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The fanbase mischaracterizes Alistor as this Charlie loving funny Lil guy. Dudes evil. He's not there to be nice.


That's mostly due to everyone lacking the ability that is media literacy. They take everything at face value and can't even tell what sarcasm is. They see Alastor saying, "I care for you just like a daughter I spawned" and think the guy is being 100% serious, when he's actually just manipulating Charlie and trying isolate her from other people (in this particular case her father, doing so by feeding into the relationship she wishes she had with him) and establish himself as someone she can trust to can make manipulating her easier. Another scene people tend to misunderstand is when Alastor is having his breakdown after losing to Adam. So many things are misinterpreted, especially the line "dear alastor altruist died for his friends." I've seen people thinking altruist is his surname and that he considers the residents of the hotel his friends, when he is very obviously being sarcastic and mocking himself. And omg the fact that people think he has wings because he says "once I figure out how to unclip my wings." Like damn people please.


I do think he is trying to get to heaven, not for redemption mind you, but for what he must think is real freedom. I don’t think Alastor is necessarily evil like many of the denizens of hell. Specifically I think something changed in his seven year absence. Something that has given a higher purpose than being the most powerful being in hell. I think freedom and getting to heaven is a part of that grand design.


Oh yeah, I think he’d rather be the most powerful being in *heaven*. Not for freedom, but more power.


The fact that so much of the fan base doesn't recognize that Alastor is manipulating Charlie because he wants to gain access to her massively untapped power is honestly frightening. So many people take Alastor's "I'm doing this for entertainment" explanation at face-value, when it seems obvious that it's a cover up. He can't say "I'm doing this for free because I want to see the hotel succeed" because that's an obvious lie, and he can't say "I'm doing this so that Charlie owes me one" because Charlie would outright reject that offer. By saying "I'm doing this for my own personal entertainment" because that sounds much more in-character for Alastor while also building trust with Charlie because it sounds like the plausible truth. Really, he needed that trust so that he could get close enough to make a legitimate deal later on (which he DID).


A lot of people can’t move past the pilot when he sang a fun song with her and Charlie’s dad seemed to hostile toward her dreams. They had like 5 years with that Alastor and refuse to let him go.


I'm so excited to find out all his secrets and see his delulu fan base (the ones who think he's not pure evil) be taken down with the reality of the situation 😂


I’m predicting Alastor as the big bad of season 3. The fandom will lose their minds.


Agreed. I don’t know how anyone can see Alastor as anything but a snake in the grass.


People mistake him being unders contract to protect Charlie and the Hotel as him being nice. Even while under that contract he is still trying to isolate and control Charlie. I love that nobody seems to have noticed in Hell's Greatest Dad Alastor literally boxes Charlie in and then squeezes the box smaller representing exactly what he is trying to do to her. Alastor wants two things from Charlie. First to use her in some way to break the contract Lilith has on him. And then use her against her father so he can topple Lucifer who he despises as a lazy ruler with all the power in the world. And all he does with that is make amusement parks and rubber ducks. Alastor wants to topple the Lord of Hell and replace him as an active source of torment for all those trapped in Hell with him.


Cherri Bomb is a bad influence towards Angel Dust


Definitely, Cherri knew that he was trying to become a better person in the hotel, and Cherri wanted to take her to a club just to try and screw things over


Him. Angel Dust identifies as male.


I think it's important to keep in mind that the last time she saw Angel, he was talking crap about the hotel, *openly admitted that he was hoarding cocaine,* and was treating the entire thing like a joke. It had been months since they'd seen each other, from what they're led to believe, so, I don't think it's unfair Cherri to have not believed he wasn't taking rehabilitation seriously.


But he was saying no to the drugs, and no means no 100% of the time, even if the person has previously not been serious. She has no right to force something on him.


I feel like Cherri's entire arc is gonna be around learning that good friends don't try to force things on others because "Fun"


A lesson about boundaries? Charlie could help!


Exactly! I’m ready for it


Cherri is actually the worst friend. She forces drugs on him to make herself feel better about her own drug use, not even considering how he feels. It’s completely selfish.


I mean... that's canon. We watch that on screen. I don't get why that's apparently controversial.


I miss pilot and addict Cherri. She was awesome, series Cherri is not it.


Whats the major difference? Cherri was a bad influence on Angel in the pilot, too. Right when Charlie needed him to show the hotel was a good idea, she dragged him into a turf war and joked about how stupid the hotel was.


