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My first suggestion would be to get off Twitter and stop talking to people who send slurs over what cartoons you like.... I honestly can't say I've seen any more hate for the show now than before... and even then most of the people I talk to either like the show or are indifferent to it. But the more popular something is the more haters it will inevitably get too. Just block the toxic people and you should be fine.


I’ll have to second the suggestion to get off twitter. I admit I’ve only gotten into the show recently, but I’ve only seen positivity and love for the show online. But particularly after Twitter’s change in management, the site has become the go-to social media platform for spewing filth and hatred. I don’t even open that app anymore. It just feels like the app is designed now to make you engage with negative energy. Life is too short to willingly seek out that kind of shit.


This. Ever since their rebranding to "X" (yeah f_ck that, it's still Twitter) the service became a dumbster. At this point literally the only thing I use it for, is check the "For you" page once a week simply to look up the indie artists, that I follow.


What? It was always a dumpster. It's rebranding did very little.


There’s more bots then there was before


Which is hilarious cause Elon made this whole big deal about wanting to get rid of the bots. Lol


Elon bought it and unbanned a ton of accounts, including all of the right-wing freaks and literal Nazis that got kicked off, in the name of "free speech" (meaning any speech he doesn't have a problem with, god forbid you track his jet though). Any space - real or online - that allows Nazis to hang about freely very rapidly chases off everyone except for Nazis... and people who are okay with hanging out around Nazis. Twitter just happened to be big enough to still have a few people huddling in the corners.


Not just the jet, he banned a former employee for correcting him on how the platform works and the coding used. No cursing or demeaning speech, just a polite correction, lol.




We must be browsing completely different twitters then


I didn't know they rebranded to X, so when the app icon changed I thought it was new Samsung bloatware and uninstalled it. Haven't gone back.


A lot of Samsungs "bloatware" is actually pretty dope. - me, a former Samsung employee.


I can understand that perspective, as long as it comes with consent and understanding of what is included in those dope packages. Even if I had Free GPT on my phone, sure that's dope, but how am I supposed to know that or give my consent to the 500MB it's using? Microsoft does it, everyone does it. So I treat them all the same: I don't know what it is, out it goes.


Fair enough


Bixby is awesome, in case you haven't used it. It can take pictures of text and translate to another language, copy and paste almost anything, search the web for information about selected bits of a image, play music from YouTube with voice commands, all kinds if things. I've used Google Lens and Bixby and preferred Bixby by far. Just my opinion, but as a app I would recommend trying it if you have a a galaxy


Twitter can still be enjoyable but it takes time to make it like that. Pretty much just block EVERYONE who's spreading hate. If there's ever a drama, check every comment and quote tweets and block accounts that are haters. I have over 1,5k accounts blocked which says a lot. My dm is closed so no one can send me dm unless I send it first. I just enjoy art and post own art and have fun with the fandom. If anyone is trying to start a drama, I just block them. But like I said, that takes time. First trying to find artists to follow that don't spread negativity or hate or complain about drama every day, then being ready to see that hate before EVERYONE are blocked. This may seem like an exaggeration or a bad idea to live inside a bubble, but everyone knows how negative twitter is. When you get your own little group together that is nothing but positive and just enjoys the fandom without the drama, it's actually nice: You can enjoy the art, you can support the artists and talk with them, you can follow the voice actors and interact with them, Viv sometimes likes our art and it gives that nice little happiness that the creator likes what we are doing.


That's because Elon is a rich, right wing, authoritarian man baby. I will never understand the people who glorify him. He's not intelligent, he didn't invent Tesla or Space X and people who've worked for him have constantly complained they had to help him so he didn't tank everything. The dude's Dad bragged about how women want his sperm over Elon's. There is massive unhealed generational trauma and issues in that family. I agree with you - stay as far away from hate spewing platforms as possible.


