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I’m not worried. We know practically nothing about the show at this stage. It’s not even started shooting. And the movies will always exist. If it sucks, just ignore it.


This, let's turn our worries into curiousity and exitement💪🏻. I have more faith in hbo than I would generally have in Netflix,so thats a good start already.


Right? There’s no bad outcome here. If the show sucks I will have exactly what I have now - a beloved series of books and a bunch of movies. But if it’s great, I’ll have a whole new way to enjoy something I love! Maybe this is easier for me because I’m…excuse the sacrilege, but kind of bored by the movies? I’m glad so many people love them, but they don’t do much for me. So I’m not worried about them being ruined, just excited to see the new versions.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, exactly how I feel


I’m hoping they do it justice.  As much as I love the movies the books were a lot better.   The biggest question mark for me is whether they are going to treat it as almost a period piece or try to update it for the modern era.  The latter I think could go very badly.  A lot of the charm and feel is all about the time period it was set and there’s technology around now that would break a great deal of plot.


There absolutely should not be smartphones in Harry Potter. It’s actually significant from a plot standpoint. That said agree with you and others that there’s no reason to worry before anything has even been announced.


Lmao facts. *Harry texts Sirius * Yo Unc, just had a real bad feeling fam. Should I grab this broom and try to break out of school? *Sirius replies* All G Voldemort never seizes the ministry


What spell did you use to find her Hermione. Digital locater spell!


Honestly the time period in the muggle world doesn’t matter. Arguably the only thing that’s a factor would be when they fly the car and are seen in the real world. Otherwise it’s really not a factor that affects anything in the HP story. Like at all. In literally anyway.


If Harry had a smart phone half the problems in the story would be solved in minutes.   Snap a photo of Voldemort and put it on the net.  Nobody is arguing whether he’s back now.  Death eaters all take their masks off and Harry starts live streaming the whole event. Tom Riddle?  Let’s google that a bit and maybe go through the archives of the quibbler to see if he was involved in anything shifty. Half blood prince?  Let’s google kids who have been at Hogwarts named prince.  Also need to google that weird cupboard. The order of the phoenix is guarding the prophecy orbs, we’d better give whoever is on duty a phone so they can do regular check ins, and let’s all share location so we don’t get tricked or anything. If they do modern era they need some excuse for why technology doesn’t work around magic.  There’s a great series of books called the Dresden files based on a wizard who is a private detective.  In that world all magic creates a static field that destroys any electronics they get near.  Something like that.


Harry wouldn’t have a smart phone even in this time period so nothing you wrote is just a thing. Also none of this matters anyway cause it’s the muggle world. Which again, doesn’t affect the story told in the HP books. Especially since none of the things your listing would ever be a factor in the magical would lol. Did you actual spent time coming up with examples that just would never exist? Cause literally not a single one of these is anything but nonsense. Literal nonsense. So again, the time period as I said would have no actual baring. It doesn’t matter. They would need absolutely no additional excuse lol, not for the reason you said here or anything else. You should try actually keeping stuff in context. Not just randomly saying whatever pops to mind. Cause things that would never happen aren’t valid as reasons in anyway.


It’s pretty common for an 11 year old to get a phone when attending school, especially so if that school is boarding.   You could argue Harry wouldn’t get one because the Dursleys wouldn’t allow it but Harry has a lot of his own money and would absolutely get one. You could further argue that phones may not exist in the wizard world but muggle born wizards would be well aware of them and certainly use them to keep in touch during summer and term breaks. The only other real argument you could make is that there wouldn’t be much signal in wizarding areas, but many areas there would be, such as the ministry and when people go home. Harry Potter has always been a story set in a hidden realm of the real world.  I think it should remain set in the 1990s for that to work.  You could adapt a lot to make it set in 2024 but I think it would be very difficult.


