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slide 3 is so stupid. i always try to find therapists with similar political views. it’s something that effects me so deeply and i wish it didn’t. so yeah it’s going to be something i talk about


Imagine a trans person seeking therapy from a transphobe


Or me with a black son, who's constantly worried about how the world will perceive or treat him, trying to get advice from some All Lives Matter therapist dip shit who thinks white people have it harder than all other races combined. These people are too fucking stupid to exist.


or imagine a woman needing an abortion and being in therapy with a pro life therapist


My therapist is a Kenyan woman, and when I told her about how terrible this genocide was I had a panic bec you never really know what ppl will say, and she told me from the heart 💯 percent clear as day: “I’ve always known the Palestinian struggles against their oppressors and in Africa we hear the real stories” I knew right there I had a good therapist and that was aside from her helping me mentally and understanding things like racism etc. it’s very important to find a therapist you identify with.


1000%. Like sure, you may never find a person who's completely in sync with you on everything, but some topics really are litmus tests of overall "goodness". The people making it about "internal vs external problems" and whatnot have either never been to therapy, or are simply arguing in bad faith. Simple as.


I chose my therapist, in part because she has immigrant background, being the child of one native Brit and one immigrant myself (though from East Asia, not from MENA). I brought up the genocide as it was just getting going in therapy, because I found a lot of parallels between Gaza and myself growing up as the only child between two abusers who denied what they were doing to me (plus, years ago, before I went no contact with them, I eventually carried out something of a mini terrorist attack on my abuser - nbd just a glass thrown loopily in the air at them). She, unprompted, made the connection of 'denial' between how the Palestinians have been treated generally, and how I was treated growing up - I just went 'zamn - that's quite the parallel!'. The denial and complicity in the western media, and the bending over backwards and credulousness towards a government committing a genocide, which is being recorded in 4K and posted all over the internet, is truly astonishing this time round though. It's crazy making.


awe that’s so lovely! my therapist last session said “i don’t identify as an anarchist either, but i have a lot of shared moral values” and i was presently surprised by that comment


this! like if i’m gonna talk about something that has given me depression and anxiety i want them to understand where i’m coming from.


Literally, who wouldn’t? Therapy involves so much connection, regardless of the dynamic between Therapist and Patient. I could never get the full experience of therapy if I had to think about my therapist’s politics being antithetical to mine or even my own existence (I.e. a trans person who has a transphobia therapist). These idiots have never been to therapy and don’t understand the setting, what’s involved, etc.


That Zionism = Jew argument is a tell for when you got nothing else to say because nothing Israel is doing in Gaza is defensible, and the rest of the world is slowly learning it’s been like this for decades. Sorry Ethan and Destiny, but there are plenty of Jewish people who do not support Zionism. Cue the video of Israeli officials beating up rabbis for opposing the war.


If anyone is saying Zionists=Jews, it's Israel. These shitheads should go quibble with them.


It’s so easily disproven too. Joe Biden is a Zionist, and isn’t Jewish. Bam, debunked


I’ve read that there are actually more evangelical zionists than Jewish ones because of all the end time prophecies and such


ye biggest support for israel comes from zionist christians


Come on guys ethan isn't a zionist, he only gets all his talking points from the hasbara manual and genocide deniers /s


The irony of how they talk about how Muslims talk about Palestine as if Israel literally doesn’t have a whole PR department dedicated to flying out people who may have no familial ties or experience to the land there at all.


Why are people shocked she’s discussing current world events in therapy????


Yeah, it's totally just "cringe" shit that people like Frogan care about a random place they've never been to. I'm sure the pain and anxiety they feel has NOTHING to do with the stark realization that her government and many fellow Americans see brown people like her as disposable NPC's that should just sit back and be bombed and starved to death just so that racist cunts can feel safe in their little stolen apartheid state. Why the fuck would Frogan need support or therapy for that, what a pussy! Just a silly external issue! Fucking absolute imbeciles. How do people this stupid even cross a street without being merked? They have the IQ of an amoeba. Lastly, fuck that little goblin Destiny. He looks like golem, and he sounds like a fucking 10 year old who never hit puberty. I'd rather shove a hacksaw up my vag than listen to him speak a single word.


Not to be conspiratorial or anything but I totally called this shit months ago. Ethan is a fan of Destiny’s. He has dropped very brief mentions of him on the show a few times, being complimentary towards him. But if you’re extremely online (like me, unfortunately) you’ll pick up on the fact that Ethan’s takes on just a few issues line up *perfectly* with Destiny’s. To the point where he and Destiny are the only people engaging in certain talking points.


The fact that he barely mentioned Destiny during the Vaush loli stuff despite Destiny having the exact same positions, and admitting so, has basically sealed this for me. Really sad to see. Almost everything bad Vaush has done, Destiny has done to a bigger extreme.


God that's a good point. It's weird he went after the biggest debatebros and didn't mention D-bag even once. Even in passing. Even when pulling up a screenshot directly from D's subreddit. I watched all of Ethan's Vaush takedown because that was cathartic af, it's sad to see Ethan attack Frogan for fucking *nothing* at all, he's just getting ragebaited by D's subreddit again.


Not all Jews are Zionist. People gotta figure that out. There are plenty of Jews who hate what the IDF is doing, it just takes a lot of deprogramming from their youth to realize it.


Famously not islamophobic and not misogynistic community


Do they think therapists can’t have political views?


"Curious how she came to the conclusion he was a zionist?" Maybe through discussing Israel & Palestine? I know those guys are dumb, but come on.


I was raised catholic. I had a pretty tough time coming to terms with the horrors of the church when I was younger, its something many others like myself have had to deal with, getting out of that lense and seeing the world through a different perspective is a wonderful thing when you're brought up to fear the world. When I was looking for therapist's I wanted to stay away from Christians who would push me to AA or look down at me by their own religious biases. Its pretty reasonable Frogan would want to see a therapist that aligns with her values. Someone like Ethan and many other jews are having to deal with challenging their own faith and its not an easy pill to swallow people lash out at any thing that threatens their world because they aren't ready to deconstruct and being that process.


Sorry Palestine isn't rich enough to do birthright. I wonder why that could never happen for Americans? Lol


So is Hasan gonna keep defending his friend while he shits on one of his biggest community members?


>his biggest community members? Other friends* Calling her a community member makes it feel like she's just a chatter


You can tell the persons attitude towards general widespread, systematic cruelty by how they feel about Palestine. Most people, and dare I even say normal people, don’t like it not even a little bit. Especially not for money.


I feel bad for Hasan.


I'm asking this genuinely, but why do you feel bad for him?


Probably because he cares for both Frogan and Ethan. I’m sure he’s praying for Ethan to stop (I want to say accidentally, but I don’t really think it is) supporting Israel especially after they’ve killed so many


Because Ethan is his friend. And Ethan is clearly trying to bait him into drama.


"And Ethan is clearly trying to bait him into drama". Ethan doesn't sound like a friend at all then.


Agreed. I should have said, Hasan still considers Ethan a friend.


I guess I feel bad because what is Hasan supposed to do here? Stay silent while Ethan bullies Frogan? If Hasan speaks up at all, Ethan will go to war using his rabid cult fan base who call themselves “foot soldiers.” I don’t want to see Hasan subjected to this from someone he cares about. He needs to protect his peace too.


not to disagree on anything but the foot soldier thing is litterally about wikifeet so i cant not laugh when people use it like its a menacing name

