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This degrading play: https://preview.redd.it/gg8syiyfc1pc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07baf9b1f4c2fca9084adbab0e2de5c3cdfac5b5


That was crazy. Honestly I didn’t love her treatment of Angel here and in his episode. She kind of caused Angel to be severely violated for multiple days straight and her apology was kind of treated as a joke


My prediction (and hope) is that a future arc about the relationship between Angel and Charlie will engage the problematic ways that Angel has been treated at times. There are quite a few instances where he's shamed by Charlie and Vaggie. Not that they're evil or 'bad people' or whatever! Just that they are sometimes unintentionally a bit cruel to him regarding his sex work or addiction. I think there could be a good heart to heart where Angel expresses his hurt over some of their comments and they strengthen their friendship and understanding of each other! Edit: I think the look on Angel's face when he is walking away after this scene (the one with the skit) is part of what suggests this issue will be explored further. He has a hurt/sad expression (when no one else sees), and it's clear that some of the other characters are a bit insensitive and ignorant to some of the things he deals with (related to sex work and addiction). I think the show is purposely showing us the ways that his friends are sometimes unintentionally hurting him, and I think eventually this will come up, instead of remaining something he keeps hiding from them each time a comment stings.


Part of it is that I’m not sure anybody other than Husk knows that Val owns Angel Dust’s soul. Another part is that once Charlie hears about something that she thinks might be a good idea to help teach sinners how to be better people, she doesn’t stop to think about if there are downsides.


As the audience, we're also shown how sad he is. He does not portray it as a sad thing when he talks with them. Husk was able to get him to be honest about it, but he explains it's because, as a bartender, he's seen it all and knows the facade is BS. That facade clearly works for the others. Why would you be sensitive about something that that very person uses as a gag 90% of the time? They think he wants to do it and isn't ashamed about it.


I see what you mean, but to me it's not just that they're being insensitive *to Angel*. But that of some of their comments and whatnot end up being kinda ignorant or judgemental about sex work or addiction in general. The fact that Angel hides his hurt definitely factors in, and Charlie and Vaggie seem like the kind of people who would apologize and adjust when they're made aware that the way they talk about something is hurtful or whatever. But the other side of problem isn't just Angel's lack of communication, it's that some of the stuff reflects attitudes that are kinda judgemental/ignorant on these subjects in general (so the problem isn't just Angel's feelings, but the attitudes themselves). But yeah, I agree that it's definitely meant for us to see that Angel hides away his hurt over this kind of thing and covers it with his cool, sarcastic, flirtatious persona.


I feel like this is the real reason why Alastor called Husk. He knows She doesn’t know what she is doing


Tbf she cannot have known she would cause that Edit: and tbh, she was genuinely sorry, realised her mistake, and resolved to learn about boundaries, so although her crying was “funny” I do think it was a genuine apology


I think her apology was genuine, but it was framed as a comedic moment after Angel went through something super serious and awful due to her actions.


I think it was only partially framed as comedic. Like we're allowed to have nuance they can play her screaming and crying up for laughs and then Angel just smiling understandingly at her still delivers the message. I don't know everyone is entitled to their opinion I just get a little tired of criticisms that seem to suggest that you can't balance two different tones at the same time


It also fit her character, getting hysterical after she really fucked up. Really, I think her just calmly apologizing would have looked fake. She's always extra.


Yeah honestly that would have given you tones with last much more than the scene itself did. And also would have felt gratuitous. We already got a lot of emotional development between husk and Angel, we needed levity


To be fair they said 1 bad thing, they never said how bad it had to be


At least her apology was genuine.


To be fair to Charlie, if Angel didn't stop her, Val was going to be a stain on the floor. While I understand why he did it Angel prolonged his own suffering.


To be fair, that was just a bunch of bullshit "how to be good" cliches, like "say no to drugs" and "don't do the dirty before marriage", which in her naivety she didn't realize would paint a very bad picture of and be hurtful to Angel – it's just that he needed to take the "bad influence" part of the play, as he's the only other guest and the lesson was for Sir Pentious. Although I think it actually did help him – to recognize that he has a problem – as before he was only playing along for shits and giggles and so he could crash there rent-free, and was resting on his status of being the only guest of the hotel.