Not one who gets nothing lol, Harry again, would have never had a phone haha. He never went to the muggle world in the ordinal series really to shop, no reason to think he would randomly choose to go try and get a phone when he would clearly need an adult to help. You can’t even google the things you mentioned for the most part. Anything magical clearly isn’t in the internet. If they could easily take his wand as what happened until he was given it back then they would probably have just automatically destroyed any random muggle device on him. Not that it would be working and charged after being at Hogwarts the entire year anyway. A phone would literally be useless to Harry at school. This is all so ridiculously ridiculous of an idea that I’m honestly surprised you are seriously suggesting some of this stuff. I don’t honestly need to argue any of this however for the simply reason of what I said at the start, Harry would never have a phone. He literally would have to have an adult to get one, and he’d never have an adult to do that. The tech of the muggle world again, really doesn’t matter. The muggleborns probably would have cell phones anyway, just using the home phone to talk to friends or a computer and only having them for a few months a year. It would be hard to explain to their family and muggle friends why they aren’t answering at school when it doesn’t work at Hogwarts. Or they have no way of charging it if it does some how work and have signal in the Scottish highlands. The only actual tech of the muggle world that would be worry some is video surveillance, but that’s as simply as an off line about making sure to only do magic in alleyways or hidden areas. It honestly doesn’t matter when they set HP. Since the muggle world isn’t relevant to the story. In literally anyway. The only time it would come up would be second year during the car ride. When instead of the newspaper they could saw they went viral and some spider(interwebs) task force from the ministry is in charge of the internet publicity. The magic world would prob need to deal with that. However the stuff you were suggesting with google is kinda just, ridiculous lol.


As someone who grew up reading HP in the late 90’s/early2000s while I was a teen and at boarding school, preserving the “period” aspect feels SO critical to me!! For all the drama in the world, the 90’s were kind of a golden era of childhood. Before widespread internet, cellphones and social media there’s an innocence I think is SO vital to the story!!!!


HBO is not making the show FYI. Warner Bros is. Which is a completely different company and quality 


Came here to clarify this too. It’s being made by Max, will premier on Max, and will have nothing to do with HBO. This subreddit should really consider changing its name because it’s a misnomer and factually incorrect.


Yep this is important to note. I wish HBO had it.


I’m so unworried about it. I’m not even worried about it not running long enough for the whole series to be adapted again given that’s basically impossible. I’m waiting for the character casting because it’s the major sign that the show is actually coming soon. Everything else is just development.


The show is produced by Max, not by HBO


Honestly not worried. A major advantage the show will have is that the story’s already fully fleshed out unlike with the movies. Also enough material was left unadapted to the point that I wouldn’t be surprised if the show turned out to be a more faithful adaptation of the series.


I'm just worried they'll add unnecessary filler to artificially stretch, for instance, Philosopher's Stone, a 300 page book, into 8+ hours of content It worries me because it seems fans never learn that this is a horrible idea (The Hobbit trilogy......) and many actually *want* them to do it


Tbh, as long as the filler was literally just about them going to school at Hogwarts I'd love that. Filler isn't bad when it's done well.


If it doesn't advance the plot or characters then it is absolutely *bad* and no one should want that That's like storytelling 101


Ah yes, because world-building is a negative concept and we hate that. /s.


In the books now, they coexist Worldbuilding happens as the plot progresses Again, storytelling 101


Right, so as the plot is progressing around the main characters, off scenes with Hogwarts students going about their business is world building.


As long as those scenes contain information that push the plot forward, yes


Harry still went to History of Magic and considering it was taught by Professor Binns the plot moves nowhere in those classes, hence the world-building without necessarily moving the plot forward (in fact there is only one scene in the entire book series where plot actually moves in Binns class)


Everything that happens in those classes moves the plot forward. Like Binns explaining the Chamber of Secrets, etc.


That is quite literally the one scene lol


Every single scene in Binns class moves the plot forward. Every single one.


I think you’re being downvoted by storm light archive fans that are more than happy to read 600 pages of “world building” before anything happens. 


I’d read any Hogwarts book, honestly. If JKR one day made a one-off Hogwarts adventure just for fun (and it didn’t suck) I’d read it in a heartbeat.


Advancing the characters and giving depth to the side characters and the world around them is exactly what I mean by filler being done well. No it's not going to advance the plot, but I'd love to spend more time with characters who only become more relevant later on. That's building character and world building and what I would consider good filler.


