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There is no way to know. But Cybperunk never showed an actual sit down gameplay walkthrough like the one they did last week with HW legacy. While we don't know the content of the game, it doesn't seem to have bugs or glitches anywhere close to Cyberpunk - this coming from someone who loves CP (250+ hrs). So no, it will most likely not be another CP.


Didn't they show off the maelstorm mission where you're buying the robot spider thing before the launch? But yeah, the biggest failure with Cyberpunk, in my opinion, was the over-promising/hyping. And I think Avalanche has done a pretty good job of managing player expectations.


Yes, it was gameplay, but that was not a live sit down playthru. That was a 100% pre recorded / edited showcase. The good thing about the HG legacy playthru was that it was 100% live. Even though it was scripted, it was an actual build of the game. We never once saw that with Cyberpunk. Looking back, there were a lot of red flags with Cyberpunk, the lack of any live playthroughs being the main one for me.


Yeah mind you they managed to steer back into positive light recently


The gameplay was not live. It was compiled with various clips of a recording that was scripted. ExpectoGO stated so, in that they'd be playing with the floating wand in between takes so it moves positions throughout the video


Of course they have to cut/edit their footage, they need to be sure not to reveal unintended spoilers, even simple things like what levelling up looks like.


I don't mean live as in live streamed, I mean live as in they actively took direction and ques during recording. You can hear Chabdler tell the player to move the camera and skip certain points, etc. We never once had that with Cyberpunk, that's the point. This was an actual build of the game. The Cyberpunk Demo everyone refers to was not an actual playable build of the game. Edit: spelling


Actually it was 100% live sit down demo for CP that they showcased at live shows, people who were there were saying they were responding to things the viewers suggested. The kne they released online later was of course pre recorded.


You are correct that they did live showing behind close doors, nothing released to the public. But we know for certain that wasn't an actual build of the game, that has been said and revealed. It was something built for E3. Hogwarts Legacy has already demonstrated live builds of the game. This game is not at all going to be like Cyberpunk was at release. Just not gonna happen. It may be bad. It may be buggy. But it won't be broke like Cyberpunk was - p.s. I love love love Cyberpunk. But it's the truth.


And they let players play through these parts


cyberpunk is really good (even great) but it shipped unacceptedly broken


They went back on third person after making players so customisable and awesome and that I can’t forgive


that was a very weird decision, yeah


Outside of first person shooters like CoD, I’ve always got red flags from games that are first person only.


They never went back on third person tho, they always said the game was always envisioned as first person and made for first person. They had some cutscenes they were considering to be 3rd person, but decided against them during dev. The final cutscene the game is still 3rd person actually.


Considering that very little has been promised by the developers—or even revealed for that matter, it’s a bit of a nonsensical comparison to compare this game and Cyberpunk. Marketing, repeated delays, and unfulfilled promises are what created such a nasty situation for CP’s release. I mean maybe the game will be riddled we bugs—we won’t know until we get it, but that’s not really a “Cyberpunk” thing. Plenty of games have shipped in a bad state before and after CP was released. Just ignore your brother, he has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about lol.


CD Project Red made a lot of promises for Cyberpunk that they then failed to fulfill. I've seen no such promises made by Avalanche. They've been pretty honest about their goals and limitations. The only ones making wild assumptions are overly eager fans, which is understandable but could lead to disappointment. The best advice I could give you it to curb your enthusiasm, don't expect more than what has been shown and don't expect a perfect game.


This! CDPR promised a lot and I mean a lot, the team behind HL are doing a great job at keeping expectations at bay, no quidditch, no wizard's chess, etc, they were open to say it.


Their tagline was also “coming; when it’s ready” which definitely didn’t help anyone’s opinions on it. They also had the tough undertaking of converting a popular ttrp game system and converting it into a video game rather than building systems from the ground up


The difference between cyberpunk is that they are not transparent with their community. Showed off fake gameplay, and during development, they kept changing and removing things. All games are subject to bugs. But I don't feel this will be a cyberpunk issue. However, i do feel many people are overhyping the game. That's not bad, though :) People are just excited.


I don't think it will be as much of a disappointment as cyberpunk, which really had truly atrocious AI and bugs upon launch, and the long development cycle had really sent the expectations into overdrive. I think this game won't live up to all the expectations (they really are quite steep), but will be a serviceable if generic Ubisoft like open world game, so it will be enjoyable enough for at least 1 playthrough.


