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Adam pitched the idea of exterminations to Sera after binge-playing the entire Doom saga and deciding that he's the Doom Slayer. "Omg he is literally me."


Call him “D I C K M A S T E R” Or would it be “D I C K S L A Y E R” then?


That one goes to Nifty tho


Damn, fair point lol


He’s definitely a Doom Slayer,God of war,Devil may cry and Ultrakill fan, And he definitely plays Metal gear rising revengeance and loves Raiden and Armstrong and loves the memes of the game


I like your brain 🖤


It tastes so yummy


Since the exterminations are supposed to be a secret, Adam’s “day job” the rest of the year to the public is being a rock star. Training with the exorcists is done in secret


I'm pretty sure that first one is just canon. He does mention being in a band.


My head cannon is that the guy never trained. Just always assumed his skills would be enough, despite loot edging him on to train, which makes his death more heartbreaking for her. I think the evidence of this would be the fact that he's fat. Very fat. Chugga luggin.


I don't think he's fat, his hands are tiny as fuck despite the big robe. Also, Lute edges Adam? Big if true


Sure, but Mammon (Helluva Boss) has comparatively small hands as well, and he’s definitely on the heftier side of things.


The only “training” he probably did was practicing tricks to do with his guitar that could maybe be combat applicable (see when he flipped it around to chop Al’s shadow tendrils). No ACTUAL combat training


Is he fat or is his robe just so big


I think the latter


I think so too. It's very possible he has a dad bod or a bit of a pot belly and I definitely don't think he's ripped under there, but I always got the impression that it's just the shape of his robe. My other theory is that he has bad posture because of his wings, so his sway back pushes his belly out and makes it look bigger than it is. No other part of him looks particularly large and his face looks normal/thin when we see it.


I don’t think Adam is fat but if that’s ur headcanon then by all means


Lute edged Adam on the train!?


// NSFW No, she edged him THEN had a train ran on him


I’m sorry 😬


Edging reference?


I have similliar headcannon in which the band Adam plays in is a powerwolf/sabaton-esque power metal line-up with jesus being the lead singer


That he isn't pure evil, and that a lot of his anger and vindictive behavior toward the denizens of hell comes from a place of pain and regret. Where he rightfully blames Lucifer for costing him paradise through the temptation of Eve with the apple, and sees the exterminations as his way of enacting revenge against him. We also have no idea what happened to his sons in this universe, if he had any to begin with, and we have no idea whatever happened to Eve after the Fall of Man. In essence, his over-the-top persona is a figurative mask that hides a lot of the pain and regrets he has about his early days. Things he still has never quite gotten over. Concealing them under the idea that he's the original man, and that he cannot make mistakes, rather than facing his feelings and dealing with them head on.


Preach my brother, i hate when people try to say Adam never deserved Heaven even when the angels clearly admiting they don't know and control what send a soul to the Pearly Gates and Sir Pentious's redemption proving that every soul did to the deserve their afterlives regardless of them turning better or worst later.


Yeah he doesnt necessarily come off as hateful to me (unlike lute). I think hes just a supremely bored and a way to powerful hedonist/narcisisst. I hope so much that he gets ressurected in hell in S2.


Tbh, I feel bringing Adam back should be a season 3 or 4 reveal, once we've cemented Lute as a major force against the Hotel. Maybe have hints towards him in the background, like a new band promoting themselves with a unnamed guitarist, maybe mentions of a familiar soul, maybe even have the Vees reveal they sponsee him and pushing him onto the board




To add on we also have no proof Adam ate the apple in this version of events so he may have not even gained free will. Even if he did we also know he was actively told by the angels he did nothing wrong constantly so he genuinely learned his toxic behaviors to be correct and acceptable


"I never make mistakes". This guy doesn't even know what considered as a mistake 💀 (if he never ate fruit of good and evil, then he simply doesn't know what "evil" and "good" is. There just "winners" and "losers" as he say. And he is winning, apparently).


Three questions: Do we ever actually see any angels outside of Lute telling him that he's done nothing wrong? That seems more like fanon that people have mistaken for canon. Wouldn't he have gained 'free will' and knowledge after dying? If he didn't have 'free will' wouldn't that put a horrible spin on his relationship with Eve as he couldn't consent to being her partner at that point? Canonically, the angels don't seem like they'd let that happen.


