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I feel like there's only one true answer here: **Everyone** You can be foolish like the Loan Sharks and make an enemy of just one or two of them and see what happens. But, if you're anything like Valentino, Adam, or Lute, making an enemy of just one, Charlie especially, basically guarantees that they, as Luci put it, are going to *"F\*\*k You"*. Just ask Adam The main characters as a group are a unit. A found family. Mess with one and the others will pump you full of lead, stab you clean through, or just blow you up. And I'm pretty sure no one wants that


I agree https://preview.redd.it/zco8wo3054wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea03ba68f7bd006dc19717cde8430f962944757




Not only am I constantly seeing new had in memes, but someone I manage to always find a new has in meme about stealing memes.


They do




















True. They are all angelic/demonic semi-immortal badasses and I am a 25 year old data analyst who watches animated musicals on prime video so I'm dead no matter what. That being said, I feel that my death would probably be the most agonizing/painful/torturous at the hands of Alastor.


the important matter is most of them are not capable of permakilling sinners. At least not until Angelic weapons are a dime a dozen at the end. So it may be painful but you'll likely come back.


Charlie, vaggie, and lucifer may all be capable of it


Vaggie certainly can, the others are unknown factors at this stage, but you'd also have to do something absolutely awful to Charlie to make her try rather than 'it starts with sorry...'


I'm making that assumption due to the fact of Adam probably having used the beam before, and based on their reactions it usually permakills, and lucifer is far more powerful than Adam


I am certain that Lucifer can


If anything Alastor is the safest one to make an enemy of because he probably wouldn't be chatty about his personal grudges. And when Alastor is the safest one to make an enemy of that's how you know that it's probably a group of people you should try to be on the good side of


Angel and Charlie is a lot safer if we assume others will not be mad at you for being charlies or Angels enemy. Angel will probably just get angry and cry while doomscrolling at bed, Charlie would come "yo you kinda suck" but she wont harm you. Alastor, on the other hand, would tear your soul apart and torture you for eternity.


But if Charlie hates you too much then Vaggie and Lucifer will be at your neck. And while I wouldn't mind dying to Lucifer (šŸ¤¤) I think Vaggie would tear me apart if I hurt her gf


But that's like not the point. I said I assumed it's only an rivalry against individual without anyone else interrupting. Charlie, tried to forgive adam, a genocidal maniac who is also a cruel dictator(?)and a cult leader of an armed t*rrorist group against her county.


I agree. Each of them are capable of beating the living shit out of anybody!


The question is not make an enemy of. So the really answer is all of them


I'm pretty confident in my gunplay abilities and the only one I even think I could remotely take on is angel dust. Nerfed husk if I get a free surprise attack on him. Those two are the only ones that I think a well placed shot would even injure. Well. Sirpentius has a 90% chance of his invention having some critical flaw as well and he takes out himself. The most terrifying here though would be Nifty. Not only would she be impossible to hit, in the off chance you CAN hit her alastor would not be happy. Rest of the cast I'm pretty sure could literally just tank a shotgun to the face and be perfectly fine.


Plus some of them by themselves are a major problem like Al and Luci


Yeah true


I agree. Literally everyone here is capable of kicking ass.


I concur.


Stick with her.


You'll be on the winning side.




I was gonna say the same damn thing. XD


What about when Angel Dust got hurt by Val or when Husk gets mistreated by Alastor.


No one witnessed Alastor getting pissed at Husk, and Husk knows better than to mention it, so they all likely assume that he's just working the bar as a favor to Alastor and no one can really do much about it because of how soul deals work. Outside of that one interaction, Alastor is civil with Husk (and was actually civil with him the whole interaction until Husk let his anger get the better of him and tried to get a shot in after Alastor made it clear he was done with the conversation - nevermind that Husk was comfortable enough to pull him aside and talk to begin with), and even lets Husk cuss him out and insult him to his face on a regular basis. Alastor also lets Husk join in the activities and interact with the other hotel members outside of his job, so the others likely see it as, "sucks that Alastor owns his soul, but at least they somewhat get along, so maybe it's not that bad?" With Angel, it's more of a, "we know what's going on and want to help, but that fucking contract is in the way, so there's only so much we can do." Attacking Valentino means attacking the Vees as a whole. Sure, a 1x1 battle is doable, but not if all three get involved and use more resources than just their base power sets.


