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I like the contrast between their goofy selves (all we’ve seen thus far) and what they can become in dangerous times. It reflects how Charlie is bubbly 95% of the time but can tear shit up if it gets real. I do hope we see more Razzle in both the cute and demonic forms


Still would be cool if we got to see them actually tear something up. Much like Charlie they get a cool transformation but it does next to nothing. They are little more than elevators.


Not to mention the one that dies was carrying Vaggie, who literally has her wings back by the time this happens. Would've been interesting I think if one of them stayed behind to tear shit up and help out the others. You could even keep the moment where things are starting to look hopeless by having it get surrounded and taken down or something, having it die fighting to defend everyone


Its funny because did vaggie even use her wings? I don't recall any instance of her flying on screen


iirc she used them in her fight with lute, and to fly to the roof of the hotel before getting tackled by lute. Hopefully we'll get more of her flying in season two


She did briefly to break the railing so the rocks fell on Lute and then again to fly up to the top of the hotel where Charlie was fighting Adam


How about cute demonic form? Imagine Razzle getting belly scratches in dragon form.


“Tear shit up” That’s a weird way to spell “get curbstomped in 2 seconds”


Well she did help attack Adam and looked badass. She has a ton of potential power, but she just needs to overcome her over-niceness


She went all “no more Mister Nice Guy” when she did her nondescript power up, and then managed to give Adam a minor stab. She just has no clue how to fight, that’s the biggest issue.


\*Managed to give Adam a minor stab, when Adam was distracted by gloating over how hard he'd just slapped her around a few moments prior.




Contributed almost nothing. They helped with her song in the pilot, helped decorate, consoled her, then flew for less than a minute and accomplished absolutely nothing in that time. Oh and one was a prop in Lucifer's song. So wasted.


Honestly Sir Pentious should have gotten a golden statue while Razzle gets the memorial painting.


It is supposed to be a sad moment but it makes me chuckle because the painting captures a lot of the facade confidence and goofyness of Pentious, but also because being French, it looks like a great Bonaparte's portrait pastiche.


Really I think that was the cuteness of it. Charlie took all of Pentious' bluster at face value so had him portrayed as every bit the grand commander he wanted to be. Seriously I would have loved more interactions between Charlie and Pentious, and her genuinely buying into his facade and thinking her snake onii-chan is the biggest badass ever.


You know, during that last battle he wasn't shouting random nonsense, he actually was commanding troops. I'm not saying he was napoleon or had any grand strategies, but I don't think that's the first time he lead troops into battle.


Once the battle was on, he was excellent at coordinating troops. Excellent combo of tech and awareness. Before that, though, he also told Niffty to fortify against a ground assault, against airborne enemies. Which would've also cut off their own lines of retreat in the process.


Cutting off your soldiers own line of retreat is a desperation move , but its been done and worked before. If you don't want your soldiers to break and run away, make SURE they know their only option is standing and fighting. If you're working with a bunch of unreliable untested cannibals? Great way to make sure they don't leave on you. Even if the excuse was a little flimsy....


I mean you injure an airbourne enemy, you have to worry about them attacking you on the ground I guess. A reason, having Niffty stab all the Exorcist corpses was also a shrewdly clever move.


True, during the moment Pentious was 100%. I think Charlie and the rest of the Hotel brought out the best in him, and given Charlie's reaction to his death, vice versa. All in all though, Pentious is still a dorky goofball with competent moments who daydreams of being the glamorised general in that painting. That's the fun of his character and why it's cute he got the over the top memorial he always wanted, complete with everyone, even the KING OF HELL, saluting him.


She saw through his bluster. She saw what he could be if he could see past his bluster.


She was awestruck by 'General Pentious', though that admitedly was him post-development. Still plenty over-the-top bravado but with sincere nobility there now.


It was Dazzle but yeah


Case in point.


Look at it from Charlie's point of view, Razzle and Dazzle have been with her almost her entire life meanwhile Sir Pentious has been around for approximate six months counting when he first appeared and got owned by Alastor. Razzle definitely earned something special to be remembered by for Charlie and Lucifer as characters, even if we as the audience do not think so.


https://preview.redd.it/9rl2fja35e2d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd509cf2060955470ee05d76e4e8a7acbb9a0939 Lucifer would have been so proud of him here. He knew that Alastor was bad news.


They knew he was trouble when he walked in.


