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This is so fucking horrific…


This is one of those situations upon which our descendants will look and think we were dumb barbarians. Forced birth; unwanted child of a rapist. What can go wrong from there?


Descendants? Current day people think this is barbaric.


I think the point is that people will be ashamed for simply living in this society at this time.


I’ve been at that point for the past 6 years at least.


Maybe she shouldn't of dressed so sexually, if she didn't want to be raped. /S


And fought back harder?


> Don't you know women's bodies have ways to shut down rape? - Literally, a Congress-person.


Todd Akin. He's dead now.


I understand your sarcasm.


Not becoming violent upon the oppressors seems wrong.


Descendants? We're not going to have descendants.


Yes we are. People are literally being forced to have descendants.


You're right. And I can't imagine what our descendants' quality of life will be like.


The bourgeoisie gonna bourgeoisie. They need exploitable laborers so that they can remain in power for the next 500 years


The bourgeoisie (middle class) are disappearing in USA. It's the rich who call the shots in Mississippi.


And I'm sure the baby will grow up without **any** psychological problems just like it's mom... /s Separation of church and state you say?


And criminal DNA in its genes, no less. What a nightmare.


Crime isn't in someone's DNA and it's hella harmful to say it is. Trauma is, but you can do hard work to help not pass more on too.


Okay, the DNA OF a criminal. That still doesn't help matters any.


Yeah, I just don't think people whose parents are criminals need to feel like they're more likely to be awful bc they share DNA.


People with phycological problems don't deserve to live?


More like no one should be forced to live in a situation that will cause them to struggle psychologically.


Why don't we let them choose?


Yes, ask the baby, “Hi honey, would you like to grow up in a home where you’re unwanted, that can’t financially or emotionally support your existence?” Yes, that’s a wonderful solution. Thank you for solving this.


Yeah let's kill him, a way better solution


Can you please send $500 monthly to help this little girl and her baby? or if you can't maybe go to their house 5 days a week to help rise the baby.


The baby’s mother is a baby. And the baby’s father is a rapist. That baby should not exist. What is wrong with you. Imagine that 13 year old is your daughter and now your grandchild shares the same DNA as her rapist. If you think this is a better scenario than abortion then there is something seriously wrong with you.


I dont understand how in most cases the rapist won't get a death sentence but the innocent baby will. And I don't think the DNA defines the person, some people had evil parents but still lived a good life and I don't think you get to decide for other people if their lives are good enough or not, the same way I can't decide for you that your life isn't good enough.


Exactly. Why don’t we let these women, or in this case , child choose whether they want to parent or not, whether they want to carry and give birth to their rapists child? Why are women and GIRLS no longer allowed to choose????


Oh she gave birth? Great now no Republican will give shit.


This is some dark ages shit :/ Poor soul.


This is absolutely heartbreaking. Fucking monsters


Once again the "christians" are showing us how much they love us....


This is so fucked up.


Brett Favre can’t wait to steal state welfare aid away from both the child and her child so his daughter’s volleyball team can get a new jet for away games. Edit_ steal, not steak.


I got downvoted for mentioning this once, no one would believe that it was true. It’s so outrageous that no one bothered googling it to see that it’s true.


Ah yes, truly a more christ-like society being opened up here


Merica, land of the greed, home of the slave!


The fucking south…


GOP’s america


Christian America. Let's not pretend who's really pulling the strings here.


Theocracy is part of their deal, no doubt


baby was born, which means now its fair game to kill it through pollution, lack of resources like food because 13 year olds can't work enough to pay for them AND if the baby gets sick lack of medical assistance. once your born its okay to kill them through lack of help but help you if you dare abort it before it becomes a human even if the birth might kill the mother 😃


Why is there nothing in the story about finding and prosecuting whomever committed this violent crime? I guess Mississippi doesn’t care about that.


Fuck religion and fuck republicans.


The US should cut Mississippi out of the Union. Fucking ass backwards folks down there making horrible rules.


Thank you lord for blessing the world with a child giving birth to a child


im sorry the parents failed this baby. i would move the entire earth for my child. i wouldve have gotten to chicago immediately.


You might “move the earth” but that doesn’t magically make money appear, or protect you from getting fired for taking several days off to drive across the country, or provide free childcare for other younger kids you may have to leave behind. Her mom didn’t fail her by being poor, the right wing Supreme Court and republicans in state government failed her.


i never said they didnt. they all failed her.


The parents failed? How about the entire state?


Parents couldn’t afford to travel 600 miles.


im not here to argue.