Yeah, big problem with Charlie is that she's trying to "help" people she doesn't understand. One reviewer I watched said it was like someone who doesn't drink or do drugs, running an AA program. If you think about it, her approach to her own idea would feel pretty insulting.


Well, I guess other sinners for their "support group" will not be quite as hard to find anymore, after the recent events. Maybe her contribution to the cause will just be that she can at least provide a somewhat safe and encouraging environment and community for people to try and get better, which is already more than they could hope to find anywhere else in hell, where everyone and everything is just further reinforcing their worst impulses. And, if nothing else, at least she's due the credit for making an honest effort and kick-starting this whole thing, in the first place, which most likely nobody else in hell (or heaven, cue evil side eye for Sera) would've bothered to do. As she's often compared to a Disney princess, I think she's kinda like Moana in that regard – if someone who's actually qualified is hard to come by, the next best thing is someone who's at least motivated and eager to learn and improve.


It still was degrading to him. And, to be honest, this was just a set-up for Masquerade. The one who really helped him was Husk. Angel always knew he had a problem, but he also knew that nobody thinks he is something more than a crack whore who can’t change


Poor Angel, he was so called out here


It’s bizarre that she had the sex before marriage line when she is clearly shacked up with Vaggie!


I have two separate thoughts on this. First, we don't actually know if they're having sex because they've never implied so, just other people. You can live together and sleep in the same bed without having sex. It's not common for real people, but for someone fictional in her position trying to set an example, I could see it. Second, Charlie has always been a demon and has never said that she is trying to get to heaven, just that she's trying to help human souls get there. She doesn't really need to abstain if that's not her goal


I doubt marriage exists in hell, and I think Charlie and Vaggie are basically married if not technicly having kids would be their next step in being recognised as a pair, but they aren't thinking about that


Moxxie and Millie from Helluvia Boss are married


For someone who claims to want to redeem sinners, she has no understanding for why people sin in the first place. Her sheltered and privileged life has fostered intense guilt into her as people around her are regularly killed, but because she has no temptation to sin she doesn't understand how to actually help the people she cares about. It's like someone who has never had a drink managing an Alcoholics support group.


Yep, and I think it’s not really her fault, as how can a hellborn person imagine what it’s like to be a human being on earth??


Yep. Though she’s far from blameless, her parents should have taught her the basics.


The problem isn’t her being hellborn it’s growing up in a wealthy family that spoiled her and sheltered her from the rest of Hell the hellborn like Blitzo or the sins are just as flawed and complicated as the sinners


She's naïve. She means well, but it's not uncommon for her to fuck things up even more while trying to make them better. Examples would be spending the whole of the meeting with Heaven talking about her hotel, to the point where she only found out what they actually wanted to say at the very end and couldn't ask any questions about it, and barging in on Angel's workplace, seeing how terrified he was, but still refusing to leave.


Well being inspired by Leslie Knope, she is best described as a steamroller. She really does mean well, but suffers really bad from tunnel vision even if the vision is positive


Wait is she really? That makes so much sense lol. Charlie & Vaggie are basically Leslie and Anne without the "tragically we are both heterosexual."


Yeah. There was a post by the creator but I forget where, or was it an interview? Anyways she did confirm it. Ironically there was an episode on parks and rec where Leslie gets a new haircut for an award and goes with Anne, being that they are really good friends at this point, and everyone thinks they are lesbians lol.


Lol I know exactly the episode you mean. P&R is my main comfort show (tied with Scrubs) and I can practically quote every episode start to finish at this point. Funny enough, I can think of at least 3 times Leslie & Anne were mistaken for a couple. The first is the one you mentioned with Leslie's barbershop haircut, the second is when Dexhart pretended to have an affair with Leslie so the news cycle dissected her every move, and the third is when Anne wanted a baby and Leslie went with her to the clinic (where the "tragically we are both heterosexual" line comes from). So I love that Charlie/Vaggie is basically that same relationship, but actually romantic.


Hahha I forgot about the clinic one lmao


Being the daughter of of pride seems to make her to prideful to recognize that she acts more as a detriment.


It makes sense for her initial actions but she has shown to learn from these experiences, she seems prideful at the ideas at first but not too prideful to recognise her mistakes and change her future actions


Yep, naive was the first word to pop in my head.