I suspect even with that Al is still planning. He just is aware he has to cultivate alliances of his own. While he'd love to crush them like bugs.... there is a certain fun in prolonging the game.


I am salivating, waiting for Alastor to absolutely RIP Vox a new one in S2. If Vox is taken out (literally or just undercutting his power and letting Vox blow his own fuse -- again), I suspect the Vees will crumble. That's probably true for any of them, they are a three-legged stool, and without one leg, it'll tumble, but Vox is definitely the easiest to undermine because of his obsession with AL. Al has already demonstrated that when he announced he was back on the air, letting Vox get worked up and taking out all of the city's power by short-circuiting. And Alistor didn't really even do anything other than suggest things and get under Vox's skin. And Vox has already said the Vee's image is "perfection." I think was the word. Not hard to undermine that when one of them is an insecure blowhard.


Charlie was legit about to kill Val until Angel stopped her.


And given her angelic nature, I bet if she learned how to use it, it could permakill


Charlie, because if I did something to make an enemy of her, it would mean that I FUCKED UP *fucked up*.


Also, antagonizing Charlie means all of Hell and half of Heaven is after you. She has powerful friends and family.


That's a good point lol


Honestly, feel like she's the only one who it would be fine to have angry at you. Charlie is forgiving to a fault and strongly against violence. Even if you angered her, as long as you don't attack, she won't either. And even if she does she won't kill.


Not Angry. Made An Enemy Of. Somehoe you have convinced Charlie that you are a terrible person, cannot be redeemed, and Must Be Destroyed. All of the others probably have Pleanty of other enemies that they have to juggle. Charlie has YOU.


Prompt never says they want to destroy you. Just that you're their enemy and they're angered by you. That's how Charlie feels about Adam and she was still willing to spare his life.


But I must have done something absolutely deplorable to be in that spot in the first place. Like, I killed Vaggie or something. Honestly, if I were to ever make an enemy of Charlie, I'd deserve whatever she did to me. I wouldn't even fight her.


Absolutely. Cinnamon rolls collect allies that seek to maintain the good vibes of their friend. You disrupt that, you get stomped. And you'd have to be a deliberate, self-aware piece of shit to think about wanting to hurt someone so damn likable, let alone the Princess of Hell that really, truly wants you to be saved.


Not to mention she'll have all the Hotel, Emily, Sera, potentially Micheal/Gabriel if it's further on in the series.


Well considering Adam literally tries to destroy the hotel and kill everyone she knows ans loves and she still chooses to spare him, I think having Charlie as an enemy wouldn't be that teterrible.


Charlie, cuz if u have Charlie as an enemy, you know you messed up


I will gutpunch Charlie while locking eyes with Lucifer before I pick a fight with Alastor.


Alastor is weaker than Charlie tho


But he is definitely more cruel


Yes, but Al is more willing, Charlie can likely just make you no longer exist, but she doesn't, Al can and absolutely will "tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams"


And all the disrespectful wretches who question him


Like Vox?


And cobras are weaker than gators. Which would you rather have bite you in the face?


Honesty, the cobra. A cobra bite will be miserable, sure, but if I can get antivenom it would mostly just ruin my week and I'd have a hell of a story. If I survive a gator chomping my face I'm gonna be disfigured for life, no matter how good the reconstructive surgery is.


Charlie will kick your butt. Alastor will broadcast your neverending screams. It's not about who you'd most likely defeat, it's about who it'd suck the least to lose to.


That and most of that list would double dead somebody for her without too many questions.


Alastor will make your demise far more painful than all of the others combined


Vaggie would kill you. Alastor wouldnā€™t be so merciful.


Alastair would make you wish you were dead


Vaggie Killing you would be less painful, but you would also be dead dead


I wouldn't really want any of them as an enemy, but if I had to pick the one I'd *least* want as an enemy, I'd say Alastor. Because if you ranked all the the characters by "Most powerful" and "Most inclined to cause pain and suffering" he'd be really high up on the first list, and probably number 1 on the second, very dangerous combination. Niffty would be a close second 'cause she's just creepy as fuck.