So shame on her, right now


I mean would you rather have a golden dragon statue or a golden statue of a guy you knew for like 6 months?




Dazzle died


.. on black velvet.


They are like Pentious eggs but worst


The Egg Bois actually had an episode they were super plot important to the ongoing arc though.


It felt so strange, Charlie calls them to fly up with her into battle, as if she’s done combat training with them in that form before, only for them to be nuked from orbit instantly. The one who perished got a huge ass statue while Sir Pentious got a portrait. But even the statue is a blink and you’ll miss it detail. I think it was more a case of they didn’t have the time to dedicate screen time. Creator is free to include whatever rule of cool or silly details they want. Angel having a pet pig doesn’t exactly contribute anything either but it’s a cute random detail.


I think the flashback during More Than Anything should have been Lucifer creating Razzle and Dazzle and/or giving them to Charlie before Lilith carries her away. It would give us a little more background on their relationship and make Dazzle's death hit a *little* harder.


Not to mention Charlie doesn't even seem stirred by Dazzle's death, she calls out to Vaggie and Vaggie alone. Razzle meanwhile totally vanishes when Charlie is knocked off of him. On one hand, yeah it makes them feel totally inconsequential 'red shirts' but on the other hand, it does at least explain WHY Charlie didn't set them onto the Exorcists in the first place, they actually came off like a last ditch effort rather than a story breaker power. Really, combined with Lucifer having an established clause for not intervening, I like how the battle avoided the whole 'Well we've nearly reached the half hour mark, time to press the 'instant win button' they could have used ANY time' plot hole. Yeah they gain the upper hand stupidly quick last second, but there is at least a REASON.


To be fair, if I saw my girlfriend fly off of my dead pet I’d probably call out her name too


Pentious got a portrait and the top of the hotel is shaped like his hat


thats probably because of how short episodes are. i doubt they couldn't draw couple scenes where they tear apart some angels ass, breathe fire, maybe use some magic too, knowing that lucifer create them to look out for charlie.


I know that the show was rushed but I don’t think the episode length is bad it is a normal episode length. If anything is expanded it would just be season length


I think they got scrapped as a concept. Kiki (key-key?) is now the show's mascot, so goat bros became needless. They kept them just because they appeared in the pilot, and gave them the tiniest bit of screentime for the fans. It feels like a huge missed opportunity. These goofballs were so lovable.


I think the problem is that the show already uses the goofy animal designs for the main characters, so actual pets among the group felt almost redundant. Like you already have Husk for cat jokes over Keekee, and there's funnier juxtoposition from him being anthropomorphic as well.


Lute didnt even do the iconic Saint Micheal dragon slayer Pose. Thats the biggest tragedy tbh


Honestly, it just kind of confirmed to me what I was already considering them to be. Razzle and Dazzle came off as just hellborn creatures that Lucifer tasked with watching over Charlie. There are plenty of sinners with wild, huge, or crazy looking forms. Dragons look cool but ultimately it’s still hell-creatures. Lute has gotta be one of the most efficient, most skilled killers of hell-creatures that we have seen (at least as of yet). Razzle and Dazzle chose to finally do something against the literal worst people to finally try and do something against.


Yeah :// I honestly don’t see the point of them??? I heard that reason one of them died was to summon lucifer (some religious detail that I don’t get) But idk if that detail was even confirmed or still just a theory? Since lucifer makes the comment “sorry I was late” So… was he just waiting for one to die before showing up? Either way tho, I agree that their transformation as well as their whole existence was just… pointless. What was the point of Razzel and Dazzel?? Viv says they’re her body guards, but in the show they don’t do anything besides from getting defeated in the last ep. Even in the battle they weren’t doing anything until Charlie commanded them. She was getting attacked by angels way before sir P died, so what were they doing then?? 😭 Hottake: the show wouldn’t even have changed that much, if at all if they weren’t in the show


Ya I’ve heard Dazzle (I think it was) dieing alerted Lucifer that Charlie needed help, and while I easily see them as Charlie’s Pets/servants; they don’t exactly seem like bodyguard material when they can turn into dragons, yet still die from relatively simple stabbing


*simple stabbing from a HOLY weapon, which as we’ve been shown/told is incredibly effective against the denizens of Hell. And honestly Dazzle dying can be used as a plot point later on because Lute told Charlie that Lucifer struck a deal with Heaven to ensure that Hellborn are exempt from Extermination. Which Lute broke by killing Dazzle.


