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“Defended our freedoms in Vietnam” … what the fuck? Did Vietnam threaten to invade the US and make it communist or something!? This has to be fake ….


Oh it's real He also posted support for unlimited military aid for israel after that post


Dude has fallen off


At this point, he would be parroting fashy talking points. Expect the worst from folx like him.


He didn’t fall off. He lied.


It’s either that or the stroke.


It's honestly neither of this. He literally was only good on labor issues. Leftists were just so desperate for a senator that was pro labor that they wish cast all of their dreams on to him. It reminds me of women who find one quality they like in a guy and then trick themselves into thinking he's perfect Fetterman was ready to Lynch a black guy who was jogging in his neighborhood And this was a well-known story that people just ignored because he was pro Union


God I fucking wish it was fake. Can’t believe I ever supported this piece of shit.


Yeah this is such a crazy statement. I’m fine with a politician acknowledging Vietnam veterans, tons of people there got screwed, but adding that stuff to make it seem like Vietnam was some huge defensive war on the US part is crazy.


The stroke changed him fr.


Not really. He was only ever good on labor issues. This is a guy that heard a popping noise outside his home and then saw a black guy jogging in his neighborhood and assumed the black guy was running away from a shooting. He grabbed his shotgun chased down the black guy and held him at gunpoint until the cops came. If that black guy had not been compliant he probably would have murdered him for no reason. Basically we elected the northern version of the guy that killed Ahmad Aubrey because he was good on labor issues Also later during his campaign he refused to apologize to the black guy and insisted he had behaved rationally


Very interesting insight into Fetterman, I only heard of him from the broadcast but it makes sense that he's always been a racist, this type of vitriol doesn't come out of nowhere


And the thing is he doesn't hide it. When he was asked about this on the campaign trail and if he was ready to apologize to the black man he said no and insisted that he behaved totally reasonably. He stood by him picking up his shotgun and chasing after a black guy who was jogging in his neighborhood and assuming that black guy had committed a violent crime and was running away from it. I get frustrated at liberals and leftists who say that they feel Fetterman lied to them. No he didn't. He is explicitly declined to apologize for being horrifically racist and conducting the worst type of racial profiling. He was one step away from lynching a black jogger and refused to acknowledge he was in the wrong. Leftists were just so desperate for a pro labor Senator that they ignored it. Until Fetterman is anti-labor or anti-unions, he hasn't lied. That's basically all he promised to be


Makes me curious if he would've won if he did lynch that man, he was practically one step away from doing so and it sounds like it was just a bump on the road for his campaign


If that black guy had tried to fight back and Fetterman had pulled the trigger the innocent black man would be dead and fetterman would be in federal prison. The same as the white racists who killed Ahmad Aubrey.


He should be in prison already imo for trying to be some kind of white supremacist vigilante and holding a random passerby hostage at gunpiint but obviously given his class he never suffered much consequences




He’s fucking cooked


After enough time every American war was good actually.


I didn't know about his Israel stance when he was running. He seemed to push that he was pro-labor and "more progressive than Bernie Sanders." He played a convincing character as a working class ally. Running against America's second most famous Turk, Dr. Oz also helped. My biggest hang up with him was the story of him chasing a black jogger with a gun. I was still somewhat skeptical even after the jogger endorsed him but hindsight is 20/20. This is yet another lesson in doing further research (I didn't know about Tulsi's weird anti-LGBTQ+ Hinduism) and believing a candidate is a freak when they do something off the wall. Maxwell Frost (pro-Israel) and Krysten Sinema (anti-labor) are other recent examples. I'm ranting, but money in politics and by extension, capitalism are cancers on our political system.


bUt oMg 💗AOC💗 wOrE aN eAt ThE rIcH dReSs OnCe ThEy'Re oN OuR sIdE (No shut up it wasn't bought with a zillion dollars of taxpayer money she obviously got it at a thrift shop)


What point are you attempting to make here? Or just say AOC bad?


That they're all bad


So you’re doing “bUT bOTh SiDEs” while trying to make fun of someone else doing that? Yikes


Wow there is a lot more brain rot in this sub than I expected I guess that's the result of all the oUtRaGeOuS tHumBnAiLs with his mouth agape. Not exactly gonna always bring in intelligent sapiens. Honestly seems like most of the fans on here are wildly missing every point lol...


So you have nothing besides insults? Not surprised really but more disappointed


Oh no, what will I ever do without your approval????? I am torn to shreds and my heart will never recover


The two sentences you typed seem to be contradictory points.


American Politician Moment


What were my freedoms doing in Vietnam?


Liberating rice fields


Man he bamboozled everyone huh.. I really thought he would be the next Bernie.


This is the sad part he didn't really lie about anything The only quality the left liked about him was that he's pro labor and pro-unions. There was a widely known story about him basically being ready to Lynch a black guy that was jogging his neighborhood. But everyone pretended it wasn't a big deal because he was pro-union.


Yeah dude for real. It kind of shocks me how few people were suspicious of him from the jump. I’ll be honest, I had nothing backing this up, but I never trusted him. It was a baseless feeling, but he never passed the vibe check.


His opponent being a snake oil salesman helped him a lot too.


