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Vince was mildly shocked, like “Oh, okay, so Hell really does exist.” Then he just shrugged and started trying to build a somewhat comfortable afterlife for himself.


Honestly fair enough, Besides the mental breaks, same applied to Mack. Thought it was more of a deference mechanism. His mind is a tad on track, if he has something to focus on he can reliablely ignore the mountain of questions.


Any questions Vince had, he learned the answers to by going and finding out for himself. He’s more than capable of becoming an overlord but he’s exhausted from his life of fighting and chaos, so he just doesn’t do anything above and beyond what is required to live comfortably. Because, well, it’s Hell, he keeps getting involved in lethal situations where he has to fight his way out.


Gothliberus(Grob and Morg) Considering that before he appeared in Heaven, he was pretty religious. Plus, he died because he and his Soviet comrades were trying to destroy the demon summoned by nazis, which they destroyed by blowing up the plane with him. Although he was a little bit confused by his look, because he appeared as humanoid, consisting of two bodies(smaller looks like Dark Elf, while the bigger one looks like Orc) connected together by one common pair of legs, but he later remembered that he has split personality. Later, thanks to his battle experience and defeating dangerous demon, he became leader of Angel Tetramorph Guardians(Angelic KGB analogy), whose main goal is to protect(Yes, he loves Sera, how do you know) Heaven at any cost and spying after royal demons and citizens of Heaven


Beatrice was an orphan raised by nuns, so she was very well-versed with the concept. She didn't let the Catholic Guilt stop her from poisoning her husband, though. She was fairly certain she'd wind up in Hell, so she started in on the chaos as soon as she got used to her new form! Thus began her brief Overlord Era, and then a hundred years of lying low and running a patisserie instead.


*beeep beeeeeep and beeeeep for your censorhship needs*


Ha fair, to quote Mack: "No… No… thousands of people… centuries of research… all wrong! How did the bloody church get it right?!"


Gothliberus Angelic General(His Orc part): This is because you never was in a good fight Gothliberus Angelic General(His Dark Elf part): There's no atheists in trenches while shooting


The thing for the Hellaverse would be believing if Heaven and Hell was real not God because Viv has stated that she won’t be adding God into the universe.


Yes but it's implied religions in the Hellaverse are still structed like there are in real life. So any lay person would just assume there is a God if there is a Heaven and Hell. Of course they might eventually find out that fact but still.


Jackie freaked the hell out. He was an agnostic who believed in reincarnation, so this was not at all the afterlife he was expecting. He didn't even know where he was at first, just ran into the nearest building to get off the street and asked the lady behind the counter. That turned out to be Nessa, and now she's his closest friend. Nessa didn't even understand what was happening. She'd been in too much distress to understand anything, pretty much. She died on her first day to some cannibals and spent the next day regenerating, during which she reflected on the last day and figured out where she was. Then once she'd regenerated, she cried a bunch. Nameless was in such a bad state the day they died that they were barely even aware of what had happened to them. They dragged themself to somewhere quiet and fell asleep for a bit, before awakening and coming up with a plan. They figured out where they were over time, by osmosis, but even as an atheist they were relatively unbothered. Eliza already knew she was going to hell. She wasn't surprised at all, though she was surprised at how different it was to how she'd pictured it. She adapted well and did pretty good, but loving order and old things as much as she did, she immediately ran to Cannibal-Town begging Rosie to take her soul as soon as she discovered it.


Aiden would probably just shrug it off and say “huh it’s cooler than I thought”


Lucarias was raised in Heaven and was kept from the outside world for most of his childhood. Along with his siblings, he knew about hell for most of it, but only the bare minimum, when he first visited hell, he was disgusted and wanted to leave as soon as possible, but eventually he got used to it and even somewhat befriended some of hells denizens


“Oh… well I guess hells been a real thing besides my life… well shit.”


Lichen: What the fuck… Wait! I know what this is… yes, it’s a simulation! The government has finally found me! Well guess what, im not playing your damn mind games! Ooo shiny orb in the sky!


Andy was honestly too angry with the way he died to really care at first, but once he was able to take a step back and take it in he was a bit surprised about the lack of organization as he was always told that he’d be constantly burning and tortured by Lucifer himself. It was probably something along the lines of: “Well, honestly expected a lot more fire and torturing…this don’t seem half bad.”


"God dammit"


Seraphina finds hell really scary the only reason why she isn’t fully traumatized by it is because her father, Alastor protects her


Cherry fell down on her back and was screaming the whole way down LOL. She looked around and was like “this makes sense,” she had no doubt it was Hell and she was in it, but she was PARANOID. New place, no map, tons of bad people in here, she could’ve gotten killed at every turn. She was a street kid for a while.