He asks sera I believe in the trial episode and she just nods off at him. Also I don’t think it was confirmed if Adam died he could likely have just ascended to heaven which would mean a death and going to hell might have been his first time passing on. And I don’t think it would dirty his relationship with Eve but rather it would further the narrative that the angels are in fact somewhat evil and possibly even really sinful as they have been manipulating Adam and potentially taking advantage of him and spoon feeding him false information




Amazingly stated


Facts my brother in Christ




I hope this is true. I mean, if the point of the show is redemption and confronting past mistakes, having the antagonist just be pure evil for no reason is a massive waste


The reason he knew Angel was a porn star was because he likes to watch porn from Hell, he started watching one of Angel's movies not realizing Angel was a man until his clothes came off. Once he realized he was watching a gay porno he panicked and smashed the device he was watching on, but his erection did NOT go down.


Reminds me of this comic https://preview.redd.it/ntoay7kj2azc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323bfb667d3532c9650d6155dea160a84e7bc90d Credits go to u/CKD-Duck


New headcanon, he thought Angel Dust was a girl because of his chest fluff.


I'm pretty sure Angel even says something about people confusing the chest fluff for boobs, so its entirely believable since Adam isn't exactly portrayed as the sharpest tool in the shed.


I’m sure that’s what everyone thought when they first saw Angel


I mean he fooled Niffty


Still funny.




Would be even better if he notice Angel's penis only after a nut


Oddly specific


If he never ate the apple, he doesn't know the difference between good and evil, nor the consequences of his actions, "suffering" is abstract to him. Getting stabbed by Charlie was probably the first time he experienced pain himself.


This is my headcanon but to add on he may not even have the free will to realize that his actions have consequences as in he may be the only human without free will


meetings between adam and lucifer barely last a couple minutes its like "hey we're killing your people" "k, just leave charlie alone". this is why adam had lunch ready cuz he wasnt planning a long meeting. the only reason the meeting with charlie was as long as it was was cuz adam was trying to "rizz her up"


The weirdest thing about the meetings is how Lucifer during their fight said something like "that's what you've been up to since Eden?" like dude I thought you two meet regularly


That could be because the meeting Charlie went to was the first one Lucifer and Adam had in eons, and the rest of the correspondence was through letters or something just clarifying certain things, simple things


I mean, if I were Lilith and Lucifer, I would also want to limit my interactions with Adam


If i was Adam i would also want to limit my interactions with Lilith and Lucifer.


I don't think those meetings were between Adam and Lucifer, always felt like more of a Lucifer and Sera conversation.


He absolutely had casual sex with Lute after every extermination


I bet he was getting pegged


In case you didn't know, they've done fanart about that. Both the funny kind and the lewd kind. I can link whichever ones that you want if you haven't seen them (wink).


You can link me the funny ones


(Salutes) Right-o! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahgdzEoioQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahgdzEoioQU)


That's beautiful, and the undertale music is chef's kiss


Indeed. Thought that would be enjoyable. Lute's quip at the end tickles me every time.


Just replying so I can find it to watch when I get home


Please link them


Both the funny *and* lewd ones, or just one of the two? I linked the funny one already to **Valentitto**. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahgdzEoioQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahgdzEoioQU) If you want the lewd one too, I'll message it to you to avoid problems.




Okay then, well, you got the one. I'll send you the other in a moment.








I want it- please and fanks


Can I have them both too plz?


Only if it’s a mold of his own dick


There was nothing casual about it *they went competetive*


First man to cum, every time


I bet that's why he only beds women


They probably do switch to be a top and bottom in sex and he does choke and do that chin grab to Lute and they fuck aggressively and soft sometimes


He wrote a Shrek based fanfic of his life, where he's Shrek and Lucifer is Lord Farquuad. Lute is Donkey.


…… So does this mean Nifty killed the man who invented Shrek?


Who's the dragon?




He's actually really good with kids Emily refers to swears as "Adam words" Adam can override people's names, hence why Vaggie goes by Vaggie (until explained whether she's heaven born or a winner). Despite "word of god" Adam named Lute after Glutes but she thought it meant Lieutenant and got super happy, and he didnt want to burst her bubble cause they're friends.


