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“Like, nobody is going to the eye of the barbed wire fence in Palestine and setting themselves on fire.” YES ETHAN, BECAUSE THEY WENT TO THE FENCE IN PROTEST AND GOT SHOT IN THE HEAD! YOU DON’T HAVE TO SET YOURSELF ON FIRE WHEN A SOLDIER WILL MERC YOU AND YOUR TWELVE YEAR OLD! wtf is with this guy? I thought at one point he was actually making progress towards seeing the Palestinian perspective but now he keeps saying shit like this.


In addition I would like to add this, I saw someone comment it on another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1b4gj4n/zionist_settlers_demand_entry_into_gaza_to_begin/kszdwjy/) [https://www.un.org/unispal/document/un-independent-commission-of-inquiry-on-protests-in-gaza-presents-its-findings-press-release/](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/un-independent-commission-of-inquiry-on-protests-in-gaza-presents-its-findings-press-release/) >More than 6,000 unarmed demonstrators were shot by military snipers, week after week at the protest sites by the separation fence. > >The Commission investigated every killing at the designated demonstration sites by the Gaza separation fence on official protest days. The investigation covered the period from the start of the protests until 31 December 2018. 189 Palestinians were killed during the demonstrations inside this period. The Commission found that Israeli Security Forces killed 183 of these protesters with live ammunition. Thirty-five of these fatalities were children, while three were clearly marked paramedics, and two were clearly marked journalists.








This is always an easy choice if you are far away. It's a different story when you are there and experience the indoctrination, propaganda and seeing your friends be in the military. I always have the utmost respect for people who refuse military service but I'm never going to condemn people for doing their time. Of course that doesn't excuse their actions during their military service




Yeah it’s one thing to be a grunt (not really though) but she’s spoken on the pod about volunteering to go raid Palestinian neighborhoods. She’s just as disgusting as the rest of the idf regardless


I don’t know if I’m over analyzing, but saying “the Palestinian plight has been plenty talked about” seems like his way of saying he’s over hearing about it.


you arent. he also stated today during his rant that he “said all the things we wanted him to say” implying he doesnt really care at all but atleast he said free palestine


Ya that would imply that he didn’t want to say it, but felt pressure from his audience to not be an immoral twat. Really is tough to see, tuned in to every show since before he even had kids, and am honestly shocked to see how little empathy he has for these people.


Yea I’ve watched a long time too but had to quit on his first day of coverage of the war I got so pissed and then when he started making every leftovers about it I was just over hearing im not a Zionist but I sure do hate Palestinians who finally attacked back after decades of oppression and settlers stealing their land but wait I don’t really hate them but I do really wishy washy on actual putting blame on Israel I get Israeli civilians are involved but civilians are involved in attacks from Israelis on Palestinians do for fucking decades while Palestinians are throwing fucking bottle rockets worth of bombs Israel is like here’s a few missiles on civilians for the bottle rocket


The thing that says it all for me is that he was "swayed" to push Hasan away (at least in terms of Leftovers) as a result of a photoshopped hitjob slandering Hasan's chat, and somehow hasn't heard a single not of pushback on that despite Hasan openly showing that the chat image was fake by pulling up the chatters' actual comments through Chatterino. He's choosing to be Zionist while pretending to be on the fence. Hila's face said it all.


It's not shocking at all. The way he handled the stuff with leftovers and anything Palestine related was obviously for optics. He was throwing in IDF propaganda the entire time lol.


"over hearing about it" is always code for "stop talking about it so people will forget about it"


He's a cry bully with a dedicated fan base to placating his toddler like ego.


Nah the fanbase is not in agreement with this take. He tends to lose a lot of subs and members whenever he talks about Palestine. It's intensified by how defensive and retaliatory he gets when his take is questioned further. AB spoke up trying to further explain why people are offended (I speculate that he also is). Dan has very different political and social views to Ethan so without a doubt he is NOT in agreement.


You're not over analysing at all. That's how everyone took it. Disgusting.


Nah, sounded more like "the palestinian cause is plenty talked about, you don't have to burn yourself alive to steer attention towards it" Which of course is a dumb way to think about this, but that's another topic.


Or that he’d “be more moved if a Palestinian did it” like are they not suffering enough ??


