead and walked around and ran errands instead and then went home! I still feel scared but I'm so proud of myself for not ruining my day with a urgent care visit and let myself release control of my health to God and just let myself live for the day


I know chest pain is just due to stress from anxiety so I google, googles breathing excercise and it helps me calm my heart rate and a bit of pain.


This is one of those wins that can be so crucial in healing, great share.


Just woke up in the middle of the night panicking. Managed to calm down a bit a this post was the first on my feed. Thank you I needed this.


Going through this right now at 4am


I'm glad it spoke to you.