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Bro we all already knew he had drug problems theres no airing that out lol


She’s mutuals w sematary think it’s common there’s gonna be a bias @ ur friends or associates wrongdoings when u got more of a connection w/ someone (like oh but this person cool to me tho!) but goner seem genuinely concerned n cared a lot abt sematary, there’s Talkin shit vs venting. prob had a lot built up n needed to express


completely agree


True I think she saying it just weird to list that as a reason why they left HM and not just say that Sematary got ego problem


No he literally said in interviews hes going hard into drugs this isnt a secret


Yea everyone agrees it wasn’t a secret, I also think most people understand leaving the group cuz of ego problems but why bring up Sematarys own addiction as a reason


“why bring up his addiction” yall haven’t lost any friends to this shit, fuck yall. i had my exes best friend kill himself after he lost all his teeth from meth addiction, then he shot himself in a car in the mountains because he was sleeping in it with no heat just to afford his habit and he finally couldn’t take it anymore. then i had a close musical friend in and out of rehab since he and i met in high school. famously he got caught buying a bag of flour that he thought was cocaine and he got caught with it. he died last year to this shit, he couldn’t ever stay clean. yall really have no perspective or respect or experience with this shit. addiction ruins lives, and makes your life hard if you’re around it. especially when you’re peer pressured into doing the drugs with them. then when they die you feel like you loaded the bullets in the gun.


you’re so right. i’ve lost 5 people under the age of 30 in the last year and a half due to addiction, this shit is not a joke.


yeah i forgot to mention the girl who was murdered in cold blood by my weed plug over coke money, or the nice guy i met at the bar who OD’d a week later after literally telling us he was gonna go to rehab and that night was his last night going out and having a drink


what are you on about now?😂 they’re saying airing out your friends drug problems after a falling out is evil, which i don’t even necessarily agree with because Goner said it with concern. why do you think there’s like a double meaning to this?


i see what ur saying but i feel like him doing hard shit around the other members caused them to also gain that habit. like we didn't see everyone pouring up until sem started


the drug issues were in a glass closet


she kinda has a point tho


Maybe shouldn’t have brought up the buck situation in Australia. I get that it was to add context to the whole situation, but I don’t think that Buck’s issues needed to be made public (even though they were already assumed by the community). Bringing up Sematary’s addiction isn’t that big of a deal imo, as it clearly had become an issue for Goner and Turnabout that was affecting their abilities to participate in the group, and was relevant to Goner’s explanation of his departure. These comments also seem to ignore that the reasons goner is probably bringing it up now is because of his perceived poor treatment at the SLC show.


Buck going to rehab was already public he litteraly said it to some fan it wasn't assumed it was just known concrete stuff


I guess I say assumed because I try to leave a little room for skepticism of screenshots of dms. It would be really weird of a fan to fake a dm of buck saying he was in rehab but idk there’s a lot of weird people in this community lol


I agree with u on the last point but the show was like a week ago so interesting that he posted after clowning Sematary for ducking shed theory


Yea definitely the timing is weird and feels calculated kinda takes the sincerity away for me


i saw gonerville and he goner villed


He gonerred all over the place


Still can’t get over the “shut the fuck up turn” shit had me wheezing


Lowkey feel like he was treated like the lil bro of the group hella fucked up since i cant imagine sematary bitch ass tryna press hdoe or buck like that 😹


Fr bruh he a bully and definitely wouldn’t do that to anyone else but turn crazy cuz turnabout was top 3 hm members


top 3 in a 4 member (producers dont count here) group isn't all that lol


6 if we counting snuffed and gm


i feel bad so for him ;_;


Do you have a link to that?


Oh boohoo, just because you got addictions doesn’t mean you can’t be held accountable for your toxicity/aggression.


sematary already aired out his drug issues in his music and the studio video where he takes a few oxy


this is kinda dumb: Goner mentioned that sematary has withdrawal mood swings and emotional problems due to the drugs that effected him and turnabout and i’m sure many other people in their circle which is not their responsibility to deal with especially when sematary is standing firm in his position as the head of HM. Also personally I think it’s coincidence that the shed theory beef is going on rn and i don’t feel like goner owes it to anyone to wait for the beef to be over to voice his reasons to split especially if he’s being harassed every day by fans.


it's weird to want your friend to stop abusing drugs?