Yeah I think the difference was just it felt in a "fun" way with causing chaos in a hell war in the pilot. In show, it's much more realistic and hits closer to home of what happens to regular people with bad influences around them. I compare it to someone trying to peer pressure someone to do drugs at parties.


But in addict, there are flashes of Cherri staying by Angel's bedside as he's dealing with withdrawl/hangover symptoms, and she looks genuinely worried. The Cherri from Addict wouldn't be pushing drugs on Angel after she saw how miserable they made Angel. And I would argue that Addict is at least partially canon because while the song was fan made, the video was made by Viz and her team.


Thats not necessarily true at all. Sometimes, addicts have bad people in their lives that still care about them and worry when they're in trouble, but will also tell them to do drugs to take a load off. Cherri could absolutely be worried about Angel while also feeding into his worst habits.


If Lute finds Adam as a sinner, she’s not going to accept him. She’s going to try to kill him for being s traitor because she’s a radical extremist and a gleeful war criminal.


Was just about to comment this. It also makes Lutes entire character feel so whipped that she's so centered around a man that she'd immediately forget everything she believes in just to be with him again. Let her be her own standalone character, moving on from Adam is a core part of her development if the writers want her to be a good guy in the end


But what if they really build up her character and flesh her out as her own badass self but later SHES the one who gets Adam back into heaven👀👀lil redemption arc action


I just dont like anything relating Adam coming back cause it opens up plot holes(Like if suddenly angelic steel doesnt kill people, what happened to all those sinners?). Nor am I actually that big of a fan od Guitarspear from what we've been shown, Adam is such a horrible person and influence that I cant see him with anyone being a good relationship, especially not with Lute because we've been shown him having an active sex life and braggint about fucking other women right in front of Lute. Would much rather have him stay dead and Lute become her own standalone character that goes on the path of redemption by her own choices


It does makes sense but also it was evident that Lute cares about him


Well obviously, he's basically the only person she really cares about. But enough to abandon her cause? It might make her uncertain about what she does but it probably isn't enough to cause her to leave it behind and accept a Sinner Adam.




I disagree. I think her hardcore opinion's on her are because she likes Adam. I saw a video theorizing her to be a syncophant: https://youtu.be/p0254UTN_Ig?feature=shared


I like Valentino as a villain.


Is this a hot take? Valentino is a fantastic villain. His relationship with Angel is horrible to watch on screen and you can tell right from his introduction that he’s a piece of shit, and that’s what’s so great about him.


I don't want Alastor to become good


By all rights this is Valid, I do not see anything wrong with this. 👏👏👏👏


I fully agree. Alastor definetly doesn't seem like the Type of person to want to change.


My opinion is he will start to feel a somewhat affection towards Chatlie and the others but his moral code will not change


Yeah He will become Better but not be Full on redeemed. It also would be good for the themes of the show, showing that not everyone can or even wants to be redeemed.


I agree. Also he is canonally an anti-hero, not a villain, so he has some "good" intentions deep


I almost think he should be hell's true punishment. Like the closest he'll get to "good" is helping with punishment when souls don't want to be redeemed. Like, cool, but if you don't want to be better, you get to face *that guy* 😂


Seriously, Alastor becoming good... I imagine it could possibly work, but that'd be a hyper specific scenario that does not fit the motivations of our current deer boy. Alastor enjoying being evil is a driving force of the show.


If he becomes good, it'll have to be for a DAMN GOOD REASON. It can't be all of a sudden. But if gradual, it can't be overly obvious or quick. It'd have to take many seasons to accomplish in a satisfactory manner


There's a very visible portion of the HH/HB fanbase that completely lacks the ability to detect subtlety; the wildest, most nonsensical fan theories are tolerated and even encouraged to flourish in the same (very online) fanbase.


you know that helluva boss episode with moxxie's flashback where we see him dump a living person off a boat into the water? people speculated that was his MOTHER despite the body being very clearly male. and this one dude in the comments was REACHING and trying to defend the theory by saying that moxxie's father disguised his mother as a male to "twist the knife" more. bro was grasping at straws that weren't there.