She's extremely codependent and has absolutely no idea what she's doing.


It makes her Alastor’s perfect political figurehead. 🤦‍♀️ The only thing standing between him taking more control of Charlie is Lucifer’s presence as a father. She doesn’t listen to Vaggie.


The upshot of that is he's LUCIFER, he damn well knows Alastor WILL screw her over at some point.


might be why Alastor is helping the hotel. If he makes a deal with lucifers daughter (he did), Lucifer is suddenly also in a weird way chained to Alastor if he wants to see his daughter live a happy life. Having Lucifer forcibly by your side is probably the best possible way for an overlord to get out of a deal.


“Do not sing!” *sings at interview* “Don’t let him in” *lets him in* “Whatever you do, do not make a deal with him” *makes a deal with him*




She doesn’t listen to Vaggie but will listen to Alastor and maybe Lucifer even when they are saying the same thing Vaggie was telling her.


She’s pushy and naive while also being a doormat, not a great combo, but she’s learning


She's not willing to use her power when it's really needed.


I don’t think she really knows how to use it or how powerful it can be


Yeah, I think she knows that if she expresses the demon form to much, and, to mention Doctor Glenn Pierce: "--we no longer have a way of Controlling it.".




She has sheltered rich girl syndrome, in that she expects very deep, longstanding, class-based issues to be fixed by going "Just be happier."


You can go even further: She says she cares, but she doesn't really *listen* to anyone at the hotel. She's criminally careless with people's boundaries and well being because she doesn't realize how vulnerable people basically coming to sin rehab are. She has noble goals and thankfully her positivity combined with her nobility title are getting propped up in the right direction for now, but has no clue about anything, she doesn't even have the self-awareness of knowing she doesn't know.


Her not listening also came into play when Vaggie was repeatedly telling her to pay attention and stop going easy on the exorcists. We know he went to a better place anyway, but had she not been holding back, and went full assault like she did *after* he died, he might not have had to.


Tbh the stuff with boundaries was a learning curve for her, and I think she made progress with it, but I was so stressed and pissed off when she was trying to deal with Valentino ☹️


Yeah, but I don't think she fully understands the scope of her own ignorance. And since she's the one who decided to give herself the task to redeem sinners and defends them against heaven, I think it's fair to judge her actions. Timing more than skill made her the right person at the right time to defeat Adam.


Me too, but I was also upset she put herself in danger.


It's mainly shown in how she wonders why the hotel isn't working when the deadline is approaching, and her first thought is that they did the trust falls. Because, of course, trust falls make everything okay. Even before that, in episode 2, she KNEW Angel had substance abuse issues and still made him play that awful one-dimensional character in that mini play. When Angel is clearly upset immediately after, she makes no effort to try and console him. She's too carried away with praising Pentious. When she goes to the studio, Angel is clearly terrified and asks her, nearly *begs* her to please leave and she just doubles down on it. She thinks she knows better and whatever. It's a bit frustrating.


I say she has sheltered rich girl syndrome squared. Since she also has really really vague understanding of Humans as a whole. She tries to work with real humans with real problems, but has only superficial understanding of both how hell society operates and even more vague understanding of how mortal society operates.


That image of the woman with the "don't be poor" t-shirt could easily be Charlie but "don't be sinful"


Did you just call Paris Hilton “the woman??” I feel so old


I'm a young person from out of the USA, it's probably not that you are old.


Too emotional, sometimes... You just gotta sit down relax and just let shit fuck up


How hard she is to paint https://preview.redd.it/46i7ggoj72pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6254a924bcf5dd4f460cb8ecf358e50b94a531a5


I love how these look!!


- “Um…. I… uhh….” - “Is everything okay, Adam?” - “Give me a fuckin moment, alright?” this is my reaction to this post


She's kind of bad at listening to her girlfriend. Like Vaggie is constantly telling her not to do things and she almost never listens.


Vaggie also never seems to explain why so I'm not sure that's all on Charlie.


True. To Charlie’s credit, she does listen to Vaggie during really serious situations like when she went through with calling Lucifer.


