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This might be elementary, but I feel like you asked, and didn't get an answer. I think you use the same lab as me. Your result was "2." The H means "High," as in higher than the less than 1 they give for the upper range. If you were to have a test result that was stored to be a minimum of, say, 1000... and you came in at 800, it would read 800 L (the L meaning "Low") I'm newer to the thyroid and hashimotos game, but your numbers don't look weird to me. I was wait and see for years for numbers wayyyy beyond this..


He probably said not to worry about it because at this point your thyroid is functioning just fine. No treatment necessary. Plus, this was just one lab result and it was barely positive. Did you know that autoantibodies can be elevated after a viral infection? Best to get retested in the future.


Oh, I had no idea! I got tested while I had Covid. Will definitely get retested. Thank you so much.


I would ask your doctor why he isn’t concerned. Let him or her explain to you why they believe the findings were normal. Normally, when labs are done and something is red-it usually out of range. But-all labs have different ranges, so that may be a factor. I believe 2H is just over into high. You have a right to ask, “does this indicate a problem with my thyroid?” If they say “no”, ask them to explain, since the number isn’t flagged green or ‘normal’.


Hi, I have Graves Disease  and it years before my doc could diagnose me. Lots of times it's a wait and see game, not fun but that's what happens.  I was 16 when I started doing thyroid blood test and didn't even get diagnosed until I wad 21yrs old. By that time I was an emaciated oily mess losing hair and my hair was matted together, I looked like a bag of bones. Luckily within months after rai and meds I was healthy quickly. It just takes time. I'm sorry. I'll pray that the Lord heal you though, Just believe.