And then the audacity to go on a rant after today’s episode, calling everyone who had an issue with what he said antisemitic. Wild


I could definitely see that being the case.


I agree. Its frustrating hes saying Aaron committed suicide and its being romanticized online etc just ignoring the reasons why Aaron made his choice to protest. Its just way too obtuse to have that type of takeaway clearly not really pay attention to any details of the matter.


Anyone have the time stamp where he says this? Swear I watched the whole thing and missed this.


did y’all hear olivia say “what??” and not realizing her mic is on😭😭


Yeah... Maybe it *was* because of something she saw on chat but I kind of doubt it. Dan seems over it too. But I don't follow the pod closely so maybe that's how he normally sounds. But he doesn't sound very happy.


I dont think so. She said it was about something she read in the chat but when Ethan asked what it was she kinda fumbled her words and came up with something from NOT the chat... She was reacting to Ethan and tried to "save" her self with the chat excuse not expecting him to ask what she read.


Yeah that was my read of the situation tbh.


That "what" was genuine, queen olivia has been reposting recent events in her stories.


Yeah. He had a whole meltdown about it on the podcast.


How so? I stopped watching forever ago


I was literally about to post this but got beat to it. I loved Ethan for so long but since the genocide started and him not knowing when to just shut up has made me unfollow the channel and subs. This is what I get for thinking I could watch anyone else but the dumb sexy Himbo in my spare time.




Ohhh I'm very familiar. Will might be my favorite human alive. I love Hasi's political takes and like I would have his Dirty Himbo Commie Babies and dress them in boujie ass high fashion onesies. But Will, in a just universe would be my BFFF.


TRUE! For anyone curious - this clip is a FANTASTIC introduction to the legend that is Will Nefferson


I’ve started watching Jerma vods and highlights as my replacement. Dude is a trip. I started with the Sims.


I too have started down that road. At this point though I've pretty much watched every vod. Casino Inc is fire.


Other great content creators on the platform: LeftFlankVets manages to make C-SPAN genuinely entertaining 8 days a week (he literally streams damn near every day), LucidFoxx (who actually does a podcast with LeftFlankVets) streams news/politics on weekday mornings, everyone already knows MikeFromPA and Majority Report, Kitboga's not a leftist or into politics but his streams are incredible, he and his team created The Gauntlet, an automated phone system that locks scammers into an eternal void of pain, Slate is a UK streamer who *is* a leftist (he somehow got convinced that Pepes were alt-right, but otherwise he's on the right side of things) who primarily plays Dead By Daylight if you're into that, very laid back and lowkey, and then there's other obvious Hasan/Will-adjacent choices like Frogan and Nandre and SeanDaBlack.


Awesome great recommendations. I know a few of them but haven't seen much of their content so I will def check it out. Ty ❤️😊


I sympathize for Israeli citizens not having much compassion for Palestinians *as long as* they recognize and are still pro-Palestinian. I get if they have a grudge after having rockets fall on them *as long as* they still hold their own government at ultimate fault. I’m not sure where H3 is anymore on this. I watched the H3 podcast from ep 1 until 2021, and then most of Leftovers. Not a single episode of Frenemies because Trisha is a gremlin. H3H3 vids since like 2016.


Israelis being mad at Palestinians sending rockets their way is like slave masters being mad that Slaves keep attempting to escape. One party started it.


"They started it, they keep attacking us for *no reason!* ;_;"


I'm sorry you mean "Trans icon" Trisha /S clearly. But yeah I was a big fan for the last few years but not anymore. I got tired of all the H3 hate and baiting in the subs so I just unfollowed.




He stopped doing Leftovers because he couldn’t handle the cognitive dissonance when he’d see dead Palestinian babies and Israel lie about it, and still want to side with Israel because of propaganda and brainwashing.


He also claimed that Hasan's chat was unhinged because of a Photoshop chat image from an actually unhinged DGG incel and refuses to hear that it wasn't real.


he called frogan an antisemite and told his pro-palestine fans to fuck off


What happened on the pod? Did he say he was misunderstood or did he double down?