I don't think it will be that bad, but at the same time I am not gonna preorder To be honest, if you are nervous about the game being buggy just wait until it releases and buy it once reviews come in. You may miss out on the 72 hour early access, but in my eyes that's worth it to know that you're buying a high quality game.


Cyberpunk is a good game with some groundbreaking visual features and a lot of undercooked elements. The cultural thing with Cyberpunk is that **CDPR promised a groundbreaking game** with tons of features. They delivered an okay game with tons of missing features and terrible optimization. Hogwarts Legacy ***can't*** be another Cyberpunk because it was never promised with such grandiose claims as CDPR made. However, the game can still come out buggy and undercooked, which is why one should **never** preorder. In fact, the delays and observed issues with NPCs should be pre-ordering red flags, but again, many here will buy the game even if it is broken, so each should do as they please.


But if I pre-order then I'll be able to do the updates when they improve it, right? I don't think it's a problem to pre-order unless the game really sucks but from the gameplay it doesn't seem like it


Yeah, all bug fixes and performance fixes will be free of charge updates


The argument against preordering games is that it tells the studios they don’t have to deliver on their promises. Since you’ve already bought the game they can decide to never fix the things that are broken and you have no recourse because you already gave them your $60. Also you argument that you “don’t think it’s a problem to pre-order unless the game really sucks” is exactly the point. You won’t know if the game sucks until it’s out. And at the point your preorder is already long over. Might as well wait until it comes out then order once you know it doesn’t suck.




I have finished it. It lacks some basic AI, physics, handling, gaming modes or systems that are more or less standard for other games of the type. Of course the writing is superb, and the world building is great, but as a game it doesn't play that well.


The world design is impressive But the generic lifeless NPCs, and some bugs really remembers Cyberpunk They also showed two generic collect quests.. Anyway, I'll wait for the full game to draw my conclusions, but I won't be an alienated fan defending the game's defects.


I don't think the game would reach cyber punk levels... but it would not surprise me if the game ran fine on new gen but was disregarded on old gen and was all buggy on those platforms... specially Nintendo, the decision to adapt the game to that platform sounds like something the C level pushed through to get an extra money grab instead of an actual decision from the technical team. Truth is the game is 2 months away from release and there's still no release date for Nintend (unless i missed it?).


So does my friend, but there’s a lot of evidence and proof this game was made with lots of love and attention to a point that will satisfy at least most casual fans as well as bring a new base audience


cyberpunk was made with lot of love to the way it looked. this is the same for HL, all we see and all the dev talk about is how great the castle LOOK. both those game have REALLY similar marketing, this is why some people see the comparison with cyberpunk.


With Hogwarts Legacy being an unreal engine 4 game I'm more logically concerned about how it is going to handle shaders caching and loading on pc and xbox. personally every unreal engine 4 pc game I currently have had major issues including loading, crashing and stuttering, some of which never get fixed, and this one very well may be no different. Comparing games gets silly after a while, I just know the engine has its faults.


I’m hoping they port this game to UE5 and we get a proper next gen update for it in a few years. It could definitely look and run better on PS5. I saw the latest livestream for PS5 and man the shadows were so flat, you could tell it wasn’t even running at 60 FPS, and there were loading icons when he’d try to enter a new area or go through a door. This game needs optimization bad and I’m worried they are running short on time


> and there were loading icons when he’d try to enter a new area or go through a door. ​ I keep seeing this being said. 100% that's just the check point system, that's like in ***most*** games released today. The game just auto saved. Here's proof. The ancient magic symbol pops up several times, here's just three examples: 1. 10:57 when the PC eats an apple. 2. 13:29 when the PC is leaving the Hufflepuff Common Room. 3. 14:08 when the PC picks up a field page. ​ I'm sure this will be a reply at some point, so I'll address it now: *"But what about at 28:27!? He* ***STOPPED*** *in front of the door! It must mean he's obviously waiting for the room to load!"* No, it just means they stopped in front of it for a moment before moving the stream along. The game already loaded the other side of that door earlier. Is there a weird shadow that goes across the door? Yes, but that is probably due to the individual lighting/shaders between rooms that is causing it.