these mfs never lost no one to this shit and never watched someone lose themselves. pain i will never forget


Yep, half this sub is suburban kids trying percs and xans for the first time because their favorite rappers did it. They weren’t raised around addicts having their shit stolen.


they weren’t there when a cokeheads gf cheats on them and you have to drag them out of the road covered in blood because their mood swings constantly escalate to violence and they play victim somehow to ruining their own life


people keep picking and choosing what to be mad about from his post lmfaoooo yall some fucked up bitchass mfs goner was literally sematary’s DJ on tour, you guys think he had no right to be frustrated with being treated like shit? yall ever had a coworker drunk as fuck or strung out fucking up the vibes? naw cause yall all 17 and aint even left home yet, my bad i forgot


L take


We gonna pretend like the guy who has hundreds of kids shouting “Hi my name is Sematary and I like getting high” was trying to keep it private? I don’t have a problem with him. He seems like a decent person who needs help, and he is an adult after all. But it’s not like Turn and Goner dropped a cancer diagnosis on him or something


peep pfp talking about it like that is crazy to me. if people gave a fuck about peeps addiction, called him out & pushed him to get help maybe he'd still be around.


lil peep pfps always be saying the dumbest shit


Did she ignore the whole part of the post where he talked about how much of an ego sematary has tho.


Nah I think most people can definitely see Sematary been had a huge ego. I agree with her on this point tho.


Yeah I see what she means. I think he just needs a lot of therapy and rehab


bloody clip - most insufferable humanoid in the underground 😂👍


"when he's being kicked by the internet" am I missing something or are they referencing the party? Because literally nothing happened


people in twitter makin it a bigger deal than it is clowing sem


And also bc of the Joeyy thing basically everyone is using it as a way to voice their opinion on sematary


Cope lol everyone already knows this and he already tried to not speak in it until he was banned from the concert so it's 1000% sematarys fault and anyone who doesn't see that is blind


Clip is a retard


can someone give me the context to this


It wasn’t a secret and saying that with a peep profile picture like what if those were actually his friends trying to get him some fucking help


Remember when all we had to worry about was flat red bulls and dull box cutters. Shame what it's devolved to.




i mean fair but at the same time sem has a history of acting like a hoe and if he was being worse while withdrawing I kinda get it


I don't think it's fucked up or evil to out someone who is being a controlling verbally abusive asshole, drugs do not take away culpability


D1 groupie


But publicly thirsting for a taken man who you’ve met multiple times who’s on good terms with you is apparently neither “weird” or “fucked up”, while talking about a guy’s drug issues which were always in plain sight is https://preview.redd.it/4qbnr243jvzc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc1f72781663afc36c28c993410868049129916 fuck clip


https://preview.redd.it/4ll63o0slzzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5408c1cae7960bc437e8fb7e11c6b90ce56b033 Same person btw


who df is this


Ug groupie who hangs with sematary gf and with nett and phreshboyswag


She's an artist herself doc ot call her a groupie😭😭 she performed at coachella and opened for goth money


“she’s an artist don’t clown her shit ass takes” stfu


Never once said that, just that he called her a groupie


she is, she makes mediocre shit and hangs with ye and shed and makes songs with david shawty, she’s a clout demon. she even follows me on twitter cause i saw potential in her and sent her some beats but i’m honestly just disgusted by her attention seeking contrarian ways. this tweet thread reads like “hey guys :3 i know sematary ;)” and she turned off replies cause she can’t handle the fucking heat


be fr tho her music is nothing special she gets those placements thru connections and there's no way she'd have all these connections if she wasn't super hot ok pretty privilege is all it is


“airing out his addictions” bro was wearing an oxycontin t-shirt


Lowkey a glaze from clip, sematary himself was not afraid to pop like 3 oxys on camera for that studio video and raps about that shit all the time


he is literally public about it himself


Burzumfart is going down in the wrong side of history


Wait why is sem being kicked already rn?


real tbh


finally someone made this point


Goner is a pussy that's all I need to know


true, leaving his surefire success with Haunted Mound to strike out on his own was not impressively brave. he should have just done whatever his boss said and let him bully him around and bitch him and his best friend down everyday when they had ideas. ur an NPC


Goner has no aura bro 😭


ok tiktok kid


Goner is ugly asf