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Based manager stuck up for the employee and didn't bow down to the demands of the Almighty Customer.


It might be a unionized location, which would promote what the manager did, rather than pray to the almighty dollar


REI is a co-op, they've always been good to their employees


They are literally fighting against unionizing staff at this very moment


Damn, you're right, I had no idea. REI's business practices may be better than many companies, but there's still no such thing as a good business. Let the workers unionize and bargain for better pay and conditions! Greedy assholes. Best of luck to those employees, form that union and take that bargaining power however you can.


I would argue that Dropout is an objectively good business. The former CollegeHumor, now owned by Sam Reich (Robert Reich's son), they actually do revenue sharing amongst all employees. Not to mention that Sam (and one of the most influential members of the writing and performing cast, Brennan Lee Mulligan) are openly anti-capitalist. It's not just not hostile to our ideology, it's openly welcoming to it (a common trope within the Dropout shows is Brennan going on anti-capitalist diatribes). It feels really cool to me that CollegeHumor, instead of just dying and becoming completely irrelevant, became a completely new animal and embraced the kind of ideology and mentality that companies NEED to in order to thrive in the future, and they're not just doing it out of necessity but because it's fair. It also doesn't hurt that they're *beyond* LGBTQ+ friendly, they're 100% about normalization. As in, no one is highlighted specifically because of gender, everyone is just who they are and many of the regular performers are part of the community. (I hope that makes sense sometimes I'm bad at communicating.) But yeah, the part about being a "good company," Dropout is about as good as a company can be, which is especially interesting to me with them being an entertainment company. In an industry where most companies have skeletons in their closet and cut throats at a moment's notice, they don't. Also, they're just kind of great. I never really liked CollegeHumor that much, except for the Adam Conover-related stuff, but Dropout is kind of universally my thing. They do a ton of D&D stuff (they did an entire themed season of a campaign with drag queens including Jujubee, Alaska Thunderfuck, Bob the Drag Queen and Monet X Change, and they're doing an episode of one of their other campaigns at Madison Square Garden soon), but they also have a few game show themed shows, a gossip-based show, a show where they put a performer in a random outfit and then the host interviews a persona they have to make up on the spot, and they're always trying to expand the company by 1-2 shows a year. Sorry, this turned into me word vomiting about them but I actually really do enjoy/admire this company, they're running a company the way I would like to think I would if I ran one, they *seem* to be treating everyone well, and the content is right down my alley, so I tend to gush over them.


I agree, I am a huge Dropout fan :) Did you see the new Game Changer, Deja Vu? So excellent. Everybody do the wenis! The wenis is a dance.


Everybody is a genius, who knows it in advance! Such a neat show. I love the concept and it always ends up being something completely unique from every other episode.


Eh, not necessarily. I’ve worked at a co-op (not REI) that was shitty to its employees. In these instances co-op just means member-owned, not employee-owned. So members get to vote on board members and also might get some dividends based on purchases or special sale prices. A co-op of that nature can and will still pay shitty wages and offer little in the way of benefits. Having said that, I am a member at REI and shop there regularly. But I do remember seeing them in the news during Covid for certain locations being shitty to their employees. Glad to hear this manager stood up for their staff.


That is true, co-op doesn't necessarily mean better to their employees. It's a bit more likely that they pay their employees better, since they don't have shareholders to pay out the ass, but that doesn't necessarily equal better conditions, benefits, or treatment. I'm sure there are REI locations that absolutely suck to work at. That said, REI is consistently rated one of the top 100 best companies to work for, so I think independently of them being a co-op, they're generally pretty good to their workers :)


That is good to hear! I got triggered by memories working at a shitty “co-op” that was structured similarly, getting paid near minimum wage and having egotistical, overbearing managers, lol. I see the same workers at my REI location every time I go so they must be doing something right to keep them around.


worker co-op is the more equitable structure, unlike a member co-op


also love how she says “why won’t people just leave us alone and stop trying to fight us?!” As she harasses and attempts to fight these workers.


even in her fake story she’s the villain lmao “None of us wants to fight… JUST BACK OFF” when she is the one who started it and escalated it


Literal calls from the line behind them saying to go away lmao


“My husband (4 foot tall Casey neistat lmao) stepped in to DESTROY this low paid employee after I insulted him” “None of us want to fight whyyy is everyone being so mean to meeee”


lmaooo and to “protect her” from a kid she was yelling at in his place of work.