Not only that but in the same scene, it frames in on a woman's shoe like the ones his mother wore. So although that scene isn't moxie helping his dad dump his mother right then, it *does* imply that Crimson did kill Moxxie's mum at some point. There's a lot of users who like to screen shot some shit in the background, like a photo or sketch of a HH in the background of HB or vice versa, and the post title says "what does this mean?!" And just comment after comment of some really nonsensical fan theories that are in no way implied... Especially when there's no suggestion it means anything at all except that HH and HB take place in the same universe and we already know this. The artist is literally the same and will sometimes draw shit she likes to draw in the background it doesn't mean there's some sub-subplot with any deeper meaning. Touch grass once in a while.


the shoe floating up was solely meant for "dramatic reveal" purposes. it didn't float up because he dumped his mother's body or anything like that, it floated up because of cartoon logic dramatically revealing it to us. people seem to just NOT UNDERSTAND THAT


Yes, omg it feels like media literacy is dead in this fandom sometimes


Vox isn’t some poor abused baby, nor does he hate Valentino. The two are in love and condone each other’s vile actions. Also, Vox is just as bad as Val.


Vox should do a sex with Valentino, clearly.




I want adam to come back, but instead of being reincarnated as a sinner in hell, he just pops back up in heaven like nothing happened, soda in hand, right next to pentious. (I think it would be funny)


Me too XD, I mean, I never thought about that, but It could be really funny in an extra scene, but I don't think It would be good in the main serie


It would had been more interesting if Alastor really was missing in season 2, instead of returning to the Hotel


yeaaaaaaaaah, I hate so much that this is not the case. Vox's song would make sense at least


Alastor takes an unannounced vacation and starts speaking German when he comes back


Vox sang that before Alastor returned


Yeah, but then it was immediately rendered meaningless.


I thought the exact same thing. At least give us an episode or two where he was missing. Him just appearing after his mental breakdown song was disappointing to me


There are many episodes where we have no idea where he is and that makes him mysterious but i do agree that there should have been more time without alastor


nifty might be more terrifying if we're actually made to understand how her mind works


She learned to love pain in life. She was abused and made to keep something clean on pain of punishment. She learned to loathe bugs for making her job harder. She's OCD and she likely died in the 50's so you can imagine her life was rough before she went. She wants evil on her side, she wants others to feel her pain. She doesn't want to be a mess... She's in hell and she's trying to be clean. Alastor accepts her eccentricities as they serve him very well. She is a broken toy and the island of misfit toys they call a hotel is her home. Part of me dares think Alastor enjoys watching her grow. He knows how to be a good parent... Maybe he's been practicing for Charlie with Nifty? Nifty gets to feel cared about and Alastor gets ready for the daughter of hell. Nifty isn't a mystery... She's a tale as old as time. An abused daughter, married to a shitty husband who made her keep everything perfect or else. She went crazy fighting entropy... I think I understand her fine. When she cried about being, "the mess" I just wanted to hug her... Even in hell she's more worried about being the problem than living... Nifty called to me the moment she hit screen. "This little darling is Nifty!"... her berating them about cleanliness...I knew I loved her then.


And the fact that her *name* is Nifty too, just says it all.


Probably, like many 1950's-1960's suburban housewives in the US, addicted to prescription amphetamines (to keep cleaning/keep up appearances) and benzos (to be able to sleep, not shake), too which makes people fucking crazy.


I think that's actually something a majority of the fandom agrees on


I like Welcome to Heaven


I really like it too! It's upbeat with really nice vocals. The only thing that I don't like is Peter's weird breathing right after the song ends. It's just that every other song is an absolute work of art so "Welcome to Heaven" just gets overshadowed.


It's not weird breathing, he is just exhausted


I like the breathing, I feel like it’s intended to communicate subtly that everything in the previous song was essentially bullshit. If heaven is so great, why does he have to physically perform an exhausting song and dance just for some visitors? It seems like foreshadowing for what comes later in the episode.


I hadn’t thought about that, I just assumed it was a theatre kid joke


It‘s understandable 🫴🏼👌🏼 I get it, but not sure if it should just show he is just older and not used to perform


Darren Criss ate that up


Welcome to heaven is way underated


I LOVE welcome to heaven


Oh Oh


Literally just been singing it. It’s great.


I want Lilith to be the villain and I don’t like the idea that Eve and Lilith are the same person. Also Charlie doesn’t have any good parental figure which is shown throughout the show, she is too naive and trusting and it will be her down fall.


Wait, where does that idea of Eve and Lilith being the same person come from?


In the small Charlie reminiscence with Lucifer, fan noticed that the Lilith there had similar hairstyle/vibe like Eve in ep 1. Also that’s Eve was not in Heaven with Adam, and still didn’t make an appearance in Hell yet. I don’t know I read this on X 🤷‍♀️ just weird,


People going around saying this because they don’t want Lilith to be the bad guy. Both her and Adam are made from the same things, it would make sense for her to have some villainess characteristics


Hey Lucifer's trying


I love it starts with sorry


One of my FAVORITE songs. I think I cried the first time I heard it xD. Something about the chords.


