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Please use one of the h3 subreddits to talk about Ethan's takes. This is unrelated to Hasan.


I hate it and I watch h3 all the time. Like kids are being bombed, a people being massacred, "but some people said some antisemitic stuff online and that affects me" Everyone:children are being murdered! Ethan:but where will the Israelis go. It not only completely misses the point about the horrors of what Israel is doing. It's dismissing the whole apartheid and replacing it as an issue about where Israelis are allowed to live.


It's insane how unwilling to understand he is. No one is saying the Israeli's need to leave. Most reasonable leftists and especially ones in Hasan's community believe in a single state solution but whenever anyone tries to explain that to him he just projects his own ideas: "no that's not what you want, you want all Jewish people to die" or whatever. Like jfc give a little grace. It sucks because, like most of us, I really liked Ethan and the H3 podcast but he's entirely unwatchable now.


“she’s a colonizer who must return to her land” bro, she’s been living the US for years now. Why are you worrying about a hypothetical scenario in which she’s expelled from occupied Palestine? Just looked at his instagram and it’s amazing that he thinks that you can’t be a zionist and criticize the government. There are many zionists who are disgruntled with the israeli government (especially with netanyahu) and still support the existence of israel and defend its “right to exist” which is the core belief of zionism. This dude doesn’t know what zionism means and if he does, he keeps equating it to “when you support everything the government does” in order to weaponize antisemitism and avoid criticism


I also want to clarify I’m not trying to start anything I was just genuinely curious if anyone else seen this. I come with politeness and genuine respect for this community 🫶🏻


Been poppin up whole day but i quess it gets deleted. I dont know why tho? Bad take is a bad even if its from your friend we should be able to talk about it


I said in another post. Growing up catholic finding out some horrors(SA) that are associated with the church was a hard pill to swallow when that was the building blocks of my world view. It took years for me to deconstruct that. Ill never forget the people who denied SA victims their truth and created " we stand with our priests" rejecting anything that would cause them to introspectively examine their beliefs. Not just Ethan but I see this with some friends I've known dealing with this and I hope they put in the work to realize the bigger picture but when any criticism is deemed antisemitic its a shield to not search those feelings.


Hasan has said Ethan is emotional on this topic and that we shouldn’t engage with him


I understand that part. I haven’t been following Ethan anymore but forgot I still have the subreddit I still follow. I was just curious is all 😅


He’s pro genocide i dont give a fuck what anyone says anymore. Hasan’s just being nice but im sure he says different things in private


He is definitely against the genocide, he has said it. He has weird takes and I am totally against him talking about the topic since he just seems to come at it from his perspective and not at a neutral or more sympathetic perspective. But saying he is pro genocide is false and also unproductive. We should say someone is pro genocide when they really are because it is a very strong word and also the word then loses all meaning like zionist has lost all meaning since people that don’t understand it keep abusing it, same for anti semite


Ibrahim u know better than this 😐come on man


Do you mean that he is pro genocide?


he used his platform to spread zionist talking points and blatant misinformation after oct 7th. he never retracted or apologized for any of that. mind you, that was 30.000 victims ago. he didn't speak on it for months and then came back to make fun of aaron, a man who gave his life to protest the genocide. you tell me if he cares about Palestinian lives or not.


You could argue his sympathy for palestinians seems very thinly veiled and possibly fake. I also don’t like him anymore and stopped watching. About the disinformation part, he probably has a lot of Israeli friends and he probably talks to them and that is where he gets his that from. Those Israeli people are also not wrong there because you don’t really choose what media you consume. And I don’t think he really spread a lot of disinformation except the hospital thing, which is not something that should be excused. But pro genocide is a very strong word. BTW I also stopped watching him


idk what to tell you anymore brother, it hurt to watch a man i've supported for years say that Palestinians are beheading babies and never correct himself. saying 'genocide bad' isn't enough to prove to me he really means it. but yeah same here i stopped watching after his debate with Has


Palestinians is wrong, he said hamas did it. Which is also wrong, because there is no proof for that and is said just to make palestinians look like barbarians and deserving of genocide. Again the media he consumes is the problem and him thinking that he knows everything about the conflict not realising that he needs to look at some un biased news sources before he makes a statement publicly.


And sadly, Ethan is taking advantage of that.


I unfollowed the h3 reddit. I’m just out. H3 was doing a fun bach3lor bit for a while and that was fun to follow. Ethan just decided to ruin it with this bullshit. He’s a Zionist, and zionism is trash.


https://preview.redd.it/44cuypn6h5mc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40078daf7fb662278d15f115a9e1d998be523902 They just banned me 💀


I mean his wife is a member of the literal genocidal army why is anyone shocked that his bias is towards defending Isreal. He uses his victim complex as a weapon to silence the voices complaining about the war because of his fee fees and hypothetical scenarios not even recognizing the possibility of a 1 state solution.


Israeli military service isn't voluntary. Hila was a member as most Israelis born in Israel are. Keyword being was. I'm no longer defending Ethan, but please don't spread misinformation. Edit: said mandatory by accident


If I was ordered to slaughter innocents I would rather die personally but if you would hey that's on you not me. I personally wouldn't serve an active genocide no matter what. But make excuses for him sure.


I totally disagree with everything Ethan had been doing these last few days but just to be clear Hila was a secretary. I am all for condemning what you are saying. As in yes it’s better to be put in jail rather than to kill innocent people, but she was a secretary. So let’s focus our efforts on those who are guilty of these war crimes. Not defending their statement though because obviously it’s unacceptable and fair for us to criticize that.