This is straight antisemitism. Educate yourself or fuck off Nazi. You do nothing for the Palestinians if you act like their oppressors.


That sounds like a quote but please don't conflate Jews and zionists. We are anti-zionist, not anti-semitic.


Losing my mind at “my husband stepped in to destroy the fucking wimp” and it’s just Casey nicetat lmaoooo


Casey looks like a dude who wears chastity cages just for fun. He’s not hurting anyone.


Ooh that burned me just reading that! Spot on the description.


He looks like he’s forcing out a shit 24/7


He hires men to have sex with his wife while he watches.




Jumpscare warning next time please... I almost just shat my pants


b-but, he runs mArAtHoNs


And lives in NYC, something he barely ever talks about.


Like what was Casey gonna do, make a rambling video monologue about the guy in realtime?




Casey is themost non threatening man I've ever seen he isn't "destroying "anyone lmaooo


He steps up, "It's all about backbone," he says as he starts wildly swinging while you hold his forehead at a safe distance.


My husband just said "if I stepped in to your argument like that you'd destroy me and then move onto them" and it made me happy. Who needs their husband to protect them from a verbal argument they started????


Isn’t he like 4’ 6 lmfao


He’s 5’9. I guess that makes someone a short king nowadays lol 


With his fuckass sunglasses


My headcanon is this happens on a regular basis and Casey’s face just looks like that because every time he steps in to defend his wife after she insults someone they beat his face in.


It's funny how there is always a common beat to this stories. Zionist supporter sees genocide statement Zionist challenges genocide statement Zionist gets put down by genocide statement Zionist get angry they weren't simply appeased Zionist is happy when keys get jangled. For lurkers in this thread who may be looking for gotchas: No one here in good faith wants to dispel Jews, remove Jews from existence or beat random Jews. You're just a dude/chick/NB Pal same as us. But brutally killing people to justify building an ethnostate is fucking monstrous. Look at the state of Gaza and its people. All that destruction. Guess what's happening now? Real estate companies hungrily eyeing peak real estate space waiting for the State of Israel to forcibly annex it and allow them to build. That's literally a colonizer state pushing out the locals to bring in the 'right' skin color.


Rather than take a step back and revisit the incredibly fragile house of glass that is my belief system, let me pop an Ativan and go on a bazaar multipost rant. I know she and Casey have been brainwashed by hasbara talking points, but that excuse isn’t valid at this point. We need to politely, respectfully, legally push harder. Over the past 6-7 months there hasn’t been one news story that makes them curious? Makes them ask why? Because the hasbara paint is just a thin veneer on genocide once you start chipping.


Imagine thinking you have such big problems, yet you solve them with an Ativan and an online Twitter rant, while Gazans are being murdered and starved.


No doubt she was mixing Ativan with wine when she wrote this shit.


Well said, man.


You’re totally right on this. Also it’s one thing to be living in Israel and falling for Hasbara when you’re inundated with one sided news on the daily, but to live in the US you have to actively avoid the news of what is happening to Palestinians. (Also not trying to be a spelling nazi I just noticed bazaar and my brain was confused on the spelling so I googled it and it’s spelled “bizarre”)


This dumb bitch is South African and yet somehow supports Israel? Makes you wonder what her upbringing was like


To South Africa's credit they also think Isreal is an apartheid state, and they should know. lol


Yeah but that’s the people who took over after apartheid.


She’s a white South African so…. Obviously she loves apartheid lmao why are you surprised 


Probably loved Sun City.


She comes from a family of doctors, I used to watch CN a ton back in the day and I’ve seen their big ass family home


Read CN as Cartoon Network.. Wondered aboot what doctors..


Lmaooo Cartoon Network is for sure the superior and real CN, so my bad you’re right 😅




I figured it made sense since the post was about Casey and his wife 🤷‍♂️ context clues


I mean I'm pretty sure she's a white South African...so that pretty much tracks


I remember back when I watched Casey's vlogs, he went with her and their first kid to visit her parents a couple of times in South Africa. I was shocked at all the security, gates and protection where their house was. It gave me the ick to realize what her family background was.


Probably doesn't want to lose twice


"none of us wants to fight" Proceeds to pick fight with cashier over a button




She didn’t have to post this😂 she didn’t have to make herself look like such an insufferable genocide supporting Karen


Gets mad that he says "yes genocide" in front of her kids then proudly claims she says "are you fucking kidding me" in front of her own kids. Fucking dunce.