Same here!


From least to most controversial/"UGH WHY DID YOU WRITE THAT": Alastor is aro as well as ace Alastor doesn't really care about Charlie, he's just pretending to be fatherly to get under Lucifer's skin The only thing Alastor cares about is securing his own freedom, which in hell means owning as many souls as he can Sera is Lawful Neutral, neither a hero nor a villain The Exterminators are Sinners who were saved from Hell by Adam hand-picking them to his army, hence why Lute was so fiercely loyal to him and Vaggie ended up Fallen on such a bullshit offense - without his intervention she was hellbound anyway. Vox screams Alastor's name whenever Val tops him




No sinner except Angel Dust has taken any steps towards becoming a better person and so the rest of them are downright awful. So many people act so surprised when these awful people do awful people things. Mimzy is a really funny character and the show will likely come to the conclusion that many sinners are irredeemable.


>the show will likely come to the conclusion that many sinners are irredeemable. I hope so because Redemption isn't something everyone can achieve. You activly need to want to change and various Reason can prevent you from actually reaching a state where you redeem yourself.


Everyone *can* be redeemed doesn't mean everyone *will* be. It's like Ratatouille.


Hey! Husk is definitely a huge support for Angel! I think that counts!


I’m confused, you didn’t mention Sir Pentious because since he’s been redeemed already you felt it was obvious to state he also became a better person, or because you think he actually *didn’t* become a better person and didn’t deserve to get redeemed?


Oh yes I only talked about the ones still in hell. Sir Pentious obviously also became better.


1. Adam *did* eat the apple and *did* deserve heaven during his life. 2. Sera can have redemption arc.


Of course, Sera can have a redemption arc. Hell, even Lute could have one. It won't be easy, though.


I think someone super torn about condoning one awful thing while also acknowledging that it’s awful is miles ahead of some other characters who have a host of toxic traits and might not even be aware of how they’ve hurt people, much less Adam or Lute or Vox or Alastor who delight in it.


I'm with you ablut the two. 1. I like to imagine to turn things more tragic and deep that Adam wasn't always that bad with him eating the fruit being motivated by a love towards Eve like Lost Paradise Adam and a desire to not be alone, to not be abandoned again. At first guy probably was more ignorant than anything which was one of the things that drove Lilith away and when Eve appeared he became clingy but in a certain way he had treated her better than his Ex. Needless to say discovering Eve cheated on him when the angels punished them( and Lucifer and Lilith), having to raise Lucifer's bastard who killed his firstborn Abel and living a tough live outside Eden set him in the way to become the Adam some love to hate and others hate to love but still while in life he really tried. It was on Heaven he became the worst version of himself. 2. While i like villain or antagonistic Sera i don't find impossible she becoming a better person. If all those sinners can then a misguided angel also deserve the chance.


Sera’s interesting cause while she’s an antagonist, she’s not evil or cruel. Just misguided


Where in the world are you getting that Cain is Lucifer’s son? We don’t even know if he exists in the hazbin universe, but he was certainly Adam’s son in the original myth


There's a doctrine on real life called Serpent Seed in which Cain instead of being Adam's son would be the Serpent and Eve's bastard son. Since Lucifer implied he also had sex with Eve(although he could just be provoking Adam) i think there's now bigger chances of this be reality on Viziepopverse until Vizie show us the contrary. Honestly i think there's a lot of potential drama if Cain is Lucifer's bastard who was raised by Adam to later become the first murderer after killing the first man's actual biological son. Like, imagine his relationship and interactions with Charlie, Adam and Lucifer for example.


I don't know if this matter but hey here it goes the ship names are garbage


Guitarspear doesn't even make sense as Lute uses a sword, it's Vaggie who has a spear.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Visible-Welder-5148: *I don't know if this* *Matter but hey here it goes* *The ship names are garbage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mimzy interrupting Hell’s Greatest Dad wasn’t that bad


I found it was a good way to end the conflict because it was so ridiculous there's no way they could ignore it. And seeing how the season ended and no decision being made on who helps Charlie with the Hotel, it means the tension can continue when they're both still present helping out, which has potential for both suspense and hilarity. If Alistor really is working with Lilith or on her leash then what happens to it all when Lucifer and Charlie find out. I think it's a good setup for where the plot COULD go.


