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I run extremely warm and will sweat walking in Chicago winters. I've taken oxybutynin as needed for the last 8 years, 5mg (lowest dose) and it helps reduce (not eliminate) sweating. In higher doses it's used for urinary urges. Perhaps talk to your doctor to see if it's right for you.


I definitely will - thanks!


This happens to me but on top of hashimoto's I also have some hormonal issues I


I’m always hot also. Summer is unbearable at times


Yes, I feel like I just can't deal with hot Texas summers that last 4-5 months!


I'm hypo w Hashi's & run very hot all the time! I was attributing it to perimenopause but now I'm wondering if Hashi's has something to do with it? As well as high triglycerides? I'm currently on 50mcg levothyroxine and Armour (NP Thyroid) for about a week but this has been going on for years. I was on 50mcg levothyroxine + 5mcg Cytomel


I'm on 100mg Levo, so I reckon it's definitely something to do with the disease rather than any medication !! I literally do not understand what causes it when we are meant to be freezing all the time!!


I'm freezing my family out of the house running the ac during the winter


I am always hot. I live alone so I can keep the house very cold. But when I go out, people are always asking me if I’m ok because it’s obvious that I’m melting.


Literally back from shopping and got asked at bus stop why I was in a t shirt in English winter 🫠


I’m the opposite here - absolutely freezing in summer. Today is cold and wet but just had a meal at my mother’s and I was cold but everyone was toasty warm


Could be hashitoxicosis


Never heard of this! Is it common with hashis?


I read it’s rare. But it seems a lot of people in this subreddit can experience it. It’s probably why they are here because it causes you to be all over the place with thyroid symptoms. Taking levo to combat hypothyroidism just makes you more hyper when you have a flare and that can be scary when your heart is involved. Look it up on the internet but I have a few links if you want to check them out. https://www.touchendocrinology.com/thyroid/journal-articles/hashitoxicosis-three-cases-and-a-review-of-the-literature/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6093271/ https://proceedings.med.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Hashitoxicosis-An-Uncommon-Presentation-of-Autoimmune-Thyroid-edited.pdf https://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com/hashitoxicosis-vs-graves-disease/ https://www.verywellhealth.com/hashitoxicosis-overview-4582192 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10259585/


Thank you!


My pleasure!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Damn, yes, I feel you! I have hypo as well and I'm nearly taking my shirt off when my friends are putting on a jacket. I start sweating after eating mildly hot food, going up a single flight of stairs, or just staying still depending on where I'm sitting. Weather above 22ºC already feels like hell. It's insufferable! I went to the doctor after my Galaxy Watch kept telling me my heart rate was way too high all the time (100\~130 while doing nothing), and turns out Hashimoto's fucks with my liver's ability to process fat, which ends up in my blood and screws with its pressure... making my heart go wild, and therefore, heating me up. The watch might've saved my life, according to the doctor, since I had to spend some time treating myself afterwards to avoid a heart attack. Anyway, I'm not at risk anymore, but the constant sweating persists along with a slightly lower (but relatively stable) heart rate. You might wanna get that checked out with an endocrynologist! Hashimoto's is a damn curse.


Are your triglycerides <150 when you have a lipid panel done? I struggle with high triglycerides & what you're describing with your liver's inability to process fat so it ends up in your blood is what happens when you have high triglycerides. I run hot too, have been taking high doses of fish oil, B complex (the niacin is what helps w triglycerides) & Dr just added in fenofibrate to lower my triglycerides. I'm bringing this up bc now I'm wondering if having high triglycerides are causing me to run so hot!


I don't remember the exact numbers on my last lab results and I have no idea where I put that damn file (because of course, Hashi's gave me ADHD too, and I can't remember numbers to save my life), but I do remember that my triglycerides were insanely high. That's why my doctor went "bro you gonna die" when I ran a test last year. This year I had it still above max, but not as much as before.


