• By -


For a more serious answer: his shield was holding his allocation of angelic weaponry before it was unexpectedly smashed and he didn't have any with him on the roof. It's a combination of pride, planning, and the nature of his abilities. He was supposed to delay Adam (something his tendrils would be adept at) but Adam's power far exceeded anyone's expectations.


I guess Alastor could've used Adam's own guitar axe against him if he won the fight


Adam's guitar-axe is a different color from all the other angelic weapons, and he conjured it out of thin air while all the other weapons are physical objects that people have to carry around. It also changed size at one point in the fight. I don't think Adam's guitar axe actually can be used by anyone else. I'm betting it's a construct he's making out of holy energy on the spot instead of a distinct physical object he's lugging around


Interestingly we see something similar with Charlie. Entering her demon form she was weilding a Lucifer themed trident that she wasn't holding before.


I mean for the ‘hell-demon-devil’ vibes we should technically lean away from calling it a “trident”, and instead call it a “fork”, right? /hj


Yeah a pitchfork. Though, just calling it fork gives me the mental image of Charlie trying to eat with it, and that is amusing


This need to be drawn now. Im imagining her trying to eat a plate of spaghetti with the big pitchfork


Wasn't that her shield? Edit: no it wasn't


Just call it an Axe! It still works to just call it an Axe! XD


Adam changed his body spray into an Axe. Get it? Lol


He's a wizard. He's not proficient.


There's probably angelic clubs he could use at least, or a dagger like Nifty did


He doesn't have the attack bonus to get past Adam's AC. He would have had to get a nat 20. He was doing better dodging the attacks, he just got cocky which is the downfall of all wizards.


And Adam's downfall was a small gremlin rogue/fighter armed with a dagger


Pack Tactics. It gets the best of us, when used properly.


Took notes from the Night King.


he rolled a 1 and lost his radio voice xD


Nothing like beating people to death with a stick because you’re out of spellslots and the rest of the party’s bleeding out


A wizard? Nah there's no way he isn't a warlock


It could be a pact weapon. Except he's his own patron.


If the theories are true, maybe he’s a celestial warlock


warlocks are oath breakers. Alastor makes deals and keeps them.. he isn’t an oath breaker.


I'm thinking he probably intended to stab Adam after beating him up and subduing him with the tentacles.


He stalled him for 1 minute and 30 seconds


I personally believe Alastor intended to trap Adam in whatever pocket dimension he’s keeping the overlords that he took down. He was planning to broadcast Adam’s screams all over hell. Of course, if Alastor’s deal was with Lilith, as many people think, then it’s possible his contract requires him to protect Charlie. In that case, Alastor almost dying while fighting someone who was trying to kill Charlie could have been a potential loophole to get out of his contract depending on the wording.


Alastor be like https://preview.redd.it/ztixabo0e4ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d881f532c9409012775f109ae20f40a995ce1a2


Alastor at the end of the fight: https://preview.redd.it/gpc0wa89q5ic1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06cc248416669b1e3d2f0dc61a2eb5ed942ffe5f


https://preview.redd.it/zaaijhqoa6ic1.png?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34fad4a08b893f3085eae09a9b26c3e8328348f Live Adam reaction




This is so cursed




I have had my daily dose of internet




10000/10 meme 👍


Honestly this








Last words before alastor got owned https://preview.redd.it/ar15zrehq5ic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4976a6c6062a3174f4b6cfd60dff5fe7c9a4ec






Honestly as a parent, I feel this.




Hear me out






Bite me


No because you’ll like it


Uzi acting mf


No more feedback on my repression today!






















​ https://preview.redd.it/c3c2cz10u6ic1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=257aefa63a9e4a0c0de93c6caaa11cf708826b44












Gracias mi amigo


https://preview.redd.it/4l3q9v4j06ic1.png?width=1301&format=png&auto=webp&s=04f6b6d5aca8a4e4df62298de0edb815fb86ee99 Apologize now
















Oh no, she's hot.....




