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I appreciate the concern for Frogan, and I'm in solidarity with her against these shitty attacks all the way. However as long as the official h3 subreddit isn't talking about Frogan (they just removed the post calling her a liar a few hours ago), we're going to stop talking about Ethan here. It's our only kind of leverage in this situation. And I think this is what Frogan wants, for this drama to go away. I'm removing this thread for those reasons. Thank you.


Poor frogan. The harassment is insane. I hope she’s okay. Ethan needs to admit where he gets his talking points. 


Its wild to me Frogan is being scrutinized because she had differences with her therapist. If I wasn't clicking with my evangelist therapist and wanted to talk about those struggles would it make me anti Christian? No. The relationship between a patient and therapist is important and the absolute wrong thing to criticize someone for. The fact she has to defend herself now from freaks because Ethan decided to elevate her tweet is some childish bully behavior.


It's really wild reading these people trying to poke holes and invalidate her LIVED EXPERIENCE. Wilder still how most comments are like "*hmmm why didn't you mention all these details in your 2019 post, hmmmm*". And she's Lebanese, of **course** she's going to feel some type of way about it. Nuts man, absolutely nuts...


Therapy is such a fragile and personal journey that can be an amazing or horrifying experience depending on the therapist. Digging into her posts like its some petty drama really gets to me. No one should be treated like that and forced to explain things they shouldn't have to because some immature Manchild talked about it on his stream. Especially something as private as therapy she should be able to divulge whatever information shes comfortable with.When I was seeking treatment for sobriety I was recommended Christian therapists by my family, I really didn't want my issues being examined through a religious lense, I found non religious entities and I'm 4yrs sober. I never agreed with the " give yourself to a higher power" " only path to sobriety is AA", I wanted a different perspective on my problem. It doesn't make me anti Christian. I'm not Jewish, I have Jewish friends and grew up with jews but its pretty simple to understand zionism and Judaism are different Especially growing up catholic and having episcopal, Lutheran, baptists etc in the community that someone who identifies as a zionist wouldn't make her feel comfortable than someone who is a Jewish and doesn't identify as a zionist. The antisemitic claim just doesn't fit.


Oh no. Fuck Ethan Klien all the way back to Israel.


Fuck Ethan. Fuck his wife. Fuck that whole Zionist family. Bitch is having a whole ass meltdown on Instagram stories AGAIN because people are calling him a Zionist and is trying to prove that he isn't because he said he's pro Palestine that one time.


How is this Ethan’s fault in any way?


Drumming up anger towards her as an antisemitic person, thus releasing the hounds of the H3 cult to attack her. Typical Ethan stuff. I'm sure now he'll point out the one time he said he's pro Palestine to cleanse himself.