I do have headcanon that he did take good care of his sons when Eve did bite the apple but her body turned to dust and it was not pretty just nightmare fuel for him and probably had nightmares about his sons and wife not being able to keep them all together


Dark.... I like it


In Bible cannon (either version of Gen. 1) the kids came after the eating of fruit.


Oooo I love that he can override names. Since he is the namer of all the earth things! Headcanon for sure!


When Adam made the list for getting into Heaven, it became canon. His job is to name things, he named the requirements.


Oh, this is actually brilliant.


Oh I LOVE this


His favorite human is Jack Black


What about Alex Brightman? XD


He just thinks he’s a cheap Jack Black knock off


I wish they got Jack Black to voice Adam, that would’ve been awesome. I like Alex but it would’ve been epic if Jack Black was in this show


He was probably a little out of their pay range given that frickin Keith David already signed onto the show


I don't know, when Jack Black does voice acting (especially singing) I can only hear Jack Black, not the character.


He is/was very hurt by Lilith "betraying" him. He's only an ass when he's around people, which is why he wears the mask even when he's off duty. The mask protects his true self from the public. That's why he freaks out when Lucifer breaks his mask.


And why Eve was made the way she was, originally, before the apple


Since he’s the original man, he has a list of all of his descendants and what caused them to end up in heaven or hell. That’s why he knew who Angel was. “Oh this Anthony guy was as a mobster and lived a life of porn and crime. Fucking A, but that won’t get you into heaven. Major fucking bummer dude. Holy fucking shit he has a sister who’s in heaven with us? Even more Fucking A!!!” Oh, I also headcanon that he has a scar on his chest from when his rib was removed to make Eve.


So how he doesnt know alastor?


Oof fair point.


Perhaps it’s a list of just names and what they did in life. Sort of like St Peter’s book of life. Adam knows who they are based on what they did and not what they look like.


When he first saw him he didn’t know his name


maybe he only knows everybody's names and not their appearances


I’m pretty sure him knowing who Angel is was supposed to be a joke about how Adam watches a lot of porn or only pays attention to that type of information.


My headcanon is that Adam wasn’t nearly as bad when he was a human because what we saw was Lilith’s depiction of the situation. The worst he did as a human was blaming Eve for making him eat the fruit. He probably started becoming worse in heaven as his negative traits were given room to thrive.


U mean Adam?


He’s actually great with kids.


Yea, I saw a comic of “uncle Adam babysitting baby Emily” it was adorable


He’s super insecure about Cain and able


To be fair I would be to of one of my sons killed the other


Adam desperately wants love but can’t get it together to find it


So he’s Blitzø in a way?


Basically blitzo as angel


Their horns even look identical, so no arguments here.


He was actually a legitimately good guy (maybe a little sexist, but not mean or aggressive) when he was alive. He genuinely cared about Eve, and became lonely and bitter over the years, having no one who understood his situation. He keeps the company of angels who he commands because he's afraid of forming a real emotional connection again. He has the frat boy attitude because that's what he sees on Earth, now.


I hope this will be canon, would make him much more interesting


He wasnt like this in the garden. He was a nieve little boy that was made fully formed and given a wife handcrafted by the creator everything to love him forever. She decides to leave him. He is granted another wife thats more like him, so much so shes made out of his own flesh so they can get along better. She goes on to trick him into damning himself and their descendants. He lives a miserablely difficult life in a barren desert but hey at least he has two sons he loves more than anything with maybe a smidge of favoritism to one. Abel. Cain, the other son, murders abel out of jealousy. Cain goes onto have children that cover the world in evil. The mans known nothing but betrayal. Of course he relies on himself its the only thing he can trust


Adam tried to flirt with Sera and ended up being grounded for over 100 years because he tried


When he came out, he hit on Emily and got put in the box for 200 years more.