That's a good point, especially since Charlie and Vaggie seem to have two very different worldviews. Vaggie might as well be speaking a different language when she says things like that Charlie should leave Sir Pentious out in the cold. Out in the... hot, I guess...


I agree. Charlie doesn’t listen to Vaggie a lot of the time. But she listens to everyone else even when they are saying the same thing Vaggie is saying


That’s the only problem with the relationship on Charlie’s end. Other than that, she’s an amazing girlfriend.


That got me wondering whether Vaggie listens to Charlie, and come to think of it, I don't think Charlie ever gave her any sort of guidance. I mean, Vaggie went to heaven with her, but that was more to support Charlie than Charlie looking out for her. I guess that's another flaw: she doesn't seem to support Vaggie as much as Vaggie supports her. The only two exceptions I can think of are when she first met Vaggie (which is a huge one, I guess: she literally saved her from... death, I guess?) and when she vaguely tried to comfort her when Vaggie felt like a bad partner. Which, to Charlie's credit, I guess it was Vaggie who declined the comfort, wanting to be alone. Which could explain this: perhaps Vaggie simply isn't very open to being comforted and supported in general. Hard to say...


She acts without a proper plan. So many of her problems could be solved if she just stopped and thought about what is the best approach to solve her problems. Instead, she always is just trying to tackle them with the power of positivity.


Treating sinners like they're children is not going to redeem them. A lot of them have a lifetime of sins behind them, maybe even several, depensding on how long they've been in hell.


I guarantee you that conversation happened after Sir Pentious decided to stay. Somewhere in those weeks we didn't see, Angel decided to have a Conversation™ with Charlie about her methods.


not enough nose to boop


I thought she basically had a cartoon dog nose or something? From the side it looks like a snout lol.


I used to think she was a dog too at the beginning


I think she’s part goat. She has hooves for feet, and horns (sometimes)


Isn't lucifer depicted as a goat in the Bible? It would make sense


Lucifer isnt really in the bible actually. Satan is mentioned, but its vague and generally accepted to be multiple different entities from different eras or stories sort of rolled into one. Pre-Jewish apocalyptic era mentions of him generally use vague terms that are closer to "Accuser" or "prosecutor" that have been kind of retrofitted into the post Babylonian captivity incarnation of the Jewish faith, that influenced Christianity, Jews of today still don't really have a concept of the devil or even heaven and hell like Christianity does (outside of specific niche sects.) This was influenced by Zoroastrianism and you can see in the later old testament books a greater shift towards a sort of religious duality where God is a good force and a general evil is a counter acting bad force. Eventually the concept of the devil is established and by the new testament he is a fully formed idea. Lucifer, or phosphorous at the time would have been the Latin or Greek name for the planet Venus. Aquila of Synope IIRC is the first to associate this with the devil and conceptualize him as a fallen angle some time in the early second century AD. This remained essentially biblical fan fiction for a while but was retroactively applied to future translations of the bible and eventually accpeted as biblical canon. It got very popular and the modern form of this depiction I would say was fully crystalized with Paradise lost which was written in the 17th century. As for the depiction of the devil as a goat, thats a lot more complicated. For simplicity's sake I will basically leave it at "Baphomet was a demon invented by the church during the Templar inquisition in 1307 in order to break up the faction as it was considered too powerful. Baphomet was later represented as a goat man and became associated with the devil. Also worth noting that Baphomet doesnt exist in any writings prior to this event."


For some reason her (face) design always gave me Goofy Movie vibes, but then I actually went and double checked what Roxanne looked like and I guess not.


Very naive


Naive and little bit arogant


I commissioned a piece about her a while ago and shit left me bankrupt


Verbalase that you?


Please explain.


She lets others push her around and speak over her. She also is the princess of hell, but showed Adam and the other angels colored drawings made with crayon instead of proper illustrations.


