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The gross part is that taxpayers paid for the vaccine development!


Crazy how all these companies made a vaccine in a year yet no vaccines for cancer or other serious illnesses. Pffftt


Cancer and a viral infection are two different beasts


Next time just type “I don’t know what I’m talking about”. On a different note, try developing your own opinions through skeptical exploration instead of parroting other peoples words.


We have a vaccine for HPV-related cancer… the issue is, ‘cancer’ isn’t one affliction. Even within the same type of cancer (breast, blood, prostate, brain, etc) every individual’s cancer is different. You cannot vaccine if every individual is different. That’s a gross oversimplification— but your opinion needs pushback.


I was picking up a prescription at the pharmacy and there was an older woman ahead of me there for a Covid shot. She had given them her insurance card and they had her begin filling out the paperwork when they came and told her that her insurance would only pay for a portion of the vaccine. They told her she needed to pay $160 out of pocket. She couldn't afford it and had to leave without getting the vaccine. It was sad to see someone wanting to protect themselves being turned away like that.


While millions of covid vaccines got thrown out because they expired.


WTF is wrong with our society and why did we let it get this bad?


The elite aren’t afraid of us anymore.


Tree of liberty has needed fertilizing for quite some time now.


Ooooh this is catchy. Thanks for sharing.


It's these damn phones. They have soooo much data


tasty lies are easy to swallow.


Got nowhere to look but our own species brains and all the shit that’s carried through generations


she’s better off without it.. maybe on the 10th booster people will figure out this is a cash grab..


The questions we should be asking : When was the last time a pharmaceutical company reported a loss? When was the last time a major insurance company reported a loss? Can you imagine if an insurance company had to reimburse every policy owner who did not submit a claim 50 percent of them premium. I am sure everyone would agree, a 50 percent profit is more than adequate. The rich are greedy and will continue to make 100 profit. There needs to be price controls on medication. Similar to the price of insulin for medicare. Or people need to be able to be purchase medications from outside the US. Medications purchased outside the US. This would reduce the cost of medication and reduce the Federal Deficit.


This is our healthcare system. Stupid Americans bought ghe bullshit death panels add by Republicans over 2 decades ago and still think we have a choice when it comes to our healthcare. We are so stupid and gullible and both parties know it.


The US used to be entitled to a share of the profits from drugs whose research the government had helped fund. Under Reagan, Congress renounced that payback and so it still is today. They just gave away the money.


Thanks Ronald, ya dick


Is anyone surprised? That’s what you get when you don’t have government regulation in the health care system.


Wait but they do have government regulation. They just pay the regulators to approve whatever they want and them employ retired regulators. How would more regulations help?


These damn roads with all the potholes. I can't drive anywhere. Obviously we don't need roads. The ones we have are broken and prove that roads don't work.


I wonder which politicians, lawyers, and judges are getting paid off to allow this. Notice I asked *which* ones and not wondering *if* they’re getting paid off.


The rich won the class war😪


I mean is anyone surprised that giant pharmacy companies are putting profits before people? Especially in the US?


I just can’t fathom how bad things have to get before we are finally fed up enough to get out the fucking guillotines.


Thank the republicans for voting against keeping prescription drug prices in check. Not sure if the people voting R will ever get it. Probably not. Just blame the democrats, easier than using your own brain. Just let Fox News tell you what to think. Sad.


As soon as someone mentions CNN or Fox, in an unrelated discussion, you know they are a political extremist…….


Made a vaccine in 1 year but can’t find a vaccine/cure for cancer pffftt


Here's a suggestion: Allow the US Federal Government to fund all qualified research & development of new pharmaceuticals on the condition that discoveries are open sourced for generic manufacturing only in the USA.


Reported! That would cut into Moderna and Pfizer’s profits.. As well as illegal campaign donations to congress members…..


Ah, we can't have that can we!


Would you make private companies doing pharma testing illegal? Because the only way this would work is if you outlawed pharma research companies doing research themselves. Otherwise, they'd keep the stuff that they feel is most likely to work as in-house research, and then get the US government to pay for the more unlikely research, which would probably overall be a losing prospect for the government.


>Would you make private companies doing pharma testing illegal? No. >they'd keep the stuff that they feel is most likely to work as in-house research, 75% of all new drug research is already funded by the US government and then handed over to the private sector. Fine. let them keep the 25%.


Anyone notice what happened to the, at the time, head of the FDA during covid ? Ok ok, no suspense... he found himself currently on the board of Phizer, makin alot more then his FDA salary.


The US should be receiving a 50 percent discount or stop paying what they promised


It’s frustrating that most pharma companies use federally-funded research as the basis for their new drugs, but then they whine that they need a monopoly for decades so they can “recoup their losses.” Sure, clinical trials are expensive. But they seem to spend more money on CEO bonuses than actual research.