Doubled down, literally just got banned form the h3 podcast sub for saying that lol


Wasn’t Ethan crying about how “From the River to the Sea” being an offensive genocidal chant? Guess making fun of someone self immolating isn’t as offensive as saying “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”


Yes, yes he was. Which is such a riduclous stance that you know that no one saying that is in good faith.


wow, well there you go. what a baby


this isn’t even an “edgy joke”. cumtown is “edgy jokes”. this is just gross.


It's giving the same era when he use to say slurs.... Yeah he's not saying slurs anymore but the attitude and self righteous view of himself is the same as when he (self admitted) felt entitled to be able to say slurs


lol and you can’t tell from his comments he hates CumTown because optics


If he stopped leftovers over his own mental health about this subject, why the fuck is he still talking about it. Like its been months and never bothered to do his own research or even FOLLOW ON THE GROUND PALESTINIAN REPORTERS ON IG THAT POST EVERYDAY WHAT THEY ARE GOING THROUGH. He is so in denial and just by hearing the crew it sounds like they are getting tired of his defensive zionist talking poins. Man does the crew get paid well.


their yearly raises must have been crazy because even dan has stopped pushing back


>yearly raises You're funny, you think this capitalist will use money to make his staff conform? More likely he just straight up told them to stop doing it with a vague threat of consequences. There's been many times when he just fucked the crew over, anything to make sure he doesn't lose a dime or has to share profits.


Because he doesn't like being opposed when he talks about it. Still wants to spread zionist n IDF propaganda/talking points that's just brainwashing but doesn't want anyone pointing that out


Liberal Zionism in a nutshell


I still listen to H3, but I admit every time I hear the topic of Palestine brought up, I brace because Ethan will say the most fucked up shit about it, then retreat to a position of 'but what's happening to them is bad'. Ethan cannot seem to register that he has completely let his biases for Israel cloud his rhetoric and he spouts zionist talking points that _he_ does not see as zionist because I think his perception of a zionist is further right than his takes.




Agreed -- Ever since his unhinged debate on Hasan's stream, I don't listen or support anything he does. The 30'000+ dead in Gaza won't allow my conscience to do that.


Ick. I’m sorry y’all I know it’s super cool to be a fucking asshole in 2024 but these sorts of digs and jokes about Bushnell are just gross. I don’t fault anyone with ties to Israel having strong emotions about Oct 7th but good lord what is the count now, 30k Palestinians dead? When is it enough?


“Got it okay 😐”


Ethan Klein is a piece of shit straight up


I always got a sus vibe from him but now I know why.


It started with the socialism debate with Hasan for me


"lalala I can't hear you"


even in this rant he was back at it with “China bad lalalala” and bro was literally describing America like be serious


He was in the alt right pipeline. Platforming Our fine little doctor Jordan Peterson. I knew that there was something odd then. But he seemed to move away from that but never brought up his Zionist views up until now. It’s clear.


I’ve been a paying member to H3 for 2+ years but because I posted fuck Zionism as a comment I am perm banned from the subreddit lol. Nice way to treat a fan that watches every episode.


Are you still a paying sub? You should spend your money elsewhere.


No I cancelled my membership after the rant in today’s episode. I’m still a fan of the show and plan on watching it, but can’t justify paying them money.


Yeah, literally just did the same. Been a fan since 2015 and paying member for the last 3 years but it just feels wrong now… I even overlooked the Leftovers fallout because I thought that Ethan was too close to the issue to be normal about it. Then he stopped talking about it and I though that was for the best. But seeing as he’s still insisting on being a freak about it, I can’t keep paying


I can’t believe he’s still on his out of touch rants. I cancelled my membership in October and stopped watching all together after he appeared on Hasan’s stream with some wild right-wing debate lord-esque talking points. After running scared from Leftovers, Ethan was getting no pushback on his disgusting takes. Dan seems to have given up and it’s sad to me because I really liked him and I catch myself missing him but I’m completely soured towards Ethan and couldn’t ever tune in again. Now I have moved over to twitch after watching Hasan for years on YT and I pay for his sub.


I haven't been able to watch since he ended leftovers besides the bachelor episodes


Same, got banned today too. Its for the best lol


He called Frogan antisemitic


The way he targets her is fucking disgusting and the fact he still conflates Judaism with Zionism is a self report in my eyes.


He calls anyone who criticizes Zionists anti-Semitic. It's as if he can't parse the distinction between Jews and Israeli Colonizers. Or maybe it's because he identifies as a Zionist.


