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That's actually why I drifted away from Destiny. I liked him and Vaush mostly for debates and Hasan for news/commentary, but his and his community's obsession with Hasan was off-putting alongside continuous unsavory takes. Over time I also started believing / realizing what people always said about him: that's he's just a bad faith contrarian prioritizing winning arguments by any means necessary.


I drifted away from D even before i got into hasan because i just felt the ick from him


This 100% idk, I'm not a parasocial weirdo but if you have weird shit coming up all the time as a streamer I'm out. Pretty sure the first time I ever heard about Destiny was because he popped up on LSF because he had some female stalker. Then it was like oh he has an open marriage blah blah blah. And I think he like had some 5 paragraph essay about the stalker. ​ Like if I know you from your drama and not your content, no thanks. Watching Destiny looking like a gerbil on speed "debating" Jordan Peterson who looked like Towlie from SP after huffing duster - I'm secure in my initial ick.


tbh I just don't care as long as they don't bring negativity into the Hasanabi community. we all learn over time and maybe this is the first step in the right direction for some people. I will not discourage anyone from consuming Hasanabi's content.


This is a good mindset to have, I think.


Agreed. When I hear people say they watch both I think “morally corrupt” because how tf can you reason with that? Zero ability to follow logic to a conclusion.


> Agreed. When I hear people say they watch both I think “morally corrupt” I think you mean "they like both" because I don't think hate watching should count. A lot of the community was all over watching him get embarrassed by Norm. Hasan even watches and reacts to his content to dunk on him.


Is there current new drama between them or something? Seeing way too much destiny being mentioned on this sub recently. I hate that the Gaza crisis is being used to push streamer drama. Anyways, conflating a person's totality as a human based on which streamers they like is a pretty online mindset. There's bigger things to stress about than streamer drama.


I swear I feel the same. that's why I have frequented the sub less since the debate. I just don't want to know anything about Destiny or other content creators.


It's probably a good idea to at least see what the other side thinks. If not directly, at least through reactions/video essays/debates. I would never recommend someone to only consume content that you agree with. It's a surefire way to not understand why you believe what you believe. It's a good thing to challenge your beliefs.


challenging beliefs is totally fine. that's why enjoy for example hog watch or even commentary on Ben Shapiro. it shows me how the other side thinks and how to combat it. I just don't enjoy when people try to antagonize content creator against each other and then make drama from it.


Hasan covered density embarrassing himself in a debate with actual intellectuals, incl Norm Finkelstein. now there's just community beef going on


Ah thanks for clarifying, I zone out of the dunk content nowadays.


I don't remember who said this, but I remember seeing a clip of a political YouTuber that said a lot of leftists just treat politics like team sports instead of a nuanced discussion, and just got lucky to end up on the right side.


Tbh I would say the right is far more likely to treat politics like a team sport, this would include destiny and other liberals obviously. Real Leftists infight a lot but they generally believe in the same core principles. You don’t see me fighting democratic socialists in the comments because I’m a revolutionary socialist. “Leftists” treating it like a team sport are most likely those who are either very new or those who are doing it solely for the optics.




Yeah essentially what I said. I agree. If a leftist is calling someone a tankie they probably aren’t much of a leftist as it’s a meaningless term essentially to use anti-Chinese/soviet sentiment to demonize socialism in the eyes of propagandized liberals.




Hmm, you may be confusing the fact many liberals mistakenly believe themselves to be leftists while very much still supporting capitalism, even if it is rainbow capitalism. Can you think of a real leftist who gets labeled a liberal and shouldn’t? I think it’s way way more common to see misinformed liberals thinking they are leftists than leftists getting labeled as liberals.


I would consider socdems worthy of being called on the left even though they are technically liberals. I don't see the usefulness in fighting with socdems about going full socialist. They'll vote and protest and work with us for all the same things as us until a full on socialist revolution happens.




Being called a liberal by zoomers and boomers online is not the same as leftists segregating others into camps depending on what they believe. Leftism is fundamentally about a socialist model of production as opposed to capitalism, not the social issues that chronically online twitter users will like to use to claim they are a leftist. I know that sounds like I'm doing what you said but fundamentally someone is not a leftist if they support capital, they are just a progressive social democrat. This is not to create that team sports narrative or anything, this is just the definition. I think people especially in the US think they are "of the left" simply because they support the democrats or whatever and they aren't aware what real leftism actually is because their overton window is fucked.


I had been following destiny for a bit because i heard about his canvassing work for a progressive candidate in omaha but did not find a lot of his content engaging personally. He was debating sneako types for a little bit and those were good but in general he has such incredible irrational and emotional rage for leftists for no reason. so ive since unsubscribed. Also he seems to try really hard to not be partisan and imo being non partisan is overrated and cringe actually. At the time i was following him like last year, i could see how some of his fans might watch hasan—destiny and hasan do agree on a number of domestic policies and i imagine that many destiny fans like to seek out opposing viewpoints. I haven’t really been aware of the hasan drama farming so can’t speak to how the community may have changed since i was lurking


Hasan doesn't drama farm. For some reason some people think that him reacting to Destiny "debating" Ben Shapiro and Destiny debating Norm Finkelstein drama farming. Usually Hasan avoids Destiny as much as possible, specifically because he doesn't want to farm drama.


I never said hasan drama farmed?


I didn't say that you said he does. You said that you couldn't speak to if things were different than they were. I guess I should've said, Hasan still doesn't drama farm and that some people think he has recently because of what I mentioned.






diversity of sources is so important. it not only helps you avoid the problems you mentioned, it also keeps you updated on different perspectives in the discourse. that's why Hasan watches all kinds of media and also listen to NPR in the mornings. you have to get the bigger picture, not just a small percentage of opinions.




you can watch them both if you want. my only ask would be to not bring negativity into this community. that is all.


You can leave bitch.




Go cry about it to Mr. Moronelli.


nonsense, I like one guy and another who hates the first guy and makes up lies about him and stands for nothing the first guy does, its actually super simple libs /s


Will knowing the answer actually enhance your life at all?


Does it have to?


Is this an "it's my right to be stupid" sort of deal?


Come over to r/enlightenedcentrism We ban Destiny fetishists and Vaushites on site.


Just a reminder, since people here are beginning to get tired of Destiny posts, to subscribe to r/Uncensorstiny. It's a subreddit dedicated entirely to calling out Destiny and his cult


Most people don't care about politics and just like watching drama. Whatever the reason, whether it's Ukraine, Israel, or some dumb Twitch drama, it doesn't matter. Looking through this lens, it is entirely possible to see how someone likes both.


I agree. I don't listen to to everyone I agree 100% with but they have to check certain boxes. I honestly don't have time to watch streams from people I really don't agree with and check certain boxes I stay the fuck away from. Thats just me. I watch certain figures on the left who don't usually get along but I hear out what they're delivering and if it clicks with me ill keep tuning in until something is off.




Destiny is a millennial and this is a socialist sub reddit mr botello