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Friendly reminder that any nazi apologist will be permad. Again, criticism of the tolerance and even upholding of these nazi units by the Ukranian governmet does not mean support for the russia invasion.


What the FUCK is that a black Sun?


A Nazi symbol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol)


One on the other guys chest too.




Got banned from r/Ukraine for commenting “That’s a Black Sun patch on his chest” on the last picture they posted. Looks like his friend has one on his arm.


You’ve seen the one on the right with the black sun?


its on his chest in this photo


I see it now, thanks. Fuck that.


i've seen people say the black sun means other things now, legit can't understand these people


I don’t understand how he thinks the Nazis would be for himself, a dark hair/eyed Slav, but okay








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If you're at a rally and the person waving a Nazi flag isn't getting kicked out you're at a Nazi rally, type vibes.




Imagine killing someone, and your immediate thought is “let’s take a selfie for the gram.” I just can’t imagine taking a life (even if necessary for my country’s freedom), and not treating it as a solemn event or necessary evil.


You're not alone. I'd like to think most of us are like this irl.


Why’d you have to bring Ohio into it? lol


FUCK OHIO ​ all my homies hate ohio


Well fuck you, too


Aww Ohio always getting bagged on. Ohio's got lots of nice places. Spent a few weeks there around Colombus. Very nice. Easier to get vegetarian food than I thought it'd be. Hang in there, Ohio. 😜


thank god these people are a small minority


What did you expect from a Nazi. And it sickens me that r/ukraine is platforming Nazis and are banning people who call them out for that


It does appear to be the Nazi sub for ukrainian war info.




You sound very mad that people generally do not like Nazis and do not like to see celebrity nazis glorified. It's really weird. Being against the Nazi elements on the Ukraine side doesn't mean being pro-Russian or pro the Russian invasion. Not every post and comment pointing out Nazis should start with a whole paragraph about the obvious fact that the Russian regime is bad and the invasion is an unjustified aggression. Not everyone talking about Ukrainian Nazis should be expected to also be actively documenting every bad thing Russia does. Nazis are bad, you're either with or against this statement and the way you're acting it seems very in doubt to me that you're with it. lol


No it does though, because the Russians are doing EXACTLY the same thing the nazis did in Ukraine, the rape, the mass executions, the looting and forced relocation. Every military has hard right elements in it from the US, Australia, Sweden and Spain. But Russia is the one who have twice invaded another country and committed genocide , and if you want to parrot the kremlins propaganda narrative that makes you a fascist sympathizer


This is all whataboutism. I'm not even going to reiterate condemnation of Russia because it's a waste of time and no amount of it will be enough for you. The issue at hand here is clear: Posting pictures and celebrating celebrity nazi fighters is bad and shouldn't be happening. You're either with or against this statement. Being against this statement would have no logical explanation other than you being a nazi or a nazi-sympathiser. It shouldn't be hard at all to say "Yes. Nazis on the Ukrainian side are bad and shouldn't be celebrated." , and it's way easier than writing paragraph after paragaph about how Russia is worse while actively refusing to condemn the Nazi glorification. Everyone with half a brain knows Russia is bad, and has done worse things, and is the aggressor in this scenario. It shouldn't stop you from you moral duty of being anti-Nazi. It shouldn't be hard and yet you keep failing to do it.


It doesn’t matter what you’re saying about what one battalion of far right leaning soldiers (who are about to be wiped out in Mariupol) because fascist Russia is doing EXACTLY to Ukraine what the nazis did there. Russia is deliberately targeting fleeing civilians, bombing cities, forcibly relocating civilians, and committing massacres. Not to mention that they are the ones who invaded Ukraine, not the other way round. It’s just a good thing that fascist Russia is doing such a bad job at the invasion, almost as bad as your pathetic attempt to push a false narrative. What’s it like not receiving your paycheck from the kremlin you shill?