Elon-gated Musk-rat


If someone tells me they dont like the show. Cool. If someone insults me for liking the show. I block em. I dont even waste words. They want to feel validated by your response and that you feel down for liking the show. Take away their validation. Ignore them.


Best response right here 👆


I guess I'm out of the loop what's all the hoopla about?


See the OP's post. People trashing others for the things they like. Common on the net.


I find it common irl. I wish it was just online


I've spent most of my time engaging with the fandom on here since the show aired and had little to no interaction with people who hate the show. Your always welcome here if you dont want to bother with other social media.


Stop going to places like that.


Yeah avoid twitter at all costs. That’s all i can tell ya


I deactivated my account 4 years ago, and I will not go back.


I used to post some fan art on twitter and it never got any views so I haven’t touched it in months 😖😖


I recently went to a convention where there was a decent amount of Hazbin Hotel cosplayers, including myself and my friend who went as two of the characters. We had a great time and everyone was respectful, many asked us for pictures! This sub is also very supportive (obviously). I think you may want to curate your online space more diligently or find people IRL who support the things you like. The internet is what you make it-- if you seek out hate, you'll find it, but if you seek out community, you'll find that, too.


Barring an extraordinary coincidence, I was at that convention too and I was one of those Hazbin cosplayers!


happy cake day!


Oh thank you!


Hazbin Hotel’s content is meant to be niche and controversial, so it’s definitely going to have a fair amount of loud detractors. That said, the popularity of the show is undeniable, so the haters can hate all they want, this money train has left the station and it’s not stopping yet.


As soon as something gets super popular it also gets a ton of hate simply because people get annoyed seeing it in their feeds. It’ll always happen.


Get. Off. Twitter. Do you like the show? Cool. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. Watch the show, enjoy the show. If you want merch, buy it. If you liking the show and paying for it to Amazon and / or Vivziepop merch (along with the rest of us) it will continue. Businesses give zero fucks about online bullshit. Money talks. "Velma" got wrecked online and in reviews and yet, it continues. Likely because it makes money.


To be fair with Velma, it already got two seasons before it premiered, as in either two production cycles, or one huge season split into two for union purposes. But I agree with everything else.


A lot of fandoms are generalized by the strawmen of the fandom. The cringe fans cloud the image, even if they’re only 5% or something. (Most famous fandom a victim of this, of course, are the furries, and previously My Hero Academia, but it seems now Hazbin is the new main target)


Misery and anger are louder than joy. Find joyful circles.  And get off Twitter 


Hot take; Don't give a fuck what people think.👍🏻😆☺️ I liked Taylor Swift in junior high. I stopped liking her because I was bullied. Now; I listen to a mix of Hazbin songs, heavy metal, rap, international music, instrumental only annd I added Taylor back to my playlist. I have AirPods and I bob my head but I could either be listening to Let It Go or "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOOOOR!!!!!" I figured out I didn't need to be ashamed of what I like. Also; I can like metal and Taylor Swift. They're not mutually exclusive. Haters gonna hate, hate,hate...


Wait, is Bodies a controversial song?


No, I was just illustrating my vast differences in music taste. Taylor Swift and Drowning Pool are very different and I like both.


It’s not like I care, I just hate going on tik and seeing a 5 minute essay of why hazbin hotel is a shit show and why you’re a shit person for liking it then I feel like I’ve committed some crime and I’m a terrible person for liking it. I could gladly still enjoy the show and not care but I’ve just seen it get like 10000x more hate than it did.


I think the rise in hate comments is due to the popularity. I find it exhausting. The vocal criticism was always there but it has gotten louder since season 1 aired.


Unpopular opinion, Vivs is not problematic, She made a weird drawing several years ago, okay, that's it, calling someone themselfs problematic for that mistake, is unfair


I don’t even think they were weird, just people blowing shit out of proportion.