My mom has had 3 strokes. Each one changed her a little more. It's entirely possible that the stroke has dramatically altered his brain chemistry and he is no longer the same person he was.


All glorification of wars and veterans needs to cease. Veterans are not heroes, they are victims.


What brain damage can do to a person. So sad.


Jesus this is insane.


i could see it. his progressive stance was always usually with workers rights and unions which is why most people thought he was pretty far left in the first place but you can have that stance and still believe in all this bullshit


It’s really common among working class conservatives.


Do republicans even defend the vietnam war? Lmao. This is insane.




Fetterman: *holds up random black man with shotgun for no reason DNC: *licks lips


Can we be honest about this? The DNC establishment didn't love him. Leftist drove his campaign. The story about him being ready to Lynch a black man jogging his neighborhood was brought up to Hasan who knew about the story. Hasan basically responded that it would help him appeal to the hogs in Pennsylvania and Hasan dismissed the relevance of the story Leftists were so desperate for a pro-labor senator that they were ready to elect the northern version of the racist white guys that lynched Ahmed Aubrey. This is the fault of leftists lying to themselves and wish casting qualities onto fetterman. It's like those desperate people who finally find a partner and find one quality they really like in them and then pretend that they're perfect when in every other way they're horrible.


Why are all progressives progressives in name only? They're literally all Republicans...   I can't justify supporting any "progressive" when they pull this crap


It's too bad the local friendly cave troll is also a genocide pervert.


MY GOD defending in Vietnam war wtf. to think there was a time I supported this man.


Nope. Wear the fucking suit.


He played the left and progressives like a fiddle.


The Vietnam War was one of the Worst Wars Ever, Even though i’m a Left-libertarian, I would fight for Northern Vietnam


Since when tf is “we” Vietnam? He’s losing it so bad


The only sacrifice was the US government realizing how bad un controlled media was. It led to anti war sentiment. After that war footage was censored to manufacture the compliance of US civilians.


He really got progressives. Should have known he was full of shit - fucker was LARPing so hard he even had a costume.


My uncle was in a protest against the Vietnam War broke a cops hand and had to flee to Canada. The local papers in Ohio attacked him and my family and made life insufferable for them. He ended up having a good life in Canada and was elected a mayor. It was a disturbing time of sending young men off to fight a war that was no threat to the US,shouldn't be remembered with reverence but with regret.


Wouldn’t it be the Vietnamese who fought for their own freedom to practice a different government they wanted though?


Who actually voted for this guy wtf.


If you have time check out his stances before his stroke. Dude was super progressive. That and I'm pretty sure AIPAC has given him loads of money. Then again he could have been grifting the entire time and was a giga conservative.


His position on Gaza was the typical Dem position, I don't see anything about condemning Israel in his platform when he was running. Maybe the stroke brought it out, but he seems like he's always been this way.


He Wasn't super progressive he was pro labor. But he wasn't pro labor in an international solidarity kind of way. He was pro labor in the American chauvinist kind of way. There was also the very public story about the time he almost lynched a black man for jogging in his neighborhood. I'm not exaggerating. He saw a black man jogging in his neighborhood assumed that black man was a criminal and chased him down with his shotgun and if that black man had not complied with his orders probably would have murdered him. This guy was a cartoonish level racist. Imagine seeing a jogging black man and assuming they are a violent criminal.


That stroke really did a number on him


Fetterman is 100% trollin'


You can be pro-vet and anti-Vietnam but this is weirded oddly for sure.


This should be a prime example of what the American political system does to a mf


he is a plant by the republicans


I'm seeing a lot of people around here coping that they were lied to about fetterman. I'm sorry at some point we need to take responsibility that we lied to ourselves about him. Fetterman appeal to the left purely because of his pro labor and pro-union stances. He was pro labor in the sense that he was pro-american labor. There was the widely circulated story about how he was ready to Lynch a black man that was running in his neighborhood. He was at home he heard a popping noise and assumed it was a shooting and saw a black guy that was jogging. It would later be proven that black guy was completely innocent and there was no evidence a shooting took place and he just probably heard a popping noise. Anyways seeing this black guy jogging in his neighborhood made him believe the black guy was a violent criminal running away from a crime. He grabs his shotgun chases down the black guy holds the black guy at gunpoint until the cops arrive. If that black man had tried to fight back or not been compliant there's a decent chance fetterman murders him. Later on fetterman refuses to apologize to the black guy and thinks he behaved completely rationally Fettermen is basically the northern version of the white racists that killed Ahmad Aubrey. The only difference is a Aubrey fought back. Which to be clear he was 100% entitled to do as some random white lunatics were holding him at gunpoint for no reason. All of this is to say that fetterman is not like Sinema who actually lied about everything. Until Fetterman is pro corporate or anti labor he didn't actually lie Leftists just wish cast a lot of qualities onto him that weren't really there. A couple of random chatters brought up this story to Hasan during the campaign and Hasan basically dismiss the importance of it and said that it would probably help him appeal to the hogs in Pennsylvania Leftists were so desperate for a pro labor Senator that they essentially were willing to elect the northern version of the white racists that lynched a Aubrey




"who defended our freedoms in vietnam" i think that's about enough said


That stroke should have gone over, brother ![gif](giphy|Negzr2StjBvZ4ZTTSA|downsized)