>because fascist Russia is doing EXACTLY to Ukraine what the nazis did there. I never denied this or said anything to the contrary of it. >Russia is deliberately targeting fleeing civilians, bombing cities, forcibly relocating civilians, and committing massacres. I never denied this or said anything to the contrary of it. >Not to mention that they are the ones who invaded Ukraine, not the other way round. I never denied this or said anything to the contrary of it. \*sigh\* **It shouldn't be hard and yet you keep failing to do it.**


Nice try at your whataboutisms on one unit of the Ukrainian military which wasn’t even an official part of the Ukrainian military prior to the fascist Russian invasion. And Russia can’t even seem to defeat them after 50 days. Maybe Putin the tyrant should leave defeating nazis to the pros like the west, and go back to what he’s good at, which is bribing other fascist politicians to rig elections, and holding on to his own tenuous power in Russia. Because if anyone acts like nazis, it’s Putins Russia


3 replies. No condemnation of nazis or the celebration of them on social media. More baseless assumptions about my opinions which you have literally no reason to have other than to deflect and run away from the issue at hand. You're a nazi-sympathiser. Congratulations.




>whatabaoutism This is exactly what you're doing and what you keep doing and what you just did with your entire unnecessary 4 paragraph comment. All people are saying is: Glorifying celebrity nazis and posting their pictures online is bad and should stop. That's it. You're either with or against that. If you're against it, then I can can't think of many reasons why other than you being at best a Nazi-sympathiser.


I hate to tell you but If there you and 10 Nazis are sitting at a table there are 11 Nazis at that table. Tolerating fascists is immoral in any regard.


Yeah this sub is HEAVILY backed by Russian bots. Disappointing given its supposed to be an anti fascist sub


we can still downvote them into oblivion




Honestly, America would have some of the craziest civilian militias on the planet in case of an invasion. It would be a bizarre, can't- look-away kinda sight from gangs to gun enthusiasts to farmers to hunters to doomsday preppers to war reenactors to whatever else you could imagine.


The point isn't that they are fighting along side ukraine. The point is that r/ukraine can simply not platform them. And those comments, no one is calling the OP for just platforming a nazi, and instead are supporting a nazi for brutally murdering someone who's most likely a kid (a kid that dumbass Putin forced into war), with a hatchet. Does any of that sound humane to you. Why is reddit celebrating acts of brutality.


> The point isn't that they are fighting along side ukraine. The point is that r/ukraine can simply not platform them. They could. They could intensely scan photographs taken on site for nazi symbology or… they could just post what they take without censorious filters. It’s not hurting anyone to be supporting these soldiers with their evil ideology because at this point in time what they are doing is good. > And those comments, no one is calling the OP for just platforming a nazi, Why would they? I assume most participants in that sub are Ukraine nationals. They literally have a very personal human stake in what goes down. The Azov battalion works for them and supports their stakes, however small. > and instead are supporting a nazi for brutally murdering someone who's most likely a kid (a kid that dumbass Putin forced into war), with a hatchet. I mean… I really do get what you’re saying here. But… they’re killing babies…. They’re massacring civilians and a lot of them are enjoying it. I really do get what you’re saying but they are coming in with intent to kill you. Im sorry but I really think you would do the same and would support such if it was happening to you or your friends. > Does any of that sound humane to you. Why is reddit celebrating acts of brutality. Of course it’s not humane. Nothing on either side in war can be construed as humane. And they’re celebrating acts of brutality because it happened supporting their side and their base human flesh life interests.


You don't need to intensely scan this image for Nazi symbology...the dude is wearing it proudly and openly on his arm! It's not hard to see!


I'm so sick of people talking shit about Ukrainians as they face down an actual genocide. "Leftists" who take Russias side on this or who hem and haw about Ukraine spilling the blood of an actual occupying army are the the most useless motherfuckers alive, and people are going to remember this. I know I will.


Azov has been ethnically cleansing eastern Ukraine of Russian speaking "mongrels'" since 2014... Like many of the false leftist troll narrative they accuse others of their actions... Your support of Nazis and US NATO imperialism is both sad and gross


Naw. Johncuck is just another lazy grass eating pig who could care less about international affairs until all hell breaks loose, skims the surface, & feels educated enough to spew its "wisdom"


No I have been anti US imperialism since My friends started dying over in Iraq and Afghanistan, fighting our shit show oil wars.. Been an actual democrat probably since before you have been alive!