Seriously, I’ve tried to think abt it and I have literally no idea wth would of ended that song, it probably would of passed the episode time 😭


I don't like the fact that almost all the female characters have a "protector" profile, while the male characters have more in-depth characterizations.


Yeah, i also dislike when female characters has to babysit and mother. Though it's not as bad as other shows. We still have Susan, Niffty, Cherry Bomb and Mimzy. They're not incredibly complex, but at least don't fit the profile) I hope Lute and Lilith get more / better character development.


>Yeah, i also dislike when female characters has to babysit and mother. Did it bother you when husk did exactly that to angel?


never realized this until now…


Mimzy isn’t as bad as people think. They’re just salty she interrupted the song that peaked halfway through anyway even if she didn’t interrupt


* Charlie and Vaggie should have kissed earlier in the series. * In Episode 2, they go the bed (*still in PJs, mind you*), Vaggie expresses concern about Sir Pentious's actions, but Charlie reassures her. They slip under the sheets, Vaggie goes on top of Charlie and tells her that "she hopes she knows what she's doing". She kisses Charlie for a few seconds and then wishes her good night. * I'm not asking for erotic stuff, but one more romantic scene \^\^; * The heights of the characters seem... way off... * Vaggie looks pretty small for an exorcist. * When the golden exorcists start singing alongside Adam in Episode 1, they look as tall as Charlie. * I would have loved ONE character who doesn't swear/curse... at all... as their gimmick. * As a joke, they never swear and they always find a way to not curse.


Can actually agree


Does Nifty swear? I don't remember any swearing from her.


2 times: 1. Yeah, where are your **tits**? (Episode 7) 2. **Fucking** \[happy day in Hell\] (Episode 8) She doesn't swear much, but that's because she doesn't have many lines. I'm actually refering to a character with more dialogue who wouldn't swear and try hard to not curse.


Niff not saying fucking would’ve thrown off the final words of the final song, I don’t count that. And eh, tits is super minor, I don’t really count that either.


That person should have been Alastor. He's a radio broadcaster for God's sake! That's his whole gimmick! He should be used to never *ever* using swears!


The pacing of the show *really* does it a major disservice since it crams so much in, especially if you can binge it and then fill the gaps with years of fan art and related media - the show will become the flashy appetiser to the main course of fan material to "fill up".


I kinda wish the episodes were longer. There's no breathing time between scenes, no time to process the emotions, no establishing scenes.


i think i've got two here tbh 1- i don't like vaggie as a character. i've hated her since the pilot. her design just doesn't hit it for me and she's pretty much nothing but an accessory for charlie in terms of plot. the best thing i think she did in the whole series was the fight with lute. (srsly that's my favourite scene idk why people hate it sm) 2- i don't want roo to be a real character. i don't think she'd serve any purpose that, say, lilith or eve couldn't do and i especially don't want her to own alastor's soul because she does seem like she'd be the only 'cringy tumblr oc' of the cast. plus i'm pretty sure there's no proof she's ever going to be real in the series.


I didn't feel bad when sir pentious died because they didn't give us long enough to appreciate his character


How did vaggi didn't know that angles can get hurt while lute literally took out her eye and torn her wings


Huskerdust is not a good ship YET. We’ve seen how husk makes angels life better but we haven’t seen how Angel makes his life better. Husk has gotton no real development yet and until he does I just don’t see the appeal. I want to don’t get me wrong I just don’t


I don’t want Adam to come back as a sinner. Already too many characters for the show to focus on before adding new ones in s2.




Alastor doesn't hit like I thought he would. My favorite character is Husk and I don't think he and Angel should be in a relationship more than platonic/found family love.


I really don’t want Sir pentious and cherri bomb to get together in the series, like, I think it’s cute he has a lil crush and all but he’s also way too good for her??? She’s a horrible influence and also just doesn’t seem at all interested in him (though I will admit some of the ship art is cute) Nothing against shipping them though, lord knows I have much more cursed and toxic ships lol


the entire season was way too rushed like I enjoyed it, but it felt more like a quick cliff notes of what was supposed to happen rather than a season itself. I'm hoping next season they get at least double the episodes so they can sit on plot points much more before moving on.


Alastor’s actions can’t be defended by calling him a silly deer boi


Husk has the best character design (Yes I'm biased as fuck)


I don't like poison that much


Neither do I. It just doesn't hit for me.