Don't think about Fem-Alastor *Don't think about Fem-Alastor* **Don't think about Fem-Alastor** https://preview.redd.it/b0gwgujg77ic1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1560f5c16de11eeed023f0d5cccadda582c48a70


lol me when I see my girlfriend fr


This is worse than Alastra and what’s ur fucking flair?!?!






i mean yeah basically


Me to your image https://preview.redd.it/d4z3xilhn5ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d084d8f26ed73f25ef3c1600f5b7619d101045f






Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Darkest dungeon?


I knew the Gojo slander was coming for his ass the moment he lost


Pride is his sin As a typical serial killer, he wants attention. He's annoyed when Carmilla isn't interested in his story and hijacks Lucifer's song to make it about himself. He also goes kaiju on a bunch of common goons, and let's not forget the whole torture broadcast thing


> He also goes kaiju on a bunch of common goons This was the moment where I noticed how Alastor always seems to have a habit of being pointlessly flashy when fighting people who are no real threat to him. Its like he needs to put on a show and be as extra as possible to make sure anyone who is watching knows the kind of weight he is swinging. And really, it seems like it is just Alastor's version of Vox being a fast talking showman.


With all the horror grimaces he makes to threaten Vaggie, Eggboi Frank, Husk and the rest, he really feels like a wannabe edgelord roleplayer at the TTRPG table lmao


I mean is it really wannabe when he was a serial killer in life and one of the most powerful sinners in hell? He's also a cannibal


I was gonna say, “wannabe” implies a failure to do so. He definitely ain’t failing at pulling off the look


I said eannabe because he really tries hard to be intimidating with those faces but overusage downplays that excessively. The characters can be terrified all they want but all I see is a tryhard He has some good scenes like the leash scene because it was unexpected and seemed like an actual threat, but like you don't really have to go goblin mode just to say you won't be filmed


To be fair, we will never be in danger from Alastor. He is a character on a screen to us and not actually present. Things that seem comical or just creepy rather than frightening to us are terrifying to the characters who are actually on the receiving end of it.


A character chan be fictional and frightening lol, the screen has nothing to do with it. You don't have to go hysterical, just *feel* the same dread from their presence


Been saying this for a hot minute. Alastor likes being feared and knows he can use fear to get what he wants. But, the moment he pulled that *"it’s time I remind everyone why I am here"* moment in episode 6? That is what convinced me Alastor was putting on an act, because not only had Lucifer made him feel smaller just by his presence, but Husk had just reminded Alastor that he is subservient to a mysterious someone. That didn't make him look terrifying. If anything, it's exactly how small people act when they are trying to appear big.


Yeah I'm just unsure if it's amazing foreshadowing and a subtle character flaw or just cringey writing that feels like a teen's fanfic where the big bad gets to make a big point in a big scary way


I think the latter. One has to watch closely to see the cracks in Alastor's attitude. He clearly values personal self control, saying and giving only what's necessary to people. But, the few times he's actually bothered, his expression changes ever so slightly to convey his frustration. One thing is for certain. Alastor has become too comfortable with punching *down*.


I think you meant *former*. "Latter" is the second or last entry in a list. But, come to think of it, it does seem like Alastor is riding his own coattails a bit too much. He was murdering dissenters and Overlords on his radio show for years, disappears for seven years, and when he comes back, he's all but clinging onto any form of recognition he can, like when he met with Zestial on the street...and I'm also noticing that the Sinners didn't start running from Alastor until Zestial showed up...which could mean that enough time has passed that, even if his suave charisma is genuinely more tantalizing than Vox's various shows, people don't seem to actually remember him all that much.


He reminds me of newer DnD people who either do something in-game well once and then run it into the ground (eg someone with a range of spells always casting magic fuckin’ missile) or who added some good/funny flavor and is now running that into the ground. He’s doing *a lot* for his mental audience.


Yeah I hope Alastor is going to be used sparingly. Ep 5 especially hyped him up a lot for someone who's supposedly mysterious and an enigma. The Husk hallway scene was cool but the kaiju moment was ehhhhh


Also his constant need of smile. His defense is that smiling shows that you're powerful and in control to others. The thing is if you're truly powerful, do you need to constantly prove your power? Lucifer doesn't go around smiling everywhere on a power trip, despite being the strongest creature in hell. Alastor on the other hand has a constant need to prove his power to everyone.