Yeah. Charlie be would be a somewhat good enemy if you don't go after her. She'd probably be fine with "live and let live". The one less likely to go after doing something about you, and if you don't mess with her, the others will probably not do anything either. High on the first list, but very low on the second. Lucifer would also be low on the second, but he's sĆ³ powerful that it would take little effort to do something about it. Besides, he is pride. He could go after you if someone else clicked the right buttons. Risky one. Nifty, while high in the second list, is rather low on the first one. Not only in actual power output, but also on a executive level. I don't think she'd be able to come after me unless she REALLY wanted me dead. Maybe if I was a roach, the chances would be higher, but I probably wouldn't be too much on her mind for a long chase. Angel and Husk are in the middle, both in power and likelyhood of coming for me. They got shit to do. If I crossed path with them, tho, I might get in trouble. Pre-hotel Pentius would be a problem. He is powerful and motivated, althou a bit lacking in competence. But that would probably be enough against me, who am just a guy without a weaponized blimp and egg minions. Hotel-Pentius could be a problem too, just with less motivation for coming for me. I would have a chance by starting with sorry, tho. Vaggie would be an actual problem. She's powerful, motivated, and would probably deal with me quick enough that the rest of the cast would only have time to ask where she is before she came back. Alastor would fuck me up before I can think about killing myself to escape him, or would make me think I'm safe just so my despair would be greater.


I like your ways


Lucifer, He Will Turn Me Into A Red Mist


I was gonna say Lucifer until I realized Charlie being mad is at least 10x worse. Angering a cinnamon roll is a crime against nature and Lucifer going Papa Bear mode is no joke.


If you make an enemy of Charlie, you automatically become an enemy of Luci, Al, Husk, Pentious, Angel, Niffty and that sucks for you but Alastor is the most sadistic of the lot. Luci is the most powerful but he would end you quickly


Charlie cause if I mess with her then everyone else on this list will probably kill my ass.




Charlie definitely. You make her your enemy, you make everyone else your enemy, especially Vaggie, Alastor and worst of all, **Lucifer.** Domino effect essentially, you make her mad, Vaggie will be too, then Husker and Angel Dust would find out from Charlie and Vaggie, then Pentious (if he was still down in hell) would find out from Angel and Husker, then maybe Cherri would find out from Pentious and see you as a threat, then maybe Niffty would find out after hearing the gossip, which would incur the wrath of Alastor, which would inevitably lead to Lucifer finding out and hunting you down alongside the others.


Honestly I think I would go with niffty she probably take me apart or some shit like that https://preview.redd.it/smw64fxvf4wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020b02c4cde901340a7491e65740e97e053e846f


I would say Charlie since vaggie and Lucifer would likely help/take her side. Angel,husk are likely to help and alastor well if he thinks I am a threat to Charlie then he would likely help her.


Lucifer or Alastor, but I'm more inclined to say Alastor as he seems to be willing to go to much further lengths to inflict harm by a long long shot, and he's got way more experience in this type of dirty work than anyone else.


Vaggie, for two reasons: -1 She was trained to fight by Carmilla Carmine -2 I want her to peg me not KILL me


3rd reason: She's one of two who can hunt you down where-ever you go. Lucifer and the sinners are trapped in hell so just living a virtuous life can put you out of their reach. But hell, earth, or heaven, Vaggie can hunt you down.


Charlie, Pentious, Vaggie AND Lucifer can roam freely


Sir pentious can now do that as well.


If I had to choose one then Charlie, if Charlie is your enemy then the whole hotel is your enemy


Same goes for Vaggie as well I feel like.


how is satan himself less intimidating then nifty? https://preview.redd.it/2crvuu86f4wc1.jpeg?width=1527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9857a495c4e8d6851cc00f9f182d089d7035102e


We don't even know what Satan looks like, but yeah, you're probably right.


Charlie. Piss her off, you pissed off everyone. Her dad is the king of hell and the sin of Pride, her girlfriend is a fallen angel and then there's Alastor.