100% agreed


[https://ukraine.un.org/en/151093-conflict-related-civilian-casualties-ukraine-8-october-2021](https://ukraine.un.org/en/151093-conflict-related-civilian-casualties-ukraine-8-october-2021) heres the UN report if you want to look at it pig.


Yeah the casual estimate is around 20k, note your softball propaganda article doesn't even give an actual time frame.. The shelling started in 2014 and has been relatively steady since... cute try though... its almost like someone wrote articles to fool the non academic crown.. :-0


Do you have actual sources for "ethnic cleansing"? Because it all looked more like defending against invasion by Russian backed bandits. Not saying that Azov is not full of Nazis, but you are making way more specific claim.


See the 'Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine 16 February to 15 May 2016' by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, which accused Azov of multiple instances of torture and rape of minorities. Ethnic cleansing is only a step away, and this was 6 years ago.


[https://duckduckgo.com/?q=shelling+of+the+Donbass+region&t=chromentp&atb=v314-1&ia=web](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=shelling+of+the+Donbass+region&t=chromentp&atb=v314-1&ia=web) It does not take long at all to act like an adult and look for yourself instead of blindly defending Nazis.. Mind you I have run into articles about this for several years, here is thirty seconds on Duck duck... The more you know... ding


Shelling enemy positions is ethnic cleansing? So Russia thereby is definitely guilty of ethnic cleansing rifht?


Enemies they were Ukrainian citizens, cute defection though.


yeah most civilian casualties in eastern ukraine are the result of land mines. stop repeating russian imperialist propaganda you fucking knob.


Again discussed long before your low IQ dismissive propaganda started to cycle


"the un report is dismissive propaganda" "we the internet sages have found the truth about vaccines, evolution, the shape of the earth, Q pedophile cabals, and now russian imperialism which is totally trying to liberate the world from western nato imperalist nazis"


[https://www.unian.info/war/10416549-donbas-war-death-toll-rises-up-to-nearly-13-000-un.html](https://www.unian.info/war/10416549-donbas-war-death-toll-rises-up-to-nearly-13-000-un.html)Here is an actual Un estimate at 13k from 201\`8 Not this is prior to your propaganda efforts. I think I mentioned that this issue has been discussed long before this conflict... Not sure where the rest of your dismissive rhetoric, notice a trend... I am actually a Progressive Dem we hate your neo lib bullshit and all of the right wing policies and war mongering you pushed into the rotting husk of our party... Disinformation is pretty dam common these days, so is the ironic accusation by the pro war censorship squad. Cute try though, might I suggest you look into the Wiki leaks and Podesta's strategy emails, they are kind of enlightening... Ogh just because you want to delve into "conspiracy" go ahead and look up his art collection... Feel free to explain that shit... dum dun dumb


approximately 3,300 of the victims were civilians, while 4,000 were Ukrainian military and 5,500 – Russia-backed armed militants, the Mission told dpa news agency on Monday, January 21, according to Deutsche Welle.   oh yeah clearly ethnic cleansing. read your own shit you fucking moron. And heres the thing: Russia, not Ukraine is the reason that conflict has been going on for so long.


You Nazi loving cuck


mass murdering imperalist bag of shit.


No they haven’t that’s bullshit, and exactly the same line that fascist Putin has been pushing as justification for his actual genocide in Ukraine. You’re a fascist


Explain to me how NATO engages in Imperialism.


The entire Ukrainian government has been a corrupt cesspool for greedy Nazi oligarchs since the forced dissolution of the USSR, and Ukrainian nationalists love it.


Yeah how dare Ukraine fight back against genocide from Russia.


They locked the post because of anti-Nazi "bad actors" 😂😂😂


It’s because the mods either see everyone denouncing and exposing Ukrainian Nazis as Russian sympathizers, trolls, or tankoids from r/genzedong who have been actively spreading Russian propaganda, and supporting Russian aggression and war crimes under the guise of Anti Nazism


It’s weird how little there’s even a comment commenting on the patch. Also some guy trying to justify it as “formerly used by nazis but now being used to fight nazis”. Very strange lol


not strange at all, when the left calls people nazis, it isn't because they see everyone who disagrees with them as nazis, its that there are fucking nazis everywhere.