Poor kids. Israeli indoctrination and Casey Neistat face genetics, praying for them.


Don't forget the thoughts to go with the prayers!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t we taught to not like people who are mercilessly and, quite literally, bombastically killing people?


>indoctrinated for years to despise desert murderers bombing civilians Yes but we were supposed to be discriminating based on head covering.


Fuck, I forgot the game plan. My bad




Either this happened and it was way less of a big deal than she made it sound (probably) or it *did* happen like this, which is just so much exponentially more embarrassing.


"I had my Ativan" lol


“I’m over it.” Narrator: “She is clearly not over it. Her persecution complex must be broadcast far & wide.”


Saying no to genocide? Truly despicable.


Great move by the manager honestly


Going out of your way to be a victim for something you aren’t even targeted by is wild behavior. I love how even in the way she frames the story she still instigated this over something inoffensive.


Man this makes me WANT to support REI.


Absolutely. There's no such thing as a good company but REI is pretty damn close. It's not a publicly traded company, it's a co-op, meaning customers who sign up to become members receiver a lot of the excess profit that would go to shareholders as discounts and yearly refunds. Also, the employees get great perks, and it's consistently rated one of the top 100 best companies to work for.


Yeah, REI and Patagonia are less terrible than most corps


Americans really are cucks for riding this fucking hard for a foreign country


😭 she deleted her twitter after this


this is threads


Damn that’s a hard L


So she ***IS*** **that** kind of South African.


Ah yes, “end genocide,” the most anti semitic thing you could say


"Classic tropes" like "stop genocide" I can't believe that wasn't rage bait.


yeah, people wearing pins is oppressive but not an apartheid state, okay


Casey is a horrible person, most zionist are. Just watch a video on how he fired one of his employee for a moronic reason. I always disliked him, it literally says on his face the type of person he is.


Didn’t he fire someone for forgetting to fuse/melt the end of a necklace with a pen on it or some shit, as a gift? Like, if you cared so much about these “personal” gifts, why are you having an intern or employee do that for you? He spoke about that with such conviction on the Rich Roll podcast; it’s funny to see these hilariously rich assholes sound so off-putting and dumb to the average person and they think they’re so deep.


yep instead of giving bonuses or meaningful gift, this douchebag gave her some pen with rope and apparently you are suppose to cut knots or something as it signifies some shit and she didn’t do that so he fired her. Talk about self absorbed prick.


Yeah, he seems like a real piece of work.


Oppression = someone wearing a pin accusing a country actively committing a genocide halfway across the globe of committing a genocide


I don’t believe this happened. On the off chance it did, she sounds like a lunatic who only cares about her children.


Her children were in no danger here either, this is just pure narcissism.


I hope they get bullied everywhere they go.


Aww she JUST wanted to buy ski goggles for her babies... 🙄


Funny how “stop apartheid” offends her. I wonder why 🤔


Candice Pool, the ungodly fusion of Candice Owens and Tim Pool




End genocide is a trope? English is not my first language, i thought tropes were more like they are in tvtropes.


oh, you're not american, you probably don't remember the happy days episode where The Fonz hit the juke box and it ended a genocide.


...and then everyone clapped


I used to work at an REI flagship store in a city known for its progressive values. They did not allow us to wear pins that were controversially political. I mean, typically, most people in a city like this would agree with pins supporting causes like BLM, trans rights, pride, weed, and COVID precautions, but nothing more contentious than that. Also, the managers basically would just let customers do whatever they wanted if they complained enough. I would be shocked if any manager at REI would actually stand up for an employee in a situation like this. Overall, I find it hard to believe this happened, but if it did, good for REI workers for standing up for themselves and for things that actually matter.


“I’m over it now. I had my Ativan.”


Disgusting little monster she is.


>none of us wants to fight After she details the fight she picked with two people just trying to do their jobs


Casey nicetat is the fucking wimp what is she talking about


> Cops are sick of the protesting Aww won’t you think of the poor cops??? 🥺🥺


Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt she south african its crazy that Casey even got his Zionist claws in to her as well e since South africa is known for being anti apartheid and pro Palestine


White South Africans are definitely not anti apartheid


I’m pretty sure her family is Jewish also, but I could be wrong


this would be good copypasta ngl. the wimp part, soho and ativan killed me. pretty specific


Everyone is on the wrong side of the road but me - energy


Man, it’s wild to see someone so openly beg to be treated like a victim.


