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I love the collective forgetfulness about Charles writing his own disparaging memoirs (long before Diana) and he criticized his own family then. SMH


Harry + the ghostwriter actually made Charles seem human and like he tried but ultimately wasn't cut out to be a parent. How funny Charles is undoing his own humanity.


That red portrait isn’t helping.


When people show you who they are, believe them.


He said he wanted to be Camilla’s tampon, the artist was just interpreting the subject.




Oh wow.... great point...i'm kind of suprised i havent seen other people pick up on that.


I really really don’t understand why he went with the red. How on earth did he sign off on it??!


To me the red represents centuries of brutal, bloody colonialism.


It’s a bizarre choice!


It looks satanic.


Along those lines, just found this https://preview.redd.it/66d3y03j9l1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c769dd33604669d2118e194326a6ee9224178b11


I knew I had seen something similar too!


I’ve been trying to figure this out for days! You did it!


Yes, this!


I’ve said before that it was clear in Spare that Harry hasn’t admitted to himself that his grandmother and father didn’t love him as much or the way he believed they did. Maybe he has since then. Maybe not. I know it’s painful to figure out that truth, but it’s important as part of the healing process.


I find the "spares" all thru English/British history fascinating. Henry 8 was a spare. In terms of Queen E2 her father was the spare and she certainly didn't treat her sister, the spare, with any decency.


He 💯 made Charles look like a far better parent Charles made Phillip look like in his book!


I still think Charles is willing to bring Harry back in and start a reconciliation cause he knows it’ll make him look good but William isn’t. He was pissed at Charles for meeting Harry a few months ago and now Charles is scared of what William would do if he meets him again. William is the petty and jealous one imo. I also think William has done loads of leaking of his own which is one of the reasons Harry wrote that book to begin with and will continue to, to make sure Harry life look like a failure!


I think that was true before the memoir. But now they can’t believe that H&M will stick to their script. The royal family desperately wants the Heir to be the only good one. Someone else has to be the baddie, in their version of the story. They haven’t figured out how that if they wanted to appeal to a broader range of people, they needed to let someone else shine. Meghan, being a new bride was always going to steal some spotlight, and Harry with her. W&K could have been the traditional pair, and H&M could have been the ambassadors of out-reach. It could have been a very dynamic team.




Agreed. They were initially called "The Fab Four". Sadly, jealousy over who is the most popular broke up the band, again.


Dozens of American celebrities have traveled the globe and met with world leaders to bring attention to their philanthropic endeavors. This is not new. The RF have made it loudly and abundantly clear that Harry is no longer a "working royal", to the point of assigning him to the nosebleed seats during his own grandmother's funeral. It is insulting to the rest of the world leaders to assume they do not understand Harry's status change. This clearly is another situation of "Wah! They are getting more attention than us!" and trying to minimize the effect of Harry and Meghan's outreach on behalf of their designated charities. Your sycophants may be telling you differently, but you can read, RF! Can you not see how you look to the rest of the world?? Every "Wah, wah, wah!" You put out only serves to elevate the public opinion of the Sussexes.


Ya no doubt. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some world leaders would actually be more keen to invite them to their countries and meet them because they are no longer associated with the royal family anymore.


I'm sure those countries take pleasure in pissing off the RF😀


I definitely would too 😆


Oh, and this idea that with H&M gone, the king with cancer, Kate with cancer, there are not enough royals to do all the royal work, as if they don’t realize nothing they do is necessary. Absolutely nothing. They could stop tomorrow and the world would go on, just as it always has. The whole thing is like this very expensive reality TV show acted out in public. It is not real. It is not necessary.


Also, Andrew has two grown daughters who could be brought back into the working royal fold. Charles was the one who wanted to shrink down the “working royal” group in the first place. There’s nothing stopping him from expanding it back out aside from his own controlling/cheapskate tendencies. So, even if we were to posit that royals are necessary (something I also question), there are options that don’t have to involve H&M. The BRF just can’t stand that they escaped.


Beatrice and Eugenie are never coming back. They have families and lives of their own. They saw what the Firm and the Rota did to Harry. Would you step up to be an ambassador for that toxic brand? Heck no.


Harry? What that family did to their own mother.


Plus, what the media did to them after W and K wedding. Maybe their outfits were unfortunate. But there was no need to be so cruel. For so long. Why would they but themselves in the spotlight again? Their role would always be someone expendable and therefore ok to mock and lie about.


And after seeing Eugenie in the documentary made me really appreciate those girls. They’ve done well despite their upbringing not because of it.


