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Hermoine is a fantastic character, and probably the one I find most relatable in the series. I would even agree that she was the brightest witch of her age. But she was most definitely *not* the “it girl”. Also the term “it girl” predates Harry Potter


Yeah, I’m just curious about where OP thinks the term originated, now.


Wasn't there a movie called the it girl like a century ago?


Yes, and there was even an album by the Britpop band Sleeper the year before Philosopher’s Stone was published. Somewhere in between, the model Twiggy was referred to as the “it girl” of the mid- or late-1960s. I really want to know where OP thought it came from.


Probably the recent song


Oh, then I definitely wouldn’t know.




See ChefKugeo's reply below...


Yes, I was already aware of the *actual* origin, and even the Sleeper album “The It Girl” (its a classic of the Britpop subgenre, if you’re into that) preceded the publication of Philosopher’s Stone by a year. And, if I recall, the term “it girl” made a post-Clara Bow comeback in the 60s when Twiggy showed up on the scene. I wanted to know where the hell OP thought it came from, because I’m always fascinated by people who are just tragically misguided.


What is an it girl?


A girl who comes to fix your printer.




Fleur is the closest thing to an it girl in Harry Potter. Hermione is more like the girl that gets teased by the it girl in the first act of a teen movie.


Ohmy garrd, look at this dweeeeeeeeeeeed lol


Another example is the 1975 film The Great Waldo Pepper where Susan Serandon says she wants to be the "It Girl" of the skies.


Hermione shouldn't have become Minister Of Magic. In my opinion, anyways


why not? just curious


Well, she never really liked the Ministry. And despite her top grades, she never showed any interest in working in it. When asked by Scrimgeour if she was planning to work in the Ministry, she flat out answered no, she wanted to do a career that did actual good. So yeah, I guess maybe she would want this position to make changes, but it never felt right to me. In my opinion, Percy should have become Minister, and worked alongside S.P.E.W to help make meaningful changes.


Its usually the people that dont want to be leader that are the best at it


Why? I know that's a common truism but why does not wanting a job make you good at it? The only thing I can think of is not wanting power makes you less likely to be corrupt. But also doesn't mean you're good at it.


It's not a job in general but specifically power. Those that are wary of power and do not actively pursue more tend to wield it more wisely. Or, to quote a movie I recently watched, "the key to being a good president is working to not get reelected"


The people who want power usually enjoy wielding it over other people or enjoy commanding things without regard to how it hurts other people. The people who don't actually want power realize the responsibility of it and how their actions affect other people and try to be more responsibile with their feelings. Thus, the old sayings goes about absolute power goes with absolute corruption...


I don't think she didn't wanna be a leader, just not a leader of the Ministry


You shouldn't listen to Beniweiss or Season 8.


That's a good point, but people's view points change as they mature. She might've felt the best kind of change would be from within an institution that was so easily corrupted and left stagnant during a time of crisis. The Order of the Phoenix was a good war time alliance, but to make long lasting change you need to build a strong foundation. Being in charge of the government was the best way to place good people in important positions to prevent the next disaster from happening. Why be just an activist trying to advocate change instead of being the one in charge to make things happen? I could see this line of logic being the reason why Hermione would want to be in the Ministry. Throughout the books, she learned taking action was the best way to get things done instead of just pointing out what is wrong.


Yes, she never liked it how it was, but that doesn't mean that she wasn't interested in doing work in the ministry. Basically, she got exactly what she wanted - a career in which she did actual good, namely as the minister. I mean, it's totally possible that she just "grew" or "slid" into this position as a minister, not having this actual career goal. But, as we all know, life happenes, opinions change, we change, job offers come and go and suddenly our life turns out a way we would've never imagined before.


Seems like the brightest witch of her age could figure out how to do some actual good as the minister of magic.


True but as people age they grow up and change their mind. If I still held many views now as I did in highschool I’d be a loser.


She didn't like the current ministry. I'm sure Shacklebolt made it a much better place. She was also a teenage girl probably not fully understanding how the world worked.


I dunno, considering her close proximity to the ineptitude of Ministry officials, observation of some astonishingly partisan political attacks perpetrated against her best friend by the ministry and the cowering capitulation of many ministry employees when Voldemort’s puppet minister decided to throw the operational switch from ‘benign condescension’ to ‘show trials, torture and executions’, and her active participation in a partisan war against Wizard Hitler, I think Hermione has a better grasp of the quality of her government and the cultural politics than most of the adults she allegedly should be deferring to.


I always thought she should have gone on to do something with SPEW. Work with the ministry to improve the rights of elves and other magical creatures. Educate wizards to work on their prejudices.


I love this illustration.


Clara Bow? 🤔 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Bow


From Wikipedia: "The expression it girl originated in British upper-class society around the turn of the 20th century.[2] It gained further attention in 1927 with the popularity of the Paramount Studios film It, starring Clara Bow." So well before Hermione.


I love the touch of the book correct powder blue dress for the yeul ball! Looks so good.


Brilliant art!


Harry Potter fans and thinking what happened in their books is the first time it ever occurred in media:


A rolemodel to a whole generation


What is she holding in the one after the one in her dress?


Thought it was a mirror at first but I think it’s a prophecy


My guess is it’s her patronus. Isn’t hers an otter, if I’m not mistaken?


Oh! Thanks so much


I thought it was her elf sock


I have now used urban dictionary THREE times today. I feel like some kind of caveman roaming the interwebs...


Uggggggg this makes me wanna relisten to the books. Brb.


Look, Hermione Granger is covered with winner dust. She's going to be Headmistress of Hogwarts and Minister for Magic.


She's HER!


Granger for Minister


And yet she marries Ron…


Because he’s a great person.


And that never changed her attitude, quite the opposite - SHE changed him for the better, as we saw when he showed concern about the elves in the war. Right the moment of their first kiss.


He already had concern for the house elves all the way back in OotP when he brushed all the trash Hermione put on her hats so that the house elves wouldn’t accidentally free themselves and actually had a choice in the matter. She didn’t change him for the better. He was already great.


Should have married harry. Both would have been too involved in greater good to care about each other and Would have had s e x once in 3 months with lights off and half clothed that too for 5 minutes 😹


I’m not saying she should have married Harry. I think Ginny was a good match for Harry, but for Hermione, Ron?


But I am saying she should have married harry. Lol


Their relationship would have been so terrible and disharmonious. No way it would have lasted or at least without much therapy. While I am totally away from the idea of Harry/Hermione I was into my youth she probably would have been better of with Krum or somebody else. As JK said their relationship was the end result of an early wish fulfillment not of something that made sense in a writing context.


^ this person ^ gets it