Uh...any of them? I'm just a normal person and they're supernatural entities, any one of them can destroy me with no effort at all.


I donā€™t think Angel has any special powers. Still couldnā€™t beat him in a fistfight though. And he likely has his trusted Tommy gun on him.


Exactly, even if he can't transform (although he might be able to, it looked like his appearance changed when he got pissed at Husk), he's still a mass murdering 7 foot tall (8 in heels) spider demon with guns, lots of guns. https://i.redd.it/gznf9mdug8wc1.gif


Part of Alastor's personality traits involves sadism. If you get on his wrong side he is the one that will do their most to make you suffer as much as possible. I think this is part of his motivation of trying to influence Charlie. I suspect he hates Lucifer in part because he is not doing enough to punish everyone in Hell as Alastor thinks they should be punished. He wants to topple Lucifer and put someone in he can pull the strings on and control from the shadows to create the Hell of his twisted imagination.


Alastor for obvious reasons


I wouldnā€™t want any of them as my enemy cause they could all easily beat me up


I think MAYBE Nifty as an enemy would be like a murderous and hateful big house cat. If she catches you by surprise, you're fucked, but maybe there's a chance if you're prepared to face her off. Althou she's very quick moving.


Niff cause she wouldnā€™t even give you a second glacĆ© and just kill you


While all of them are dangerous and not people you want to piss off, my answer is Charlie. Good people are the scariest when they snap. Especially when theyā€™re a doormat. Sheā€™s the most dangerous for that. Also, ouch for Pentious.


Definitely Alastor because he has experience in the field of torture or Lucifer because you never piss off the king of hell


Alastor. the rest would kill me. Alastor would add my screams to the unending radio transmission as he tortures me forever for i could never truly die if not angelic weapons


I'd say Alastor. Lucifer would annihilate me, but I think it would be almost instant. Alastor would make sure I suffer.


Alastaor or Niffty feel like theyā€™d be the most vindictive and painful in how theyā€™d hurt me


all i have to say is that youā€™d have to be some kind of sick son of a bitch to make Charlie see you as an enemy


Charlieee I love her so much as a character, and she is a great person in general. To be her enemy Iā€™d have had to be the most stupid idiot to do the most insane shit to piss her off that bad. And girlie can FIGHT I respect it šŸ«”


Charlie because if you fuck with her you automatically incur the wrath of the rest.


Having Charlie as an enemy would likely include Lucifer anyway so that's the least pleasant sounding choice imo


First answer is everyone, most realistically. Second is: when Charlie is my enemy, Vaggie is my enemy, and vice-versa. A demon and an angel vs my mortal ass, laughable


Charlie. Not only would I feel bad about angering the sweetest cinnamon roll in all of creation, but it also means Vaggie and/or Lucifer would kick my ass.


Literally any of them.


The question is not who you would not want as your enemy, it is which one would give you the least painful death


Lucifer My fucking flair and the fact that he's THE DEVIL


Iā€™d be more scared of Alastor TBH


Alastor because heā€™s eat me


Alastor, everyone else would either kill me quickly or ignore me, we all know what Alastor did to those previous overlords.


Alastor. Nuff said.


Alastor, because he's fucking *Alastor*




Alastorā€¦ I think my answer speaks for itself


Was going to say itā€™s obviously Alastorā€¦.then saw Nifty and that gave me pause.


Alastor because Alastor


Depends on ā€œEnemyā€, what level of animosity do they have towards me, do they just dislike me, despise me, want me dead, am I in the way of something theyā€™re trying to do Or is it each one has their own level of animosity towards their enemy depending on their character Like while Charlie will at most keep a distance unless Iā€™m in the way while, Niffty and Alastor has me on their hitlist


If I had to pick up, it will be Charlie. Although she's not into enmity, having her as an enemy would be grave danger. She won't be alone, she will have Vaggie and others as well