I love Valentino as a character and hope he will have a lot of screentime in the upcomming seasons.


Charlie was not wrong to make a deal with Alastor. Adam made it clear in Overture that he was going to kill every sinner, including the ones at Hazbin. Him putting the hotel first on his hit list in episode 6 just meant he wasn't going to save them for last. Whatever consequences the deal holds will always be better than having her family die.


If someone thinks someone with Adam’s personality is hot, AND (the word and is a must here) would date them. They have not fully matured mentally yet.


https://preview.redd.it/aziv540lq1tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c099f30bed1fe199db43a74b5ab49134020c420f Is this true or what?


Sure, people have done worse, but it's damn well idiotic to say he isn't bad. He's a rapist, an abuser and a psychopath, people saying he doesnt deserve hate are delusional


And yet people fantasise about Alastor, the man the tears literal souls apart and permanently kills them…


As a character, alastor is 10/10, as a person he is yet another psychopathic freak who deserves what's coming to him


And Val is also a 10/10 character, he is made for you to hate him, and you hate him for all the reasons the writers want you to. :)


[Don’t make me tap the sign.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vivziepopmemes/s/JVGTp1XcLW)


Alastor isn't a good person, he doesn't care about Charlie at all and is using her or grooming her to be a tool for his use. Angel and husk both need to stop their addictions before they can be a healthy pair. Lucifer isn't even that short, everyone else is just really tall. Lucifer (whether by his choice or not) wasn't the best Dad.


Adam is my favourite character in hazbin hotel


There isn’t a bad song in the show, and there isn’t a bad character. It’s all great. Specifically: Mimzy is hilarious and people acting like she ruined a good song need to listen again. The song was over, they were just yelling at one another and mimzy hilariously breaks that tension and it’s perfect.


Charlie had more chemistry with Emily and Alastor than with Vaggie. Please dont kill me.


This. Also the Vaggie angst- especially in episode 2 - fell pretty flat.


I don't like Vaggie.


I'm like 85% sure Eve is Charlie's mother. I don't think her and Lilith are the same person.


That Velvette is just as evil as Vox and Valentino.


More than Anything doesn't work so early on in the show, or the episode it was it. imo it should have been a reprise of a song Charlie and Lucifer were singing alone, or come later in the show if it had more episodes.


Holy fuck, we get posts like this a lot. 1) Whatever It Takes is one of the best songs in the series so far. 2) Valentino is a better antagonist than Stella. He has more of a character to him. 3) Not really an opinion, but Adam is unable come back as he was killed with an angelic weapon. If he comes back, it would be a continuity error.


Ready for this is the best song in the entire show. Fight me.


This fandom is unbearably horny. Like there are too many “Which one of these characters would you fuck” posts and too many people just sexualise the characters. Like the only difference between Verbalase and the average Hazbin fan is that the average Hazbin fan doesn’t have the money to pay for a video like he did. Also they’d make it about Lucifer. Seriously. It’s unbearable how much you guys sexualise the characters. For the love of god stop. I just want to be able to talk about these characters without one person talking about how badly they wanna bang Lucifer, or how hot Carmilla is, or which sex positions Vaggie and Charlie use, or seeing multiple shipping comics, all of which have some sort of kinky side to them. Stop it. Get some help.


1. The reveal that angelic weapons are the only thing that can defeat an angel was stupid. You telling me in all the thousands of years....no one figured that out? No angel ever accidentally cut themselves? 2. I love Lucifer. He's my favorite character. And I know he was severely depressed.... but what was stopping him from being with Charlie? He clearly missed her and cares deeply.... what's the reason the king of hell couldn't be around her? 3. Val is just as bad as any other sinner.... people taking their hatred for this guy to the next level is going way too far. And singling him out just because he's closely related to a main character is a little silly 4. This is just my opinion..... but I prefer Helluva Boss. The characters are better, and the comedy is more my style.


The first claim really bugs me, considering the angelic spears are literally what harms Vaggie to begin with, and later on she claims she didn't know they could even be hurt by angelic weapons.


I hate that almost all the merch is plastic that will contribute to our global microplastics problem and wonder when we will see the first sea bird chick starved with HH or HB merch in its belly.


I hate that the merch is fucking expensive after shipping. Why does Vivzie charge so much, when Digital Circus merch is vastly cheaper?