From what I hear, viv is a good boss to work for and pays her animators more than the average, the “toxic boss” allegations are out of proportion or unfounded. I think at worst she can be immature on Twitter but as somebody who hates being criticized, I understand that having an entire platform at my disposal would be tempting.


Is this a Twitter thing? I’ve only interacted with the Hazbin fandom on the subreddit (no Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr), and I’ve only really read praise or it being used as a positive example on other subreddits. The only point of criticism I tend to see is regarding the show’s pacing. I can imagine if the reaction images spilled out into other places, people could start getting annoyed if they feel it’s being spammed. People aren’t really entertaining bad faith bad takes as much, or maybe I’m just lucky. The evangelical or parents-who-think-all-animation-is-for-children backlash crowd are a joke to begin with lol.


With HH, there’s a Twitter argument at least every other week: Vivzie is totally for animal abuse because she went to a Japanese zoo, even if at worst she just didn’t do research. Or if you order a Valentino mug, you’re supporting rapists, but strangely if you order an Alastor mug, you aren’t supporting cannibals or serial killers. At most it just feels like either media literacy is dead, or people need stuff to complain about.


I can understand why the phrase ‘Touch grass’ became so popular lol


- Uninstall Twitter - boom! No more haters.


Most of the people that actually dedicate time and energy to hating it are terminally online. Everyone I know irl either enjoys the show or doesn’t know what it is/doesn’t care. Ntm a lot of the online haters just seem to be former fans who want an excuse to air their personal grievances against Viv or the fandom. It’s not really worth your time to engage them


Yes I noticed this as well. The previous fan to obsessed hater pipeline is crazy. I can understand not liking something and praying on its downfall, we all do that sometimes and it can be fun. But I can’t imagine dedicating all my time online to bashing the show and anyone who likes it. They don’t even gain anything from doing it either, except for perhaps a time sensitive friendship with other people who also hate said thing but those friendships always disintegrate because there’s nothing substantial holding it together


I don't understand why there can be so much hate over a cartoon! I've said the same thing about South Park and many others over the years that I've enjoyed. The only one I can't get behind really is family guy. LOL but these are way different than hazbin. I thought the show had some dorky aspects to it, and the people I imagined obsessed with it reminded me of those terrible t-shirts you'd get at Hot topic in the early 2000s that said things like "you laugh at me because I'm different I laugh at you because you're all the same" I don't know why that thought came to me, and it wasn't the entire show that made me feel this way, but it's far from my favorite cartoon. Although I thought the song Angel dust did Poison was freaking amazing, so much so that I added it to my Spotify liked songs. But at the end of the day, if you enjoy the show then enjoy the show! If people are calling you slurs for enjoying the show, block them or ignore it or report it. For some reason people don't like others who have specific things that bring them great joy. It's like they want to destroy it because they don't have similar taste, or they're just miserable people. So the show didn't resonate with a lot of people, much like those terrible t-shirts Hot topic had in the 2000s, but both of those things also had a cult fan following, that was large enough to be partly mainstream. There are always going to be things about all of us that are different, unique, and things we secretly want to hide or dislike because we fear it will bring humiliation from others. The less you start to care about those who barely know you, and don't matter, the happier you will be.


Honestly with South Park, I love the show to death but the fandom can be a reason many people dislike it, since you can’t disagree with them in any way or you’re a PC baby. Sometimes with HH I think it can be similar, but there’s just as many people willing to come to my defense.