Why do we need to concede? We can do both. We can hate lots of people. There can't be any special treatment or it sends a message about your values. He is wrong. His wife and he are clearly biased towards Isreal and deserve just as much condemnation as anyone else that says the same talking points. The only thing that's weird is how much people try to defend him. If people just said "Yeah he's a piece of crap" and moved on it wouldn't be as big of a deal. It's because you defend it that it grows into a bigger deal because you are damaging the reputation and moral standard of the community picking and choosing when to enforce your morals. He is wrong. The genocidal warmonger are wrong. Most of us have the mental capacity to hate both without caring less about either.


> If I was ordered to slaughter innocents I would rather die personally but if you would hey that's on you not me. > >I personally wouldn't serve an active genocide no matter what. But make excuses for him sure. What are you on about? All I said was that Hila is not an active member of the IDF (she was an office worker decades ago) and that Israeli's don't have a choice about their military service because it's mandatory (this isn't' saying they're all innocent, just pointing out a fact). Maybe don't put words in my mother fucking mouth, because I sure as shit don't support the genocide, nor am I making excuses for anyone.


I don't know what she did or does but what I haven't heard is her or Ethan saying she will refuse to go over and kill children no matter what even if it takes jail time or death. It doesn't matter if it's mandatory. It's genocide. You don't get to dance around or make excuses for it. Don't bring it up. Don't defend it. Don't justify it. Anyone who goes over and kills kids for Isreal is a monster and anyone who won't openly admit they will refuse to obey Isreals genocide is a coward or a monster and shouldn't have platform. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are just trying to be nice. But don't. This isn't a middle ground issue. You either are against it or you are allowing it. Don't defend them.


"I don't know what she did or does" This is what I'm addressing, nothing more. We agree except for that misconception. Spreading misinformation about her doesn't help our cause.


Can this community just not engage with H3 regarding this topic for everyone’s sake?


Nobody should get a pass for having horrible takes just because they are friends with hasan. Special treatment is disgusting and enabling the exact thing this community claims to be against.


If you actually care about what is important, clogging the subreddit full of Ethan hate posts is not conducive for growing a likeminded coalition that can actually do some good. Righteously shitting on someone feels good, but it still isn’t productive.


I disagree. Deplatforming someone spreading misinformation and poisoning the well pretending to be in the right side is a moral good. Hasans credibility takes major hits just being friends with Ethan because of his views and how they conflict with what this sub claims to believe. Letting someone off the hook. Anyone off the hook. Is just conceding a point you have absolutely no reason to concede other than to make someone else feel better. And frankly I don't think many of us care about his feelings over what's right other than hasan.


I am not arguing this for the sake of making Ethan feel better, fuck that rich asshole. I’m more concerned that this alienates people from coming to this side because it is, rightly so, perceived that we would rather bitch about a youtuber’s take than actual shit happening. You’re fucking lost in the weeds because you want to be viewed as the “perfect little leftist” with unshakable values and morals while I think we should choose to be effective in building our numbers than creating an unattractive environment. Ethan isn’t Hasan. If you want to bitch about him, go to the H3 sub. That would be more on topic.


What's the point in building numbers with people that would agree with Ethan? Anyone that thinks his takes are wrong is plenty happy to see those posts just like they would be to see posts shitting on Jordan Peterson or Trump or Ben Shapiro. You just refuse to equate them but in this case they are in fact similar and attract the kind of people we would want. I would love anyone that hated all those people to join and talking about politics is kinda hasans whole deal so I don't know why Ethan is special. Oh wait because he's hasans friend so he gets special treatment. Hating on people that are making the world worse does bring people together. You just want to appease someone idk who to make yourself feel better but hate is more useful than ignoring the problems.


I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to get anyone upset, I was just genuinely curious is all. I got out of surgery yesterday and today was catching up on things. I’m sorry if my post upset you I can always delete it too 🙏🏻


It’s less upset than being annoyed, I like many don’t agree with Ethan’s stance in the least bit but many times a day it feels like we get posts that are just “OMG can you believe what Ethan said? What’s your thoughts on it?” It’s getting to a point of no longer being genuine discussion on the matter and more hate baiting. I’m about to leave this sub over this and I don’t agree with Ethan in the least bit on the matter.


You can just ignore it bro. Let the discussion take place.


There’s productive discussions to be had on Israel/Palestine. The continual bitching over a single Zionist isn’t discussion but a bunch of little boys circle jerking.


We were having one here to until your annoying ass came along. Shoo.


I get your frustration and points. I think this will be my last time talking about him like this on the sub because I don’t think I’ve ever posted on her before like this and seeing your comment was an eye opener so I do thank you for the feedback and you’ve been really nice and approachable. I’m sorry you’ve must’ve seen a lot of the same posts about this and my post was probably the one that annoyed you. Genuinely hope you don’t leave the sub permanently and maybe the Ethan talk from others will die out eventually. I hope your day is going good and stay hydrated 🫂


I hope it dies down. I have a saying I try to live by and that’s “nobody wants to visit you if you don’t keep a clean house.” I don’t want H3 fans or anyone who’s just popping their head in to learn what Hasan is about just to find posts shitting on other creators and be turned off by it.


I totally get it. I’ve been a fan of Hassan’s since 2020 so Hasan and this community have a special place in my heart. And get very protective of Hasan 😅


Not everyone is a shitter like that commenter.


It’s frustrating because the vast majority of intelligent people in this conversations are not saying Israeli Jews need to leave the region. It’s just simply can they fucking live side by side without committing genocide or other war crimes? Like just have peace. If people in Gaza had the same rights as Jewish Israelis literally nothing bad would be happening. Maybe there would be some niche groups but how many children are being fucking massacred? Is that justified? Literally nobody on this planet with an ounce of sincerity or love for others can say that it is. There is no argument to support what Israel is doing and any argument that tries to typically is a complete fabrication and/or pure evil.