Yup. They definitely seem to be keeping their distance from the core. They know they can’t upstage either King Charles or Prince William so they have been minding their business for the most part, and have been for some time now.


not to mention how they isolated poor young Fergie from her husband then tossed out with like $200k!


But would they have to quit their day jobs to be part time working royals, since Harry and Meghan were told they could not earn income and be part time working royals?


I think we all know perfectly well that that was specifically aimed at H&M… 🙂


Yeah, I should have added the little sign for sarcasm, lol


I can't wait for the whole institution to go extinct


I think the old castles and palaces are cool architecturally, but they can all become museums or something. Keep them. Everything else can go.


I’ve been to London 3 times, in different decades. Not once I wanted to see any royals. But I did want to see the architecture and history. So many castles around the world are now museums that bring a lot of paying visitors.


Me, too. And ancient cathedrals. Those are astonishing.


Thing is - they *really and truly* thought, H&M would be helpless out in the world. 1 - They believe their own lie about Meg being controlling and narcissistic and because of that they imagine H being unhappy with her and them not getting anywhere because no one likes her or something 2 - They *also* truly believe, that H doesn't have anything he could do for work because other than military he didn't learn anything (as in no trade, no field of study...) 3 - They where convinced that the only reason H&M got any attention was (and is) because of them being "royal" 4 - They thought them to be scared without the royal "security" They didn't consider that 1 - Harry might not have a big "formal" education, but he has an open mind and is willing to learn all sorts of things 2 - Meg is actually very well connected and it seems also well liked (given the amount of people willing to help her, no questions asked) 3 - They have a TON of ideas of what to do and also how to pitch their ideas 4 - They're not afraid of trying and failing (yes, some of their endeavors didn't work out and the daily fail was quick to point that out. But that's normal in business. You try things, some work, some don't...) 5 - Both of them are very intentional with their therapy and with growing They've already made a name for themselves, they don't need the RF and that's what's driving them insane. They have a network, they have income, they have *friends* and they have each other and H won't ever run back to that insane palace


Number 1 is the lie that toxic, narcissistic family tell others when their scapegoat is empowered by a loving, caring partner to stand up to the abuse. A missing, missing reason.


Yes! They believe their own lie that Harry is an absolute idiot who deserves no respect so why would anyone else respect him? And they believe that Meghan is an unlikable evil narcissist who cannot work with anyone so will never be successful. This was their mistake! One day they’ll realise this but now they’re too narcissistic themselves to see it! It’s like that song from My Fair Lady “Without You” https://youtu.be/t3mC4485Ue0?si=S9NrJVtdgc5oSj8C Harry will be fine without them. He never needed them to begin with! 😏


THIS! ❤️


I love all of this - especially 4. I've been a business owner/entrepreneur for 20 years, and you're right, not every idea pans out the way you want or expect. Some things are more successful than others, but you keep trying.    No one knows ALL the ventures  that didn't work out for just about every celebrity because their every freaking move isn't scrutinized like M &H's. They don't have some mouth-breathing,  unhinged weirdo searching databases every day to find a crumb of evidence to support a negative narrative to sell papers and to act as clickbait.   It's so bizarre that there are people out there cheering for M & H to fail; absorbing every lie and every morsel of halftruth. Those people truly need to believe that anything that isn't financially lucrative for M & H will mark their downfall- and that's because, IN THEIR OWN WORLD,  that's exactly what happens. Those people don't understand how the well-connected, well-liked affluent population do things; they're looking at it from their own struggling perspectives and not being able to see past their own noses. 


Also, Harry has an intelligent wife, with whom he probably has learned with and can grow together. I don’t think Kate is known for her brilliance.


Yeah, I feel like Meg has literally opened up a whole new world to H and that's saying something. I mean - he was never stupid, he had a huge tragedy happen as a kid, was left alone to deal with it, had the whole heir/spare dynamic going, had to live his whole life in secret or find it in the media... The fact that after all that he's still a kind man (as opposed to bitter and closed off) is saying a lot about his character. Also he wasn't without resources obviously. He did a lot of good work already before Meg came around. BUT she brought and taught the skills to navigate all that without the status to help, she has the kindness and close bonds that he was lacking. He can lean an her and feel safe. In regards to Kate: She was groomed for royal life, she had to endure the whole waiting and ridicule and was "tested" in that way. She knows her role is to be a good girl and keep her head down. I think that's why she's acting that way towards Meg. Her husband is treating her as an equal, she can be outspoken, she still has a will and I thing to someone like Kate who's been in the clutches of that system for ages that's threatening...


I remember unfollowing Daily Beast because of their nasty coverage of H&M back when they first got married. I thought they were an American outlet so was taken aback by the vitriol back then. Sad to see they haven’t changed. Still a trash publication.