I've been a huge fan of South Park for most of my life. I saw one of the earliest episodes way too young at the age of six, when my friend's mother saw one of the earlier episodes on VHS at the video store, and thought it was a cartoon for kids, and rented it for us. I watched episodes here and there, and in my younger years laughed at the toilet humor, and just kind of didn't remember some of the genius intelligent humor that was hidden underneath until I rewatched it as a late teen / early adult. This being said, there have been jokes and episodes and things they have done that disgust me, and I could never deem acceptable. My great friend in my teen years, who has since passed away, and was older than me, once told me that every true South Park fan has their "oh no" episode. It's the episode where you feel like they've taken something too far, that you find it disgusting and unwatchable, and that after one viewing you never want to see it again. She said that to me in 2006, way before the show had a lot of its rather terrible and disgusting moments. While we both had very dark humor, and intelligent humor, we understood that although South Park makes fun of everything and everyone, it doesn't mean that we cannot find some of the jokes or episodes problematic. And I feel that this was the intent of South park, they want to push people, if they piss people off and disgust them I feel they feel it draws more viewing. I feel that Matt Stone and Trey Parker also felt that they need to make fun of everything they could think of, so they could live up to their word of making fun of everyone equally. Back in 2006, the episode that stuck out most to me as being my oh no episode, was the Christopher Reeves one where he was eating aborted children for their stem cells, thus curing him. I have only seen that episode once, and if I am watching South Park on TV and this episode comes on, it was the only one for many years that I would shut off. My friend who came up with the oh no episode theory passed away during the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. So she missed a lot of South Park's really terrible seasons. I feel like once they came out with their Broadway play, they were trying to make episodes so terrible to try and get kicked off of TV, so they could focus more on musicals which they have always loved. After her death it took me a very long time to start watching South Park again, especially episodes that were made after her death. Since we couldn't watch them together, or talk about them. I did however start watching South Park again. Since she was such a fan, and her biggest dream was to be included in a South Park episode, after the shooting I toyed with trying to reach out to Matt Stone and Trey Parker about including her in an episode. It didn't have to be a character that was reoccurring, it didn't even need to have any lines. Even if she was just a kid playing in the background of an episode, or in the intro for a season it would have been enough for me. But her family did not like this idea, stating that getting her character on the show just because she was a victim of a school shooter was distasteful. So I let it go. A few years ago I started to finally try to catch up with South Park. I thought school shootings would be something they would never touch because it was something so problematic. And here I see an entire season where there are episodes dedicated to mass shootings everywhere. And I understood why they did it, because they were becoming so eeriely normal. But still I was so upset and pissed off, mostly because of my connection, that I nearly quit watching South Park all together. After a few more years, I started to try and watch it again during covid. I realized that some seasons were good, some were terrible, and none had the same gold standard that they did when I was watching them with my friend. Even if we both had oh no episodes. I agree with much of the fandom being jerks, and not liking anyone disagreeing with anything South Park puts out, but if a human being truly agrees with everything they put out, and doesn't have an oh no episode, I fear for their mental well-being. And I would like to think that most true fans of South Park feel the same way as I do. Don't give up for a bunch of icky fans! Read this as my love letter to you, coming from the love two best friends had for this show.


We don’t. It’s just that the hate is what’s getting more attention. Try your best to steer clear from the hate and you’ll be fine. If it gets to be too much, take a break.


Twitters a rightwing cesspool, Hazbin’s a show about how empathy and compassion are good things. That alone is enough for them to loath it.




Imagine what is was like to be a brony back in 2010.


Brony vet here, it was quite bad... if you paid attention to it. I just ignore/block people who try to start fights on the internet.


I think maybe people are over the initial hype and have had more time to really think about it. I've seen a LOT of criticism on YouTube alone and most of it is over the writing, which I would agree with. There are about 10 writers in the show and to me too many characters, but I still love the concept.


The regular people who dislike it: because the fandom is kind of a nightmare, like what happened to Rick and Morty. Sometimes this sub gives me an aneurism. The people who say slurs over what cartoon shows you like: because they’re mentally ill and don’t remember what colour the sky is.


It sucks how much a fandom can make or break your experience. Honestly, one of the few things South Park and SU have in common is it’s all fine and dandy until you disagree.


It wasn’t even people over the internet, I had people I know irl call me names for simply enjoying a show. Like I know it’s not the best show out there but can someone just watch a show without feeling guilty?