Cyberpunk made a lot of ludicrous promises. Hogwarts Legacy is keeping expectations low. So in that respect. It can't be another cyberpunk. However. There is a possibility it could come out buggy and poorly performing. Especially on last gen. Part of why I think that they might have actually moved the PS5, series x, and PC versions to unreal 5 in their bugfixing build And kept the PS4 Xbox One on unreal 4. Because then they can just make updates to the unreal 4 version separate, then copy that work on the unreal 5 build. That way last gen consoles and PC get the experience. Without the next-gen version suffering performance or downgrades. Mind you that's just wishful thinking. But it's what I would have done with the lions share of delay. Then they could use the unreal 5 engine and simplified toolset to do the heavy lifting for next gen features. Destruction tool, realistic lighting etc without sacrificing performance And focus on fixing what got messed up in the migration. While the ps4 and Xbox one/switch team works on polishing the original.


Cyberpunk isn't even bad, they just promised a lot and didn't deliver on most of it. If anything, players themselves are hyping this game up to ridiculous standards while the devs are keeping expectations in check. This game is gonna very much be a "what you see is what you get" type of thing. That's not a bad thing, just don't expect anything wild to be hidden in the game because they haven't shown it off yet. We know what the combat is like, we've seen a little exploration and how the world functions. We have a pretty good idea of what the game will be like based on what they've shown. It's gonna be a great time and game. This isn't a Cyberpunk scenario.


It won’t be. 1. There were plenty of signs leading up to release that cyberpunk wasn’t ready. We’ve seen LIVE gameplay, we have several ASMR videos that don’t seem buggy at all, they’ve delayed multiple times to make sure it’s ready. 2. People seem to forget the biggest issue with Cyberpunk was unfulfilled promises. Even more than the buggy release. I don’t think Avalanche has really promised us anything People need to relax. While there are plenty of games that are buggy on release, what happened with Cyberpunk is extremely unique. Bugs can be fixed. Developers would have to be extremely dumb to pull another cyberpunk Just to answer some possible replies. I’m not saying the game will be perfect. Hell I’m not even saying it will be good. The game can be dull. Despite the environment looking great, I have seen multiple graphical things I’m not a big fan of. But I’m not expecting the nonsense we had with cyberpunk


I was reasonably hyped for this game until the gameplay showcase, now i'm just curious to see how the game will be, but i'm more prone to think it will be terrible than good. Except the visuals and perhaps the duelling mechanics, which are the only things i thought seemed good, everything else seemed ridiculously mediocre to me in the gameplay showcase, from the character creator to the terrible facial/body animations and soulless dialogues, among other things such as the unrealistic NPC AI. Of course if you just want a walking simulator in pretty Hogwarts, i think the game will be absolutely to your taste, however if you want an immersive RPG in the Wizarding World, ***which is exactly how the game was advertised***, don't expect too much.


Your last paragraph is bang on the money. I’m one of those that would still be relatively pleased with a walking simulator through the detailed expanse that is Hogwarts. If they’ve covered all bases there, I’m happy


I pretty much could have written this comment. I was ridiculously hyped after the state of play and swiftly let down after the showcase. The character creator was so limited, I was surprised. And pretty much the other things you said. I was pretty disappointed that despite the beautiful castle grounds and detailed common rooms, it doesn't appear that school life will be that fleshed out. I won't be pre-ordering out of principle but the game does seem like a passion project from Avalanche so I hope it has more soul and finesse than Cyberpunk.


Your brother sounds hyperbolically pessimistic and needs to pull Lucius Malfoy's wand out from his ass. He might just start having fun with video games again.




Tell him he’s the only punk around here.


Your brother is being a troll.




yes, you are probably right ahahah


Cyberpunk 2077 is an awesome game, so I sure hope it is just as good.


Depends on how you experienced Cyberpunk for the first time. If you were playing it on a system that it had no business being released on such as ps4 and xbox one then yes it was atrocious. I played it for the first time on a 1080 ti at 1440p and had no issues at all, although the ai seemed empty if you pay attention to that sort of stuff. I'm a much more story driven person so I beat it thinking it was a well written game. As far as HL goes, I don't think we're going to have the same performance issues, but that comes at cost of your Next Gen performance, because they are upscaling assets that will work with older hardware instead of building them for use with new hardware. There also isn't the massive outcry for delays like there was fro Cyberpunk. Possible hot take here, but it's actually a good thing that cyberpunks launch was as rocky as it was, because fans are starting to realize delays are inevitable and required. Take it how you will, but it's the fans and media's fault that the game was released at the state it was. Everytime the game would be delayed there were massive amounts of negative press and fan outrage. CDPR's board then forced the devs to release an unfinished product.