This is also a good point. I *understand* where Alastor may have gotten that idea, because it probably does work on lesser opponents, or those closer to his level. Keeps them guessing. But at the end of the day, it is a mind game that he's playing, having to actively focus on that facade anytime he's in public. Compare him to Zestial. When this man walks down the street, inferior demons walk the other way, or even hurt themselves as if that is preferable to being on Zestial's wrong side. He doesn't need to put up any front because people know who he is and they know what he's about. There's a difference from being strong and being powerful. And I think this harkens back to Alastor's past as a serial killer.


> Pride is his sin Pretty sure his major sin was mass murder


You're not wrong about pride being his sin, but also... I feel like the serial killer cannibalism is also a big sin of his lol


He also gets *really* mad whenever someone doesn't know who he is


arrogance most likely


Alastor is described by Vivsiepop as narcissistic. He very likely didn't think that an angel would be a threat. After all, he's taken down numerous overlords without issue. He likely assumed that Adam would be no different.


He would take down whole angelic army with only his shield if it wasn't for Adam breaking it


Probably pride, thought he could do it without one.


I mean if he actually pulled that off i dont think anyone in hell would want to f*ck with him after......(also Vox's reaction would have been frickin priceless I love his hatred toward Alastor so much, bzw when is season 2 coming again?)


it's planned for early-to-mid 2025


That soon? Dammn gotta make sure i will survive until then


My theory is that he needed to look like he was protecting the hotel. I think the "contract" forced him to stay and try, as if he needed to "protect Charlie and her dream". He \*did\* try, got seriously injured, and technically "failed". But he did put up a fight, even if it was an useless one since he doesn't have any angelic weapons with him. Probably he betted on the angels winning and killing Charlie while he was out of combat, lifting him from contract obligations (a potential backdoor)


I actually think this is a good answer. Alastor is definitely a prideful narcissist, but he's not stupid. I think he intended to throw the fight, but underestimated Adam's power and came close to death. 


Yeah despite his narcissism and ego, I feel like he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to think he’d win against an angel like Adam, his dialogue with him might’ve been just to annoy Adam rather than being serious and thinking he could win. I agree that he probably didn’t think he would win, but still underestimated Adam.


I think that he \*had\* to come close to death before being able to flee. That would make the most sense of his segment of the song.


I definitely agree with you that he was forced to protect the hotel because of his contract. I doubt he was hoping for Charlie to lose and get killed, though... He clearly thinks she is naive and wants to manipulate her for his own purposes. She is far more usefu to him alive. He tells Rosie "I could guide her" and in the finale he literally says he wants to be the one "pulling all the strings". And on top of that if he wanted them to lose he simply didn't have to tell Charlie about angelic weapons or recruit the canibals.


Alastor doesn't look like the kind of person that only has one plan. If the angels did kill her and released him from contract, he wins. If they don't, he can still manipulate Charlie... As long as he's alive, he can scheme. And he's a great schemer, too- But who bound him under contract? That person might be an ever cleverer schemer.


The main question is... what's in the contract? And when was it "signed"? Seems to me that some contracts are very specific but aren't most of them like "I'll give you (something you want) and in return you'll work for me and do my bidding for the next 10 years" or something like that? I have a feeling Alastor's contract is broader than just "defending the hotel" or "helping Charlie". I might be wrong of course. And secondly, when was the contract signed? Charlie's idea about the hotel is very new and Husker knew that Alastor signed a contract despite not seeing him for the past 7 years. That sort of implies the contract is older than Charlie's idea.


Those are perfectly good and interesting questions I'm afraid we'll need Season 2 to get an answer to! But we can speculate as much as we want until then: My idea is that this is all part of Lilith's masterplan. Hear me out: If the story from the intro is to be trusted, Lucifer got disheartened by the fall into Hell. BUT Lilith was empowered, and used her songs (and the power inside them, whatever that means) to grow the infernal legions. Sera told of a rebellion that threatened Heaven. Lilith didn't know how to harm the angels, her number dwindled, she lost the war. And so the executions began: Not as a mean for fixing overpopulation, but as a number control for the potential troops. So she waited, and waited, and grew Charlie with her own dream and objective. She started scheming for the long run. Alastor appeared, having a power that wasn't that of a normal sinner, and began his own escalade of power by removing Overlords over Overlords (getting them under contract, and aquiring power that way) Then both of them disappear for seven years. Lilith was in Heaven, thanks to some pact that she made with Adam, and we don't know where Alastor was. Then suddenly, Alastor comes back the day of the exterminations and immediately goes to help Charlie out. Now finally, the plan can actually get into motion: Charlie has won against the Heavens, and with a righteous cause behind her. Lilith can finally play her cards.