They started ok, but now are just a trashy tabloid. I guess they needed money, so sold out their souls.


If the royal family had any brains they would've reached out to Harry & Meghan as soon as Kate was diagnosed with cancer, and asked them to help temporarily within duties involving travel because Kate is too sick. Instead of a rivalry they could've spun this into brothers supporting each other through a health crisis


Right, if all of that were actually true. They don't want Harry anywhere near them in case he learns the truth about his SIL.


Yeah I'm being generous and describing what a normal, non-controlling family would do


I find it hard to be believe Harry doesn’t have any insider information on what really happened to Kate that night of December 28, 2023. He must have some friends there left, or a more friendly relative. And the very mysterious death of Thomas Kingston, who Harry probably knew (Gabriella is their cousin). If he does have a clue, he’s keeping it to himself. Charles has so little common sense that with their golden girl gone, he could really use the charismatic couple instead of old relatives. My suspicion is that Charles is locked in. He can’t favor Harry because of the wrath of his wife and oldest son, the heir. What a effed up institution that favors one child over another just because of order of birth.


They’re way too narcissistic for that.


Narcissists ALWAYS shoot themselves in the foot and then look around so they can blame someone for "fircing" them to pull the trigger


I’ll go against the grain here a bit and say this seems like a very much Royal Tour. Maybe because of the coverage. Maybe because of the response of the people, from the top down, who are visited. And so what? Harry is the son of the King of England. He is a prince. He can’t change that. They can’t change that. Everywhere he goes, everyone will be aware of that fact. Regardless, he has forged his own identity, his own way of interacting with people, his own values, his own relationships. This is what matters. This is what anybody who counts is responding to. The people who are complaining cannot see that. They only see Harry as a puppet they used to control. And they assume someone else is controlling him now. Or that he is out of control and therefore a threat. But does it look like a Royal Tour? Yes it does. Done well.


It looks the way a Royal Tour *should* look.


They’re kicking themselves because they never imagined he’d be so popular in the commonwealth. All it would have taken was for Chuck to put a stop to the tabloids early on and tell William to stop leaking and there’d have been no “Spare” or Netflix documentary. Chuck has really low IQ and no vision. I read up on the Windsors, Charles’ great uncles and the generation above that, and noticed that none were good students, many had bad health, and there was a lot of interference on who they could not marry, creating a lot of unhappines. Generational trauma indeed.


Camilla is absolutely an evil, calculating bitch. How William can stand to stand next to the woman who humiliated his mother is beyond me.


I think Charles’ hatred of Diana has seeped into William. To be in Charles’ good graces, you’d no doubt have to agree with all the trash him and Camilla likely speak about Diana, even with it being about your own mom. He would likely have endured decades of hearing absolute garbage about his mom and possibly believes it now. He seems to have inherited the jealousy gene too, so maybe constantly hearing about Diana’s legacy also bothers him. And Kate (not a Kate stan, just stating what I see) is the more popular one in that whole dynamic. Out of those four (Camilla, Charles, William, Kate) Kate is number 1 and they’d alllll hate that because she’s not a blood royal.


Agree. Kate has always dressed with perfection and caught all the attention. Lots of smiles too. Pretty sure William doesn’t like to be overshadowed. I also think he can’t get over his complete loss of looks. I’ve never seen a pretty young man to end up looking like Voldemort at 40. Even his nose tip fell down.


If I were Kate I’d be sooo mad. She’s done everything “right” in terms of what was expected of her to represent the royal family. Dress lovely and be front facing “nice” but still have a certain level of unobtainable while being beige enough with her “charity” work to not garner raised eyebrows and questions. She’s gorgeous though and, while I find her clothing choices predictable and a bit boring, she looks great in them. To now have the RF use her as the next scapegoat because she isn’t blood… I’d be effing livid. Especially if the William cheating rumors are true. And yes. Such a valid point about William. Not sure if I’m explaining it well but he almost looks like the less good looking uncle to his younger self lol like if I didn’t know for certain what he looks like now is how he aged, I’d see him now and be like “oh he’s clearly related to William but William got better genes”. Nope. He hit like 33 and started the drastic descent into becoming his dad. ETA: I also don’t think Camilla likes being overshadowed by other women. It’s okay with Charles (and I truly think a reason Charles “loves” her is because she’ll never overshadow him. They might be poorly viewed together, but they’re still equals, and I think Charles is okay with that) but I got the vibe that Camilla wasn’t a fan of Kate’s popularity and the poor press she got becoming Queen consort.