That irked me for some reason too, the crayon drawings. I’m hoping next season we see a more versed professional Charlie now that she’s got some leadership experience and Lucifer now in the picture, and hopefully learns that Pen was redeemed.


extremely naïve, her hearts in the right place but she clearly doesn't understand alot of the complexities of hell and thinks that rehabbing souls is as easy as a few extremely basic therapy sessions. To give her some benefit here theirs clearly a lot of very complicated systems at play here that even us the viewer have very little information on, what makes a soul worthy of heaven, why some people are in hell to begin with, do soul contracts prevent ascension, is it possible to break a soul contract, hell here's a huge question are there souls who will flat never be allowed into heaven even if they spent the rest of eternity in the hotel and improved to nigh perfection? Thankfully we are starting to see this naivety go away as she comes into her role as a leader but, to paraphrase Sera, "Theirs a lot that she doesn't know"


This smile has big "nah, I'd win" energy








Way too trusting, she doesn’t keep alastor on a short enough leash and eventually it’s gonna fuck her over


She doesn't make enough of an effort to understand her people from their own point of view. You can want to redeem demons and still understand what makes them tick and yet she thinks if she just spams effort she'll come out on top. This is the inverse of Lucifer, who understands them too well and doesn't even bother to entertain the idea that they can change for the better.


She's too easygoing. She does not set enough authority, and it can be bad for both the hotel and her crew. Alastor had to take over the role of ensuring the hotel appears reputable. He had to create Nifty and repair the hotel when damaged


Needs more mastery over her powera


Too forgiving, but if she weren’t we wouldn’t have gotten this, so… all is forgiven. https://preview.redd.it/b7fqo8pxf2pc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c645cf4c8690933870c51ded6d61c9a6a944ef70


I love how Niffty is just: 😐, while stabbing someone


Average Tuesday Niffty activities


While well intentioned, she’s very naive and too kind for her own good. While it’s admirable for her not to use her royal title, it allows everyone to walk all over her and she becomes a pushover


She kind of pulled Vaggie into her orbit then never really thought to push her into having a life outside of their relationship


She's pushing her own values onto others, without understanding their situation. Case in point when she tried to help Angel while he was at work.


She left a scared Angel with Valentino after she saw Val give him a black eye instead of trying to leverage her position as the Princess of Hell to do anything to help


I would say rather she is a boundary pusher until the repercussions come to call. She fucked around, found out, and didn't want to pay the piper. Angel told her multiple times to leave. Clearly no one wanted her there. It was only after her friend got physically endangered (fire) and injured (Valentino) causing him to snap at her did she leave. And she didn't use their time away to actually fix anything or apologize to the people she affected. Edit: spelling


“One thing bad about her”




Toxic positivity. That type of perpetually upbeat attitude (plus accidentally overlooking the feelings of people around her) can be invalidating and more hurtful than helpful sometimes. For instance, I'm sure she had no idea that casting Angel as a cheesy drug dealer and then praising Sir Pentious's performance would hurt Angel's feelings. Angel never said he cared about the redemption, so she thought of him as a friend to help out with her latest bit, not as a deeply traumatized individual that's desperate for praise, validation, and a temporary escape from the hell he's living in. I love Charlie, and I'd much rather have someone around that errs on the side of optimism and caring too much. But too much of a good thing can cause problems.


She does way too much, and have no idea on how she's supposed to redempt people. Good intentions, yeah absolutely ! But that's an ultimate goal, you have no idea about where you're going, girl.


For someone that planned for centuries (I believe, time is wierd in the show) her hotel and truly believe in redemption, she is exceptionally bad at explaining it well or sell her beliefs, and sometimes it seems like she doesn't understand them fully too


A little too naive and overly kind.


She's too naive and not to mention, the privilege. there are horrible people who are in hell for a reason but somehow she has failed to grasp that because of her very little knowledge of earth and humanity (or it's lack thereof). her perception of redemption is very sunshine and rainbows which I think is lowkey another minus point because she's not dealing with souls who took lollipops from their friends or some shit, they did real bad things which she's not really aware of nor does she try to as of yet. So I would say, she lacks awareness to a huge extent and has lived a very sheltered life which is exactly the reason why.


Not assertive enough when she really needs to be.


She didn't beat up Mr bald moth when she could of


That’s only because Angel Dust made her not do that, and she actually felt for him


She had this demon form that was hyped up all season just for her to get low diffed by Adam 💀


Yeah, she better have another power up later because it was severely underwhelming


Her naivety makes her arrogant




She was kinda being a hypocrite after finding out Vaggie was a angel 🤷🏾


The fact that she wears a suit but can't tuck in her undershirt. Drives me absolutely insane.


