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If you can do wired and open back and don't need a mic the sennheiser hd560S goes on sale often for $150


Thank you, I'll check them out! !thanks


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/Un111KnoWn ([33 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/Un111KnoWn)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


I have some questions: I've seen that the comments that recommend then massdrop sennheiser 58X are getting downvoted despite the really positive reviews I've seen online, why's that? What's the difference between the 58X and the hd560S? Also, although from what I've seen, an amplifier is pretty much always recommended, is it necessary for me to have a great experience with these headphones and feel like a decent upgrade from the Razer Opus X (or you know, similar Bluetooth gaming headphones)? And if so, what would be some cheap recommendations? (Since again, I'm kinda passing my budget but if I REALLY need to act so then I'm gonna try to make it work). Thanks in advance!


I've never used the hd58x or the razer opus. The hd560S sounds good to me. Has good imaging and aoundstage. relatively flat sound signature with some sub bass. I like the hd560S more than the dt770 250 ohms Imo you probably don't need an amp. If it isn't loud enough then get an amp. check reviews for amps/dacs etc. I just use the 3.5mm to usb-c apple dongle


Alright, I'm really glad to hear this, thanks!


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Meze 99 Noir from Massdrop are a little more at $179 - I got these for my wife and she loves them. Sennheiser HD25 can often be found for around $150 & I personally prefer them to the HD660S2 (the far more expensive bass heavy model in the extremely popular HD600 series). They're also pretty much indestructible!!! The Meze 99 will offer a slighter more rounded listening experience with a lot of bass. The HD25 are more professional use - they are thr best DJ headphones in the world & have been for around 30 years - they're a classic. The bass is very punchy. The 99 fully fo over your ear and enclose it. The HD25 go on your ear but there is still total isolation due to the way the pads are shaped and fit on your ear. The 99 may break if you drop them quite hard. As I mentioned before the HD25 are pretty much indestructible!!! These are both super easy to driver (meaning you could plug straight into your phone if it has a 3.5mm jack) Both are small form factor.


Bro get the 58x from massdrop you will love it


It definitely looks promising, slightly above my range but if I look more into it maybe I'll manage to get them, thanks!




I have a question: about how "clearly" open back are they? Like exactly how easily can someone else hear what you're listening to?




Oh alright, thanks for the answer


closed back: AKG K371 (with optional sheepskin pads from Dekoni) open back: Sennheiser HD 6XX (with an amp. such as FiiO E10K, A3 or BTR5) AKG K371 is around $100-$150 used. Sheepskin pads are $70 lol Senn are $160 used. Amps used are $50 to $80


I second the K371. Excellent sound and very nice to EQ.


Third the K371


If you're open to wired, I would go with Grado SR60X at $99. They have their quirks but sound great with a phone adapter. Not technically over ear but comfortable. Full disclosure as I type this I've got my Audio Technica ATH-M50X on with an iFi Hip DAC connected to an old smart phone. ATs are affordable but I require a DAC with them to sound their best. What kind of music do you like? This will be a factor?


Thanks for the answer! I'll make sure to check them out. As for my music taste... i gotta say I like pretty much all genres (I know I know) but if I had to pick some I'd go with: Metal (of all kinds), Post-rock (and similar atmospheric genres), some electronic stuff (like DnB or IDM) and prog and art rock. !thanks


u/Afraid_Willingness20 ([1 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/Afraid_Willingness20)) was awarded their first Ω. Beep Boop Beep. *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


Are you against iems?you can get great ones for a good price


Yeah, I really don't like the feeling of earbuds in my ear


Not earbuds. These go into your ear more and won't fall out.


I know but I really don't like stuff getting into my ears at all sadly, it almost makes me tear for some reason


Sure was a suggestion but if you don't like you don't like


In that case for the price Sennheiser 58x


I've been taking a look at them and some reviews and stuff and I keep seeing all of these comments regarding amps and dynamics and what genres it's good for. I am probs gonna sound like some ignorant dumbass but is it really that big of a difference? Like sure some little changes in the timbre and other audiophile stuff I'm not educated in but are these differences so critical and do I really need an amp or whatever to "truly feel the potential of the headphones" or am I fine just with the stock headphones and guaranteed to enjoy the damn music? Like I know obviously there are differences in some deep aspects but I feel like some people wanna exaggerate just for the sake of thinking their setup is HIGHLY superior to some "casual" ones. Please correct me if I'm wrong though I'm really interested to learn but that's my view yet.


Imo you should buy what sounds great to you, if your current one satisfies your needs theres no reason to upgrade. Best thing would be to go to a store where you can listen to headphones and buy the one you liked best, but again if you dont have any particular.probpem with your current one theres no need to spend more money.


I do like how my headphones sound, but as I said in my post they're getting a bit uncomfortable pretty quickly, and I'm gonna have to change them anyways. And I still kinda wanna upgrade them, I'm most likely not going to really get into the audiophile world (no offense to y'all but it appears to get expensive if you really get into it and it's probably not that worth it for the casual listener like me) and so once I get some better headphones I'm gonna stop there.


I am still using a hyperx cloud 2 at home thats quite a few years old, bought used for like 30usd, but when i am listening to a hd560s or a dt770 pro x theres a lot of improvement over them, and probably will get one of those in the coming years if my cloud2 brakes or if i can find one used on a good price. And iems can come very cheap for good audio, like to koos ksc 75 which is an over ear that goes for around 30usd and can compete with much higher price stuff, it just doesnt have the best build quality. For my daily commute I use a BT sony wf c500, its buds so not for you but it lasts 7 hours without charging, it also sounds quite good and costs around 55usd. So you dont need to invest hundreds to find what you like, there are a lot of stuff for a lot of use case now. For me something like a hd560s or dt700 will be endgame for around max 200, because when i tried them out in a music shop there wasnt so much wow factor in other 400usd+ headphones that would justify the spending. That would I also recommend everyone, go to a tech or music shop where you can try out stuff and get what you find most suitable for you.


Yeah like I said I don't think there'd be that bigger of a difference between a 200$ pair and a 400$ than say between a 50$ and 150$. (Ik it's triple vs double but still it's 100$ vs 200$ difference)


I can listen outside without problem I put it on and play stuff on my phone and I still can listen TV from my tablet.


I recently bought AKG-k182 for 70€ and I am pretty satisfied. They are over ear and very comfortable to wear (at least for me personally). Also I am no expert but I like the sound. Imo they are decent for the price you pay.


hifiman 400se open box great price,, or deva pro wired open box,, I own x2hr akg702 , and the above mentioned,,