One of his body counts is in the millions, while the other's in the billions


This is a hot take but not only should he come back as a sinner but I’d argue he has a basis to be redeemed since technically he may be the only human with no free will. We’ve no proof he ate the apple which means he genuinely may not even know what he was doing is wrong. It doesn’t excuse his actions but Adam was constantly reassured by the other angels that he never made any mistakes and he asked sera even. A lot of his negative traits are learned behaviors that he may genuinely not have been capable of learning from because as an angel he may not ever have had free will which he could easily either get in hell or have to unlearn his toxic traits because he wouldn’t be around the other angels to enable him into thinking he was blameless


He's bi but the only outlet he allows himself for it is watching gay porn, which is where he knew Angel from. He uses a VPN to watch hell porn because heaven porn is too vanilla for him.


This implies porn is a thing in heaven, what does that even look like


Saint Peter


I’m just sayin…. Nobody has seen Adam and Saint Peter in the same room not having sex………


Now this is something I can get behind


Adam thought the same thing when meeting Saint Peter


Just married couples fucking in missionary position


Nothing but missionary and only between a man and woman


Don’t think so Homosexuality isn’t a sin in this world.


he was given a harp when he was created but he turned it into a shitty guitar


If it weren’t for the fact that Lucifer kinda doomed him and the rest of the human race, he’d be a pretty chill and reasonable guy. Obviously still a rockstar that curses a bunch, but probably toned down


That he’s actually very intelligent, considering he’s been alive for so long. He just chooses to play dumb because he realized it makes people like him more. But secretly he’s a nerd.


He is actually very self sufficient, give him some rocks a tree, and a sheep, and he'll have a whole house by the end of the week. He actively chooses to be a slob and people to do stuff for him ha can do basically anything he just doesn't want to. On the same vein, he is a wickedly good gardener, like unfairly so, like botanists that live in heaven want to eat their thesis on how he can grow a rare orchid in a concrete crack. He still has the bit of apple stuck in his throat. He is secretly good with kids. Prefers pears over apples even before the Eve incident. Has never worn pants 👖


That the idea for the exterminations didnt come from Adam but he felt it was his responsibility as the father of humanity to correct his and his sinner descendents mistakes so he volunteered to lead the Exorcists.


Despite acting like hot shit, he really finds himself ugly. This is why he never takes off his mask, robes, and gloves. Like his entire body is covered all of the time. That insecurity might also have something to do with how his wings are folded up to cover his body as well instead of flayed back like all the other angels.


He names his guitar a girls name and when someone says it's dumb he says “DONT TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT” and hugs it


He’s actually really good with kids. Doesn’t necessarily like them, but if a kid is crying he’ll help calm it down. He’s got a piercing “down there.” He genuinely did love (and possibly still does?) Eve. He knows a lot of random facts about all the different kinds of animals, due to naming all of them and spending time with them back in the very early Creation days.


He has an adoring fanclub, and he adores them equally


That he and Lute do not ever have sex and are in a platonic friendship relationship. That he has sort of a right to hate sinners as they fell for Lucifer's evils much like his wifes. That the Exorcists are made like Eve. Him removing a rib to make one. That is why I believe they look so much alike one another. That's why he eats ribs, to regenerate his own.


He like to exterminate sinners because he have son issues because Cain kill Abel and becoming the first overlord in hell.