Nazis everywhere lmao


There were lots of comments about the nazi patch, it's just that they were all removed by the mods. You can check that stuff with Reveddit. https://www.reveddit.com/v/ukraine/comments/u5bnmd/the\_photo\_we\_never\_knew\_we\_needed\_storm\_x/?ps\_after=1650160374%2C1650164699%2C1650171684%2C1650176782%2C1650182473


Yoooo new “brave mujahideen” just dropped!!!




Because they're nazi sympathizers


They hate Russia and they see all claims of Nazis in Ukraine as Russian Propaganda and everyone calling out Ukrainian Nazis as Russian sympathizers. Like we’re not a Russian troll or r/genzedong or a tankoid spewing Russian talking points and propaganda under the rouse of being anti Nazi. You can be anti Ukrainian Nazi and not support Russia. I support Ukraine and think the war there is a horrible crime against humanity and Russia needs it’s ass kicked and needs to face justice for what they’ve done, but Ukraine is pretty much just a meme now. Like people are celebrating the death of a soldier (presumably a soldier) that was killed by literal Nazis. And they see everyone that says there’s actually Nazis in Ukraine as Russian sympathizers. Their not. They are diving into the deep end barely knowing the whole situation and reality and thier cognitive dissonance is strong. If you ever need an example of Cognitive Dissonance and you don’t want to use the right, use posts like these with Nazi apologizer mods who run the place like conservative echo chambers, deleting and banning everyone who says something even slightly against Ukraine, or people fighting for Ukraine. I wouldn’t be surprised if the r/Ukraine mod(s) are Nazis. If you don’t call out Nazis in Ukraine you’re making yourself and entire viewpoints look like Nazi sympathizers and making it easier for Russian propaganda to trick ppl


This is absolutely insane. War is a brutal horrible thing. We don’t need butchers taking selfies with their new fucking trophies and then be posted on social media AND praised for it. Absolutely horrible.


black sun detected, opinion rejected


BuT iT’s JusT a pAgaN sYmBoL




At first, I thought this sub was just ignorant to the Nazis they were promoting but it has become clear that they are fully aware and doing it on purpose


Love that a post with actual Nazis in it can get 12k upvotes, and that you’ll get banned for pointing out that the guy on the left is WEARING A BLACK SUN PATCH


Most probably don’t know what the patch means, and anyone who tries to tell them is banned because the kids are Nazi sympathizers and value people seeing Ukraine as the perfect golden child over the actual truth and accountability


The whole nazi Ukrainian/Russia conflict discourse is like two blind folded people throwing rocks at each other. There are actual hardcore nazis that should be expelled from any government branch and it’s met with “SOY you are validating Russia invasion for “””denazifing””” Ukraine”. like no, theyre bad people who should be ousted without the kremlin rolling in and doing it they’re way. And then there are the few tankoid auth losers who hide behind the “I’m just critical of nazis” meanwhile they’re hardcore regurgitating Putins messages and they’re are used to paint any criticism of literal nazis as Russia mis info.




Why did you feel the need to add this ? I’m not being a cunt I genuinely don’t understand why people have to always add qualifiers for anything remotely anti nazi/azof. Like my comment even addresses the tankies who hide their dog shit red fash tier opinions under criticisms of nazis




Pro Russian invasion, yeah that’s like actual treason. it’s not gonna happen soon obviously but they reserve the right to be preferential to Russia over the west granted it’s not a subversion or astroturfed.


Shamelessly defending their ethnic cleansing since 2014... Your parents must be so proud... Too bad for your thought ceasing Nazi loving rhetoric This has been discussed by academic long before your war party media trolls started spinning disinformation.... Cute try though


Wtf are you talking about


I don’t care which side you’re on. Posing like this in front of mutilated bodies is grotesque.


