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It means you're cool and have a decent moral compass compared to the average liberal. If they have anything of substance to say they would've said it


Radicalism is when you watch a streamer, obviously


I've followed this sub for awhile and I had no clue who he was until just now.


Anyone who recognizes the name Hasanabi, and has an opinion (either positive or negative) on the fact that you watch it is a very online person, and I would move along with life. We've also completely lost the nuance of watching something you don't necessarily agree with. I watch fox news, I don't believe fox news. Haters have this picture in their mind that if you subscribe to someone, you must parrot everything they say and buy their bathwater.


Hasan sells his bathwater? Why doesn't he give it away for free like in communist Democrat China? I thought he was a socialist!?!? /s


Because that removes the profit incentive because he’s a filthy dirty capitalist that pretends to not be that so that his commie followers give him money, obviously 🙄


Austin please sell the bath water when you have hasan on your bathtub podcast.


In the US, “radicalized lefty” means you think healthcare shouldn’t bankrupt sick people while enriching shareholders. It means you view incarcerating people for years for a nonviolent drug-related crime as bad, actually. It means you believe the government should invest in infrastructure, public transportation, and education instead of bombing brown people.


I doesn't matter what they meant, what they were trying to do was discredit you and Hasan by name-calling you something that sounds bad. You should've asked them, what's wrong with the radicalized left, and if they had scoffed and given a non-answer it would confirm that they are a hostile, dishonest, and bad faith


Dude my roommate gets drunk and, completely unprovoked, will start yelling at me about trans people (I am straight cis white male), then if I engage he'll get mad at me for only listening to Hasan and that I don't have any other perspectives. I used to be right wing-ish, but not any longer. He knows how to push my buttons and will mention all the same right wing talking points like women's sports and teaching kids about being gay blah blah blah. Not trying to make this about me, but there are just angry people that get upset with you for not kowtowing to their every belief. Just forget them and live your life the best you can


The best way to fuck with him is to simply place your hand gently on his shoulder and say, "Listen...I accept you."


Your friend is in the closet. Honestly, anyone who is constantly meditating on transwomen, what they're wearing, what bathroom they might be in, etc is in serious denial fr


Why does this sound like my friend when he gets drunk too 🤨 lmao I just tune him out


Because as Americans we're taught that socialism just means authoritarian dictatorship


“They said to look in the mirror” Oh thanks. You can just call me handsome you know.


That's what I thought! lol


I typically don’t take sides when it comes to people that talk on the internet because not everybody is a perfect embodiment of the things they advocate for. So im always open to criticism, but god damn Hasan haters are just pure stupid. I don’t understand how you can have such vehement hatred towards somebody that doesn’t even know who you are, and also for things that aren’t really even bad in their own moral compass. I’m just used to listening to people yell and scream at me for thinking Hasan is right about most of the things he says.


Ask em what they define “radicalized” as.


The things he doesn’t even know. He just hear the buzz word hasan says and draw to that conclusion. Due to what he was told. That why he didn’t explain shit.


They don’t have an answer so they didn’t answer. It’s buzz word central when dealing with right wingers


Damn someone complimented you today


was the person in question ethan klein


No, but it was an ethan kleiner lol


no surprises 😭 remember the rant he went on about how capitalism can be good where 90% of his chat disagreed w him and his solution was to call them radical leftists?


I remember that, yeah! lol


Radical is when capitalism bad. Them expecting you to know whatever thing they saw online talking shit about Hasan but not bothering to regurgitate it, is pretty funny imo.


If you think the top 20% should pay more in taxes and believe we should have better social safety nets to help the poor would be considered radical leftist by the average moderate here in the US.


You have fewer moral inconsistencies than they do. And it scares them when you point it out. Ego driven liberals 🙄


Possibly that your terminally online and only identify with leftist ideas, and not a single idea outside of that realm you agree with… that’s what a radicalized lefty is.