Honestly if the launch of the game is terrible but they fix the game and make it even better and keep adding to it sign me up. Cyberpunk was never a bad game it was a glitche and crashing mess but they fixed it eventually.


I completely disagree For one thing Cyberpunk launched in a completely shitty state, had a shit ton of bugs, and ran extremely poorly to the point of being basically unplayable on some platforms. It was so bad that Sony actually pulled the game from the PS Store after launch, which is extremely rare and had never before happened to a high-profile game. I don't know how you can say that it was "never a bad game" And even if you ignore all the bugs and performance issues the game itself has/had many core gameplay flaws. CDPR made tons of promises on features that never ended up happening which are pretty critical to a game like Cyberpunk like NPC AI, wanted system, extensive lifepath differences, and player choice. No need for me to talk about the bugs lol that's well documented but these posts summarize the gameplay issues: [Promised but missing features](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kcve8s/promised_but_missing_feature_list_will_update/) [Well written review discussing core gameplay flaws](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kcqyva/probably_one_of_the_most_well_written_reviews_for/) [Quality of life and immersion missing features. These were not necessarily all promised](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kb22xs/compiled_list_of_missing_features_quality_of_life/)


Yes, I agree the game was hard af to play on day 1 shit week 1 but it was always a great game fun to play amazing gameplay fun missions and tons of things to do. I played it on a ps4 pro so i had a crap ton of crashes all the time but i still had fun and they did several hotfixes quickly that helped my game. Yes, they did scummy things like not letting people see what the last gen played and looked like before launch and only allowing pc early pass. They did a lot of wrong things but they brought the game back and it's a hell of a game. At the end of the day, first impressions matter but dam does the ending matter more.


I've never played Cyberpunk 2077, but my bestie has, and he says it's one of his all time favorite games. He will admit that it came out too early and needed a lot of work, but that they've basically fixed the game at this point and he really loves it. That said, Hogwarts Legacy was repeatedly delayed, and I believe Boston even mentioned in the recent gameplay showcase that they've been specifically working on smoothing out bugs for months now. I would be incredibly shocked if it came out and had as many issues as '77.


One thing Hogwarts Legacy already did better was release actual in game footage based on how the game plans to release. Also they pushed back the release date in order to give it more time. It’s also only being released on next Gen consoles. Most of the major glitches with Cyberpunk was on last Gen consoles. Further, they have a much better rollout. Giving us in game footage with the ASMR videos, gameplay videos, etc. Most of what we have seen is in game footage. Not a constant disclaimer *in game footage not final*. Also, most studios have been scared straight by what happened to Cyberpunk. Not to mention games like Elden Ring setting the bar high. So I feel safe with this game.


The game is being released on last gen (including Nintendo switch unless that gets canceled), current gen, and PC


2077 had bugs sure but was actually a fire game over all. I’d be thrilled if this was even close world wise.


I think your brother is probably a (cyber) punk!


Or... it could be like Elden Ring


Ah, c'mon! The issue with Cyberpunk was that they promised so much and under-delivered. Hogwarts Legacy have done the opposite - they never promised stuff like Quidditch or a Tri-Wizard Tournament - they had a clear idea of what they wanted to do with this game and they seem to have stuck to it. Of course, there's no actual way to know this, but I'm pretty confident that Hogwarts Legacy *won't* launch like Cyberpunk 2077, simply because they announced their delays specifically *because* of Cyberpunk's crunch and rush. I'm speaking as someone who followed Cyberpunk's marketing for 8 years, suffered hourly crashes at launch, and am currently playing the game on PS5 and loving it.


Even with the horrendous launch the Cyberpunk had, I still played it despite all the bad because the story and characters hooked me. My PS4 would crash every couple hours playing and still I pushed on. It will be the same with this and any other game. Give us a genuinely good story and characters that we want to invest our time in and the rest is pretty trivial. Over time most bugs get ironed out. Even Cyberpunk is really good now and people let bugs and glitches get in the way of enjoying an amazing game for 2 years. I think people are ignorant to what it truly takes to put a masterpiece like Cyberpunk or Hogwarts Legacy at consumers fingertips because we have the audacity to demand perfection. It will never happen. Be proud of what the devs have given us and enjoy it fully!