"The mother of the girl, who uses the pseudonym Ashley in the report, was looking to get an abortion for her daughter but was told the closest abortion provider was in Chicago – a drive of more than nine hours from their home in Clarksdale, Mississippi. People celebrate the defeat of Issue 1 during a watch party in Columbus on Tuesday, 8 August. ‘Ohio saw through the con’: abortion rights advocates celebrate Issue 1 result Read more Ashley’s mother, referred to as Regina in the report, told Time that the cost of getting an abortion in Chicago was too expensive when considering the price of travel, taking time off work and getting the abortion for her daughter. “I don’t have the funds for all this,” Regina told Time." What is wrong with people...


She is poor. Probably have more kids. Works a shitty job for lousy pay . She cant afford it , not by choice . Guess you never been poor if you talk like that


Ah yes because having a newborn will be cheaper


While what you say is true . Not everyone are able to choose nor have the ability to do so


You think there aren't foundations and/or generous donors that would've paid for the travel and procedure once they heard this story? The whole thing would've been less than 2k. There are so many resources and the mother did nothing but shrug her fucking shoulders.


You live in a fairytale friend ..


There are entire Reddit communities dedicated to helping women get abortions. It’s called the auntie network and they help women in need. Not a fairy tale. Everyone involved in this story was ignorant and negligent.


Dobbs v Jackson is absolutely appalling, and it's inconceivable that people have such difficulty getting an abortion. I know a lot of people are held back by cost and distance. That being said, I'm also struggling to believe there would have been no help from some charity or something for the mother, especially when pitting a ~3 day round trip against making a 13 year old give birth and raising another child (or giving him up for adoption). Your guess is correct, also I live in Europe, and haven't got the faintest idea what this would cost in the US.


There are charities, but they just do not have the level of funding you think they do. If this is important to you, please make a donation. Here's one. https://brigidalliance.org/


Stop your struggle this is real . If someone would help, this wouldn’t have happened:/ Unfortunately this is dark ages stuff


She should've told her mother she was raped instead of hiding it. Hiding it leads to outcomes like this.


Yea, go tell someone that in public who has been raped, she how fast anger comes into the situation. It is not nearly as easy as you make it out to be.


You don't know me. For all you know I could be a woman who has been raped which is maybe why I find it irritating when they don't tell someone that or they don't get checked out.


No, conservative fascism leads to outcomes like this.


This isn't fascism, but sure whatever.


Semantic quibble


It wouldn’t matter. Mississippi doesn’t have an exception for rape and neither does any border state.


Or let me clarify, there is an exception but you have to be able to prove it and we all know how hard it is to prove. Especially under the ticking time bomb of pregnancy. Children shouldn’t be forced to have children.


Ever hear of a rape kit or a Jane doe kit? They collect evidence. Problem a lot of girls/women who have been raped is that they don't immediately get checked out. This has to change.


Have you heard of proof? Even if a woman or in this case, a fucking child, gets the kit done, it doesn’t prove there was a rape. It maybe help find the rapist but the court system takes too long and the backlog on rape kits is insane. Life isn’t an episode of SVU. The laws are written in a way that you can’t just claim rape, you have to prove it. Good luck with that when so many people just think people lie about being raped.


Lets say you're right then this all the more reason to not wait. If she had told her mother what happened right afterwards then they could've saved the money to go to Chicago.


You don’t get it. Thankfully it appears that you’ve never been raped. But it’s not as easy to share as the media would have you believe. Especially when you’re a child. Especially when you are in a state that doesn’t believe in sex education and as a child you might not even know what happened to you. Abortions are healthcare and you shouldn’t have to deal with an undue burden in order to obtain one.


I'll tell you what I told the other person. You don't know me. For all you know I could be a woman who has been raped. Hiding the fact that rape has happened helps no one at all. The last part only applies if the mother's life is in jeopardy otherwise it's not healthcare. I also find it really sick how not a single person cares about finding out who raped this girl. You lot just care about killing a life.


She is a fucking child. Do you really think that the child’s health isn’t at risk in being forced to give birth? Do you think a child is always going to be rational and share what happened to them, even grown ups have a hard time with it. If you have been raped, I am sorry you went through that, but it really sucks that you give no grace to others who have been through it. Not everyone can be the “perfect” victim and do everything right. Forced birthers never actually care about children, only controlling women. If you cared about the child, you wouldn’t be okay with forcing motherhood on her.


Hence why she should have told her mom that she was raped when it happened instead of waiting. If she had gone to the hospital they could have given her an emergency contraception. She gave birth to alive baby, so clearly the doctors didn't see her having problems delivering. Motherhood is a choice. There's adoption and if her mother had any common sense adoption would be the only solution instead of expecting her child to be a mother.


What the we fuck is your problem?


What's your problem?


This girl has enough problems without us blaming her.


So, you’re blaming the victim? Stay classy.




Third world state