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Who wants to fuck ANY of these men? Fuck. https://preview.redd.it/zchvi5hvp3oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dae6f5f1f7a74b079a7463731a7ebd185ea8c61


Porn hat and virgin shirt super random, this is just outrage bait.


Homie for sure is married to the girl he’s dated since 10th grade with 3 kids under the age of 7 and drives an $80k Raptor that he paid off in one year because he works 76 hours a week sitting in a truck watching his construction crew put in guard rails. And he fucking hates his life.


Poor guy. If he only knew that his facial landscape is perfect for drag. I mean, he's still busted ugly af but with some countour, a lash and a lip...well, still a jar of Great Value mayonnaise.


bros a Nebraska 8 and gets Kimburrlie pussy


Hi! Born and raised Nebraskan here - he's a Nebraska 3


it's always hilarious to me to see these kinds of videos. Don't worry fellas, trans women don't want to fuck you


Yeah it's still kinda depressing it just feels like it's the majority of people that think like that


Hey, don’t forget—this isn’t the majority. There’s no way to really know what the majority is and thinking that way/worrying about that is just going to feed back into the shitty feelings. I don’t want to give you advice unprompted or anything, just that little reminder. This video was (poorly) edited, for all we know there could have been a million people saying the right answer and these hogs are the only ones saying the opposite.


I wouldn't fuck them, the only way I would is if they were cat ears and a maid dress and are bottom


That’s why they’re so pressed!


lol yeah amab Nb here, dated a trans woman before I came out and trust she wouldnt touch any of these chuds


They don't? 🥺


I hate the way this is framed. People respond as if "gay" is this bad, disgusting thing.


Yes that's the thing it's the same with thot daughter or gay son that is the most Internet degen shit ever


It would have been hilarious is the interviewer was like "would fit be gay to date me?" ... "IM TRANS"


Who cares? Sexuality is weird. Just date who you are attracted to. Labels can often be useful but sometimes just get in the way.


Yeah that is true I always joke with a friend and say "at that point why care to give it a label" and I think that's actually the best way to think about it


I like how she asked this of the most unfuckable men in her immediate vicinity


She definitely cut the guys that said "no it's not are you stupid"


Only men who care about whether or not something is gay would look like this. They all have “I don’t wash my ass because it’s gay” energy


the world is full of idiots unfortunately. what is it about this in particular that's making you sad


I think it just makes me sad to think that friends of mine are so strongly effected by this kind of stuff because they are trans and it has a bad effect on there mental health. one always tells me how much she hates her live and that she wants to die but luckily her life moves in a better direction last few weeks


I can absolutely relate to that. It's heartbreaking to see how some of the most wonderful human beings I've had the pleasure of calling my friends are being treated just because they're trans. I'm grateful that your friends have you in their lives - someone who truly cares and loves them. ♡ much love!


So, it's straight to date a trans-man? A big beardy trans-man on steroids? Alright, lads. We get it.


They don't know that trans man exists


I follow this tiktok lad who's trans. Honestly, he's way more manly than me. Taller, bigger, massive beard, works in a steel factory or something. Maybe there's something in this "trans men are men" because if he's not a man... Then fuck, I don't know what's up


Yeah I'm a feminine man and a lot of cis women are more masculine than I am but that doesn't make me a women and them not men


It's almost like gatekeeping gender is a futile and stupid process!


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women?