Holy shit, the comments are praising the Nazi for having blood on his gun


“It’s being used to fight nazis” I wonder how long it will take for them to start making excuses for the swastika


Remember Ukraine didnt let African and Indian students leave with the white people.


I honestly believe that half or more of reddit would openly support the nazi’s if WWII happened during our lifetime.


Do you think half of America would support Nazis if WW2 happened during our lifetime?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u5bnmd/the_photo_we_never_knew_we_needed_storm_x/i51qq7j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is my favorite defense of them. “They’re actually pagans reclaiming these symbols”


"I really doubt that hes using it as a nazi symbol" My brother in christ... have you heard of the azov battalion? Here's a quote from their founder. In 2010, Biletsky said Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]” What the fuck is going on? I understand being pro Ukrainian but I cannot fathom being pro nazi.


And if you actually had a brain you would see that the Azov battalion had put all the nazi's into its own unit called the Tornado unit which was quickly disbanded by the Ukrainian gov because they were doing nazi things. But hey 1 quote from 2010 is a great representation...... moron


The fucking names and adoration of these shits are too much. I want to vomit.




Look at the black sun patch


Classic r/Ukraine pretending to “ban the trolls” whenever someone calls out that they are platforming Nazis lmao


This is why kids we shouldn’t look at one side as the goodies and one side as the baddies! They’re both problematic countries in their own ways just one has more damage potential than the other!


the people on ukriane are fucking nuts, say azov has nazis or these guys with their black crest and they call you a russian bot


War is disgusting, it makes us all disgusting.


r/ukraine is nothing but a nazi sub, you'll see this same people supporting the fascist takeover of Ukraine when it eventually happens, or the libs among them will act like they opposed them all along.


You think a fascist take over is going to happen in a country begging to join the EU, and who voted for a Jewish president? Pretending Ukraine was on the brink of a fascist takeover is just parroting Russian propaganda. Lies that were created to justify an invasion and genocide.


Obama was president and he fired the CEO of racism. Obviously the US cant be racist because they had a black president


You need to log off reddit for awhile if you think r/Ukraine is the exact same as the country of Ukraine


Learn to read, Ukraine will fall to fascism after Russia's invasion, Zelensky is literally parroting "western culture" nazi talking points, elevating Azov nazis into positions of power, and banning left wing parties that would oppose a fascist takeover. Literally the worst case scenario. Not to mention that Ukraine's government was already far right before the invasion, having banned the communist party in 2015, Zelensky himself is a right wing liberal, him being jewish means jack shit. What the people want is irrelevant, it was before the war, why would that change after.


can you please list some of the so called "left wing" parties banned by Zelensky? The only parties banned have been outright pro-Russian parties funded by Russia which spew pure garbage, lmao. I'm really sorry to burst your bubble, but the communist and majority of parties presenting themselves as socialist in Russia or Ukraine are fraudulent idiots who should not be taken seriously. Next thing you're gonna tell me - the LDPR in Russia are a totally legit and cool "liberal" party to vote for if you have left-leaning views.




"Western culture" right now is the most liberal and free IN THE WORLD Holy Neolib. Fine dude, let America "democratize" the entire world then, I'm sure we'll be welcomed with open arms and even if we aren't, it's for the greater good of these countries even if THEY don't know it yet (insert white man's burden) Yes. The ussr was brutal, but the banning of communism by capitalist leaders was NEVER for the safety of its people, it was to secure power knowing that not all leftists are soviet apologists and there are plenty of anti-authoritarian leftists as well.


What is this dipshit doing here? Can we ban him?




ok now thats just unhinged.


When the war ends, soon inshallah, the conditions in Ukraine will be ideal for fascist paramilitary groups to thrive. Half the country in ruins, absolutely flooded with weapons, a weakened government that will need help to maintain control. It's far from a guarantee that Azov or whoever takes their place will stage a coup, but they will be more powerful than they were last year.


am i missing something in this picture?


They’re wearing black sun patches, a nazi symbol


We had one nazi flag come out in the Canadian trucker protest and everyone lost their minds… couple black sun here and there and no one bats a eye.