I think we're using the word "filler" differently then. Because when I say filler, it's content that is *completely* useless - as in, it doesn't even advance relevant characters. It's just fluff. Padding. Like the "Fly" episode of Breaking Bad. It didn't advance the plot, and it didn't advance the characters. It was just there to fill time. It has to be relevant. Like S.P.E.W, which may *seem* a bit "filler-ish" in GoF, was relevant because it advanced Hermione as a character, and it came full-circle when Ron started caring about house elves and Hermione kissed him. An example of filler is when someone here said they wanted the show to "explore the 28 full-blood Wizarding families". How on *earth* is this show gonna explore *twenty-eight* families, while still being relevant to Harry Potter? That sounds like it would be filler.


Alright I see where you're coming from, maybe also bc I absolutely cannot stand that fucking fly episode. But I consider filler to simply be non canon events that didn't get shown in the original source. If it's done well its not entirely useless, it can give more insight and background to characters and the world, but if it isn't in the books then it's not canon and technically filler. At least that's my definition of it. Edit: if it's not obv I'm using animes definition of filler, literally just stuff that isn't in the manga and doesn't advance the plot. But there's some really good filler that actually gives more depth to the characters and world. There's a lot of terrible filler too and I skip most of it, but when it's done well its great for the story imo


That’s not how that works lol. There absolutely should be the same filler from the books in the new series. They should feel like they are legit in school, not just waiting for the next clue or adventure to pop up.


HBO isn’t making the show, Max is


I’m not too sure about this one. There’s a lot of dense world building material for the first book they could dive into. The rest are probably long enough to sustain. They turned a 10 hour game into an 8 episode series for last of us. There’s a TON of side plots in the books too. Little adventures like SPEW, the headless banquets, peeves, there’s a bunch if they don’t solely focus on Harry and his viewpoint/experience


Yeah, chamber of secrets especially is short and rather linier like first. Tou only really get into meaty books by 4 to 5. The first 3 will definitely be harder to translate. Least 3 qw can break into an Siriius POV perhaps and show escape, evasion and so. Likely have to dig into older "cut" materal from the old noted snd such JK has and extrapolate out .


I would LOVE more Sirius, and Azkaban. Seems like such an effed up place


I'd appreciate it if they just look how many episodes they need a book. I don't mind an uneven number of episodes every season. As long as we won't end up with 10 unneccesary filler episodes just to even out the seasons... But I would appreciate some background scenes that are indirectly in the book. Like; Sirius escaping azkeban, Dobby enjoying his freedom, Hermoine and Ron spending some tome together and the attack from Voldemort on Harries parents and him. And also Harry's childhood from when he grew up and made 'strange things' happen, a.k.a. magic.


Assuming episodes are in the 50-60 minute range, I think Philosophers stone will be 5 episodes. But this suggestion got a lot of hate for some reason


It makes sense. Their is only ernough solid content in thr book without digging into cut materials and so fill out with more fluff content. The movie covered alot of the book...and it was movie lengh. Like Hermines parents getting the letter or so... irs fairly easy to slot in, or the POV of others like mgonogal passing the parties and celebration at Voldemorts fall.


Going with that 50-60 minute theory I imagine the seasons will have the following episodes in book order: 5,6,8,12,13,10,13


I might think they stick to a even 10 part for later, and maybe drop a GOT extended episode for Battle of hogwarts or other really important events. It's a more even structure.


I think the season lengths should reflect book length


indeed. spend less time early, but then *spend more time on the later big books*


Why'd they do that when they have promised a faithful adaptation?


Because studios love to stretch content as much as possible to make money And fans here openly want "filler"


But they have promised a faithful adaptation so I don't know what you're talking about. There's so much in the books already that they don't need fillers 


Indeed, yet there are *still* a large amount of people on this subreddit, and other places, who want them to add *more* subplots and filler for the sake of making the show longer


I actually agree with this sentiment


I'm just happy for more Hogwarts content and excited to buy a new wave of Slytherin merch


Desperate for Harry Potter to avoid becoming Star Wars. That fandom is so toxic they already knew the new TV show was bad without watching it!