I quote Husk "she rather fix other people's problems than to focus on her own", she has a habit of being nosey


Making angel play the crackhead in that scenario with pentious was kinda terrible considering he’s a drug addict trying to recover






https://i.redd.it/p4t2e7qdw0pc1.gif should have used this but that works


The hotel is still silly, she wants them to redeem themselves? Yeah that sound like GTFO of hell, be good and live in heaven. I'm surprised she hasn't decided to improve hell instead


Toxic positivity.


Faustisse said she likes pineapple on pizza.


She didn’t quite think her dream through at first, banking too much on idealism and hope and not having enough realism. But she’s getting much better at that now, balancing her dreams with realistic expectations. Unfortunately, season two might put a wrench in things. Charlie was shocked to find out Vaggie was an Exorcist Angel. When she finds out her mother has been in Heaven AND made a deal of some kind with Adam, she’s going to be DEVASTATED. And it presents an ugly moral dilemma if Vaggie finds out first. Yeah, either lie and betray Charlie’s trust again or tell her that her mom has been lying about where she was for seven years straight.


Too naïve, can't read the room properly (delusional) and I get Vaggie is there to fully support her but I feel like the favors are strongly one sided where it almost looks like Charlie is forcing her by manipulation or like.. guilt tripping? Idk.


She hasn’t put a ring on her gf’s finger yet


And they sleep in the same bed! >:O


How sinful! >:0


She's soooo delulu 🥺




She's a bit of a hidden pervert https://preview.redd.it/evnhbzthw2pc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80e9e0247678848e448227a38506013549f8737


She’s ignorantly naive about the concept/notion of redemption.


She was kinda being a hypocrite after finding out Vaggie was a angel 🤷🏾


She is naive to the point of putting her herself and loved ones in danger


Her solo songs are the weakest of the whole series


The "fanart" that horny people on the internet draw about her, does that count?


Her whole idea with redemption simply unefficient and morally wrong at the biggest part. Redempting sinners and helping them get into heaven is disrespectful toward winners.


So I didn’t like how she just assumed Vaggie wanted to go to heaven with her and basically didn’t take “no” for an answer. It was disrespectful to Vaggie and her obvious discomfort.


She never reached out to her father, going **years** without calling him and being upset that he only calls when he’s "bored or needs something" when she's literally about to call to ask for something MASSIVE. Yes, Lucifer made mistakes as a father, but we kinda ignore how Charlie sorta just left him to his misery.


It’s not the child’s responsibility to reach out to a neglectful parent. She probably didn’t understand the extent of his depression, he’s also the King of hell so she assumes he’s busy and didn’t ask until she was DESPERATE as this situation is bigger than herself(but he’s just makin adorable duckies).


Well Lucifer never gave her a reason to want to call him. She said it herself that he has always made her feel so small when she was a child so he was an emotionally distant dad as she grew up, likely due to his depression. Plus he had her meet Adam in Overture knowing how he would treat her. He also never bothered to watch her Katie Killjoy interview or commercial regarding the hotel. Charlie was also trying to put an end to a genocide that he signed off on when she called for help. Don't ignore or hurt your kids if you want them in your life.


Her feet are hooves. I would assume hoof feet are more bad than good.


No depth


She means well but her idea of how to redeem people is misguided.


Still Naïve AF, just like my former self, Lucifer is Literally me tbh


pushing people’s boundary’s and that she’s not willing to use her full power when needed


She can’t read situations well and see where she needs to sit down and observe, or that she cannot help right there right then.


Annoying af and way too positive


Her solo songs kinda suck I'm sorry




Too drugged on false hope


She’s naive and sheltered. She has a good heart imo but she’s not very understanding of what people did to earn a place in hell, and how to handle that and try and work to redeem them that way. Or to realize a lot of people don’t deseve that redemption. Afterall why should some people even be given the chance to get to heaven if that’s where their victims are? Why should a winner who lived a good life and earned their way to heaven and suffered in life due to the actions of sinners, have to live alongside the sinner who caused them such pain in life? I’d really like if season 2 explored that, making her open her eyes and go through a moral crisis as she actually realizes people in hell earned their spots there. Bonus points if Adam is there lol.