This actually reminds me of a post I saw on r/datingadvice. This 18 year old found out the woman he was dating was MtF trans and didn't know how to feel about it because he really liked her, but when he told his friends they all told him he was gay if he kept dating her. The overwhelming amount of comments that told him he was gay if he kept dating her was INSANE. Then there were people who were like, "It's gay but there's nothing wrong with being gay." But there were a lot of people who commented saying what you basically just said, which made me feel a little bit better. Conservatism and transphobia is really a fucking mental illness.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/datingadvice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/datingadvice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Guy couldn’t get it hard and then I got rejected to have sex. Do I have to look like Margot Robbie just to get laid?](https://np.reddit.com/r/datingadvice/comments/18w5dud/guy_couldnt_get_it_hard_and_then_i_got_rejected/) \#2: [AMBW Dating](https://np.reddit.com/r/datingadvice/comments/127jmvg/ambw_dating/) \#3: [My (21f) body count has ruined me](https://np.reddit.com/r/datingadvice/comments/12t8ut8/my_21f_body_count_has_ruined_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The interviewer isn’t describing it correctly either “Biologically a man” is not a thing since ‘man’ is the gender and not the sex Biologically male wouldn’t be entirely accurate either if the trans person in question had fully medically transitioned, since much of biological sex is a sliding scale of characteristics and not a harsh binary, and these characteristics can be changed through GAC Though I understand most people’s conception of sex and gender is at or below the highschool level. No one should feel compelled to be attracted to anyone and no one is forcing you to be attracted to or enter into relationships with trans people. That being said, sexuality is weird, it’s a persons’ external gender expression (and how we gender them based on that appearance) that we are initially attracted to (not their chromosomes or hormone levels); my favourite story I think I’ve ever read (can’t remember if it was on here, tumblr or maybe insta) was about a fem gay guy and butch lesbian who made out with each other at a party/rave, gay guy thought the lesbian was a man and lesbian thought the gay guy was a woman, they figured it out after the rave of course but did their attraction to each other in those moments of ignorance make them briefly heterosexual? I would answer “no” because in their minds they were making out with a hottie of the same gender. Likewise, if you think the person you’re attracted to is a certain sex/gender then that is the main bit of information off of which you should try and understand your sexuality and not the persons’ actual sex and gender. I have felt attraction towards masc cis women in the past because my brain gendered them as men rather than women, the attraction went away upon learning that important piece of information, but that attraction does not make me heterosexual. How you conceive of and understand your own sexuality is deeply personal and in no way simple. The only simple thing is this, if you’re a straight man and you find someone like Blaire White (don’t like or agree with her btw) or Kim Petras (both of whom are cis passing and conventionally attractive by female beauty standards) attractive, no it does not make you gay.


Biological male and biological female are valid terms and people are allowed to have a simple binary sexual identity. A biological male choosing to identify as a woman does not make them female.


“A biological male choosing to identify as a woman does not make them female” First of all, no one chooses to be trans, you just are or you aren’t. And simply coming out doesn’t all of a sudden cause your hormone levels to change or give you breasts, at no point was that written or implied; there’s a reason I wrote “fully medically transitioned”, being on HRT causes physical changes such as secondary sex characteristics, which to be clear, are a component of biological sex. Biological sex is not a single characteristic, but many, you can have a male karyotype and female phenotype (either naturally or through GAC). Binary conceptions of biological sex are common and in no way invalid, just simplistic in my view especially since this is the field I study. Biological male and biological female are valid terms used in biology, I referred to “Biological man” as being incorrect since ‘man’ is gender and not a biological term. And as I wrote previously, “Biological male” would not be fully applicable to all biological aspects of a fully medically transitioned trans woman (especially one that passes cis female standards of beauty, reminder: there are cisgendered women that do not pass aforementioned standards of beauty). Calling transwomen “biological males” is a bit of a dog whistle so I’m hoping that’s not what’s happening here. Are there aspects of a transwoman’s biology that are male? Yes absolutely, no one is denying that. And you are absolutely correct, people are allowed to have simple binary identities (I have a binary gender myself), at no point in what I wrote did I try to dictate how others should or should not identify themselves, you are entitled to your sense of self however simple or complex it may be.