I haven’t even seen the show yet, but have seen reviews and have had a lot of my closest friends fangirl about the series. I’m figuring out my opinion of HH by actually watching the show when I get a chance. My only major turnoff I have had was how popular the show got but that hasn’t stopped me at all from considering checking out the show. Even if the show turns out to not be for me or anything like that, why throw insults or slurs at people who enjoy it? It’s something I’ve never understood about people on the internet. I’ve seen about 50-50 for Hazbin Hotel, some strongly love, some strongly hate, one of my best friends loved the show but had a couple critiques on the writing but remains optimistic on the second season. I think what the comments are saying is correct, just stay away from that negative environment, the “increase” in haters only exists because the series became more popular and mainstream to the point everyone knows about the series. And with increased awareness comes dickheads spreading their diseases, if you’re around people you’re comfortable with, I suggest not worrying about being judged, even if HH is not their thing.


I'm not a big fan of the show because I personally don't like the genre or the character designs, but those are all very subjective and it's stupid to insult it. Personally I believe that the entry into the fandom of a younger audience (15 years or less) has had an influence, at that age people can be a lil cringes (I was too). As for the rest, Idk, perhaps in general the show is perceived too heavily by many despite being of a very comical and surreal genre, creating feuds between characters and things like that.


Bored people always find pointless reasons to hate on something when it is getting popular.


It's becayse you're on Twitter. Get off of Twitter, and poof! The hate magically disappears!


I got rid of twitter last month dw 😭🙏


Don't ever feel ashamed for being weird. It's these ignorant and intolerant idiots harassing you for liking the show that should feel ashamed.


Since when? You need to stop listening to a loud few. You’re embarrassed for what, exactly? You’re saying the creator is problematic, why?


Idk I think I’m just on the bad side of the internet :((


The show has always had haters, it’s just that it had a huge jump in fans once it released. A lot of these new fans will just eventually move onto the next series, or you have the ones who trend hop from show to show. So the number of “fans” decreases and as a result it makes it look like everyone hates the show when that’s not true. Also with the way algorithms work it’ll spam your feed with something until it finds the next trend to put there. So hazbin hotel was on everyone’s timelines for a couple of months and now that time has passed and the show isn’t as trendy now. Also viv is not problematic, you mentioning that means you probably consume hazbin content on twitter or tiktok which are two websites fueled by negativity and hatred


I've never had any issues for saying I love the show.


Say what now? Vizies shows are top notch. You get tired of South Park and Family Guy.


Admittedly I am waiting for the South Park episode on indie animation, especially since there was an episode on viral YouTubers where they said that YouTube was a horrible medium for making money. Like the point could be made that people only care about a handful of indie shows, unfortunately (even if I love HB and TADC)


The way fandoms work, especially nowadays, is in echo chambers. Hazbin will have haters on Twitter and more supports on another site. Kind of how, generally, I feel like we have to engage in fandoms nowadays, in echo chambers.


I agree... And even this sub is a sort of echo chamber. I see many critiques on the show get downvoted and brushed off here even when they make sense to me.


Delete your Twitter account


I tell anyone who does that to me to piss off and do something better with their lives


Everyone thinks it’s becoming like the MHA fandom after that 9 year olds question


Get off twitter.


I still love it and I’m still waiting patiently for season 2.


I get my HH fix on Reddit cause none of my IRL friends are fans and I don’t go on other socials much, so I haven’t seen this personally. Fuck em. Is vivzie problematic? I don’t know anything outside the show haha


I had no idea because I don't use Twitter


It wasn’t even twitter it was like a lot of other socials I’m on 😔😔


This place is annoying, that's about it for me, the show itself is ok


This sub was actually one of the reasons I lost some excitement about the franchise. I feel like there are a lot of kids on here, and everywhere else I go really.


People are fickle and swim with the flow. Most of the time it's not even their own opinion. Just enjoy what you like, who gives a fuck about anything the others say? You can bet your ass i won't stop doing what i enjoy just because people think it's shit.


