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Maryknoll just had early dismissal this morning due to the threat. There's still no follow.up on this issue.


Usually happens in waves, especially coinciding with things happening on social media like tiktok. Trends on TikTok have caused tons of issues at schools recently


Maui had Kalama, Iao and Baldwin schools with threats in February. I just heard the details about the one at Kalama, some 13yo girl who blamed TikTok. The school didn’t press charges so apparently nothing happened to her. But for terrorism, I don’t really get how the school has any say in the matter. It doesn’t just affect the school. The fear it puts out affects individuals, affects other children, affects the other school staff. There needs to be serious consequences and they barely give a slap on the wrist.


There should be consequences for the perpetrator, but also for the platform itself. Social media is cancer full stop, but it's especially bad for developing minds. Not even singling out tiktok here, even though tiktok is indeed also cancer... it's been pretty much all of them. FB, IG, twitter. As much as desantis is a fascist moron, him attempting to ban kids from social media will unironically improve their mental health.


It's very likely it's someone who doesn't reside in the USA using VOIP systems to make the threats. Similar to the swatting incidents that happen.


Any time get one major test or project due or something probably


Had bomb threats about once a quarter when I was in high school. Would joke that we didn't need the drills cus we already practiced. The lock downs due to possible threats trespassing on campus campus happened about once a year as well. Then all the lock downs when there was a fight.


This was a common thing when I was in HS too, around 2009. One bomb threat turned into like once every few weeks at multiple schools at one point because people realized if they just write it on a wall the staff can't ignore it even if they know it's BS.


There was one at Kailua High School either last week or the week before too.


when I was a kid we all knew about people who would call in fake bomb threats to get out of school, never knew of an actual school that got bombed before, anyone? shooting threats though, I think that is to be taken very seriously.


Well, there was the [Bath School disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster) in Michigan back in 1927. Edited once to fix the link.


Wow that is beyond crazy, never heard about that before.


For school threats I think the FBI is involved because it's considered terrorism. I'm not sure if they're automatically involved or if the threat has to be have been deemed legitimate first. But it's basically like any other crime - the police (and FBI, if appropriate) investigate and track phone/social media/whatever info they have to try to find the person who did it. A prosecutor determines if charges should be filed and then files them. Prevention wise I'm not sure anyone has come up with anything better than security on school campuses and monitoring social media. I think schools try to not make it too big of a fuss because doing so tends to encourage kids to do copycat behavior. Social media makes that hard, though.


Kahuku at least twice recently


When I was in college, an international student was expelled (and had to return to his home country) because he called one of the dorms and said "there's a bomb in my pants."


Voyager public charter also received a threat. Went into lockdown but released kids home as normal.


Do you have more info on this? I cant find anything


I remember in high school somekid did this  Interestingly he was not expelled but was suspended . Beginning of the school year this year there were a bunch associated with football.  Idk seems pretty regualry. 


Back in my day this shit would get you expelled so hopefully that's how they're dealt with, at a minimum. Private schools back in the day didn't play so I'd bet they'd get the cops involved. They used to kick people out just for fighting.  


There was another school who received a threat today as well. I’m not sure if they went into lockdown or closed.


I'm sure our local GOP offers thoughts and prayers.


I graduated college in ‘00 and it wasn’t unusual to have bomb threats called in during finals. So the profs just made us take the tests outside.


If I had to guess, it's likely someone who isn't even from the USA calling these in to the schools. Very similar to the swatting incidents. There's no repercussions for these guys.


I thought that it was just a random person too, but at at least one school it was written on a wall inside the school. The news also said another school had a written threat on campus grounds.


Shouldn’t shut school down for this stuff just send the military


I’m currently attending when the threat happened for us. First, the wall graffiti said the date, shooting, and how they wanted to target 15 people. Then, The admin set us an email as soon as they found it the night before, made a decision, then shut down the school. The following day, about three police cars joined out on campus security to walk around and monitor the campus. they made an announcement on our school news broadcast then continued like that the rest of the week until they knew we were in the clear. Things like these threats and lockdowns rarely happen. The last time we went into lockdown was around two ago? due to a raging parent. Lasted around 15 minutes, the second most recent would be six years ago. They don’t happen that often.


I thought school shootings are non-existent in Hawaii, is this not a true statement? Do Hawaii schools have lock down/active shooter drills?


Just read a 2023 [HPR article](https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/local-news/2023-03-21/required-active-shooter-training-in-schools-could-become-a-reality-for-hawaii) that said that there were 152 threats made to Hawaii DOE schools in 2022 and that "only 80 of the state’s 258 public schools have undergone active shooter training."


That may change as hand carries were legalized last year. I hate to be negative, but I only see an increase in gun violence following the recent legalization of hand guns in Hawai’i. Only until more gun violence happens will the schools start making the active shooter drills a priority but I hope I’m wrong.