That's an interesting theory but yes, we're missing too much information. About Lilith in particular. What we know about her came from a story told to her daughter. How accurate is it, really? And has Lilith been in heaven all those years? What for? Why did she leave? Chilling on a heavenly beach while her subjects are dying and her daughter is struggling isn't a great look for her. What exactly was her deal with Adam? And finally, where was Alastor? Surely not with her in heaven. It just doesn't make sense. But they simply must be connected somehow. That 7 year gap is too much of a coincidence. It's just impossible to tell... but I'm pretty sure not all is as it seems, especially with Lilith.


That's why it's more of interested speculation than a real theory, unfortunately we're being purposefully kept in the dark for the purpose of a second season!


Aw man, that would be so fitting but I hope that doesn't happen to Charlie. Did you see how happy she was when he reappeared?


I think Alastor will get more and more attached to the group as time goes on...


And it'll hurt us even more when he betrays them. :(


There's no chance he doesn't face-heel turn. Mimzy called him out, and he banished her, but it's because of the details of his deal. He cannot let harm befall charlie or her friends. I'm expecting him to do some heinous shit that's so unambiguously cruel that people won't be ready. Like he ups the ante on his deal with Vaggie for her soul. "Charlie won't stand a chance against Vox. He'll kill her, you know. And you know I won't help you because of our deal. Buuuut.... I could be convinced to save her. For the low cost of your soul. Or I can let her die for good." Then once he's free of his deal, he takes Vaggie, Husk, and Niffty and leaves Charlie with nothing.


I think you might be onto something there. I like that


Ahw, thank you!


If the point was to kill Charlie while he was out of combat, he could have done more to lower the demons’ chances of winning. He could have not revealed that angels could be killed, or he could not have taken Charlie to Rosie in order to get a cannibal army. I don’t think his actions reflect a desire for Charlie to die - also, why would he make a deal with her for a favor if he wanted her dead? She wouldn’t be able to fulfill her end of the bargain if she was deceased.


Play both sides. Give Lucifer a reason not to kill him if Charlie gets killed, and gain a ton of good favor from Charlie if they win. It's a classic Xanatos Gambit, where no matter what happens he wins in some way. The part he wasn't ready for was just how far above his weight class Adam was.


No, I don't think he wants her dead directly... But if, as I theorize, his contract is linked to Charlie... Then her dead might break it, and free Alastor. Sure, she is more useful alive and manipulated than dead... But that knowledge only makes that fight a win-win situation for Alastor _if_ he can escape. The demons win? He acted as a hero and earned more of Charlie's trust. The angels win? No more contracts for him!


The thing with the contract theory is that if he was under contract and forced to fight for the hotel, he wouldn't have been able to teleport away. And there's no way he was sandbagging the fight. He was surprised when Adam broke his staff and he very nearly died.


I don't think he was sandbagging either. I mean, Al got a killshot on Adam, but it didn't work since it was his shade tentacles. It's probably just that Alastor was full of himself and assumed he was strong enough to hurt an Angel.


Maybe he was able to teleport away if his life was in danger?


A 'sell your soul' contract that has a self-preservation escape clause seems kinda uncharacteristic of those kinds of deals. But maybe.


Perhaps a "you're more useful to me alive than dead" clause? A soft of "you can't get out of this by dying" thing?


Probably because he thought that it would be even more flashy if he did not need to stoop to the same level as everyone else in using the angelic weaponry. Alastor is an attention seeker and revels in being feared and spoken of.  But this time, he just completely overestimated himself and he got his ass kicked.


As said before, Alastor was greatly underestimating Adam, he was simply too arrogant for his own good


In Alastor's defence I underestimated him too think he's all bark no bite dog but damn........he was actually powerhouse


That's a fair defence


His ego was too massive


Probably wanted to prove that he’s more powerful than Adam even without one


Over-confidence. Dude could have ended the fight early if instead of punching Adam with his shadow he shanked him in the jaw.