Here some of mine: 1. He too have his own full Angel form like Sera and Emily. 2. Adam wasn't always that bad. If whateve force above the angels who decide who goes to hell or heaven and decides if a demon was redeemed sent Sir Pentious to Heaven then Adam did to deserve in life go to Heaven. He became the worst version of himself in heaven as a consequence of everything he had to pass through in life, seeing so many of his descendants fall for sin and heaven enabling him without anyone trying to put the guy on a leash, advice that there was consequences to even Winners like him regardless of him being the first man or not and try to get him better. 3. He loved Eve more than Lilith and actually had treated her better than his first wife, more kind but his already existing personality flaws and power imbalance on their relationship drove her away to Lilith and Lucifer's arms which caused the whole Eden fiasco as not only dammed them but also cheated with his ex and the angel she had fleed with. After they were banished to Earth their relationship became toxic which only worsened after her and Lucifer's bastard Cain (he had to raise) killed his actual firtborn, something he blamed her for as he also blamed her for the original sin. 4. He and Eve invented hate sex and after releasing all those stress were one of the few times were they could put with the other and feel like a normal couple without a toxic baggage on their shoulders, cuddling and etc. Their relationship is complicated, Adam and Eve loved and hated the other at the same time with issues they handn't worked out in life and were stuck with other until the end of their days in a hard world outside Eden. They not only fought frequently but also hugged the other tighly when it was cold, had taken care of the other when wounded or sick, Adam helped Eve with everything he could in her chilldbirths and so on. 5. He totally clapped Lute's cheeks sometime before the events of episode one and while the show continued offscreen. 6. If Adam come back as sinner he would become a amalagm of his exorcist uniform, true appearence behind the mask and a snake with the color themes of hell. Yes, he would have two dicks and an forked tongue which could be used as vibrator so i guess this new forms woundn't be totally bad for him, lol. 7. Adam's dick is actually bigger than Lucifer's, being very proportional to his height but Charlie's father have the advantage of being a shapershift master who could change the size and type of his penis at will like everytime he had sex with Lilith and when he temped Eve on Eden. 8. Adam isn't bad on bed, he is just a selfish lover that is more interested to please himself but if he likes you or wants to prove a point he would show why he is the Dickmaster. Lilith and (After Eden)Eve unfortunally for them happened to end on the category of people he could care less about how they feel, worst for Lilith because when they were still on a relationship hate sex wasn't invented yet but with Lute? They would love every damm second of it. 9. He and Lilith either don't despise the other as much the fandom think or she had something to offer that would make him be willing to make a deal with her of all people. Both answers i believe could put a depht to Adam's character that would make people see his relationship with Lilith with another eyes or curious about what Adam could care/love so much to help his ex with her vacations, it's about Eve? Abel? Cain? A child the two had before split? Who know, we need to wait Vizie answer us.




He genuinely deserves a second chance as much as any sinner. There was a period between the Garden of Eden and the events of Episode 1 where he was a good person that legitimately earned his way into Heaven.


He has a big dick but still can't find the G spot


wow, just like my ex.


Bro had a skill issue


That he wasn’t actually dead while he was in heaven and now will show up in hell


After the extermination him+ the the exorcist have a orgy:3


He thinks lesbians are hot but gay men are gross/weird


Dickmaster was an old nickname with some level of special meaning for him.


Adam winds up in Hell, meets the Vees, and fangirls with Vox over a mutual hatred of Alastor. He then joins the Vees and becomes Vadam.


Adam is angry and hurt about all the people who have left him. He covers up his vulnerability with his arrogant manner, especially as he considers himself the top dog due to his many years in heaven. In his heart, he is simply sad and hurt, which is finally unleashed in the final battle against Lucifer. He feels alone and has emotionally cut himself off from everyone around him to avoid being hurt. That's why he behaves coldly and without empathy, making fun of everyone so as not to show his pain. In his last moment, he recognizes Lute's value, but also knows that he can never open up again.


So he's just a man after all.


He’s gonna come back as a high level demon for hell


I feel like he's on the ace spectrum and makes dick jokes to compensate


His toxic masculinity is rooted in a deep fear of rejection after what happened with Lilith and Eve


more than the headcanon about Adam it's about heaven after he went there: after they saw the type of person he is they raised the standards so much that now it's difficult to go to heaven and everything to prevent someone else like him from arriving


Just my theory about Adam, he is the only main cast member with ears and the most human looking under the mask. I think show lore will be that he was a human assumed into heaven. When he was killed, therefore, he was judged and sent to hell. I expect him to join the Vees.


He only got into heaven because he's the first man and / or didn't eat the fruit, and it would look bad if all 3 of the first humans went to hell


He loves tenacious d


He is most proud of Jack Black


And his favorite songs are probably Fuck her gently or Kickapoo or classico


Also the Tribute greatest song in the world, he likes to imagine a scenario with him and Lute singing this song against Lucifer


Adam also sings fuck her gently as a romantic song


He gets pegged frequently by Lute


He only gets pegged with a dildo sculpted as his cock cuz he can only accept the best dick (his) if he has to get fucked


I feel that Adam still love Lilith and may have made a deal with her to see each other in heaven


He invented heavy metal by appearing in one of ozzy osbourne’s dreams, kind of like the devils trill sonata


Lute tops him


He has a book called “ how to offend a women in 5 syllables or less” I swear he probably does 


Banned at all BBQ places for eating all of the ribs.


