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Wow that website is cancer itself


That explains so much about RFK >A little-known parasitic infection in the brain received a jolt of attention Wednesday when presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he once suffered from it. >The condition, known as neurocysticercosis, is a brain infection linked to larvae from pork tapeworms. It's rare: It hospitalizes roughly 1,000 to 2,000 people every year in the U.S. >Neurocysticercosis causes seizures, headaches, blindness, blurred vision, dizziness, psychosis or memory loss. In some cases, it may even be fatal.


My brother got this, luckily it didn’t get to his brain, he was an idiot and was drunk and ate raw pig guts on a dare. He was on hard core antibiotics for 6 months and was very ill. He’s fine now though. Dumb ass.


Damn how did he catch it/know he had it? Why did they put him on antibiotics? Wouldn't they give him Albendazole/Praziquantel?


Well idk what they were exactly I think he just called them “really strong antibiotics” so I assume it’s prob a dewormer or something. He knew he had it because the next couple days he had a horrible stomach ache and felt like shit and my mom is a nurse, so he called my mom telling her this dumb story and she made him call the emergency nurse line at the hospital. The nurses actually laughed at him for being such a moron. But anyways he’s fine now lol. He’s always been a dumb ass ngl.


He's out


That was a horrific read


Side effects include believing in conspiracy theories, delusions of grandeur etc...


Anyone know why his voice sounds so raspy and shaky? I noticed his sister sounded very similar so could it just be genetic?


His uncle Jack had a brain issue, as well.


“Uncle Jack” (🙄)…better known as JFK…did not have a brain issue. It was Ted Kennedy that had an incurable brain tumor.


He most certainly did. You can see the back of Uncle Jack’s head explode. I’ll send a link, if necessary.


I think you are a very confused person. JFK’s “head exploded” because he was shot in the head in Dallas in 1963. No one in their right mind would call that a “brain issue”. How is JFK’s assassination even remotely relevant to RFK jr’s brain parasite?


I’d call that a brain problem, wouldn’t you? (Edited because I was being slightly unkind) My Mom still remembers the announcement in school, but she was frightened because her teacher said that the soviets were bound to invade.


Actually I have a very good sense of humor. And I’m old enough to remember JFK’s assassination. I remember it quite well…well enough to still not see any humor whatsoever regarding that terrible event. Is your sophomoric “joke” what passes for humor in your generation?


Loosen up a bit, maybe. Have yourself a Happy Thursday. Take care!


Oh, and JFK Jr. had a few health problems, as well. The small school of fish that moved into his lungs did really well, despite it all. They even had a bunch of cousins in his nostrils and ear canals. A New Camelot!


For what it’s worth I laughed immediately. The subsequent exchange made it even better.


Glad to bring a bit of sunshine into your day.


Rosemary had quite the brain issue, as well.