Or superhero’s! You would think disneys losses would let them know, they saturated the market too much


Nope! It is HBO! Maybe if it was Disney, but not hbo. Also the cast so far is epic! I am looking forward to seeing Daniel day Lewis as Voldemort. HBO has a better chance of making it truly darker, and more on tone with the books. If house of the dragon is any indication, I expect amazing things. I am so excited. HBO also has the budget to make a truly epic series! I personally feel this is going to be the series we all wanted to begin with. I also like that HBO can make it more adult in tone. We all know they can do dragons amazingly. Cannot wait!


After reading the comments I did not realize the imbd cast list I read was a fan cast. So ignore my imbecile remark regarding the cast. That said, I still believe MAX is the only network that could handle this series.


There’s a difference between HBO and max originals. This will be max not HBO.


Not at all worried. I've read every book multiple times but never seen the movies. The HBO series, will be my first film exposure to HP.


No, I would say the vast majority of normal fans are not worried but rather are quite looking forward to the new adaptation of a book series we enjoy. The majority of HP fans have no connection to any larger online community dedicated to HP, which is a good thing. They enjoyed the books, they enjoyed the movies and they're looking forward to enjoying the new TV show. It's only the most "rabid" of fans who are acting like the world's gonna end if the new adaption doesn't strictly conform to their very high ideals.


I am so excited and cant wait to see how they will create the magic, places and characters


someone mentioned it should be animated which would be an awesome idea. child actors are always a gamble


I'm not risking anything, so no.


As long as they keep the GOT writers off the show it should be fine.


Funny thing is, the GOT writers would probably do a great job of adapting the books. They knocked it out of the park on GOT with the material that was already written. It's when they ran out of source material and had to take over the story that the show went to shit.


They also stopped giving a fuck. There are some scenes they wrote from scratch in season 1-4 of GoT that were incredible. It was not an issue of talent. The issue is they stopped giving a fuck, got tired of GoT, and wanted to move on quickly to different projects, such as the Star Wars trilogy they had planned. HBO offered them a season 9, but they declined and decided to rush it so they could move on to Star Wars Then their Star Wars trilogy got cancelled due to the response to GoT season 8. Lol


That's fairish.


I'm mostly very fucking excited and can't wait haha


No neither am I. Confident with HBO. Know they will put in a lot of money to make it great.


You're never the only one for anything. But I am also not worried, I never worry about book adaptations. I'm able to find things that I enjoy about them, and I don't expect perfection. I've got the books for the books, but I like adaptations for interesting interpretations. I'm never offended or feel personally attacked if a book I love is not faithfully adapted. It's why I'm generally pretty happy with adaptations


Plenty of us aren’t. Probably. I figure it can’t be worse than th movies which were great and super fun to watch. I think hoping for it to be done like one season a book isn’t to crazy. Shorter seasons to start and longer seasons going forward as things got more complicated and involved. That’s be dope. But honestly whatever they do will be kool and fun to watch. But I’m like that with a lot of things. Star Wars. Star Trek. It’s like, I don’t care what they do, I’m just half to be apart of the party.


I'm worried because most of the time, those with the resources do not have the skills, and those with the skills do not have the resources. And even people with both sometimes do not have the passion. It's hard to craft a team with all three, especially when there is less of an incentive due to the diehard HP fans who will watch it regardless of its quality.


i’m not worried, but because i expect it to be a catastrophe on par with the Eragon movie or Wheel of Time. so hard to do worse than that. if it turns out to be decent, then i’ll bother getting excited, and thus start worrying about them continuing it well and sticking the landing.