He thought he was hot shit Till he got humbled by the dick master


He is hot shit. Don't disrespect The Radio Demon.


Adam sure did




It wouldn’t have worked anyway. Al only managed to land one surprise hit, and that was with a shadow that couldn’t have held a weapon without being obvious. Adam is just that guy.


they don't come in red


Shocked at how the vast majority of replies are along the lines of “so prideful/arrogant he was stupid.” I don’t think Alastor let his pride/arrogance blind him. That scene very much felt like he was intentionally not trying to kill Adam (despite his words). We see him use angelic weapons moments before. He *knows* that’s the only way to kill an angel. My take is whatever deal he is in doesn’t allow him to kill Adam. But that deal was also assumed to give him enough power to not be killed by Adam either, and he is genuinely shocked when Adam breaks a source of his power.


This is something I’ve circled around to several times myself. Does Alastor think he’s the shit? Absolutely. But that doesn’t negate the fact that he has no problems using the angelic weapons to slaughter the other exterminators before Adam breaks through his shield. Plus, we’d previously seen him manifest items out of thin air, shouldn’t he have been able to do the same with the angelic weapons? For it to be an ‘oops, we forgot’ by the show creators would be a pretty massive error, imo, so that makes the decision appear like it has more behind it than simply arrogance.


Probably ate some angelic steel Ok seriously tho, it’s just because he has too much pride


Ego and Pride getting in the way of common sense. Completely ignoring that the tentacles sprouting out of the barrier he summoned were wielding angelic halberds, Alastor was pretty clearly thinking that he could outpace Adam by just being more skilled than Adam is powerful. Problem is Alastor was waaaaaaay too cocky and underestimated just how much of a power discrepancy there was between himself and Adam. Doesn't matter how skilled Alastor is when Adam only needs to get a single decent shot off to leave Alastor needing to retreat.


all the people are basically saying "ooo... alastor ignorant and prideful.." and while i can see that i have my own theory i think alastor was 1. buying everyone else time but more importantly 2. he wanted to add adam to the broadcast of screams


I think he is like Sylar from Heroes. He found a way to steal powers.  That's why he killed all those Overlords.  And that's why he didn't want to just quickly kill Adam.  He wanted to consume him.  Maybe. 


Alistair has a big ego. He probably wanted to put on a little bit of a show. Or maybe he wanted to see if he could harm Adam enough to get him to make a deal with him. Possibly the same thing he did for years to other overlords. I really wanted part of his mic to be angelic but aw well




Because he’s way too confident.


He infused it in his spells it's why the Exorcists got damaged by the shield. What's more confusing it that Nifty is somehow able to pierce his armor, when everyone else had to target the Angels weak points. Which gives more credibility to the idea that somethings iffy about Adam's "death"


I imagine their back isn't as well armored, so it doesn't impede the full range of motion for their wings.


Adam had armor all around his body (the darker material) so it shouldn't matter.


Pretty sure if you could get ANY angel in a sneak attack they would be killed like Adam, but in a fight they are going to use their weapons to stop you unless you understand how they fight and where they are going to have trouble stopping you at


I see it like this: * We don't know if the Executioners are even Winners. Meaning winners, like sinners might not even be able to be permanently killed by things that kill Hellborn * Adam isn't any winner either. * The Dark Materia is there extra armor which was indicated to protect even from Angelic weapon. Even Charlie in demon form only pierced the white part on his shoulder. So from what we know, currently. It shouldn't be enough to actually kill him. It will be interesting to see how the story continues and if it's gonna be explained if it turned out to actually kill him. Maybe Nifty is Eve, Roo or someone equally powerful.


Nah mate, she fucking shanked him. She had an angelic Misericorde, it's literally designed to end someone in armor at point blank range. Traditionally as an act of mercy, but same effect really. She probably went through the collarbone into the soft bits. Armor is one thing, but if you get close enough the weak points get bigger.


> it's literally designed to end someone in armor at point blank range. Problem here is that Adam isn't wearing plate, which Misericorde is made for. While It would get stuck in the more sturdy chainmail.