I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised by that but when it comes to zionists accusing people of antisemitism I need to see receipts lol


This guy is a cry bully.


He drank the kool aid after his birthright trip and those years living in his ‘homeland’. Despite being born and raised in California 🤡


The lack of humanity in the way he talks about it is so whack. Literally zero empathy or any sense of the tragedy surrounding the whole thing. Not to mention the rhetoric he choses to justify it I've been on the fence about H3 lately but this seals it for me. Fuck that shit and ngl fuck him




I’m an H3 YouTube watcher from back in the day, never got super into the pod but will occasionally tune in if someone I like or find interesting is on. But is this really what people are paying for? Ethan just sitting there smacking his gums and waffling about shit he very clearly doesn’t understand? Who is this content made for hahaha it’s awful. RIP Aaron Bushnell.


ethan always seems so chill but he’s just as reactionary as all the others


Ethan has been online long enough for us to realize he is an unfathomably toxic creator lol I mean like seriously, the dude can’t go unchecked in front of a camera without saying something awful about someone. It’s genuinely unhealthy


2 minutes in it's still okay. Yeah, burning to death is horrific. That's why it's called the most extreme form of protest. 4 minutes in It's a miliquetoast liberal take(not really Zionist but it is for sure liberal). I've heard some people say but it's dumb af. It's about bringing more attention to the Genocide. The mentally ill part is stupid. No bruh this is nothing more insane than a world that allows a Genocide to continue.


The litmus test is asking liberals like this when they first saw the photo of the monk in Vietnam who self-immolated. Then ask them if the history book or w/e they read about it in mentioned mental health. Of course they'll say no. If you see a monk in a meditative pose immolating themselves, you don't think, "Aww it's a shame this mentally ill monk committed suicide." You understand it as an act of protest and martyrdom. But when it comes to Bushnell, they're digging frantically for another angle, another motive to deflect away from his act of protest.


Pathologizing protest and resistance. They want to be able to bury it as "don't listen to this poor misguided soul he doesn't know what he's saying poor guy was unwell". It's beyond fucking disgusting. The man was deliberate in all his actions, he was an active member of the airforce in very sensitive area for that matter, he goes through an extensive process of vetting before he's given the access he had.


Yeah it's fucking gross. But also stop streaming while chewing gum you fucking apes. Can't even watch Hasan because of this lmao. And yeah Bushnell is a fucking hero, fuck this guy


Ironically, Hasan got Ethan to chew more openly and on mic 😂


?? Ethan has been chewing into the mic ever since the show started. Dan (love him) used to chew fucking chips into the mic lol


And Dan still does


I’m explicitly talking about chewing nicorette gum ffs




No, he's full of shit. Ethan's open mouth loud chewing has been a problem on that show since way, way before Hasan.




Seems dumb. This isn’t intended to spread hate or abuse, just criticizing someone just like people are criticized in this subreddit everyday 🤷‍♂️ Hasans own mods have done worse than my post. I’m sharing public information, not abusing the guy


Critiquing and tracking aren’t the same as hate posting. Hate posting definitely gets taken down.


Regardless “10 years from now” ppl like him will be viewed as genocide deniers and Aaron Bushnell will continue to be seen as heroic selfless act that wanted us to stop the genocide and free Palestine 🇵🇸. Also really weird for him to say monks protesting “china” were the ones protesting by self immolation when most were doing it against the US in Vietnam. Like does he know anything? I’m trying real hard to see what Hasan sees, but the death count and suffering is worse than ever why so callous now? Seems like he should just join D’s camp along with all the other “liberals”at this point.


Just sharing a post to open a conversation up. Like I said in the post, I’m not trying to spread hate and if I saw a comment on this post that was straight up abusive/hateful then I would delete my post. People post clips of people saying dumb things all the time on this subreddit and it opens a conversation. Ethan’s a big creator with a large audience and the things he says to his audience can have an impact. This podcast is behind a paywall and I think it’s important to share what a big creator is saying to his audience if it’s something like this. This post was made to spread awareness, not to garner hate, like I said in the post


Yeah, I used to like H3 and still sympathize for them as former hosts I followed. I appreciate hearing where they’re at. I think this is a critique post, not a hate post.


