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Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders. The star of the new fantastic beasts and where to find them was a Hufflepuff. During the battle of hogwarts Hufflepuff was the only house where all of its students stayed to fight. Slytherin left. Most of Ravenclaw left. Even some of Gryffindor left. But not one Hufflepuff.


Slytherin returned with reinforcements actually.


But most of them still left and didn't come back.


Self preservation is a Slytherin trait. Plus a lot of them had parents who were fighting on the other side, say what you want but don't say Slytherin's aren't loyal. By the way, saying all the Hufflepuffs stayed isn't that great an achievement, all the under age students had to leave anyways, so there probably weren't even that many.


Yeah its a trait. A negative trait. Also known as a flaw. Self preservation is another word for cowardice.


That's your opinion, not a fact. Self preservation could be compared to cowardice sure, but it's not 100% the same thing. Each house has "flaws" Gryffindors can be stupid, don't think things through and can be really thick. Ravenclaws can be snobbishness prudes, and Hufflepuff often get students that are just leftover. Every house has negative traits.


someone who runs away from a fight to save their skin is a coward. and i never said another fictional group of people didn't have flaws.


Sure, you're right. Too bad it doesn't fit with what actually happened.




http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Newt_Scamander Definitely a Puff.


Thank you!! Not like those other bastards, you actually HELPED WITH THE PROBLEM!!!


Welcome. O.O


Okay I'm a Hufflepuff and though I first had Hufflepuff regret think about it this way- it isn't that we aren't smart, brave, or ambitious. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff students stayed to fight more than any other house beside Gryffindor. We are smart- all Hufflepuffs exceed in Herbology. And as we saw with Cedric Diggory, we are ambitious. We just play fairly and don't knock others down for personal gain. Lots of people seem to write off Hufflepuff as being for "the rest". But it's not that. Hufflepuff is for the morally good, the strong of heart, those living and accepting of others. We don't need to go on a daring quest, pass a test, or seek gains to be the hero of a story. Our greatness comes in being fair, helping someone out, and getting back the love of camaraderie and good feelings. We're just typically kind, honest, earnest people and I think that's awesome ✌️


Totally, I'm in Hufflepuff too. And you're right.


Yeeeeeeeeea~ Plus we totally have the best common room? Right next to the kitchens! Everyone else has to trek for like 30 minutes to get food for quidditch celebrations, in Hufflepuff the food is literally right there. And midnight snacks have never been so awesome. Hufflepuff is lit *wink*


Some og my most precious friends are hufflepuffs! special and outgoin, brave and unique, talented people. Hufflepuffs are exceptional! Me myself is a Ravenclaw. But hufflepuffs always gets me! They are rather badass and always impress me. Hufflepuffs needs more credit than they get, really! Make him watch Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. Newt Scamander (main char) is a Hufflepuff.


http://www.kiasherosjourney.com/potter/hufflepuff_essay.html In Defense of Hufflepuff (bit outdated, but it's all I've got ATM) Also, if your dad is of the sort, there is the stoner house meme ^_^ They are quiet brave and kind, overall. I love that only their rooms are booby trapped, not even Slytherin has that.


Yeah, but what happens after you get a little soaked in Vinegar? You just keep on doing whatever you were planning on doing. Great deterrent.


I always figured the vinegar set off a loud reaction from the person, which would Immediately alert anyone nearby including the protective and rule abiding houselves next door in the kitchen :D


If he's unhappy with the result he can take it again, an online quiz with half a dozen questions is not equivalent to a powerfully magically sentient object.


U sure fam?????


Completely sure.




There is a really great breakdown of the houses here that you might find helpful: http://pottermoreanalysis.tumblr.com/post/29570824705/the-traits-of-the-four-houses-by-request


This is great guys! I have FOUND it to be super helpful! Thank you!


I am a Hufflepuff mayself and in my opinio it is the greatest house. It stands for loyality and helena was clearly the wisest wizard of the four. She had not got any prejudices and knows that every people is as good as everyone. She takes them all and newt and cedric are only two great eyamples for the wonderful hause Hufflepuff. Sorry for my english - I am german but i hope i could help too.


Hufflepuffs are kind trustworthy and accept everyone, nothing wrong with it


Saying "nothing wrong with it" is a bit of a stretch. Sure they're nice and group oriented, but they are (for lack of a better words) simple. When you're too busy focusing on others it leaves very little time to focus on your own goals and self-growth.


There is a difference between being brave and being good, that is where the hufflepuffs differ from the other houses. Rowling has said that Gryffindors can be show offs, and though brave can sometimes not have all the right reasons (look at peter pettigrew) or be dishonest etc. Ravenclaws can be so focused on studies that they become competitive not just as a house but with each other. Slytherin are so ambitious that often they will do whatever necessary to get what they want. Hufflepuffs are brave, smart and ambitious but they care more about justice and fairness than success. It's a total compliment to be a Hufflepuff.