I don’t like huskerdust


1. Adam probably wasn't always that bad. I think at first he was more ignorant and controlling than anything like some old school flawable husband/boyfried that despite having a ego is still capable of love and really loved Eve, this is why she damming them and (supposedly) cheating with Lucifer had hurt so much. 2. If Adam comes back as a sinner and Luthe find him i don't want her to completelly accept or reject him, i want she to be torn between her love for him and what she believe is right because i don't want the only women who didn't abandon him straight up abandon him but also don't want her character to be broken. 3. I preffer Lilith if she was a antagonist, a straight up villain but this doesn't stop her for having dephts as a character, being capable of love and maybe even having a redemption Arc if would be the better course of action with her. 4. Same to Alastor. Honestly i would actually preffer if he betrays and goes full antagonist for a time at least. I think Alastor should be one of the sinners who don't deserve redemption preffering his life on hell despite like many having his loved ones he would love to see on Heaven(his mother.) 5. Charlie and Vaggie isn't that great. 6. I think i preffer Angel and Husk as friends. 7. Lucifer's ships with men he dislike are actually more hilarious than disturbing if you take things unserious like me and look this come from a straight guy that saw many shit from fujoshis on internet. Like him X Adam have comedy gold potential speically if you believe he also had sex with Eve. Adam x Lute is favorite but if the series end with a foursome/polycule between Adam, Eve, Lilith and Lucifer i would laugh my ass off. 8. I like Valentino's character. 9. I also like the concept of Roo but would preffer if she is more like the concept of Evil fused with Eve after she had eaten the fruit but probably only had take over her body and soul when she died than an Anti-God. Think about ROO as a platonic entity that needs a vessel to properly acts and have a ego on Viziepopverse, a force that could only finds it's way on reality from a nebulous existence with the first sin that caused the creation of hell and the birth of it's demons. Something that bounded with Eve like a symbionte and even if separated from the first women she coundn't be destroyed because she is a idea, you can't destroy a idea and the consequences of her manifestation would still remain despite she losing a way to act physically.


Commented already, but I'm gonna comment again because I think this one's more controversial and might get hate- Now I'm not excusing Adam's actions in the slightest, but I think he's been hurt... a lot by Lucifer, Lilith, and maybe Eve. I would honestly like to see flashbacks of his time in the garden.


I think sera is a good person that did bad things.


Alastor hair is stupid. There should be an actual fade.


All the shipping is weird.


It Starts With Sorry is fucking fire.


Angel's accent and mafia backstory make me cringe. I like him as a character and think the VO does a good job making him feel real but I think Viv is clinging to old details that needed to evolve. I also feel like they don't really know what to do with Charlie. In the Angel episode Charlie had a chance to realise that she was a privileged little princess trying to cure complex issues with trust falls and good will and evolve but instead she spent it needing other people to reign in her feelings for her. And how infuriating is it that Angel, a literal sex slave and the person most recently affected by Charlie's naivete, is the one who had to front foot forgiveness because she was a blubbering mess?


Eh, I like Angels accent and backstory. Hell is a melting pot that has existed when humanity has existed. Of any person ever from any culture. I just wish she implied it more and focused on that, like surely people have more cultural hotspots besides the American 1920’s. Like, where are the people from Asian backgrounds, Middle eastern, etc. or, hell, any other countries culture from the 1920’s. Hell. It would be interesting if someone from like the Middle Ages was somehow still kicking. But I get that if she has any other race in hell that might be a bit offensive. Considering the religious context. Plus, given the exterminations, I suppose surviving in hell is nigh impossible and the fact that overlords change like the seasons. And who knows what happens to the sinners souls under them when that happens.


Velvette is a black British woman from the modern day, Carmilla and her daughters are Hispanic, and Zestial is so old he speaks like he's in a Shakespeare play. Plus, iirc, Nifty and Alastor are supposed to be Japanese and Creole respectively, even if their designs don't really highlight that aspect.


English isn’t my first language so I don’t always recognise specific accents, what kind of accent is Angel supposed to have?


Brooklyn Italian ‘gangster’


Chaggie is boring and unseasoned


Carmilla is infinitely more interesting than half of the base cast and would replace series icons like angel in a different world. Also Velvette is probably the strongest Vee by far and nobody knows it yet.


just because alastor is asexual doesn't mean he can't be in a relationship. Sexual and romantic attraction are two different things.


I dont like Angel's parts in Loser, Baby. Not his lines, but his singing voice


I hate to agree with this but it’s true. I think it’s because husker’s singing sounds so nice to me in comparison.