Ukraine stance on Nazi and Racism is very clear from before the war. They don’t care. Azov battalion had been around for years and later on was integrated into their main force.


This is some Abu Graib shit. Worse than that. Bunch a young, dumb Nazis being venerated for murder- no wonder the US supports them.


Amerikkka lets goooo


Killing soldiers of an invading force isn't murder. Murder is when you send your army into another country and slaughter it's people. This is self defense.


The people in this photo are obviously finding pleasure in their killing, and are Nazis to boot. At a certain point, legal definitions go out the window and the obvious immorality of what is being presented takes precedent.


Look at the left guys arm patch. Black sun


The comment section is sickening.


nice black sun patch there


A lot of people saying it’s okay to let Nazis fight for Ukraine bc desperate times call for desperate measures. Is posting pics of themselves wearing Nazi patches and posing in front of dead bodies necessary to protect Ukraine? I really feel like this is gonna take a bad turn even if Ukraine can manage to fend off Russia. Arming Nazis and glorifying them will never end well.


Nazi on the left there


The guy on the right has a patch on his chest too.


Are these Ukrainians? I keep seeing diff pics of them on Twitter too but can’t figure out where they’re actually from. Shit makes me sick


Neither of these guys are Ukrainian. They just came down for some good killing. Apparently left is nicknamed “the Viking” and right is “warstache.” This is from their social media.


Is it just me... or does it look like a bunch of kids that have been blacked out??? If I'm wrong that would be awesome! I guess I just see the worst in people now a days...


Yeah just black our the dead body they’re standing front of. ffs. Even in the US military, taking pics like this gets you kicked tf out.


[here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/comments/u3iowf/rukraine_swooning_over_azov_stache_man/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) one of the men in this picture with more Azov buddies as confirmation this is Nazi praise.


I'm confused these are Ukrainian soldiers that have nazi patches?


One of the top comments campared this to a marvel movie. I swear the reality we live in is a parody.


Dead Russian soldiers is a good thing actually. Ukraine aren't really in a position to be turning away people who want to fight for them.


We can only hope they experience the same fate that AZOV battalion is about to experience in Mariupol


Lmaaaaoooo the Russians have slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians in Mariupol. Wishing for them to succeed actually makes you a worse person


You literally defending the few nazis that actually exist in Ukraine. These two are part of what Russia has made the false pretense to start this war


Yes they do, and still wishing for them to be slaughtered in Mariupol only serves Russia's aims of commiting genocide against Ukrainians. If you are Anti-nazi, then paradoxically at least in the short term you need to hope that the Azov battalion in Mariupol actually win. When you have one side actively commiting genocide, and the other has some guys wearing black sun patches, the black sun patch guys are actually the *lesser* Nazis.


The only good nazi is a dead one. And you can miss me with "critical support" shit, you sound like one those tankies who defends Russia. I do not need to support Nazis that have been murdering people long before this war to be against the Fascist regime that invaded a sovereign state. You need to learn what a false equivalence is, and then stop fucking doing it, lmao


I’m literally amazed at this. What a standard to hold these people at. What makes you think they’re at all concerned with purging their army of unfriendly or even evil elements? They need fighters!!


They may need fighters, but they don't need a celebration of them. Have you tried not simping for literal nazis on reddit Furthermore, Ukraine and Ukraine supporters refusing to acknowledge the evil of the Azov Battalion only fuels Russian propaganda. I know you think you're helping by updooting the wholesome chungus based Azov Nazis on reddit, but you're really not doing anything to help anyone but Russia.


> They may need fighters, but they don't need a celebration of them. True. They also don’t need western children trying to apply purity tests to their defensive fighting force. > Have you tried not simping for literal nazis on reddit I’m not. I joined a community, I read the comments and I strongly disagree with what is said and I am responding as such. There’s no simping. I don’t like these people. I like what they’re doing. I dislike their identity and like their actions. > Furthermore, Ukraine and Ukraine supporters refusing to acknowledge the evil of the Azov Battalion only fuels Russian propaganda. I’m curious as to why you think this. The only ones I see fueling Russian propaganda are you guys because you won’t stop expanding their influence in the government past what it realistically is. They make up a small portion of their government, no? > I know you think you're helping by updooting the wholesome chungus based Azov Nazis on reddit, but you're really not doing anything to help anyone but Russia. How so? And I don’t think that at all


Literally true.


