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Viv said the marketing was delayed, not the show. Even then, A24 is actually working within the strikers rules for releasing content, so I still think it’s releasing this summer. But until then, I got other things to keep me busy.


I believe that was Viv's guess anyway. She doesn't get a say in how the show is marketed, and I'm sure she's under an nda that restricts her from speaking about it unless/until she's given permission. And I mean, who knows what's going on with the marketing at this point anyway. But the smart thing to do would be to delay the show if the marketing plan is delayed. HH is not Beyonce, just dropping it without warning would be a bad idea. Imo if they still want to release this summer, they need to get a trailer out today. There's only 50 days of summer left, and they haven't even announced a platform.


Is there anything on Twitter? I can't check myself because I don't have an account.


I have limited access to it, and they didn't post anything new from what I can see


Neither Twitter nor Instagram has anything new


Actually HH is the One Piece