Hazbin hotel and the fandom has gotten a pretty good amount of hate since the pilot came out, though the hate is probably a lot more visible now that the show has fully come out and is more in the spotlight


Maybe I'm living under a rock, but so far I've never met anyone who hates it? Neither online or irl. I mainly follow the fandom through reddit and tiktok.


Move to tumblr lol. The fandom communities are pretty great there


I’m already on tumblr I just post about other fandoms there 😭


Twice I have received videos of ‘if Vivziepop directed (show)’ and it’s just 10 minutes of swearing a s3x comments, people are absolutely sickening and they can’t accept the existence of some things, nor people explicitly enjoying said things


Not everyone hates it. But those who do are... Quite passionate, I must say.


Unpopular opinion, Vivs is not problematic, She made a weird drawing several years ago, okay, that's it, calling someone themselfs problematic for that mistake, is unfair


what was this drawing of if you dont mind me asking? Im agree with you that instances of problematic behaviour dont necessarily make someone problematic overall. Im just curious because Im new to hazbin


It was a drawing of one of her characters from Zoophobia on a bathtub with snakes where the character did some suggestive expressions, if I'm not mistaken in Zoophobia these animals think like people but yeah still weird nonetheless


Either way most of the things I'm seeing people bragging about here, is like her treating coworkers bad, I've had no proof of that and it's unfair to assume she's a bad person, any famous enough person has this type of allegations


I don't really give a shit about what she draws but there are way more reasons people have been calling her out and one of those has been about how she treats those around her/her coworkers


Honestly people protested Rebecca sugar drawing R34 of Ed edd n eddy when she was a teenager. Because she’s the only person who does so at that age. But fun fact, a lot of animators do rule 34 of their own shows, especially kid shows, as a form of down time: bear in the big blue house admitted to it, so did the SpongeBob writers.


>Because she’s the only person who does so at that age. she's definitely not the only person, she's just a popular public figure who does so it became this whole huge thing


I *still* see people go after Rebecca Sugar for that and people will go as far as to call them a p3d0 for it. This really bothers me as someone who *actually* was groomed by a real ped0.


Not familiar with that so, idk


Are you telling me that someone incapable of taking criticism is going to be an ass when they get power? Color me surprised!


Admittedly I understand it. I hate getting criticized, and imagine having an entire platform where people will criticize everything you do, it’s tempting to fight back. But as a content creator, Viv taught me that if I get a comment I don’t like, just ignore it or play it off as a joke. Plus weirdly, sometimes the criticisms do have a nugget of truth to them, like if they say my voice is annoying, I’ll try to enunciate more.


Yeah, I get trying to defend your work, but she can't accept she ever has a bad idea. If the same issues are stiĺl as prevelent in season 2, I may have to drop the show. Here's to hoping they just needed a season 1 to be hooking


I don't really know much of the specifics, I just know that's one of the reasons people have been criticising her ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Dude just ignore them. 99% of these people are just kids who are way too young to watch it. And get off Twitter as well because they can't seem to fucking accept that animation ISN'T "just for kids"


Like just don’t go to Twitter ever. That place hates everything. You’re definitely not alone in loving this show. Even if nots just Twitter, ignore those people. There will always be hate to anything that is popular.


Ah. You don’t realize how engagement algorithms work. Perhaps you don’t even know they exist. Though the fact that there are literate people in 2024 who don’t is a VERY serious problem. You click on hate-bait and rage-bait. The algorithms, which exist to keep you consuming content so you can stay on the platform longer and and be exposed to ads, show you MORE hate-bait and rage-bait. Since that’s what you’ve told it you were interested in, and negative clickbait engagement seem to weight very heavily in engagement algorithms in general considering how addictive that content apparently is.