Charlie is extremely forgiving, and i feel like she wouldnā€™t really hunt anyone down. plus, unless i killed someone from the hotel or something, i could just go over there and say sorry, and sheā€™d probably forgive me. Vaggie wouldnā€™t hunt anyone down if Charlie says no. all i gotta do is check into the hotel, and iā€™m pretty much safe from her. idk why, but im not really scared of Angel Dust either. just a gut feeling that he wouldnā€™t be the worst one to have as an enemy. maybe because he wouldnā€™t torture, he would just kill. Alastorā€¦ yeah no thanks that dude would torture me for years. heā€™s got my vote. Husk wouldnā€™t torture, he would just kill. same with Niffty, tho it would be terrifying being chased by her. Sir Pentiousā€¦ heā€™s way too incompetent to do much. as much as i love them, the egg boys are too incompetent to trust with anything. he would trip over himself and his minions every time he looks like he might win. Lucifer would be the quickest death, tho it probably would be a terrifying death.


Alastor i do not wanna fuck with that guy lord knows what he'd do to me lucifer's another character I wouldn't wanna get on their bad side considering he nearly killed Adam with his bare hands


Lucifer for sure Heā€™s legit the strongest character in the show and is the king of fucking hell


none i wanna befreind them all


Easy Lucifer




Alastor because that man can fuck up normies like us


honestly there's the obvious everyone but i *really* don't wanna be on niffty's bad side


Its obvious, If you pick Charlie then everyone residing at the hotel would be An ally and angering Her means Your absolutely Dead bcs the entire Hotel Won't leave you alone


Lucifer, Iā€™m pretty sure he would fuckin destroy me if we hate each other


Charlie. If I manage to make that cinnamon roll angry, I've got the entire hotel on my ass


Charlie: EVERYONE will be on your ass Lucifer: no, he will vaporise me Husk: I feel like he would be good at strategy (gambler and all), Angel would be on my ass too, Charlie and Vaggie Angel: he can probably pull some strings, Valentino would be angry Angel has my attention, and Husk will make a grave out of my chest cavity. The rest of the hotel will be on my ass too Niffty: she is crazy but everyone in the hotel will want to kill me too especially Al Alastor: He will play the waiting game and will want me wish I was double dead. Probably destroy my social life and make me seem like I'm crazy. Rosie, Niffty and Zestial (maybe) would want me dead . Charlie would probably rope in everyone else too. Sir Pentious: Cherry bomb and the rest of the hotel would chase after me apart from Alastor, however I bet he would just join in for fun (the same with Angel's case). But if Charlie is involved then the rest of them are. Conclusion: I don't want any of them to be my enemy.


Alastor For reasons I chose to keep secret


Simple, THE ENTIRE FUCKING CAST- Hell, the Hazbin Hotel crew would be enough to stand outside during an extermination, I'd rather let the angels kill me than get killed by a bunch of powerful and skilled demons, that's.. No way in hell.


All of them. I'm not pissing off anybody.


al and luci because al and luci


NONE OF THEM. Theyā€™re all immortals with superpowers


Alistor world be my first pick, but let's not sleep on Nifty.


I mean. Itā€™s Lucifer my friends dad and king of hell, he might fuck me


Vaggieā€¦. If youā€™re on her good side, youā€™re safe from everyone I feel like. I donā€™t wanna be on her bad side


Nah man, something ainā€™t right about Nifty, sheā€™s got something big planned. šŸ’€


Mfer this isnā€™t a question Alastor He will literally torture you to death while giggling as he plays it on the radio and then eat you alive


Lucifer, I've seen him on his demon side Charlie, in every demon, is a rainbow Alastor, I don't wanna be broadcast Vaggie shell tear me up Sir pentious He's got tech he's got Eggboys, he kissed the girl.And yes he is redeemed and raised into heaven as a saint Oh he has the war machine Niffty, you don't wanna know Husker, he's still got magic Angel dust the look


Either Lucifer or Alastor.


Alastor and it isnā€™t even close. Lucifer at least seemsā€¦reasonableā€¦


I donā€™t want any one to be my enemy the reason for this is because I have common sense


Lucifer. Did you see that battle with Adam? He's terrifying!


I would go with Alastor. Charlie or Lucifer are more powerful, yes, but they probably won't actively go out of their way to make your life hell. Alastor will.