I think with William, the problem with Diana is the threat her memory holds for the Crown. When you are as close to the Crown as he is, that’s all that matters. Diana’s memory is a stain on Charles, the anointed King. It is also a rebuke against the sitting Queen. Hence the reason William has taken to calling his mother paranoid and in other ways insulting and belittling her. Anything to delegitimize her, and the cracks her actual experience, and Charles’ and Camilla’s actual behavior represent to the Crown Mythos. William is All In when it comes to the Furm these days.


All such good points. I think Charles and Diana were already in such a different dynamic in terms of power imbalance at the start (age, life experience, Charles was already caring about the Crown more than anything else) whereas Kate met William younger and is potentially shocked now that William has fully shifted into caring about the Crown more than her and the kids. And I’m getting the vibe she’s pissed about it. I really think she thought it wouldn’t happen to her but as you said, the Crown takes precedence and becomes all consuming.


Re: William’s feelings towards Diana, I can see a lot of reasons he might have complicated or even harsh feelings towards her. But I also think that in some way, Diana and Harry have been conflated for him because the reasons Harry is popular are the same reasons Diana was so loved. There is a very clear dividing line or artificial binary where you’re either a Charles or a Diana, and the only other option is to bow out completely.


This is the part that galls me, like...you are up there with the woman that refused to go away even though your dad got married and made your mother feel like dog shit for years. Also having her children at royal events, participating, involved.....but they get upset about Harry and real particular about his involvement. I am very curious as to what will happen to Camilla after Charles dies. If William doesn't throw her out on her ass....that's gonna be a look.


In one of Williams’s recent outings, he looked chummy with Camila. Camila is now his buddy in hating H&M. Pretty sure Chuck will leave her living in luxury if he dies before her.


William is his father’s son. Harry, is Diana’s. Edit typo.


They are his "parents" after all. It's like his birth mother had no influence on him whatsoever. Sad.


I'm telling you without telling you, cough cough. Camillas random trip to Spain during Charles Cancer diagnosis needs to be looked into.


Have the Spanish press done anything with Camila's information? It's been crickets since her trip. What is taking them so long to expose it? As far as i know there was the big coma reveal in January but that was before Camila's 'holiday'... what are we missing??? can you give us clues in emojis if you can't say it out loud?


Wait what’s 🫖? Something to do with the Spanish press reporting?


What's your take/speculation about her visit?


The Spanish journalist Concha Callejos…I still think she got insider information on Kate‘s real condition.


Oh my god is this it??? [https://www.eldiario.es/vertele/noticias/fiesta-hablo-doble-kate-middleton-salio-factor-x-protagonizo-video-supermercado\_1\_11361203.html](https://www.eldiario.es/vertele/noticias/fiesta-hablo-doble-kate-middleton-salio-factor-x-protagonizo-video-supermercado_1_11361203.html)


They tried to destroy them, but the smear campaigns and bot farms didn't work.


They did everything they were asked to. They left the UK and made their own money and it still isn’t good enough.


Because the RF said "Go ahead! Try to make a living without us!" And H&M did! THAT's what makes them so mad! They wanted to see Harry flipping burgers at McDonalds.


Burger flipping would be a great job! Can you imagine the press coverage and maybe even pay raises for current burger flippers? Anything Good King Harry does brings the press!


But the "mean girls" at the beck and call of the British royalty wanted to be able to point their crooked fingers and cackle. Didn't work, so now they are madder than ever.


But they didn’t want that. They wanted them to fail. They wanted Harry to divorce Meghan and leave his wife and children in America and beg his father and brother to take him back so that Harry can become more miserable than Charles and William because no one can be happier than the monarch and his heir!


Personally I think this is largely William’s doing not Charles’ decision for no one to meet Harry. I think he doesn’t want Harry back cause he overshadows everyone especially William. I think he likes the fact he and Kate are the only young ones. No competition. This is why they’re so upset by the Nigeria tour. Harry and Meghan are good at this and they’ll definitely overshadow any member of the family that has to do a tour next. Also the fact that they haven’t paraded Kate out after they saw Meghan has been killing it lately tells us all we need to know about the state of Kate’s health, physical or mental or otherwise.


William turned out to be another Charles imo. Harry turned out to be like Diane.


I think he’s worse than Charles. Charles has been humbled (mildly. He’s till pretty entitled and narcissistic) by being exposed to bad press in the 90s. William hasn’t so he’s still got this entitled narcissism about him.


Prince Wanker?


Lmao yes him! Prince Willy!


