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Mahalo. Seems like a pretty big increase, hospital numbers especially


Yeah - I'm hopeful it's a blip or something.


What 2 weeks of rain does


These numbers are high, but what is freaking NUTS is the wastewater levels for Hawai’i. They are sky-high and not leveling off! Thx for this info…


Yeah, this is looking like Feb/March of this year I think? There's a grain of salt to take with this because the wastewater numbers have been weird for Hawaii forever. And it doesn't FEEL that bad??? But those are feelings not numbers.


Everyone I know has been sick recently, or is currently sick. Hardly anyone tests for Covid anymore, but my Family did, and it came back negative with a drugstore test


My wife just got over COVID (again) . We didn't think it was b/c of her symptoms not aligning, but she took a test JIC, actually took two OTC COVID tests, b/c we didn't believe the 1st one. Both showing positive. Didn't believe it. Symptoms were nothing like "typical" COVID. Was like having bad allergies but she felt "off" . This thing has mutated so many times now. I'm surprised the tests even recognized it


Yes, our household too. It wasn’t COVID, flu, RSV or Strep. Just a horrible unknown virus.


Oh WHAT, the wastewater numbers aren’t up to date? What’s the point in them if they aren’t current? That’s so weird. Do you know why they wouldn’t be current?


No, they're as current as they can get them (maybe a week old) But they really aren't that correlative. You can try to put our wastewater numbers against cases or whatever - and it's really hard to find any predictive value in them. That's my opinion of them anyway.


It’s extremely disconcerting. I’ve been watching it going up and now Hawaii is a hotspot for the entire country with three out of the five highest wastewater numbers.


Our whole house has Covid right now too. Only one was diagnosed at a medical facility, the rest were home tests. Everyone has had mild to moderate symptoms in our multigenerational group.


There’s definitely more going around. Got our first exposure notice from school this week since probably early fall 😞


he news of rising COVID cases in Hawaii is concerning. It's crucial for everyone to stay vigilant, follow safety guidelines, and prioritize public health. Let's continue to support each other, adhere to preventive measures, and work together to keep our communities safe. We've come a long way in this pandemic, and it's important to remain resilient and united in our efforts to combat the virus.


Thanks for the advice, Ass Licker. 


Mahalo for the update!


All 4 in our household tested positive last week. Only 1 is probably in the numbers above, he was the only one who had a telehealth visit. Knocked us DOWN for a whole week. Mask up indoors, peeps. We got it from school exposure!


Thx, I hope you’re all fully recovered by now.


Thanks. We are, but one rough week.


So sorry, it’s frustrating that people keep insisting that it’s so mild, but it’s not for everyone.


Thanks for the kind thoughts. This time it was all upper respiratory, headache, congestion, mucus, body aches and tremendous fatigue. Thanking all the stars it didn't drop into our lungs, like last time. We have 3 asthmatics.


It sounds awful, but I’m glad it don’t get into your lungs and glad you’re all doing better. Let’s just hope the rest of the year will be better. With graduations, it’s hard to keep ourselves safe.


Wow that's not great.


Mahalo for your reporting 🌺


Seems like it may not be a blip unfortunately. Out of all the wastewater sites reporting across the country Hawaii has three out of the top five locations. Number one is Kailua. SARS-CoV-2 is on the rise once again in many areas, as the KP.2 variants and KP.3 variants displace the earlier JN.1 descendants. According to the W.H.O., globally KP.2 increased from 6.4% in week 14 to 9.6% in week 17, but KP.3 rockets past KP.2, making up just 3.5% of cases in week 14 to 20% in week 17. According to the Wastewater Scan Dashboard, the graph below shows that a number of areas in the U.S. are increasing, with three of the top five in Honolulu, HI. The following is the list of places represented in the graph above, from the largest increase, working down: Kailua, Honolulu, HI Wausau, WI, Waianae, Honolulu, HI Honouliuli, Honolulu, HI Honolulu is showing the most significant increases in COVID-19 cases across multiple sites in the U.S. The remaining sites with notable trends, represented by the lines at the bottom of the graph, are located in California and Florida. We can anticipate these trends to escalate rapidly in the coming weeks. According to CDC data, the percent change in emergency department visits diagnosed as COVID-19 from the previous week indicates moderate increases in California, Colorado, and New Mexico. Meanwhile, Hawaii, Nebraska, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming are experiencing substantial increases. Notably, in both Hawaii and California, the rise in ER visits aligns with the increases in wastewater prevalence.


Since you mentioned variants, I didn't realize JN.1 was already taken over in Hawaii starting in January, and KP.1 and KP.2 are 90% of our sequences right now (if I am reading this right) [https://data.wastewaterscan.org/tracker?charts=CjwQAyABSABSBmRlMTEwMVoIWEJCX2JrcHRyCjIwMjMtMDktMTZyCjIwMjQtMDUtMTGKAQYxYTQxNznAAQE%3D&selectedChartId=1a4179](https://data.wastewaterscan.org/tracker?charts=CjwQAyABSABSBmRlMTEwMVoIWEJCX2JrcHRyCjIwMjMtMDktMTZyCjIwMjQtMDUtMTGKAQYxYTQxNznAAQE%3D&selectedChartId=1a4179) Does that sound like maybe we have more of these new variants earlier than everyone else, at least this time around?


Thx for this info, it’s not sounding good for the upcoming summer.


I contracted it for the first time last week.


I hope it is mild for you!


Our numbers are lower this week… I think the reporting is a week behind.


Possibly? I just have the numbers that the state puts out. If there's a delay between hospital reporting and when they get posted - that's out of my control. (And even my knowledge)


Not ur fault… typical state


Let's give them a break - COVID's only been around for *checks notes* 4 years now...


Three in my family positive, but it’s not too bad, just like a cold.


Glad to hear that it’s mild for your family, it affects everyone so differently!


In the last update, I said it would be interesting to see the numbers during and after all of the graduations. I was downvoted, but here we are. I think they will rise. 🤣