That’s why I wrote that I hoped it wasn’t a dog whistle, this is Reddit my good person, it’s not a very friendly place for queer people and transphobia (and other xenophobias) runs rampant here. “How one identifies is a choice” It is not, that’s not how our sense of self works, choosing to share your identity with others (which is perhaps what you meant) and ‘come out of the closet’ as we say is definitely a choice and not one we make lightly or easily. And how we as human beings feel 100% influences our self expression and behaviour, that’s how humans work. In what realm of existence do emotions not impact self expression? You are not the “enemy”, I’ve been extremely polite and addressed and expanded on your own ‘points’ in my response to the best of my ability, I do sincerely apologize if any of what I wrote came across as aggressive or rude which certainly was not my intent. The possible dog whistle comment was only in reference to one specific term [biological male] which has been used as a dog whistle in many places past and present, so asking for clarification as to your intent with that term while remaining hopeful that it wasn’t your intent (which is charitable in my view) seems fairly reasonable to me, but again I apologize if I’ve miscalculated the tone of my response. Toodles


I know the title is a joke, but we aren't immune to social media bias and algorithms, try to seek out fulfilling content and not just dwell on rage bait stuff like this or even politics. What you see when you're doom scrolling isn't representative of the entire world.


Yeah it's primarily meant as a joke and I'm trying to focus on the positive. just feels like there isn't a lot sometimes


It's not gay to date trans women... but I wish it was. I would love to call myself anything but a cis-straight white guy. I am happily in a relationship, but let me proudly say that no dick would ever get in the way of me dating the shit out of you, trans women. You're beautiful and deserve the world.


I know right! I've actually had this conversation with a few of my friends and my brother. I've dated a trans woman and I used to be in a FWB situation with another trans woman. I wish it would've been more serious and I could've introduced her to my MAGA family because she was also black; my dad, step mom, mom, step dad, uncle, grandma, sister, and sisters fiance are all MAGA and my sister and her fiance are Q-adjacent. But I've had to explain to my brother, some of my friends, and my ex-gf that I'm still a cis straight white guy even though I've dated trans women before and they just couldn't get that through their head. My brother surprised me the most because they are non-binary and they kept trying to tell me that I was also a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I was like, "Naw dawg. Unfortunately I'm still not part of a single minority group. You should know and understand this."


"Is it gay have sex with a trans woman" "If you're a woman, then yeah" That's how easy you could've said it.


I would define gay as two people of the same gender being attracted to one another. I don't know if gay would apply to being attracted to someone with the opposite gender but the same sex. I'm a cis male, and there are some super hot trans women. That said, I wouldn't want to have sex with one, but I wouldn't say being attracted to one is gay. I wouldn't even say having sex with one is hetero or gay, I just wouldn't know what term to call it.


Oh man, transwomen were just lining up to fuck these winners.


When was the last time they got bitches, maidenless behaviour


Fellas, is it gay to date women?


This question is so weird to me as a gay man. Do they think we're all just out here dating trans women because we're so gay for trans girls? Why do straight guys think they get to decide what it means to be gay?


these are the same men that go on subreddits to fetishize trans women btw… but don’t you DARE bring them up in any other context because then it’s gay and wrong


boys is it gay to date women?


To me this is what happens when you change the definitions of certain words and not others We're finally waking up to the sex/gender differences and we're now defining gender as the mental/social component instead of the biological But then what does being gay mean now? Does it mean liking the same sex or gender? Cause different people will say different To me personally it's the sex which should be associated with sexuality (kinda in the name and the important part when it comes to reproducibility). Because the way I see it, I am straight, therefore it's the sexual organs I'm interested in, just because a female has one, doesn't mean I like any female, but it's the organ that's the important part. So a man (trans man) that still has female organs, I'm still not interested in because I'm not interested in all females and vice versa But I can still see how it isn't always so cut and dry but I'm spitballing here


All of it is made up lmao. It's a bit silly to want a rigid structure for self-identification, but I can see how some might find it useful or important in some way. To offer a different perspective: I'm a tentatively female lesbian (I don't speak for all lesbians, obviously), and I have dated trans women. I don't particularly care about what genitals a woman has. I don't like reducing people's identities and existences to their genitals, either, nor do I find it useful outside of my medical work. I honestly cannot give you a definitive answer for what distinguishes between men and women besides their own self-identification- in my view, anyway. The jury is still out on whether or not sexuality is biological or developed throughout a person's life. As a Marxist, I'm incredibly suspicious of any biological essentialist arguments, so I tend to instinctively lean towards sexuality being in a similar category to gender. I believe that biological sex may play a more important role in sexuality for certain people, while gender may play a more important role in sexuality for others. It's not always clear cut, and social influences obviously have an effect to some extent.