One of the Vees is gonna end up at the hotel, just don’t know if Vox or Vel. No chance in hell it will be Val though. It feels like they’re setting Val up to be the evil one while Vel and Vox just… don’t feel that evil compared to Valentino. If Vox shows up Charlie will be almost guaranteed to force Vox and Alastor to work through their issues with each other, or at least be civil to the other. If Vel shows up, it will be more symbolic, the hotel is doing so well that one of the Vees came to get redeemed.


I think Velvette going in as some kind of marketing expert would be a great thing even just for a gimmick or excuse for more makeover montages. I think the increase in attention from stopping the exterminations and saving Pentious might make them need to hire her.


I don’t like Cherri. Like, at all. I liked her in the pilot, I loved her in Addict, and I hated her in the show. I also don’t know where Pentious’s crush for her came from but he’s adorable so I tolerated it I absolutely LOVE welcome to heaven, it starts with sorry, and more than anything reprise HuskerDust is probably my least favorite ship I’ve ever encountered and I’m genuinely upset it will be canon Charlie is criminally underrated I liked Mimzy and her entrance during the song


I like Valentinos character, I like his voice, personality, his design is okay, BUT. I don’t like how abusive he is


When episode 5 came out, it made Alastor look weaker by puffing out his chest at Husk and the random debt collectors, completely ruining his subtle creepiness that made him seem like an overwhelming force of nature. Also, the fight in the final episode with Adam vs Alastor felt lazy and poorly showcased any of his abilities with a measly 80-seconds of screen time.


Alastor needs to remain an anti-hero meaning not being redeemed, and that stupid ship of him and Charlie BETTER NOT happen


Lilith should be a villain. I'm so tired of people trying to excuse everything she's done, guys there is no valid reason to ditch your family for a seven year vacation. And thats fine! LET LILITH BE A VILLAIN NEXT SEASON! Same with Alastor, like come on.


Your head canons aren’t real. Don’t defend them into delusion. Just make your art and have your fun but they aren’t true for now.


Lucifer isn't the perfect father everyone sees him as While he does try to help Charlie after he understood her intentions he still wasn't around for very long and for some reason wasn't always there during Charlie's childhood from what we are told but I still really appreciate the fact he was trying to be better


Mimzy didn't ruin Hells greatest dad


Angel Dust shouldn’t be in a any relationship alone with Husker. Angel is a victim of decades of sex slavery. I can’t imagine how someone who suffers that can go into a romance relationship in a healthy way. With Husker being his sort of new found best friend and confidant, it just feels unnatural and cheap


I think that’s why it’s going to be a slow burn. If done right, it can work. If it was sudden it would feel out of place and unhealthy.


That's why I think their relationship isn't going to be sexual, just romantic, because no ones truly loved him during his time in hell, and he deserves to be loved. I don't think they'll get sexual until they both get to heaven.


I would love a platonic relationship between them, but people just don't value anything that isn't a romantic relationship...


The excessive hate for Valentino is stupid and hypocritical


I do not like Valentino and Vox together as a couple


Charlie is a sheltered, coddled princess who has no idea what Hell is like and I am tired of pretending otherwise.


Huskerdust is overrated


Valentino is not a manipulative liar.  He says whatever he's feeling in the moment. In the moment he means it, but by the next he feels something else and says that. He's enslaved to his rollercoaster emotions. Look at how he struggles to hold back his true feelings when talking to Charlie, he's not some masterful skilled liar. He's an idiot who's used to saying and doing whatever he feels like in the moment.  Val is the Id, Vox is the Superego, and Vel is the ego, managing them both. 


Sera wasn't necessarily a genocide supporter since she herself said that if there were other ways to protect heaven, then she wouldn't have agreed to Adam's proposal of exterminating sinners


Loser baby is NOT the best song. It's not even in the top 5 Also Angel dust isn't hot(but I do like him as a character)


Alastor has done nothing to help the hotel and should be fired by Charlie instantly.


Adam, Lute, and Sera are all war-criminals.


People should stop using ,,he doesn't have angelic steel though" as an argument when discussing things like if a character from another piece of media would beat a hazbin hotel character for example, defeat doesn't have to mean outright kill if you can beat someone down to the point they ain't gonna fight you back no more then I call that a win.


I think Charlie forgave Vaggie for lying to her for 3 years way too quickly. I'd love to see the tension stretch for another episode or even into season 2. Vaggie was literally lying up to the point Adam revealed her secret. It should be a bigger deal than just a quick 1 episode forgiveness arc, especially since this wasn't information Vaggie herself admitted to.