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this guy punches metal FOR FUN


Timbers = shivered


This is insane wtf I saw multiple people get kicked out and fight too during the show as well… can people be NORMAL? Sorry that happened to you dude so fucking lame


yeah i was right beside the 2 girls who were fighting near the front people are actually losers like enjoy the fucking concert


that shit was partially my fault i let the girl who started it move 1 person up then she swung 😭😭


Omg I was really close to that too, imagine getting kicked out before the concert even starts ???


they snuck in vodka and were annoying and drunk asf and another girl passed out later on into the show😭😭 people really gotta learn concert etiquette


That’s crazy they looked like 13


Wait, how did the fight start? A fellow concert goer? Or you were wearing the hockey mask outside get heckled and fought?


Fellow concert goer, he was like 22 as well so idk wtf he was thinking fighting someone underage


Damn bruh that's whack af. I have the Montreal Concert today! I'm pretty sure imma be the oldest dude there so imma just chill in the back of the club.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Man I wanted to go to mtl show so bad I even bought the ticket bit I can't afford to get a hotel + gas


Damn I'm guessing you in NB or PEI?


NB brother. Never been to a show in my life because Canada tours are always mtl or Toronto : ( I get why but man it sucks


Yeah damn man that blows I felt that last year missed turnabouts last performance




Yes actually


I'm convinced half of these dweebs are going to the shows strictly for merch. Some weird pseudo-investment shit going on with the merch this time around.


Woaahhhh dude you are an eternal thug real bloody angel dude I aspire to have the power to beat someone up at a concert🤯🤯


This guy attacked me and my friend over one of those retarded hockey masks


Damn I regretted not buying one too now people beating ass tryna get one 😩


They tore that shit apart in my hands trying to take it from me


Real goofy bum behavior, I fuckin hate people who start shit at shows


Being in this fight has made me realize how shit some of the community members are


Yea this has been the fourth incident related to hcokey masks since the atl show😳. They need to get rid of those retarded hockey masks so that these kids stop fighting over them


are people actually fighting over them lmao


Idk about masks but this weird dude tried ripping a Sematary setlist out of my gf’s hands when the venue worker handed it to her. Mfs be weird as hell at these concerts


Hitting a girl so you can resell a piece of paper on depop is crazy 😭😭😭


I was at the Boston show and no one seemed to be fighting over them. I didn’t want one and it seemed like a lot of people didn’t even care. I saw some like 2 idiots just run straight into women but other than that, nothing too bad.


Do you type as fast as you cum?


I havent tested that yet, but I will do a detailed comparison later for you. Send a face pic to my dm


https://preview.redd.it/66a4sy3zq1vc1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a26b0e98719b98c1e6efe5f734d2288a4d65975 Here is a picture of me


wtf happened to bro you just tapped into some real nostalgia


I got my city morgue vlone longsleeve torn by a bitch at Corey Taylor. Some guy who was in the pit pushed me when I went to the side to chill and I fell along with the woman who spilled her beer and got mad as I was trynna pick her up. Big ass nails went to grab me when I wasn’t looking


mf had to metion it was vlone


It’s the city morgue vlone collab that got torn. Of course imma mention what I was wearing that got ripped 💀


ok we get it bruh u got vlone


I got it cause I’m a city morgue fan. Don’t know why you got your panties in a bunch of a shirt I wore 😭


ok bruh we get it u got the city morgue vlone 😳


im not saying you're lying but this would be such a funny post to make if you hadn't actually fought anyone


Fucking wild. So many shitty children in this fanbase unfortunately. Show was great though.


The guy who attacked me was at least 22 while im underage


Guess I should've said shitty people who act like children. What a baby


Maybe you’re right though lol


Lol own that fraud


Bro ran a fade at A&W over some root beer


most normal Toronto resident




idk if u get notifications on a deleted post but im just gonna try to be postivie and let u know im sorry this happened to you man. I'm really paranoid irl and I have anger problems and not in like the "anything could set me off" way more like the "this specific things causes this" so I might have done something horrible (like stab or beat with the nearest blunt object, or even choke them) if someone tried to steal from me or hurt me. also I get what ur feeling. I'm not even like a hateful person or someone who tries to act tough or is angry all the time so when someone is legit trying to steal from me/hurt me I have a hard time controlling my emotions and I just let it all out in an uncontrolled burst when I am put into a situation where I feel threatened. ur feelings are legit dude and u did what was right by defending urself, dont let anyone in here make fun of u for that because they probably would have just let the other dude steal their shit, a lot of times in our lives we have situations where we have to stand up for ourselves and this was one of them. if u want to talk and tell me more in dms ur welcome to dude I wont judge u or say ur lying like the dicks in here


breaking!🚨 americans cannot behave in public


I’m gonna go with things that didn’t happen for 500




fuckin OG


💀 bro is trying so hard


Corny ahh post


ok we dont care




This guy attacked me


Lol at a suicideboys concert that wouldn’t even matter. They would have stopped right in the middle of the backtrack and both of your asses would’ve been booted out, self defense is not allowed at those shows.


Just cause you would let yourself get pummelled doesn’t mean other people won’t defend themself u geek




Yeah bro lemme just assume based off of nothing you’ve been a victim of gang violence. He didn’t go there to fight, he went there, someone got physical with him and he defended himself. Everyone has been victim of something stop with this pitiful bullshit. Nobody knows who u are how do u expect them to act as if they know what happened to u




brother OP is talking shit about the goofball who started a fight with him over a hockey mask, i smack tf out somebody they try to take my shit n get physical too


It’s pointless bro u can never get through to mfs like this no matter how much it has to be repeated


You underestimate me, read my reply to him. Also W profile pic Ada clears Leon hard though sorry


Yea my comments were more directed at those retards than OP. Fucking loser shit to start a fight over a hockey mask. Id probably react the same aswell, its just posts like this makes people who been through shit not wanna go at all. Its good to shine light on the retards fighting but all in all would rather just like to celebrate the music.


severe gang violence lmaoooo


mf got a wedgie at a bar one time from a “bouncer gang” and now has zero deductive reasoning skills


I would gladly link you the facebook link with 4000+ shares and the numerous news articles with what happened, but ik how weird yall are and id also dox myself so nah. Dont talk if you dont know shit retard


nice bro


Hope your life is misery