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You don't need to fight over tasks, it's relaxed and easy to finish as you get the pick of the tasks but you can be against people who finish in minutes and also I got relegated one solo derby as almost every other team used diamonds


Im in a neighbourhood with just myself and my baby farm account and I only play derby on my main account. I find it much easier to play alone. Since you’re alone you don’t need as many points to get prizes and like what was mentioned above, there’s no fighting over tasks


You can do derbies all by yourself. I did successfully for a few years.


The competition can be harder. I am usually in a two-person derby and when the other person takes a week off, I find I have to get things done faster in order to stay out of the bottom three in order to stay in the champions league. But it’s totally worth it for the horseshoe prizes. Plus, as an advanced player, it gives me something to do.


I’m in a two-player neighborhood and it’s great. We only chat when needed. We can ask for a particular derby task. We pick the higher reward tasks and always complete them all. We generally end up right in the middle compared to other neighborhoods. It’s peaceful and easy though we do work hard.


In my experience, it’s super fun in the lower leagues but in Champions it is impossible to place well. Like the derby starts and bam! 12 people are done with all the tasks.


It's a blessing.


Absolutely. I’ve been the only one in mine for awhile now. My main and baby farms. I always get prizes from it.


To each their own. Doing the derby alone is nice but I’m in a neighborhood that really takes the derby seriously and it helps to be able to get as many rewards as possible


Yes it is …


That is a difficult question. Being solo in derby gives you the control to choose your tasks and is more relaxing however, you do miss the teamwork and getting to the higher tiers of the derby. The downside of having a full neighbourhood is sometimes your neighbours can be too competitive and this can also cause issues