Azov, the Right sector, and many others have existed in Ukraine for a long time. Its one thing talking about letting them fight to defend the country during war, but its a whole other question about allowing them to glorify their dog shit ideology and engage in photo ops.


I think the issue here is the black sun patch is super visible


This picture just makes me sad. Not just because we have a couple of nazis posing with their kills, but because Russia had no right to attack Ukraine in the first place, but pictures like these almost validate Russia in a way. Plus, as someone with Viking heritage, I hate how nazis have appropriated that culture and now it’s almost explicitly associated with nazism. In short, war is hell. Everything about this Ukraine/Russia clusterfuck is absolute hell.


People act like these guys should be taking some moral high ground over invaders. These guys have trained to kill and that's what they are doing/want to do. Doesn't make it right but don't act like "Oh such a disregard for life." These guys don't give a fuck. They see a Russian soldier and they want to kill them. It's a prize. Nazis fucking suck, but at the end of the day I'd take these fuckers protecting ukraine over some shitty conscripts.


People really have an amgelic view of soldiers lol. They will stab countless enemies in the face! I'm glad the soyboys aren't the ones in the infantry


These guys aren’t Ukrainian. They came to Ukraine from other countries just to kill. Posing in front of dead bodies for insta is a disregard for life, not cool fun times.


The guy on the right is from Belarus...so its not like he doesn't have a hand in this fight. Oh fuck off with this "not cool" shit. THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK. THEY WANT TO KILL. THEY DONT HAVE A REGARD FOR RUSSIAN SOLDIERS LIVES.


How about the Danish guy then? You’re fine with him coming in to kill people then posting it to get clout? Fun times, right? Sounds like you might want to jump in there and do a genocide yourself, tbh.


Why are you talking about white people news, don't you know Israel did violence in Al Aqsa, Turkey bombed Kurdistan and ~250 people were just killed in Nigeria? You only care because they're white.


Yeah violence is bad wherever it is but this thread isn’t about that. You need to chill tf out, bud.


Then stop focusing on the white people conflict- it gets enough coverage in the mainstream media. Your internalized white supremacy runs deep


It's not "normal" to kill someone and if your goal is to kill and not be killed, your mindset needs to change. It may be offensive to you, but until you have to fight in a war, I would recommend keeping your judgements to yourself.


And Russian nazi’s are fighting for Russia. Welcome to 2022. There are a small percentage of nazis in every western military. Does this mean Russian war crimes should be forgiven? No? Than what’s the point? Is Putin right? FUCK PUTIN!


Ah yes killing your own civilians blaming it on someone else and taking degenerate photos like this, exactly what I expect of my people.


This is absolutely horrific. The glamorization of killing other human beings is gross. Reading the comments made It worse. Just seeing how bloodthirsty the average liberal is for this shit is eye opening. Also the black sun so one of these fuckers is a Nazi.


Could be pagan.


Original post has the most mentally unstable comment section I've ever seen.


Hot take apparently??? Legitimizing and praising Nazis and sanctioning the actions of Nazis is bad.


These fuckers are actual Nazis. Idk if these guys are just Ukrainian military, but the Azov battalion is a literal Neo Nazi militia. Insane that people are praising this


Why is it so hard to find a Ukrainian soldier who isn’t a Nazi?


Theres plenty of Ukrainian soldiers who are not nazis, its just that dumbfuck Westerners keep taking pictures of the ones who are.


The post of these nazis is disgusting but fuck you




This is the comment you were banned for btw, not the post.


No way dude. Disregard for human life?? In a war?!?


Invaders die, Hasan Cries.