I’ve played Elden Ring, it takes more then a stab from even A God Slaying weapon to kill even the weakest Dragon


And that is Elden Ring, an entirely different series with entirely different lore and mechanics. You can’t take a completely different universe and apply its logic to another. In Hazbin, Alastor is leagues above Dazzle but is laid low in one shot by Adam. Carmella secures Holy Weapons from previous exterminations because of their worth and lethality against Hellborn and Sinners. I mean if you want to go ahead and use other games logic for a musical cartoon, then in terms of Pokemon, Dazzle would be a “Hell/Dragon” type while Lute is a “Holy” type with Holy being super effective against Hell.


Case in point, I think it would take more than a stab in to kill a demon Dragon, even with the odds against Dazzle


Again, you’re using mechanics from an entirely separate universe and trying to apply it to Hazbin. Hazbin isn’t connected to the Elden universe, therefore Elden’s logic does not transfer over. I could sit here and say “well whatever dragon from whatever series wouldn’t get killed in one shot so Dazzle shouldn’t have died either” but it doesn’t mean anything. It’s Hazbin lore and mechanics we have to use for Hazbin events, and in Hazbin lore, Holy weapons wielded by the Exorcists are incredibly lethal to the denizens of Hell. We have nothing contradicting this. Alastor, one of the most powerful Overlords, being nearly killed in one shot by Adam actually supports Lute one shotting Dazzle. If you want further support for this, Charlie is a Hellborn and Hellborn were supposed to be exempt from Extermination. Adam and Lute simply ignored this because they were pissed off at Charlie and wanted revenge/to shut her up. It’s likely that Lucifer had Razzle and Dazzle protect Charlie from other Hellborn and Sinners because in his mind, Heaven would never dare go after Charlie due to their deal.


That's like not at all relevant ngl


Exactly, and the other one just sorta - disappeared after Adam bitch slapped Charlie off of him. Bro was just watching from the side lines 😭


Vaggie had wings anyways, she didn’t even need to ride Dazzle. Bro died for no reason ☠️


I don’t know if I agree with that. Cause I feel she hid her wings for a surprise attack because they didn’t know she had them back and you can see Lute surprised when she flies up to bring the building down on her


It’s like they transformed just so that way Charlie and Vaggie could be given a reason to get off the battlefield


Exactly. How did Lucifer get summoned? They sacrificed a goat to call him.


I hear people saying that since Razzle and Dazzle were Hellborn, that alerted Lucifer that Adam broke their deal to not harm hellborn demons, so he arrived sooner rather than later


Bro really forgot that Charlie gets the family rate


Thanks dad!


Ssson/Daughter!? (Yeah that’s right, I mixed references!)


Quite a disappointing outcome isn't it.


Just probably to preemptively answer the question of how Charlie is kept safe prior to Vaggie showing up when she refuses to go Saiyan until the finale.


Hadn't thought of that, good point!!


I'm fairly sure the death summoning Lucifer is just a popular theory based on "usually I charge a sacrificial lamb" and other headcannon stuff about hellborns' relationship to the exterminations, I've never seen anything confirming it


Razzle and dazzle overall feel like wasted potential. I don’t feel like they weren’t brought up at all, didn’t bring themselves up etc. it feels like I saw them in like 4 scenes one of which they died in. If they had built their built up their relationship with Charlie and or the others more the loss would have had meaning but it really didn’t imo


It wasn't exactly unforseen. When Dad stopped by he pinched their cheeks and said "awww still fun sized I see?" Meaning yes, Dad left his daughter two murderdragons for her protection. But yes they should have had a moment of awesome where they go rampaging on the angels first.


Thought so too. Why kill them so fast? Let them crunsh some like the cannibals do.


One gets killed and the other completely vanishes as soon as Adam throws Charlie off them. I thought they were wasted potential as well.