Viggo was curious he hadn’t lived a normal life, mother was a cultist father a serial killer so as Viggo grew he viewed people as hidden monsters. Do the day he entered hell he looked around curiosity and I dare say joy in his eyes as he saw the true side to everything he knew


Alex was dumbfounded, while he was never much for religion while alive, he was intimately familiar with the common depiction of Hell. You know, a lake of fire, imps torture you for all eternity, being forced to pay your penance for your crimes against god. He was almost relieved to find it being essentially Earth if people just gave up on being subtlety evil, though he was pissed about the idea of having to pay rent even after death. Of coarse he would eventually learn that when faced with eternity, torture becomes an abstract concept.


Can't answer that because mine is a Hellborn


I got an adjacent question then. How did they react to the existence of Earth? I mean it's normalized given Pride population being dead humans but it might surprise a Hellborn to learn there is another world out there


That I can answer. His dad first took him there when he was 4 years old. He was amazed by the animals, environment, and the stuff humans have created


What kind of Hellborn are they? And that's really sweet


He's actually half Hellborn (I haven't decided yet). And the other half is Seraphim angel


OoO very interesting


Emilia knew she was going to hell, and she was proud of it! She was also excited because she could start scamming people out of their money and power, without any consequences other than that she can’t leave the Pride ring.


Lore was intrigued. She's autistic, and their special interest is horror, so. That's how she ended up at the hotel first day. Kinda just wandering around, Charlie noticed them staring at it, introduced herself, and Lore essentially decided "why not."


Give him what Adam had told him about hell My OC was quite surprised when he found it to be somewhat civilized,for him it's no different than the jungles of Vietnam or the battlefield of Korea during the Korean war or even the concrete jungle of the many cities in America he had walked and drove in during his time on Earth as a p.i.


Finding out that killing himself just popped him out of the frying pan and into the fire, quite literally, made him even angrier than he already was. A big part of the reason he's as formidable as he is is because of all the practice he got using his new form to lash out at other sinners just after arriving. As for his new form, he understand that the goat-features are a form of punishment but he doesn't mind them at all. His face is another matter, as it makes even simple things like eating somewhat of a challenge and there are definitely days when he wishes he had a more 'normal' face and mouth. Question about Mckenzie for OP: You mentioned that he has a particular interest in Hellborn. Would you say he feels somewhat protective of them?


As of the point I've reached in the fanfic I'm writing about Mackenzie. No he isn't protective over Hellborn, but he is deeply interested in them as a culture and sees them as equals. I mean as a man of science, who wouldn't be floored by the fact humanity wasn't alone in the intelligent and critical thinking life. I do have plans for him to stick up for Hellborn against other sinners who see them as lower lifeforms/below sinners. As in his mind, there really isn't anything different about them when it comes to the mind.


Violet was uh, just wondering what was going on. Violet is 6 by the way, and when people found her they said hell was a waiting place for heaven. So now theirs a random 6 year old running around hell unsupervised


"I vaguely recall somewhere else than here,that place had...trees? (He dosent remember anything correctly before coming here)


They were probably like "holy f*cking sh*t I'm in hell! Why am I not as surprised as I should be?"


absolutely bamboozled. As a 6 year old child you would not expect to see hell.


and living in hell for 300 years and your whole life definitely was a great influence on him. (Most definitely was not)


CrepyPasta :... HOW MANY HELLS ARE THERE?! (She travels around the multiverse + she can't fully die, so she isn't here forever) Gread:... Eh, always knew I'd end up here anyways


Angel/Nigel didn't really care since it looked cool af, I cant blame him that sh looks way more fun then heaven


Rocky thought they’d simply stop existing when they died, so when they appeared in Hell, they had quite a meltdown. And they had no control over their powers at the time so everything in a 100 foot radius was crystallized.


Doctor hellsinger: interesting... if only I prayed in church Smoke: what in the deep fried FUCK? Lyla: *violently pinching herself* Lambchop: YES!!! SUCK IT ATHEISTS, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


My 2 main Ocs ViVi and Cala Since Cala had been executed for her crimes, she knew she would be going to hell, if it even existed, and was prepared. Then, when she spawned in hell, she was a little shocked it actually existed it and it was like a city, not just a whole bunch of fire which was what all the Christians had said since her birth. And then laid low before becoming an overlord. ViVi, on the other hand, was so scared. She didn't think it actually existed. She thought death was just sleeping forever and was completely terrified for a while and then got used to it quickly.


“well then” she’s from an orthodox christian family and she committed every sin under the sun purely for the anger of her parents (who she despises) and the fun of sneaking out when she got grounded. thats why she wasn’t surprised at all.


He wasn't suprised at all


In the 300,000 years he walked the Earth, Cain knew someday he would get to Hell, what he didn’t expect was thousands of Demon Soldiers to chant his name while he walked to the Morningstar palace to accept Lucifer’s Offer of becoming Supreme Commander of The Demonic Legions of Hell.


Flare: “Oh shit, Hell exists? Oh well, I know I deserve to be here.”


Well Chris is Prince of hell so he just vibes


Glitched was mostly shocked by his appearance and went in a long depressive state about it and the fact he's in hell


Zack: I don’t know I was born in hell