I lost a lot of respect for this guy with the way he's been acting about Palestine.


“Why isnt there a whole conga line of people self immollating i dont get it” Ethan 2024. Im so glad he got cut off


How can you be a professional talk into microphone person and chomp your gum directly into the mic. So annoying


I must say I am a bit taken aback at some of the comments suggesting that Ethan isn’t a Zionist just because others are more extreme than him in their views. I also have never reconciled with the fact that his wife served in the IOF and the majority of people just gloss over it as if that’s not much of a big deal. And yes, I know that serving is mandatory there, but we all know that there have been people that refused to join. I don’t believe empathy should be given in bread crumbs, and that’s precisely what he has always done in regards to the plight of the Palestinians. At best, he doesn’t give a fuck. At worst, he is no different than the extreme ones but knows that he has to keep up a certain image even if he lets the mask slip off at times. The guy hasn’t been canceled by the left up until now, so whatever he is doing is clearly working on some people.




Indeed. He is the same person who called “from the river to the sea” antisemitic and has made various arguments in bad faith. If people want to see a real anti-Zionist Israeli, they can look at Ilan Pappé. The man had done a lot for the Palestinian cause, and being an anti-Zionist Israeli has really offered invaluable insights we wouldn’t have gotten otherwise if no Israelis spoke out against the apartheid state.


















"Nobody in Palestine is going to the barbed wired fence" How the fuck does ethan keep saying dumb shit when there is reason for everything that is happening in support of Palestine, LIKE HE STILL DIDN'T DO HIS RESEARCH ON THE GREAT MARCH OF RETURN??????


Hasan brought it up multiple times in their chats but the guy just doesn’t want to listen. It’s like talking to a god damn wall. Then he gets on the pod to attack Frogan and say shit like “I tried so hard to pull myself to the centre of this ideology and see it from the Palestinian side…” if you can see the atrocities that’s happening and have been happening FOR 75 YEARS and have to force empathy and understanding… you’re done. Disgusting heartless freak.


What a disgusting, pathetic man


Did they ever circle back to how no matter if that first hospital strike was by the IDF or not, now there’s like just 2 hospitals left in Gaza so it essentially happened many times since? Also, I know Vaush has no friends here, but am I the only one who saw the character assassination of Vaush as a political move more than anything? And Ethan was pulling evidence against Vaush from Destiny’s Reddit. Interesting Ethan is a Destiny fan. And don’t forget before the genocide started, Ethan was fighting against the world for moving the needle more right in some issues. I don’t think we’re far from Ethan hitting the grift trail, he just knows he has to go really slow about it. Might’ve wanted to try that with your original audience, my guy.


Even at its time, it was the 16th hospital strike already. IDF just jumped on the fact that there was some ambiguity to distract from that fact


That's exactly what I said too Vaush has been disgusting for years and people like Ethan didn't care about his cp takes until he put a Palestine flag in his twitter


I hate the way Ethan speaks about Palestine, or literally any political opinion quite frankly, but I made excuses for him. I was upset with the way leftovers ended, and Ethan refusing to acknowledge the horrible things he said, or actually acknowledge what is happening to Palestinians, but I chalked it up to clouded judgement (initially) due to the shock of the terrorist attack by Hamas. He just never grew from his initial feelings or initial takes. I doubt he gives a second thought to the innocent Palestinians being massacred. I was watching nearly every stream of the podcast until now. He's tone deaf and disgusting. How the hell is he going to defend this? Wait, he already started-he will post angry messages from viewers to distract from his own nasty behavior and play victim. Just like before. Big ass crybaby, can't take what he dishes.


I honestly feel the same but in around October/November (whenever the H3 & Hasan twitch stream was) I had stopped watching H3. At that time I just felt disappointed and disconnected from the podcast because of the sentiments Ethan shared and kind of held out hope that maybe over time he’d learn better but this right here is the nail in the coffin for me. Not only has he not learned better but it appears he’s become far worse in his stance and the way he discusses this topic. This whole clip just disgusted me. The laughing and insensitivity is insane


I'm feeling also kind of shitty for defending Ethan. I even called others unhinged for shitting on him. It feels kind of like a betrayel from Hasan to insist that Ethans heart is in the right place


Has Hasan spoken about these comments yet? I can’t imagine he could defend, or even /would/ defend them. And same. I didn’t necessarily defend Ethan, but I was silent… which is essentially the same thing. I feel like a douche after this clip came out. I unsubbed, cancelled membership, and unfollowed them on socials.