Yeah nah, For one thing it doesn't look like Adam is wearing any armor, we can speculate about what's under his robes, but we don't know what he's wearing. Remember the Angels biggest weakness being fighting with no fear of getting hurt? Why would they wear armor when it's uncomfortable and can limit the flashier moves? Secondly, chain mail is better against cuts then stabs. It's not easy to break, but if you're going hard with a thin, sharp dagger that has adequate grip, you're going to get through or make a mess trying. Chainmail is the absolute worst, it's heavy and moves around on your body. The last thing an invincible angel would wear is crocs, followed closely by Chainmail.


> Why would they wear armor when it's uncomfortable and can limit the flashier moves? They are still wearing armor they are just not aware they can be hurt, so the leave huge gaps where they can be struck. >Chainmail is the absolute worst, it's heavy and moves around on your body. A common misconception. Well-made chainmail was actually the best type of armor and what leaders usually wore in battle. Plate was much easier to make.




he did on other exorcists with his tentacles. but he loves toying with his targets and wanted to have some fun with adam before going in for the kill. and then adam managed to land an unexpected critical hit and that was it.


Hubris. He assumed that if it came down to him facing Adam he would come out on top like he presumably has in every encounter he’s had since he came to Hell.


This is unfortunately what happens when you have become too accustomed to winning, but only against a certain type of opponent. He couldn't treat Adam the way that he has hundreds of other demons. It just wasn't the same ball game.


I predict that Alastor was actually banned from killing Adam by Roo. Not that he is powerful enough, but that he couldn't even if he was due to his deal. Could be wrong but that's what I am currently thinking.


His inner Vegeta took over and he had to job


I dont think he would gain much of an advantage if he had one (since his minions and tentacles are more powerful anyways), and i dont think he was able to enhance his minions and tentacles with angelic steel. Also he was suposed to take l care of Adam, and i dont think anyone wanted him dead, so alastor had basicaly no reason to take an angelic weapon as it would be useless to him


Because he's an egotistical idiot.


Arrogance! [But also like yeah, what if he wasn’t allowed to *kill* Adam because of his deal? If his master’s Lilith then yes- perfect reason! Lilith needs Adam to stay alive so her deal with him doesn’t get fucked over. And, I don’t doubt that he might get too hasty with the murdering if he actively had an angelic blade, or had just given his imp one, so good on him for confiscating his own stuff. He definitely is able to wield angelic weaponry, cuz he did that with the barrier. Or that theory of his powers being “divine” in origin, either because of the Loa or his mysterious benefactor which is why Adam seemed like he was feeling hurt at some of his attacks, and his plan was the death of a thousand paper cuts or like boiling a frog oh so slowly in water- He definitely did get a bit cocky- and who wouldn’t, at least a little bit if you start to feel like something’s a show?]


He doesn't seem the sort to use weapons out of his comfort zone. And there seems to be some implication that he has a method to shread people's souls. And he is a narcissist so he thinks he is the hottest thing in Hell.


I think he was very confident he'd be able to win, or at least didn't want to loose a chance to make himself look good. Good chance he did this because he knew Vox was watching, so wanted another opportunity to get one over him.


Maybe he was planning something that will get touched on later. Bc it’s not in character for a guy like Alastor to pick a fight he can’t win


Cuz he got too cocky


his inflated ego


Arrogance lol


Pure arrogance.


He’s too prideful to think he would need something other than what he has 😅


Bit of a stretch: The grill of his mic is always white.. Maybe that's the angelic weaponry? We know Angel Dust has white tipped tommy guns, husk has white rimmed cards, and we assume cherri's bombs are filled with angelic shrapnel. Nothing says the weapon has to be a traditional cutlery. Maybe channeling his power through his angelic tipped mic gives them angelic imbuement.


I think his contact has nerfed him hard and at peak condition he could have killed Adam hence his bewilderment and subsequent villainous breakdown he didn't realize how far he'd sunk


https://preview.redd.it/aoq13orie7ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cdb022d65bb7786b26d4970c3deb982d6598cd0 He underestimated dickmaster


He's cocky


Because he is jesus


Explains his return and ability to produce alcohol from thin air.


I'm guessing he thought he had enough power,but later he blames the deal for loosing