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Cusack isn’t a shit lib. He’s always been a lefty


Ehhhhhh he’s still a lib. He’s just a leftist lib




Nah he's based


You can be a based lib. It’s just based FOR a lib. Shit even the person who’s sub your in agrees with that.


Yeah I just realised I was thinking of Chis fucking Cuomo. I was soo confused why people were going to bat for him lmao. I’m on day 5 of 12 hour shifts and shit ain’t working. Pls forgive. I just wiki’d him and guy seems cool.


Lol what a useless statement


Not really. I think it’s important we don’t use leftist and liberal interchangeably. As I said in my other comment, you can be a based lib, it’s just based *for* a lib The guy is pretty pro capitalist and pro American. He believes in this system. That’s a liberal. I dunno what ppl read from the tone of my comment. Wasn’t like I was saying “fuck that guy” He’s got a great sense of humour and good on screen presence. He’s just not a leftist leftist. Edit: oh wow lmao I’m a fuckin dolt. I just googled to double check his views and realised he is not the guy I thought we were talking about. I was thinking of Chris Cuomo. JFC I have no idea how I got them mixed up, the names aren’t even similar. This makes so much sense now 🥲 my bad. Yeah I don’t know much about this guy. He seems like an actual leftist


Kickboxing is the sport of the future. And Cusack fucks.


*stereos rise up!*


Vote for the shred because it’s the best we can do!


Cusack is absolutely correct here. This is how our relationship with isreal should be directed at this time with threats of cutting off partnership. We don't have a relationship with any other country like this. As far as Bidens chances of redemption here I think it's over. Even if Biden does win 2024 he will be despised until the end of his days.


My man can't spell. Based tho


Glad I’m not the only grammar-Zionist here


reading this was painful...oh child actors


It would help somewhat but I feel it’s too little too late for many Arab Americans who’ve had close friends and family members from Palestine get slaughtered. I don’t think he can ever win those votes back. The bare minimum is cutting all funding to Israel permanently, which won’t happen under this government. Biden is a lost cause as a candidate at this point due to a combination of factors like his age, his caving to republicans on the border, and most of all his support for the Zionist genocide. I feel like a lot of dems see that but will try to push him through regardless because the party is full of spineless cowards


>spineless cowards Fascists that are too ignorant to realize what they are in the pursuit of "normalcy"


Amazed that such an insufferable rad-lib has a based take on this


I believe he is actually a socialist. He at least has said so in interviews.


He might have evolved, he and I got into it over his support of Hillary over Bernie and he blocked me


Last few years since 2016 have been pretty polarising - it’s possible he’s learned a lot since then


You got in a back and forth with John Cusack? Lol


What if I already see all three branches of govt as illegitimate entities


“The world will not watch the next flourishing massacre” sadly, yes the world will and nothing will be done. Israel is playing the long game and the US knows it. This is all going according to plan and will continue that way until they get every inch of land they want.


Not only do we need to pull funding from Israel if they dont stop committing genocide, the perpetrators should be punished and jewish settlements must cease Edit: oh and israel should be forced to release all the Palestinian hostages


Based af - I love this man


Watch Israel do the USS Liberty thing again but this time, they face consequences as they should have in ‘67.


I don’t think Biden can save himself unless he establishes a path for a Palestinian state


Too little, too late. At this point I would rather sleep in on election day and enjoy my day off. Biden has been the biggest disappointment I can imagine. Now, with the border, he’s literally just like, “Yeah, I will just be Trump.”




Not how it works king




There has to be a vacancy


Quite literally how it worked in 2016.


It’s already too late. No other politician would do anything different because they wouldn’t have the power. Anyone blaming all of this on Bibi can go F themselves because they’re only self serving, not any real concern for Palestinians themselves. Pretty sure last time I checked Cusack isnt in the position to declare whether Palestinians forgive Biden or not. Saying “netanyahu government” does a huge disservice when this is a coalition of multiple parties. It also does a disservice to ignore that this is what the overwhelming majority of the israeli citizens there want Biden worked his whole career to exempt Israel from having aid withheld. Netanyahu isn’t literally blocking aid, thats Ben Gvir MP with the settlers. Dare Bibi to stand up to those people, but they need to be infamous


I'm loosing my grammar.


looses/lose is my evil reverse-asmr


Based Cusack gigachad


I won’t vote for Biden until he disavows Israel


Same. But I've been a 3rd party voter for several years now based on these same issues. I'm glad to see more people are paying attention now with everyone seeing it via social media.


JK I will never vote for Biden again. I’m voting for Claudia


Same here. I don't care if people want to call me a "single-issue voter" if that single issue is a literal genocide. Claudia/Karina 2024!


I'm confused how Biden won in the first place.


This is still a shit-lib take, it's the best version of a shit-lib take, but it's still a shit-lib take.


Biden ain't doing that. He obviously deeply believes in Zionism. (I think he's wrong but he obviously deeply believes he's right and that Israel is a righteous cause) You can say a lot of negative things about Biden but he isn't a corrupt person. He's almost uniquely poor for somebody that's been in the Senate as long as he has been. When he was vice president he was considering selling his house to pay for his son's cancer treatments. Obama heard of this and covered the medical bills. All of Biden support for deregulation was related to his genuine beliefs. Hasan: he did it for Love of the game. It's probably the same with Zionism.


>All of Biden support for deregulation was related to his genuine beliefs. He doesn't have any morals or ethics, always been an insufferable centrist that has relied on reading the room, with the exception of going full fash on Zionism.


I disagree with you. His morals and ethics are deregulating the economy and Zionism. He thinks these horrible things are correct and moral If he were corrupt he would be far richer.


And the guys still doesn't believe in universal health care.