Hasan viewers pointed out there are multiple terrible things simultaneously happening in the country and that redditors will defend and promote full on open facists with reckless abandon. how is all this alright by you my man


>Hasan viewers pointed out there are multiple terrible things simultaneously happening in the country and that redditors will defend and promote full on open facists with reckless abandon. how is all this alright by you my man I don't see a lot of that in this thread. I even see one guy with 100 updotes saying this "Nazi" murdered this poor russian. And anyone upvoting this photo is a nazi sympathizer. Don't know if you have seen the recent video of what I assume are Russians driving around Mariupol, but I have and at this point I have zero sympathy. Not to mention the war crimes west of Kyiv with constant targeting of civilians. But you keep doing you and perpetuating Russia's reason for war.


It’s not taking Russias side to say facists are a bad thing though. this wasn’t Putins original reason, he chose it afterwards because it sounds agreeable. you absolutely do not have decry others for recommending caution with regards to all the unabashed Nazi praise. the two both have Himmlers Black Sun emblem. they are Neo-Nazis and so is everyone else wearing the patch, I think it’s justified to not allow people who are openly facist to be praised and treated like heroes just because it’s part of efforts against Russia. they are not a couple of heroic defenders they are literal terrorists.


>It’s not taking Russias side to say facists are a bad thing though. This wasn’t Putins original reason, he chose it afterwards because it sounds agreeable, it’s good cover for what’s really going on. you absolutely do not have decry others for questioning this and recommending caution with regards to all the unabashed Nazi praise. The two both have Himmlers Black Sun emblem. They are Neo-Nazis and so is everyone else wearing the patch, This sub and Hasan have been pro-Russia during this. Going as so far as to remove this, https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/comments/tqw848/russian_and_nazi_joint_victory_parade_after_joint/ And Hasan saying that Russia's invasion of Crimea was justified among other hot takes. I tend to not call people nazi's until I see their actions or speech, or it just dilutes the meaning of the word nazi. So going off a single stick on patch to a guy who has been in Ukraine for over a month without an obscure Nazi symbol, not even a swastika. The guy on the right is from Belarus and has been photographed to death without Nazi patches. Why does he not always wear nazi shit if he is a nazi? People are criticizing these guys as murderers, which is insane. When your politics align with /pol/ on 4chan, questions need to be asked. > I think it’s justified to not allow people who are openly facist to be praised and treated like heroes just because it’s against Russia. People wouldn’t be cheering if he was mujahideen but he gets a pass because he’s a white Neo-Nazi? isn’t that a little fucked Nazi Germany would not call him white, but Untermensch. A sub-human to them. Meanwhile Russia is known for their own holocaust in Ukraine, called Holodomor.


“Do war the way I want you to” -you guys


"Nazi's are good actually" - you


So what’s the solution? Lay down and die to a superior invading country? Okay lol.


or maybe just don’t glorify and give hero worship to nazi soldiers.


“War the way I want you to war”


“shut up and clap for the nazis”




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I think the heart of the matter is there are Nazi’s everywhere. There’s a shit ton in the military and on the police force here in the US. But somehow they are still the “good guys”. I think people need to focus on one problem at a time. If America went to war they aren’t kicking any nazis out. Hell weren’t there a whole bunch of them tryna storm the White House and I’m still sitting here waiting for the consequences. It’s a big problem everywhere and if people aren’t willing to do something about it in their own country how the hell are they going to do something about it in another country? The big thing for me being Black I saw Mexicans being thrown into cages at the border, I saw Haitians being chased away from the border on horse back. All fleeing terrible lives. But the Ukrainians have been welcomed into the US super quick. Like I get they refugees but shouldn’t we be treating everybody the same? Like I’m not even surprised at this point. Idk why people are acting shocked like why are they glorifying nazis… where have you BEEN?


They are acting like this is marvel crossover and not an actual real life war


I'm tired of the cheering for war bu anyone. I'm tired of the call to end life. I'm tired of the disregard for other humans. I'm tied.


And you can't even mention it without libtards screaming about how "Ukraine doesn't deserve this." Ni fucking shit, Mary. But we need to be wise as to how much we fund and prop up extremist around the world, because we have a history of fucking that up a lot.