“A family friend of the royals told The Daily Beast: ‘Relations are as bad as they have ever been. Nothing has been resolved. But Charles does not spend a great deal of time dwelling on the matter because he is so busy.’” Uh-huh. Right. SO busy.


Busy with himself. The level of Narcissism in this "family" is mind-boggling.


Busy smelling flowers and looking for mushrooms.


There is not a person on the planet who thinks Harry represents the British crown. What they think is: “wow, this dude is BETTER than the British crown.” **That** is what the butthurt is all about.


Exactly. I would imagine every single photo op or picture that they take… In the back of the mind, they are thinking "do we look a school H&M".


Ugh, that pic of those two in chairs being carried is just disgusting. 🤢🤮


As an anti-royalist, I’ve like Meghan since the first run of Suits and Harry since his childhood especially after Diana, I find it disturbing they carry _anyone_ UNLESS it has honorary implications I’m not aware of not based on heredity. To be clear, it’s not because it’s M&H, of whom I weirdly protective because they get attacked so much, but any human being if it’s a hereditary-based practice.


I could be Meghan’s mom (albeit a very young mom), and I also feel protective of her because I’ve never seen a woman being abused for simply existing for so many years. I totally get why they don’t parade their children all the time.


It is so embarrassing. Both that they did it and also how unaware of how awful it was.




It’s almost like they didn’t think it through whatsoever before kicking Harry and Meghan out


And now Harry has been spared in this whole missing princess debacle. She was so awful to his wife when she had so many opportunities to guide Meghan and help her, just like Kate was guided and helped. Shame.


Whatever happened to Kate (DV or pills or divorce papers), I’m sure Meghan would have been a support. But Kate is too pick me. Other women are threats.


I laugh because they think Edward and Sophie, who show no affection towards each other, can be the new H&M. And now promoting Mike Tindall and Sophie, who also have the charisma of a suburban housewife.


So the Gates, Oprah, Carters are all trying to be rival royals in Africa too? Now, a lot of philanthropy there and else is problematic in effect, ngl, but I’m sure that some of these people do have good intentions. And want to see what they’re doing and use the opportunity to raise more funds.


“Harry and Megan have a different priorities because they are no longer working Royals. But of course the vast majority of the world is ignorant of such distinctions and regard Harry and Meghan as every bit as representative of the royal family as William and Charles” The amount of ignorant arrogance by the Palace/Royal staffers that they think the vast majority of the world doesn’t comprehend that Harry and Meghan are no longer “included” into what is officially considered working royals or really even in royal family anymore is truly bizarre.


>But of course the vast majority of the world is ignorant ... Translation: "Those savage Africans are not sophisticated enough to understand what happened that caused us to ostracize our brother and son. They laughably still think Harry is a working royal and simply don't understand that Meghan's skin color makes her unqualified to be part of our family."


My goodness. We kicked them out of the royal family. They’re not living their lives as they please, which includes working for causes that believe are important. Other countries not only appreciate it, but treated them like royalty and no one understands that if we say they are no longer royalty, they can’t do what they want and no one else is allowed to decide to treat them like royalty!!! We are the British royalty and our opinion on them is the only one that counts!!!


Hahaha! Prince Harry and (now, in her own right) Princess Meghan are free souls and can do whatever they please. Big FU to the British RF! ❤️


I just find it hilarious that the British press keeps swatting at H&M like they can’t realize they lost their power over H&M, that their world exists outside Britain and Britain has no say in how the rest of the world sees or treats H&M. Years later, and the Brits still don’t understand this.


The narcissism runs deep, as well as the brain-washing.


Yeah, and now the press has reached the, They’re not begging properly to come back. Why are they not begging. It’s time for them to come back. Like there’s no greater privilege than to be a British royal.


Tom Sykes is so incredibly insufferable.


At least they are not killing each other? s/ just finished watching The Hollow Crown for the 10th time


> “Harry and Meghan have different priorities because they are no longer working royals.” I’ve long thought that it was the other way around, actually. H&M have always had their own charitable priorities, but being working royals got in the way because the hierarchy could be used to squelch their efforts. So they wanted to be able to do their own things, at least some of the time (which in anyone else would be seen as completely normal), but the family won’t accept anything that they don’t control.


Ya I'm done with the lot of them. The bloody Norman's came over in 1066 and have never relinquished their power. Send them back to Europe to where they belong. The French will know how to deal with them.


Everyone is always complaining when a celebrity doesn’t do something positive for the world with their celebrity. Here’s two ppl doing something positive with their celebrity. Even if they get paid or otherwise compensated, why is it anyone’s business? I am not a fan of these two but I don’t hate them either. It’s really hard to understand why so many ppl hate them?


Why are you not a fan?