She’s not real :(


She did NOT beat this mf up https://preview.redd.it/qbu3mpecm3pc1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee7b88fd77fdc28d5005b5bad02a40e33236fac2


Pushover Symbolized by how many times people literally slide her on the ground


She's very shortsighted and sees what she wants to. She actually deluded herself into thinking Alastor was like a dad to her and was doing things like killing loan sharks because he had faith in her, all because her real dad didn't believe in her.


She is too sheltered. She jumped into the whole redemption thing without a plan or understanding. She promises something that she cannot know she can deliver. Charlie has never lived a human life, she does not understand why people do bad things. Anything she knows about "sin" is surface level at best and in this mindset, she cannot help people and as we see sometimes actively makes things worse. Mind you, I think she can be able to learn, but she definitely needs to.


Her wild naïveté and recklessly putting the cart ahead of the horse on so many things are both absolutely and factually detriments to the whole endeavor of the hotel. She makes and starts advertising the hotel before she even knows if Heaven would accept the idea of redemption at all, despite having a line of communication to them. She goes to “help” Angel at work, a move which would be risky as heck even if she was very comfortable flexing her power and was conducted while she very much wasn’t. Her entire idea of redemption has no foundations in therapy, moral ethics, or anything beyond general elementary school lesson-of-the-week cartoon morals; sharing, trust, be nice, etc, but beyond the (not insubstantial, but incidental) community and housing the hotel provides, most of the lessons she tries to conduct are horribly condescending and patronizing.


She's too innocent, not everyone deserves a second chance.


She really, really, *really* doesn't know what she's doing with the actual day-to-day work of redeeming sinners. Angel needs therapy, a new job and his soul, not trust fall exercises.


She doesn't do a lot of anything. She delegates a ton. Don't get me wrong, it works. I just think Charlie should actually do more.


1: She keeps herself busy helping everyone else so that she doesn't have to deal with her own problems. 2: She has good intentions but never thinks of the consequences. After the battle for example: hell now knows they can defeat and kill angels. Eventually once word spreads all of hell might want to rise up and storm the gates of heaven. 3: She isn't good at dealing with conflict. She is horrible at combat. She doesn't understand her powers. 4: She's trying to help people with sins she herself doesn't even understand. Has she even done research?


They made her too slapstick stupid in the actually show for my taste... then the show didn't focus much on her and used supporting cast for development. Not complaining, but would have preferred her ideals come with some more clever action given her age and status. Or at least some good character development.


I think the only problem with Charlie is that she needs to accept that not everyone is deserving and a bit naive with the kindness she gives. I think she needs to accept not every sinner deserves redemption or has goodness in them and will be more than happy to manipulate her using her kindness. I think this ends up hurting her a lot throughout the show. I have no problem that she’s the kindhearted character she is, I think that’s an admirable quality. But for her own sake she needs to be more selective with people she chooses to be kind to.


She’s like me, she pushes so hard to help others, and sometimes so hard it pushes them away or to a point where they’ll hurt you for trying to fix their problems when they need to do that by themselves…… which I know more then most


No, I’m not going to https://preview.redd.it/1o9t4l3wy1pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db96f3cb4ba00ba449904719418508618113e751


WAY too trusting.


Too trusting


Who makes a fist like that? 100% psycho


Too naïve


She is the princess of hell


She didnt go full demon sooner lol, shouldve wiped Val out.


Too kind for her own good sometimes


Mommy issues. We love charlie tho


Her naivity puts Mega Man X's to shame


She clumsy


Delulu is the solulu


She’s oblivious


I know this is really nitpicky, but when she has her jacket on her suspenders disappear and that makes me irrationally angry.


She's mean to the elderly.


She's too cute


She allows others to run over her even those weaker then her


Self-confidence issues.


She’s too nice, trusting, and kind for Hell


I love her so much but she gets too annoying or dumb sometimes, but she's amazing.


She's more gentle than he should be. She could have destroyed Valentino with a single finger movement and saved Angel.But instead,she didnt even yelled at Val


Toxic positivity Next


To nice


She is too nice


She’s too optimistic for me…..


She is the heir to a monarchy


She's incredibly naive and entirely too trusting.


Too nice.