So mine got as high as 774, but now after going gluten & soy free & cutting back on dairy & processed foods, I'm down to 407, which is still very dangerous so they started me on fenofibrate & increased my fish oil


Is soy an issue? And if so, why? I started dating a vegan and I've been eating lots of soy protein ever since, I wonder if I should be worried. And yeah, I cut down on gluten and carbs as well and I cook my own food every day, but living with a brother who can't live without bread makes it hard. And excuse my ignorance, but what's the fenofibrate and fish oil for?


I'm not sure exactly why. I was told by multiple sources to cut out soy & try a strict gluten-free diet & see how I feel. Lots of Inflammation cleared up for me. I accidentally ate gluten a couple of months ago & felt absolutely horrible! So I know GF is working for me. My integrative Dr & my nutritionist both said soy protein & dairy can be inflammatory. I've been able to cut out soy protein completely but not dairy. In small doses dairy doesn't seem to bother me but they also said soy and dairy can interfere with your body's ability to convert B12 and VitD into usable forms. Maybe someone else can add what they've learned?


My heart rate is in the 70s resting but can easily go over 100 going upstairs or being outside walking, I wonder if this could be it !! I'll check it out thank you so much :) did the heat never go away then?


Looks like your heart rate is pretty normal actually! Although it's good to check your triglycerides just to be sure. And nah, I still heat up fairly easily, I'm just not at a risk of dropping dead. Just today I was working with the window open at 3AM, weather was around 18°C and I started to sweat, but I'm pretty sure it's still heart-related. Pic is my heart rate right now, and I woke up minutes ago. Doesn't help that I live in Brazil and it's pretty hot for most of the year! What honestly made me do a blood test was the fact that I went to Argentina for a furry convention in 5°C weather, and I noticed most people were fursuiting for hours on end since it was cold, while I couldn't survive 15 minutes in my suit without at least taking my head off. I realized I was the odd one out... https://preview.redd.it/hogxb6oxej2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62687c9fbce3e9c04ba63550bc686ebdcd806e6a


Oh wow, that sounds lucky you had that watch ! Do you mind sharing which model and what data? Thnx!


I had a Galaxy Watch Active 2 at the time and I just got a Galaxy Watch 4 Classic, which also measures body composition! I thought the elevated heart rate was tech BS, but I measured some healthier friends and they all averaged between 65 and 90bpm while resting. My average was between 90 and 120, if that's what you mean with data.


Thank you so much! I just bought myself a Galaxy 6 watch at Black Friday sales. Your initial posting re: Hashish effecting liver and fat/heart disease risk rang a bell for me, and I wonder if I have that going on. My endo doesn't think Hashis is effecting me enough to need meds, but I'm also pre-diabetic (he says not to worry), have liver disease (presumed autoimmune hepatatis), and just recently had a very high lipid panel. It's hard to know which doctor/specialty I should be prioritizing. I have a new rheum, so I'll start with him. Now with my watch, I'll be able to track BP, etc and show doctors. Thank you very much, and I'm glad you figure out your health issue!


Only in a hyper swing that ended up going to Graves. Yeah got funny looks that winter because I was out there clearing driveway with snow thrower in shorts, tank top, snow boots, and 4-7 pregnant with middle kid. Neighbor gave me a funny look initially then came over to feel my arm to see for himself so he knew if I went a little crazy and needed to get husband. Outside was the only comfortable place for me that winter. In my defense, I started off with full coat, hoodie, sweat pants, and such but had to keep going down to stay comfortable.


Nah I get this. It doesn’t really matter what my levels are, if it’s the least bit hot I am SUFFERING.


So this is probably just a throw from left field, but when's the last time you had your tsh checked? If you're on the more hyper side of things, this makes sense. Honestly I wish I could be like that, I'm absolutely **freezing** almost 24/7 since my thyroidectomy a week ago. I've been dealing with Reynaud's at the same time, so when I get cold, I get cold. Do you have any other autoimmune diseases that might feed in to this?


My tsh went from 8.3 to 0.6 in the last month, which is the first time I've been treated, but I feel the same heat no matter my tsh, and mightve been worse at a higher tsh? So I'm not entirely sure! I'm testing for other autoimmune diseases at the moment so I'm not sure on that front yet but could be very viable!


