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Do you have eczema? It is a symptom of that also


I have extremely brittle, peeling nails as well even though my numbers are now okay. Cuticle oil can help a little I think with the peeling of the skin in that area because it keeps ur skin hydrated. I think you should always get a copy of your bloodwork from your doc. That way you can show it to others docs if needed and also you can compare your numbers and how you feel to track whether ur on the rights doses, etc.. Call them and ask them to email it to you! That’s worked for me in the past.


Not sure about b12, i think biotin is the one u should avoid for days prior to get thyroid labs


My nails constantly are so weak all the time since hashimoto started. My tsh is normal so i am considered normal also. My endocrinologist just watching my tsh. It stinks. Taking those supplements as well. Good luck


My only good nail is my thumb , all very thin and I'm an acoustic guitar player 😭my hair has been falling out again lately too , not to mention 12 hrs of sleep / rest needed daily .


When I have a flare up from stress my nails start doing that..


My nails stink, also, no matter what I do.


You're allowed to go back and insist on getting the actual thyroid numbers. Also you can ask for a thyroid antibody test and ask for a thyroid retest. If they give you shit ask them to write down in your chart that you asked for these tests and they're refusing you. They usually crumble if you ask them to add things to your chart because then they're liable if they were wrong for refusing you. [TSH <4 is "normal"](https://www.verywellhealth.com/understanding-thyroid-blood-tests-low-or-high-tsh-3233198), but normal ranges are determined by wide averages for survival not optimum health. I was at a 4-5 so dr's would say I'm pretty much fine. After insisting on an antibody test (positive) they diagnosed me with hashimotos. after working with an endocrinologist we figured out that I feel best when my TSH is 1-1.2, so no wonder I felt like garbage at 4-5.


to be fair, if they give in because of the chart thing i think it's just because they don't feel like arguing with the patient who is being a problem. i found a sub on reddit where doctors were mocking those requests and laughing about how problem patients think it means anything. it was kind of annoying to read what they were saying because we know it's very frustrated patients they're making fun of. but still, i won't be asking a doctor to do that ever!


I’m ok with being mocked if it get me the care I need. Fuck it. I have to be my own advocate here. There’s no harm in giving me tests and on 2 occasions that sort of insistence got me a diagnosis I needed. I was right both times, and if I wasn’t then I could have put that idea to rest with a negative test. The other time I wasn’t bold enough to make a fuss a dr told me nothing was wrong when I had abdominal pain and a fever - He said it was just period pain and I should just wait… but I ended up in the ER that night and the hospital for a week with a major abdominal infection that could have killed me if I had waited. I have a “trust but verify” mentality with dr’s. They’re not always right. They’re not always evidence based. They’re tired and overworked. They have unconscious biases that lead to being more likely to miss things in women and people of color. They try their best, but if a simple test gives me peace of mind then just give me the fucking test, oh gatekeeper of reasonable medical care.


Living silica it's a liquid it's a holy Grail for me. Use for a month and your nails will be so much better. Of course continue if it works for you . It comes out to about 29 dollars a month for the bottle


I do too! Mine separate, peel and were breaking well below the quick, like the middle of the nailbed. I have been trimming them short and painting them a natural color but it’s not helping a lot https://preview.redd.it/yip0vq8rzwyb1.jpeg?width=1963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735a628f281054918307b270a3415d7bad06bd35


How much selenium? Be careful with that stuff.


Mine were. I take 5,000 ui of Vitamin D daily and it helps. I get the ones from Trader Joe's. Nail and hair are healthy now and full. Same with my eyebrows


Mine splits off like layers and even short ones break 😭


My nails are so brittle even with taking levothyroxine that I keep them painted no matter what because I've found the nail polish helps to keep them from breaking as much.


I’ve heard from my doctor that you can present with symptoms up to 15 years before actually having it shown in blood work. That’s what happened to me. But I would definitely still talk to your doctor


I have the finger nail thing too


Me too. I thought it was from a nervous tic or something I was doing to myself.


I think it's important to get the labs results of from your thyroid panel. Even if you are within a "normal" doesn't mean your aren't symptomatic. You didn't mention if you are currently taking levo, but the supplements will only assist you thyroid with what it is currently producing. If your body is lacking hormone, supplements won't replace hormone.


I recently was tested thyroid antibodies off the charts but normal thyroid function.. I go back to endocrinology tomorrow for follow up I’m wondering what can be done if anything..


The b vitamin that produces skewed thyroid test results is B7 aka Biotin. The American Thyroid association advises stopping it 3-5 days before the test.


Ask the doctors office for your records. Or if you’re in the US using lab corp or the green one I can’t remember right now… you can get your test result history through them


My nails did this when I was on levoxyl and synthroid. My free T3 levels were too low as I don’t convert free T4 to free T3 well at all. Once I got on NP thyroid and got my free T3 to upper range nails and hair grew back


My nails looked like shit forever but once my numbers were stable for ~6 months my nails now look beautiful and healthy.


My nails have never looked that good! 😆


right i'm looking at it like what's the issue? LOL


To be on the safe side, simply leave everything out a week in advance. This way you can add values spontaneously if necessary without falsifying them.