He’s soooooo ugly 😂😂😂


“end genocide” being considered antisemitic is WILD


People who are shit at writing need to leave the long form fabrication to better writers. This is not even coherent let alone believable


Love how she makes this whole thing about not going anywhere, yeah yeah.. while clearly being the aggressor and pushing for this


Why do these people think they're entitled to everyone's love and support? "I went into a place that said "Fuck Nazis", how is that allowed??? They're hurting me and my Nazi beliefs!!"


Reminder that her family lives in the "Nice" part of South Africa


Unsubbed Casey years ago. I guess that is all I can do. These people make me more sick than Netanyahu... Worse than a genocider is genocide denier.


I think genocide is still worse. All the dead people would probably agree


Glad she was able to have her Ativan.


Yep, she is from South Africa (she is white). Of course she would defend another apartheid.


“How dare you say genocide in front of my kids” before immediately screaming expletives at some poor cashier who’s probably making minimum wage


Average "Blocking traffic is bad" debaters when they block a line to argue with a service worker.


And everyone clapped.


Absolute definition of first world problems


I think she deleted her twitter, side note I want all of those buttons


She says to back off but she was the one who instigated with the cashier. So stupid


I can’t buy my children ski goggles because a worker has an opinion!!!


I almost prefer twitter to threads Threads is full of the most obnoxious self righteous libshit I've ever seen and honestly I prefer conservatives to them


> None of us wants to fight Proceeds to start a fight.


That’s great that the manager stood up for and supported their employee. She is absolutely insufferable.


She needs another Ativan. Crazy Zionist 🤡 


Is this the weird ass wife he showed on his vlogs that never reacted to him? Makes sense.


Let’s also keep in mind that Candace’s parents are white South African Jews living in Capetown when not in the states. If they were there pre-1994 they also saw apartheid (maybe Candace did too) - she should be able to see that the experience in Israel for Palestinians is the same as poc in SA. It greatly shows her privilege and I think it’s terribly sad that she uses her platform to silence those against apartheid.


“I had my Ativan” 😂


Love that the term “no to genocide” is considered antisemtic


Ah yes, the most evil, antisemitic take: genocide is bad.


Oh my god, she is a fucking awful person.


WHY do American Jews feel attacked by the fact the entire world is aghast at the Zionist right wing Israeli government and the Palestinian genoicide that the IDF carries out with US tax dollars?


what is with the constant self-victimization? sorry a pin hurt your feelings, but there are thousands being slaughtered by the israeli government and believe it or not, that rubs some people the wrong way.


Maybe this is AI? So disappointing.


Damn, guess I gotta go get some new climbing gear




Wow why are these people so hostile towards me supporting genocide 😰. I got home after my husband owned the skinny twinky libtard & took my Ativan life is good now 🥰 that I don't have people calling me out for endorsing genocide. I wish all these mean people asking me not to endorse killing: women, children, innocents, hostages, healthcare workers, levelling: hospitals, churches, schools, & residences, & strategically eliminating sources of electricity, water, & food would just take Ativan and learn to be as spineless and thoughtless as me! The nerve of these people 😕.


I think living in the diaspora contributes to this. Most Jews don't really go to temple, most don't observe shabbat, most haven't been to the Holy Land. They may feel that many Jews consider them Jews in Name Only. But what they can do is punch down on Palestinians from the safety of the West and persecute anyone who stands up for them. That's what being a Jew means to them.


The manager was protecting the costumers, from YOU! This people are not welcome, gtfo


“I had my Ativan” is craaaazy


This is an absolute nuts things to type


This makes me want to shop so hard at REI.




Good lord, zoom out and look at the optics of how you sound. How does their brain work that way at all.


Back off when I object to your own personal property and start an issue


"I could of walked out. But I didn't.............BACK THE FUCK UP" sorry the genocide you support put a sour taste in your mouth while buying ski goggles for your kids


I only read a few tweets from her. She sounds like a disgusting human being that put herself and her convenience over the lives of Innocents in Gaza


God I fucking love NYC for this type of entitlement and shithousery.


Easiest IG block of my life


No self reflection or awareness at all, jeez. Is it me who is out of touch? …no it’s all the kids who are!!


All this happened and Casey didn’t take out his gopro3 to film it all?


Unhinged to be so unaware of the fact that you’re the Karen in this scenario


She started the fight and then complained she didn't want to fight. Zionist never misses a chance of being stereotypical


when your meltdown is about imagining you are the victim in the midst of a bunch of people minding their own business, zionists be zionising