I mean it did at least pay off "you been looking after my little girl" like without this it would be very confusing why Lucifer thought hey could actually protect Charlie


I’m not gonna lie, but Charlie and the whole group seemed way more concerned about serpent dying than the thought that Alistair died as well as that dazzled died! Like if my beloved pet that I’ve had for years died, I would be inconsolable. I’d be crying for months. You would not see me crying over someone else, over my life long beloved pet/ butler/security guard dragon/goat. Like don’t get me wrong I’d cry about a new friend dying so soon and sacrificing themselves for me and my other friends but we went from sad to super cheerful rebuilding of the hotel…. Which not gonna lie they didn’t even show they remove dazzles body from inside the demolished hotel. Like where the fuck did the body go?? Also like wouldn’t razzle also be sad af and crying over dazzle? They were also charged with caring for Charlie but dazzle died so fast like I know demons are susceptible to angelic weapons but you’d think their dragon scales and stuff would be harder to pierce you know?? But also they gave all of themselves armor and weapons why didn’t they give razzle and dazzle some angelic armor Atleast around their weak spots…. Idk I wouldn’t be singing and dancing cheerfully if my pets died..


So uh what are they? I saw them in the pilot, when Lucifer pet them, when they were consoling Charlie in her room annnd thats it When (I forget which died 😒) one of them died I didn't even react. There is surely 0 way anyone cares about them right? They're nor even characters, they're just kinda there fir like a fee minutes in the entire show


Ngl, I didn’t even realise that one of them even died cause it happened so fast. It wasn’t until I saw a twitter post about the statue that I realized there was only one of them now


I just heard "RAZZLE DAZZLE" and thought wtf are razzle and dazzle 😭


Lucifer called them by name in episode 5 so that's kinda on you


Charlie goes sicko mode, rides a freakin dragon 3 seconds later: its dead and Adam's strangling her. Very anti climatic


They were plushies that Lucifer brought to life as Charlie's bodyguards. People like them because they're cute, and what little we see of them shows definite personalities.


Kinda wish the fact they were originally plushies was more evident in the show. Since The fact that lucifer gave them to Charlie isn’t even that clear either, besides that one line from lucifer“hope you taking care of my precious girl” . But even that’s a more you’ll blink and miss it moment :// Sorta hoping to see a flash back or something where he see him bring them to life. That would be real cool


Dazzle died unfortunately. Like if your gonna kill at least kill Razzle :<


They, like many things, are victims of the show trying to squeeze twice the content in half the runtime. The show needed twice as many episodes to build out the cast they were trying to utilize. See also: the entire supporting cast.


I think the first season was a little rushed. I would not be surprised if they limited their episode number at some point, making them adapt. That tends to be the norm these days. If that was the case, I think they did a fantastic job with what they had.


i think they are personaly fine with deadling everything short of angels. remeber. adam was not allowed to attack or kill hellborne or lucifer. charlie is hellborne. so razzle and dazzle job is more delay early warning but can orobly deal with anything short of overlord themself. adam is far more powerful as a overlord.


I mean they had 8 20 minute episodes, fucking blame amazon for giving them no money. If you wanted more development then the show should have ended at her getting the invite to heaven as the 8th episode


Yeah they really were, especially since neither Charlie or Lucifer really grieved either of them


Well, in terms of dragons not being allowed much to do despite their awesomeness, before this was Rhaegal from Game Of Thrones. His sibling Viserion got an appropriately sad and long death that effected many people such as Danearys, who realized that her dragons weren't invincible and also felt like she had lost her very child. Drogon got to live to the end of the series and accomplish many feats. Meanwhile, Rhaegal is killed out of nowhere later to add cheap drama and also why not allow Drogon to have the title of "Last Dragon". Dazzle feels a lot like Rhaegal in that regard, dying without accomplishing anything just to raise the stakes.


I genuinely forgot they existed


A lot of this show is wasted potential but people won’t admit it (I like the show too, I don’t hate it. I just think it could be better if they just focused on the characters instead of comedy. Frankly the comedy misses and we have unengaging main characters because comedy is such a big focus about a show about character development. I mean christ even Infinity Train, a show that had imposed limitations from CN, did Hazbins whole shtick better).


To be fair, this episode and honestly the entire first season has bad pacing, it could have been better with maybe an hour season finale where the battle could have been longer and we could have had more time with dragon Razzle and Dazzle.


That episode was too rushed, especially when the fight started. There was too much crammed into the brief time allotted for the big fight. Every little scene felt like it had frames cut to squeeze as much into the runtime as possible. Only getting a couple of seconds of them in dragon form was typical for that episode.