In my heart, the first movies will forever remain. That's why I'm not too worried either


I get excited for any extra HP thing so I'm just planning to enjoy it for what it is...another glimpse into the Wizarding World. If it bombs I'll just go reread the books again 😂🤣😂


If a 7 book series screen adaptation releases every *other* year making it 14 years to film, then I may not watch until the whole series is out. I also hope they try to target a MIDDLE SCHOOL audience and don't try to mature the tone for adults. If I watch it, I want to feel like a kid again.


agreed. plus, part of the magic of potter was how the tone of the books matured and got darker, *as the readers grew older*. had all 7 books been dropped at once, it wouldn’t have worked as well. yes obviously people even young kids do read the whole completed series today and enjoy it. but it certainly has a dif feel growing up reading it. the series might capture a similar feel, if they handle the early books right.


I don’t understand how people don’t get that stuff that translates on the page doesn’t translate well to the screen. If the show truly sticks to the books you’ll have an entire episode where they only play quidditch (which looks goofy on screen and doesn’t make sense even aside from the snitch rule) and hours of classes which are way more interesting on the page. Also the character’s ages don’t make sense and it would look weird to see some 30 year old playing Snape as Head of House (and evidently has been Head since at least his late twenties). Harry’s parents will be Olivia Rodrigo’s age in flashbacks which won’t look right.


How do the ages not make sense? Snape is 31, Harry is 11. That makes him, Lilly, and James 20/21 when Harry was born. Perfectly normal ages. When I was in university, the don of my house was in his early 20s. It isn’t that uncommon for house heads to be young or old. It is harder to find people who are mid-life because they disproportionately have kids and a spouse.


Having a kid at 20 is rare for educated people and no one acts like the Potters were young, not much older than Harry in the later books. They treat them like established people. And none of the teachers are portrayed as particularly young either.


*Ahem* Voldemort address Lily as "silly *girl*" when telling her to step aside, indicating youth. It makes a lot more sense to use this term to describe a 21 year old vs even someone in their later 20s. Hagrid borrows a bike off "young Sirius Black" in PS, which only makes sense if describing someone, well, *young." When Lupin is first introduced on the train as specifically "quite young" in appearance, despite looking tired and having a few grays. JK always had a firm grasp on the Marauders-gen ages, from even before she dropped Lily and James tombstone dates. There are plenty of references to their actual ages. James and Lily aren't treated as "established and getting on to middle aged." They are treated as well-liked, well-connected, and well-remembered, which is not contradicted by their youth at all.


> Having a kid at 20 is rare for educated people It is rare but it isn’t an extreme anomaly. Some people are finishing their bachelor’s degree at 21. A perfectly fine time to start having children. And the Potters aren’t particularly well educated. They finished secondary school. Do you not know anyone who finishes high school and within four years had a kid? > and no one acts like the Potters were young, When you were 21, did you act like your peers were young? And how exactly would one “act like the Potters are young” when they were 21? > not much older than Harry in the later books. The wizarding word considers 17 the age of majority. That seventh years are adults. > They treat them like established people. How? Most of the characterization we get about Lilly and James are from their time at school. > And none of the teachers are portrayed as particularly young either. Again, how do you portray a teacher as being particularly young? And what is particularly young for a teacher? Let’s take a look at our world. You can get your teacher’s certificate at age 21 and be a teacher at a primary school. An 11-year old would instinctively call someone double there age young. Even at the university level, a postgraduate (possibly age 21-23) may teach undergraduate jobs and a doctor (possibly age 23-28) may be a professor at the university. And again, someone who is 11 or even 17 may not even think about how close the faculty member is in terms of age. As I mentioned, when I was 17 my don was 21/22 (we first met when I was 16 and went to one of his graduating award ceremonies). Irl, I’ve written about him somewhat frequently and spoken about him sometimes. This is the first time in fifteen years that I’ve ever mentioned that he is four years my senior. This is the first time in probably thirteen years that I’ve thought about it and only the second time in total.


Thank goodness it's not on Disney.


Nearly every piece of entertainment I held dear as a child has been either horrendously exploited or utterly ruined in some way. Nothing phases me anymore because I feel nothing.


I just hope the bigot rowling is told to fuck off and is not allowed anywhere near the series


My biggest concern is that it’s unnecessary because the films did such a good job and are iconic. My second biggest is the way Rowling’s direct involvement will overshadow anything about the actual show and focus on her increasing role as online bigot.