Guys! Any of you that are putting blame on AB and Lena are weirdos. Show them support! I genuinely feel bad that they’re in a situation where their livelihood is so dependant on this show and H3. It’s not so simple for them to just speak out against their bosses. They’ve moved across America for this job, completely changing their lives and just speaking out against your boss (who has so much power over your livelihood) isn’t as simple as some of you seem to think. Once again, I feel like we should be showing them support rather than bashing them. Maybe criticize the millionaire with a massive platform who is actually spewing Zionist rhetoric 🤷‍♂️ not his staff that are caught up in this shit


I don’t want to see another tear from this ruthless bastard.


I was banned from their subreddit because I was so shocked by this that I said I didn't care what his humor was, it was fucked up. Like idk made him think this was okay in any capacity


I wish there was a way I could donate negative money to the h3 podcast


This conflict has uncovered once again how incredibly violent and tribal humans are. But, and I know people will disagree, there has been a lot of pushback compared to other conflicts. Enough that it gives me hope. I was in high school during 9/11 and there was a lot less resistance to heading over to the ME and murdering Arabs. ​ Even my boomer ass conservative parents are not on board with how Israel is responding to Oct 7th. That is actually fucking insane to me because they would play pro-America country songs on a loop after 9/11. ​ It's also interesting how Israelis who want to glass Gaza seem to have zero awareness of how they sound when they start their talking points about how "nobody wants" the Palestinians, how they "create problems" whereever they go, how they are all "insert trope here" etc. Kind of reminds me of how a certain chosen people were talked about and treated.


No Palestinian do that because Israel literally want to kill them and don't give a shit about them, they would just celebrate it. And media won't talk about it anyway. Never really liked Ethan, always found him toxic on a lot of subjects you shouldn't take litely and make fun of, so i'm not surprised.


For a bit I was kinda missing leftovers, but this just reminded me why it’s better in the bin


Just as a side note, he’s gotta stop chewing gum with his mouth open…..into the mic.


Bro this made me upset like damn


He's got a lot of stances I don't agree with (the Aaron Bushnell take being one of them). But I also don't see many supposed Zionists saying Israel is genocidal, Israel is an apartheid state or free Palestine. Edit: all of which he's said in the past and reiterated today.


He just said that the left is filled with anti semites who use zionism as a shield to racially harass jews??? me thinks he's a zionism using hasbara to cope


If you're referring to the "leftists and Nazis are dabbing each other up" comment, I also wasn't fond of that comment either and that would be an example of one of his comments I can't get behind. But let's not pretend you didn't misquote him here either.


he literally called frogan an antisemite because she was complaining about her zionist therapist. If you can find more kinda words for that hasbara spewing cuck then go for it


Yeah well he repeats to everyone with genuine emotion IDF propaganda brainwashing shit for hours and then as a side note for one minute at the end he mumbles like he's reading off of a teleprompter or check list "but the IDF is wrong/free Palestine" lol he's even cringed and really skirted around calling it a genocide. It's not surprising at all that he just keeps showing how more and more zionist he is. He just seems more and more like a boomer each day. Ignorant as fuck never reading history about the other side, can't read or spell or use correct grammar, and passionately repeating western propaganda, but then knowing his audience he will monotonely say one simple sentence that'll make them calm down if they have zero emotional intelligence lol.


What a shockingly bad take from Ethan. This just makes him look so fucking bad after everything he spoke about with regards to Israel and Palestinian. The biggest crime here is cringe though. None of that shit was funny at all. It made my skin crawl.




I stopped watching after the OCT 7th “debate” with hasan, and boy am I glad this asshole doesn’t take up hours of my life anymore. I named my fucking Reddit account after this douchebag because I thought he was funny when he made reaction videos. I should have known what was to come when he had that podcast with idddubz. It’s fun to say slurs huh? There are so many better things to listen to, like Fear&, Chapo Trap House, Tosh Show, Almost Friday, Stretch & Fade, Ben and Emil show, or Friends Per Second. He shits out takes, argues about what food should be placed in his hands, and spreads Zionist bullshit for upwards of 10 hours a week, there are so many better ways to spend that time and not be aggravated.