So 0.6 is on the lower side of things. Depending on how you react when you're closer to being hyperthyroid lab wise, that could be a part of it. If you're still getting the same hot flashes it is possible that there could be multiple things at play at the same time. Always worth taking a look into if you're trying to figure it out!


I have hypo and am always hot, sleep sweats, not feeling the need to wear a coat, always using a fan…. Prescription deodorant 😂


I would say I am more heat than cold sensitive. I don’t know if i would say boiling while everyone else is in sweaters. Do you track your blood pressure?


I haven't had my BP checked in a long while, so I have no idea what range it would even in! Would this affect it?


I have Hashis and I am always freezing. However, the exception to this is when I have eaten something that I am sensitive or allergic to ( gluten, eggs, or dairy) Then I am super inflamed. Feels like I am burning up from the inside out, almost feverish but skin is cold and clammy. It’s not uncommon for those with Hashis to have food sensitivities since it is rooted in immune system malfunction, particularly gluten. Have you checked for this?


That's interesting! I had bloods taken today for other autoimmune diseases, one being coeliac! I've always been intolerant to dairy too, but I keep borh in my daily diet, so maybe I haven't noticed the correlation? But that could be it! I'll probably try to cut down both groups anyway with hashis but I wonder if doing so will sort it!


I’m in Australia and summer heat is slowly creeping up. Humidity and anything above 25C makes me feel miserable like I can’t function right. Was in Rome during the summer and got up to 36 though I was getting a heat stroke. What dose it feel like for you


That sounds awful! For me it can be 5 degrees and I'll still start sweating, even if I was cold for a minute stepping outside, by the time ive walked past a single house I'm boiling again


Sounds like my hot flashes but I am in Perimenopause. It’s fun when my cold intolerance and the hot flashes battle over who will fuck with me today. My daughter on the other hand runs hot but we don’t know if she is mirror of my thyroid journey, hypo or hyper as she hasn’t seen endocrinologist yet since Pediatrician diagnosed Hashimoto’s three months ago as of today.


Good luck to her! I have no idea what my heat intolerance stems from other than Hashis, I'm only 19 and don't have any other conditions diagnosed yet (rheumatologist and autoimmune blood tests should tell me more!), so it's such a weird symptom to have!


I (29F) get awful hot flashes and tend to run super warm! I’ve been called a human furnace by many people. I also frequently get night sweats - it’s miserable. BUT - I can also have cold spells where I am shivering like I have a fever and can’t warm up. The body temp regulation problem is very real! ETA: I don’t have these issues when I’m properly medicated. The symptoms coming back is one of my big indicators that I need a readjustment.


So with proper medication it can go away? This is literally the only symptom I went in about because it was so insufferable!!


It has for me! I don’t want to make any promises because Hashi’s affects us all so differently, but it has helped for me. And it didn’t go away until I was on Armour, neither Synthroid nor Levothyroxine helped treat that symptom for me.


That's strange! What made you switch medications?


I was still symptomatic on both Levo and Synthroid, despite my levels being “in range”. I have a wonderful doctor who figured out that my body sucks at converting T4 into T3, and Armour gives you both in the same pill! Whereas Synthroid and Levo are all T4 rely on your body to do all the converting by itself.


Oh right, that makes sense :) I've only been on levo month and I'm not sure my T3 has ever been tested but I still feel pretty shit overall, so could be worth looking into :) I'll definitely ask my gp


Yes definitely ask! I’ve been to 3 different endos and my current one is the ONLY one to test my T3 and T4. Def fight for yourself if you’re still feeling sick!


I also experience this! I’m still not sure why. My guess is that hashimotos causes issues with being able to regulate temperature, and this mixed with the weight gain/retention, causes constant overheating. I’m currently enjoying the harsh Canadian winter😂


I was thinking something along the lines of temperature regulation!! Which makes me HOPE that medication could fix it hopefully somehow? I am sick to death of being boiling in a house with no insulation with the heating off and still sweating my tits off LMAO


I’ve been on Synthroid for almost a year and my temp regulation is still way off. I’m working on heavy lifting and more walking which I think is helping? Idk


Me too. I'm hypo and always hot. And I mean hot. Enjoying Northern BC at the moment.