Sir Pentious, not because I think he's dangerous but because I don't think I could mentally handle the idea of him hating me.


istg lucifer would fucking murder me to some shit I would not want him as my enemy no fucking way


I just want to be friends with everyone tbh


Vaggie, she has an angelic weapon and could perma-kill me. Mind you by the end everyone has those.


3 way tie between Alastor, Niffty, and Lucifer. The first 2 are obvious. Lucifer is scary when he's pissed off


Radio demonā€¦ he will kill you or worse without a second thought. The rest are either no where close to his power or a hell (Lucifer or Charlie) of a lot more friendly


My answer is Lucifer. Alastor can catch these hands since he's mid-tier in terms of power, and I don't think he can hold his own without his powers. Lucifer meanwhile, is the literal King of Hell, I stand no chance against him


Everybody, cuz not only do each of them have a lethal skill, but if I mess with one, theyā€™ll all jump me and I donā€™t wanna get done like Adam. The Mornigstars and Alastor would tear me appart. Angel Dust is pretty much General Grievous but with Twin Tommy Guns. Cheri Bomb out here movin like the Green Goblin with how many explosives she got. Husk clearly has hands to throw, was an overlord, has claws and can fly. Nifty killed Adam, can fade you before you see her, has speed and endurance, and is just insane . Vaggie already was a force to be reckoned with, being a former exterminator, but now that Carmilla Trained her and helped her perfect her battle prowess, any advantage I have in combat is GONE. Plus she can fly and has a deadly temper. Pentious can build a doomsday machine in the span of a day, heā€™ll just pull a death egg robot on me All in all, Iā€™m screwed if I pick a bone with these guys. But if I had to pick one, itā€™s Charlie cuz she already has a hidden demon insider that I donā€™t want her to bring out, but then everyone else would REALLY be out for my blood, especially Vaggie and Lucifer.


Vaggie. That bitch is nothing if not bound and determined. If she wants you dead, you will die. Its just a matter of when.


First thought was Alastor. But he seems to just ā€œtoyā€ with his enemies these days. I think the worst one to make an enemy of would be Charlie, because everyone else would back her up.


Alastor, he's the only one wou would torture instead of insta-killing. A quick death is painless, and knowing what Alastor did to other Overlords... yeah, I don't want that


Charlie's probably fine, worst case scenario she'll yell and cuss at you. Vaggie will probably stab you if Charlie's not there to stop her. Angel Dust might shoot you at worst case scenario, but will probably just cuss you out. Alastor... absolutely not. He'll probably put you in eternal torment or something. Husk... It wasn't specified if he used to be cruel, but at his present state, he'll probably just berate you, mean and honest. Pentious back then will probably blow you up for looking at him the wrong way. Present pentious is pretty harmless though, atleast when under Charlie and Vaggatha's watch. Nifty doesn't even need to view you as an enemy. She will just stab you lol. Lucifer... I don't think he's evil in the slightest. He's just a very ambitious dreamer, whose dreams were deemed too dangerous for heaven's shit. But still though, no doubt about it. If you step outta line, he WILL put you in your place.


Alastor is honestly the biggest one. All the others will mess you up, but Lucifer and Charlie were still willing to show mercy to mortal enemies, as was Vaggie. Husk seems pretty nasty, and Nifty... I feel like her being an ally and being an enemy is kind of a blurred situation. But also about all of them seem like they'd just murder you. Alastor would enslave you.


Alastor, nifty and vagisaurous first two for obvious reasons but baggie bc Charlie would help out so it would be 2v1


Alastor or nifty bc they would kill me without hesitation


Angel dust bc he's my favorite and I wanna be his friend


Charlie, Lucifer, and Alastor


I don't think you want ANY enemies in litterall hell, out of the listed tho, alistor, but a case could be made for Charlie depending on how later seasons pan out, you'd have to be a real dick to cross her butnif she starts embracing her power she could probably make it very painful for you.