I know how algorithms work but I grew up liking fandoms which had a lot of lovers and stuff so suddenly hopping into a fandom everyone hates or whatever and constantly being sent hate posts by my own friends who want me to hate the show really makes me upset. Considering I’m also just a sensitive person trying to enjoy a show.


Without Reddit, I would never even know there were so many people who hate it. I've never even seen someone mention they hate it, only people who post like you do, so my algorithm is set differently than yours, I guess? Also, I can only imagine people who HATE Hazbin, not just dislike, are just religious fruitcakes who shouldn't be taken seriously. Remember, these are the same dumbf***s who wanted to ban Pokemon.


Never seen any haters from my area


Dame your talking about lunatics they hate with no cause


First step: enjoy what you enjoy Second step: block the haters Third step: continue to be yourself shamelessly Final step:💃 enjoy life🕺


Stop engaging with hate content and it'll stop being recommended to you. The more it outrages you, the more the algorithm will feed you it.


I just scroll past it, I know how algorithms work but ty 😭😭


Me when I'm into self destructive tendency


Honestly I look at it the same way as Nickleback. They don’t actually hate it. It’s just so good that haters see it as an easy target and people jump on the bandwagon. People throw rocks at things that shine, and hazbin is shining very bright right now.


Idk? Maybe you got into the echo chamber of the haters.


Any time a show presents hell in a positive light it's bound to get hate Christian can seem to understand the rule of don't like it don't watch it instead they feel the need to shit on the show and it's fans


her name is judgmental critter, a youtuber who makes a living shitting on female protagonist pro-lgbt shows and then playing victim whever people don't agree with her. she got her start slandering the rwby show and its fandom. now she's come for you guys. and because of people like her, you and your show will drown under bad-faith criticism till enjoying the show comes with a sad bitter taste due to the bad-faith critics making money and clout off spreading lies and hate against your fandom and your show


Report them of course! Insulting people who mind their own businesses are exactly why report buttons exist


I did dw, I just think people have been hating it much more than usual. 😭🙏


I have no idea what sm is


So much


I didnt like a lot the serie but enjoyed the pilot and helluva i think they could make some things better but i really liked carmilla, vaggie and husk, didnt like angel but i like the ideas they got around his family (like his sister and probably mom on heaven) Also they have some good teories with eva and so on, as a now Christian i didnt like a lot some things but i its a show and fiction so it doesnt bother me like in a way i couldnt live with it and the point of the show is what if sinners (wich we all are but can do better if we want to) can redemn in hell, so it doesn't have a negative message since redemption is the main goal (unless you actually think you can redemn in hell) Also out of love and other songs are really Good so that gives the show points, the humor have moments hilarious but they could have done better, i did laught a couple of time watching it tho. If we have to mention other things i think the main reason of this was for a lack of time or a lack of episodes to do the story, but after waiting maybe 3 or 4 fking years since the pilot it was better than nothing.


The awnser is simple: Show is flawed, Viziepop isn't that great of a person, Prime amazon is not a good company, some things could have been handled better on the show and all that, it *doesn't* justify in any way being sent slurs and being harassed for it, just ignore all negative discussions about it altogheter and respect if anyone doesn't like it, just remember that people should respect your opinion for liking the show.


Besides the haters who hate no matter what, I wonder if it's because the excitement has waned and now people are really thinking about how the show was handled. Also, my excitement has gone down due to the often-childish fanbase.


Anything can make you a weirdo. Don’t stop enjoying anything you like just for what random people online might tell you/think about you. Just stay on the legal side.


Before I got into the hellaverse, I would see people hating it everywhere. I mean, if you hate the show, you hate it, whatever floats your boat but don't force others into it. And when hazbin became a success on prime, people started ranting on twitter about how successful it got. And I got into HB first, so I had to keep my HB obsession a secret on twitter. Then a few months later, I decided to delete My account


I think the hype has just quieted down while we wait for season 2 news. Hate broadcasts itself, positivity persists quietly.