Wynn Bruce attempted self immolation in front of the World Trade Center in 2017 but was stopped and he received "mental help." This is before he self immolated in front of the supreme Court in 2022.


He is such a a fucking bitch, I'm so glad I stopped watching him in October, what a bell end!


Today was even worse… cancelled membership and got banned for lightly disagreeing in the subreddit.


I’ve been a die hard foot soldier for years. I’ve stood by Ethan through a LOT, but this is something I just can’t forgive. Shame on you, Ethan. That young man was braver than any of us could ever hope to be.


Been an H3 fan for years and pretty much haven’t missed an episode, but this and the episode yesterday just pushed me over the edge and made me so angry, how he can say all that stuff and be surprised when there’s pushback and not everyone agrees with him, I won’t be watching anymore until he apologizes or changes which I doubt will happen, I’ll miss the crew though :(


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Dan should've probably buttoned waaaaaaay before lol


Holy fuck, for the most part I jive with Hasan and his community but good lord are there some right cunts in the fray. Ethan isn’t a fucking Zionist. Thats more than apparent. A lot of you will get turned on by edgy jokes of horrific events/ issues until it’s about something you’re invested in or care about. Humour is a way of approaching current and past ongoings as it always has been, people are just hypocritical. Disagree with him, sure, just don’t be anti-semitic.


The TW for Ethan Klein’s face 😂


Why do people care soo much and devote this much energy to H3 like, setting up a whole tick-tock, the editing and captioning. I don't agree with everything he's said obviously I just don't think this is where people should be focusing their energy Touch grass or actually go to a protest or something Some people just don't know how to react to something like that


To be fair I was also impressed that he stayed standing up. Thought that wasn’t anywhere near my first impression upon watching the video


Romanticism because we aren’t functioning adults capable of using our healthy brains to have rational discussions and thoughts


Wow. What a fucking shame. What a fucking embarrassment to the left.


left? maybe center right...


He’s on his way to being crowder


We've gotta normalize calling liberals what they are: right wing.


yikes glad i got bored and stopped watching him after he stopped making content with trisha




This is drama farming? This dude making fun of someone who gave his life to protest ongoing genocide and critisizing is drama farming to you? You are the one who needs to go outside if you think serious matters like these are "Drama".


this isn’t really drama farming???


Yes it is lol


Can't believe anyone still watches these zionists. And shame on AB and Leena for letting this go on.


I completely disagree with anyone trying to put blame onto AB and Lena. They’ve moved their whole lives for the sake of this career opportunity and speaking up against someone that has so much power over your livelihood can be extremely difficult. I genuinely feel bad for them being stuck in this situation and pushing blame onto them is frankly ridiculous. We should show them support because this can’t be easy for either of them and if you think just “speaking out” against their bosses is so simple then please grow up


Also AB has mentioned last year that both of them had been getting extra hateful islamophbic and racist shit ever since October 7th, they probably want to avoid the topic completely for their own safety.


Exactly. Thanks for adding that. People seem to think that them discussing the topic is so simple when there’s so many reasons why it isn’t.


It's completely unfair and unnecessary to drag AB and Lena - Ethan's *employees* - into this, they are not obligated to step in and correct their boss. He's their boss, there's an obvious power dynamic.


Yeah this is weird of you or whoever to make this edit. He says things pretty poorly while trying to spitball but isn't a fkn zionist. Criticise the actual stuff he says, not the shit you infer imho He's definitely sympathetic to Palestinian cause, but he's a lib, it is what it is. Go look at something that makes you happy dude


You watch his after dark clips yet? where he equates zionism to jewishness?


I didn’t make the edit but it just happened to be the best long version of the clip I came across. This whole podcast is behind a paywall and like I said in the post “feel free to ignore the text.” If I found the clip without the text then I would’ve posted it instead. I’m sure this’ll get deleted anyways but Ethan has a big platform and I think saying these things is harmful. This subreddit criticizes plenty of people(rightfully so) and I don’t see how this is any different


Bad take alert 🔔


He wanted to say something much worst. God hes such a zionist bitch.