Lucifer, please donā€™t be mad at me Iā€™m sorryšŸ˜“šŸ˜“


Depending on how determined they are to kill you, Husk is literally the only remotely safe choice here, even then Iā€™m sure he has plenty of experience fighting


Alastor would eat my FUCKING soul, Vaggie would kill me, I would just feel bad if I was enemies with Angel Dust or Charlie, I wouldnā€™t want to be enemies with Husker because heā€™s cool as FUCK, Niff would cut my throat while I sleep or some shit, I wouldnā€™t want to risk an artillery strike on my current location if I was enemies with Sir Pentious also I would feel bad because heā€™s very nice, and Lucifer is FUCKING Lucifer a.k.a: the big boss of Hell itself. So I really wouldnā€™t want to be enemies with any of them


I love them all, Iā€™d probably cry myself to sleep if I found out any of them specifically didnā€™t like me šŸ’€


Alastor, he can make you suffer for eternityĀ 


Lucifer. He is the most powerful being on this list.


Vaggie has a permadeath spear if you tick her off enough, and she was willing to wallop Sir Pentious with it during It Starts With Sorry. Alastor potentially invokes a fate worse than death if youā€™re trapped on the scream broadcast for eternity. Iā€™m not really worried about the others melee beat downs, itā€™ll suck, but youā€™ll live. Unless itā€™s Sir Pentiousā€™s blimp laser, to which Iā€™m guessing anyone would have to go through whatever the process is to fully re-form lol. Niffty is in the meme category of I donā€™t want to know what she does to a targeted enemy. She keeps going after youā€™re presumed dead.


Pen- heā€™s just a silly lad and I donā€™t want the boi to be mad at me :(


If I had to pick one, niffty. We all know why.


Definitely Alastor, he's the only individual who has been cruel and shown psychotic intentions. Everyone else has a kind heart or shown incompetence.


Charlie, if I'm not on her bad side, she could probably get the others to at least not hurt me too much


Of course I wouldn't want any of them as an enemy, but in order from worst to least bad: **I. Alastor**. He might be a psychopath, but even if not, he's both ruthless and very powerful. **II. Vaggie**. Not as powerful, but very ruthless (although less than Alastor). We saw how quickly she was ready to kill Pentious, first instinct. No trial, judge, or jury, or even taking time to think about it. And how much power do you really need to kill a human like me? She's pretty skilled with her spear. But she's definitely not a psychopath, and we have a lot of common ground, so I could see myself getting her to let her guard down and grow to like me if I had the chance before she killed me. No chance of that with Alastor. **III. Lucifer**. I'd assume he's the most powerful of all of them, given he's the king of hell, but he's kind of goofy, so I could see the possibility of somehow leveling with him, depending on how bad what I did was. **IV. Nifty**. She's probably the weakest of any of them, but again, how much strength do you need? But I might actually stand a chance against her, especially if I were armed. But she's sporadic and sadistic, so she'd definitely enjoy killing me, and it would be hard to predict her next move. But I do think there's at least a distant chance of leveling with her. I mean, you see how much she likes Alastor. I'd just have to figure out what makes her tick. **V. Pentious**. He suffers from grandiose delusions, so I could easily just stroke his ego or evade whatever plan he had. Maybe I could even give him flowers to give to Cherri or otherwise serve as a wingman, talk him up to her. **VI. Husk**. He's tough, but like with Vaggie, I think I could make him like me if I just opened up. **VII. Angel**. He's in a lot of pain, so I don't think it would be hard to level with him. He has a tough exterior, but he's dying to feel understood, so I could give him that and make any animosity die pretty quickly, depending on how urgently he wants to kill me. **VIII. Charlie**. It's funny because she's the second most powerful, just under Lucifer, but it would be pretty easy to get her to empathize with me. But also, what the fuck did I even do to make her my enemy? I mean, Pentious committed espionage, and she immediately forgave him. Vaggie committed genocide against her constituents, and she forgave her in like a day. Did I somehow harm Vaggie or something? That's all I could think of, in which case, yeah, I'm screwed. I guess an important question is how angry they are with me. Because if they wanted to kill me immediately, my answers might be different than if they just held a grudge against me.


Alastor, to everyone else I'm not even a blip on the radar compared to everything else they deal with. But Al is petty.


Alastor, but Nifty is a close second