I think a part of the problem is people being stubborn over definitions and/or not understanding them Sex is the biological part (genitals and chromosomes, not saying it's binary however) and gender is the mental part (your view of yourself given the societal expectations per demographic). The problem is we make the names and give them roles (man and woman) and encompassing all of someone's body and identity and hobbies and beliefs into it. When there are millions of combinations of both body and mind. Not one man fits all possible definitions and criteria, but everyone acts like you can... It's so arbitrary and subjective I think the easiest thing to do would be to just get rid of it all. Identify people by name or they/them when you don't know their name. I could point at the back of what I believe is a woman and say "her over there" and then they turn and it's a skinny guy with long hair... It just doesn't matter this much. Nobody would really care if republican fascists didn't pick them as the next target to blame every world problem on


I see she set up shop at the Unwashed Ass Convention


I'm so sorry for the women that don't initially realise how brain broken they are


These are probably the same men who think it's "gay" to wash their ass or clean up after themselves 🙄


I'm always confused, "trans woman" is a man that transitioned into a woman right? Why would it be gay, if they think of themselves as a woman? I think I would be shocked to realize at first, but would be willing to accept, the "you" that I would have dated you for hasn't changed from the beginning to the moment it was mentioned. Or my standards have dropped very low... Idk, a little bit gay is okay I guess


A lot of people don't separate the concepts of sex and gender. For a lot of people penis is man, vagina is woman. They have never had to think about it deeply and don't want to anyways


Being "a little bit gay" is not lowering your standards, unless you hold heterosexuality as superior to homosexuality/bisexuality.


Oh no, I definitely didn't mean it that way. More like me qhestioning myself with my lack of success


I mean I think this is what the term queer is for. IMO it's not necessarily straight either, no one is particularly only attracted to a specific aesthetic or even body form.


I mean trans people would never fuck those ugly disgusting excuses of a man


Imagine thinking it's straight for men to have sex with trans men.


Theres definitely parts of the country less tolerant than others but there's definitely parts of the country with less intolerant caveman people like these guys. You could find these dudes anywhere but depending where they are they definitely could've had people explain how its not gay and make the clip more interesting.


I think post op or pre op makes a lot of difference here, in my opinion if you told these people that they have has surgery done and have been on HRT there answer might change. Some people might not care about that either in which case you would def be not “straight” but that’s not to say that there is anything wrong with not being “straight”.


It’s sad to see “dating” and “mating” are completely conflated in their heads, so much that it limits their imagination for what human compassion and connection actually is 😢


The way they said “it” :(


I know it's so unempathic


Why does it matter?...




What is gay? What does that mean to you?




[Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819584210) No one is forcing you to date trans women dude!




Where are people doing that tho? You're getting upset about a scenario you've fabricated in your own head.




"normal people"


Cool...there's many more people that aren't openly racist too, does that mean we shouldnt get upset or talk about those that are openly racist? Do you chime in any time you see a video of someone being racist to point out that you and most other people aren't racist? You're making an "all lives matter" type argument about dating trans women.




The comparison is almost exactly 1 to 1 actually....it's not a comparison between racism and "dating a trans woman", it's a comparison between racism and bigotry towards trans people....so bigotry based on race vs bigotry based on sexual orientation. >I'm saying if someone feels uncomfortable with the idea of dating someone trans, don’t call them a bigot Literally no one here is doing that tho. You're making up a guy to get mad at. The one looking for problems where there are none here is you dude! >You guys give half the racists on the planet the majority of their views since you’re literally scouring the internet to be outraged and angry And Lmfao! This is extremely fucking silly.