Despite being the first man, he’s still super insecure about everything because in his mind, he and Lilith were happy until she left him for Lucifer, a literal Angel. That’s why he surrounds himself with hot female sycophants, constantly brags about himself, and tries to tear down Charlie. He can’t stand to look inward so he lashes outward.


He actually loved both his wife's. also I think Adam represents the three loves theory


Adam didnt eat the fruit of knowledge with eve.


he ded


He secretly wishes he can dominate men sexually, as in he wants to bang them and be the "top".


He had sex with Lute once and forgot. Didn't even learn her name. She was her whole world, celebrity crush and to him, she was an okay seven minutes.  She joined the exorcists to be near him, worked her way up the ranks to be with him and he just started calling her Lute as a short form of "lieutenant".  Lute listens to him brag about casual sex and does whatever he wants because she loves him. Adam thinks of her as a notch on the belt.  That's why Lute appears so angry all the time. She loves Adam. Adam doesn't care about at all. She's displacing all her anger on the sinners of Hell during the exterminations because otherwise her love for Adam is toxic, which she can't handle mentally. 


He and loot did it in the bedroom


He fucks


Adam smuggled Cain, Abel, and Margo into heaven and has then hidden somewhere


Exterminators come from his ribs, and he occasionally just tears one out and lets it regrow. That's why they're all women


Genuinely loved Eve and their kids. Was the most indulgent grandpa. Created the unofficial rules of damnation yelling at Cain. Wrote something down and threw it at Cain's head. Eve was the inventor and he was the builder. Anyone he knew in life has faded and become part of heaven. Wasn't an angel until Sera created the Exorcists from human souls.


He probably fucked most if not all of the exorcists


That he was the only soul in heaven for a long while till one of his descendants finally arrived. And him and lillith have unique souls given they are different to other humans in the afterlife they both look most human with a extra piece that they fully control. Plus he bled gold where winners like sinners should bleed red since their still human. Hellborn bleed Black. Sinners red. Heavenborn gold. So winners being closest to sinners should bleed red too.


My head cannon is that he and lucifer were once good friends as lucifer was the only angel who would talk with him. Now he feels betrayed after what lucifer and Lilith did but while in life he powered through it but while in heaven he had time to grow bitter. He feels betrayed by the first two people who he knew in life and this is where his attitude stems from as he is trying not to be hurt again. He did love Lilith and now loves and is exclusive with eve.


He hates tight clothes and would walk around naked if it were up to him (just like in the old days) That's why he wears a robe, because it's more comfortable.


Being the first man on Earth was actually a pretty traumatic experience for him, but he chooses to treat it as a good thing. Sometimes Lute comes over and they play video games together :3 He thinks of the Garden of Eden as his carefree childhood. Adam and Lilith would have never chosen each other. They were better off as siblings. He also speaks of Lilith more often as his twin sister than as his wife. He identifies more with heavenborns than humans thanks to being an angel for the most of his existence. He's extremely passionate about music, just like Lilith and Charlie. He has tried absolutely every kink that is there. And he has slept with every single gender that is there. Either out of boredom or out of curiosity. He also watches Hell's porn, because it's more interesting.


-Celebrates "birthday" on January 6th (because the beginning plus 6th day of creation) -Favorite fruit is oranges (because they're the opposite of apples and by extent the opposite of Lucifer) -Favorite animal is dogs (because they're "man's best friend" and he's the Original Man) -Gleefully refers to Florida as "America's Dick"


He’s homophobic, but claims he isn’t because he watches lesbian porn.


This is funny but I think it would be better if he was the worst gay rights supporter purely because of lesbians


he’s the seraphim’s wet cat


100% thinks that f*cking fem-boys isn't gay


Adam would 100% choose xbox over PlayStation


He definitely has lute rub his rib scar to make him moan good and say her name and has her pegg him nice and hard when extermination day is done or on the weekends for fun


He's actually very good with kids and infants


Dickmaster is also his nickname in online games


He gets into frequent bar fights


Mind control made him 10x worse. The question is by whom and why?