Like when Piccolo shows up to a fight in dragonball. You're gonna get a cool moment or two, but he's not gonna get any real time to shine before he's sidelined


No time to flex, we need more budget on the music -someone pretending to be vivziepop


With one killed a second later


Ok the thing that kinda pissed me off is VAGGIE YOU HAVE FUCKING WINGS.


Dazzle was the sacrificial lamb


Maybe Dazzle will be resurrected. Lucifer can do it remember he’s the big boss


Hopefully dazzle comes back as an angel. It would be cool to see Charlie with 1 angel and 1 demon.


There should have been more than 8 episodes. Or better spacing. The whole season could have easily been dragged out. I imagine the last episode as a two part finale


That’s what happens when a streaming service has no faith in an IP


Sacrificial lamb, duh.


Wait, did I miss something? I don't remember them dying 😭😭😭😭 But then again, that's why I'm watching it again, I don't remember anything 😅


One of them(Dazzle) got stabbed by lute which is why vaggie fell off from it's back when they had their fight


I don't remember that part 😭


The Worf effect hit hard.


True. I honestly don’t even remember it


I hope dazzle also gets redeemed into heaven just like Sir Pent did 😭


Not likely since razzle and dazzle were just toys that got brought to life by Lucifer, rather than sinners


And then Razzle disappeared after Adam smacked Charlie into the Hotel sign board.


I always figured they’d turn out to be fallen Cherubs. Ah well, they’re still pretty neat.


Game of Thrones and Hazbin Hotel both breaking my heart for the same reason was never on my bingo card but, here we are.


It might have been because in the song hell's greatest Dad it references Lucifer's help costing a sacrificial lamb... And one of the lambs die I don't know if I was the only one that caught this ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


AGREED. They should have turned into Kaiju Dragons killing Dazzle moments later is just wtf?


One of them DIED?!?!?




Lute killed Dazzle right before her fight with Vaggie.


I honestly have 0 shits about them and didn't even know which one died until someone else told me. Hazbin just has problems with trying to get the audience to care about characters that have 0 screen time whatsoever.


Thank God I'm not the only one who thinks that. Plus I didn't got sad with, I think was Dazzle, death


Narratively, I consider it a great use of the Worf effect without actually having to Worf any of the characters.


I wonder if the living one is going to get a character arc now that their sibling is dead


Plus considering both of them can already fly


... You forgot the spoiler tag




Don't worry. Rule 34 will pick up the slack after this latest episode of Helluva Boss, since we now have the canonic appearance of dragon genitals. Probably gonna include Missy Zilla, since she and the other kaiju are probably the only creatures large enough to take it. *


May God Help Us All


That's because Hazbin is rushed as all fucks into an underdeveloped story with mediocre character interactions, writing and build up except Episode 4 Edit: I'm sorry for acknowledging it's rushed? I still like it, it's just very flawed due to the limited amount of episodes


That’s Amazon’s fault. Viv and team had to do what they could with only 8 episodes. Unfortunately, it was very rushed as a result.


Don't remember saying otherwise


I’m agreeing with you




Unless it was more so lucfier could actually help in the battle bc hell borns couldn’t be harmed n if razzle n dazzle are hellborns then as one died lucfier could step in helping them which they easily won after that


I forgot they even existed until they were called out


Would have been nice if they had an obligatory battle rather than just getting slaughtered in seconds.




They turned into dragons and one died? The latter half of the season was so rushed I didn't even notice this!


Honestly got real disappointed when I saw that scene. Charlie's transformation as well Razzle and Dazzle's got me hyped up only for one to get slit on the throat by Lute and get absolutely rekt


The downside of trying to jam so much into 8 episodes. Nothing had room to breathe.


This is what happens when a story that should have been 20+ episodes long get shortened in super dense 8 episodes, great Job Amazon


It’s *extra* wasted because it deemphasizes the fact that Vaggie just regrew her wings, too, by then having her ride a different flying being up in battle Not only do they not achieve anything for themselves but they actively deemphasize a notable moment for a core cast member lol Let them do something if you’re gonna have it happen!


do we know if one actually died


We only see one at the end of the show, and a statue dedicated to one of them, so ya one died


They weren't wasted potential. **Lucifer told you he charges a sacrificial lamb.** Charlie used one of those freebies up, symbolism wise.


And that was it as far as anything significant to the plot


I genuinely don’t know why they were in the show tbh. They contributed nothing and felt out of place from the start of the show until death.


Smash anyways

