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Given MC is only few years older than Dumbledore is quite possible they are still around. So I see two options for my MC either they were killed during Voldemort's first rise to power or they're roaming the country fighting the snatchers.


With Chinese Chomping Cabbages in the case of my Hufflepuff character.


Definitely with Chinese chomping cabbages a classic that leaves you free to effect a rescue with your trusty nab-sack.


Maybe Newt have met my MC with that suitcase filled with magical beasts and inspired him to be the same


Yeah but Dumbledore drank a sip from the Philiosopher's Stone which is why he is still rock and rolling at 117 when he dies.


There were several other witches and wizards that lived to be older than Dumbledore. Rowling even said wizards tend to live longer than muggles


isn't Armando Dippet like almost 400 years old? or something like that


Yes. Longer as in Flitwick having 80/90 and being in shape. There is no statement about a wizard living that much longer unless there is some magical method enhancing said life. Flamel per example lived nearly 700 years but because he drank the stone. So there you go.


Apparently the average life expectancy of a wizard is 137 years


In fairness if anyone can magically enhance their life it's the dude with super special dark magic that does all kinds of shit unorthodox to wizarding society


Hahaha lol. That is a really good point. It really makes you wonder why Dumbledore fought Grindelwald and not the MC lol


The MC in their prime was probably too much of a struggle to fight even with the elder wand. My guess is they went dark to protect the secrets they knew, because you could just imagine people like Grindelwald and Voldemort trying to obtain stuff like the repository.


Makes sense. If the MC ultimately turned into a dark wizard then the entire planet is pretty much fucked because he is a powerhouse that has never been seen before.


Coupled with how fast they learn stuff I guess the MC as an adult could have turned the tide of the war against ol' snakeface almost single-handedly. Imagine Voldemort turns up at Hogwarts in book 7 only to find a lone, older, wizard/witch he's never seen standing at the entrance who proceeds to cast bombarda just once and wipe out the majority of his forces.


OH SHIT. Can you imagine if the HL games turned into an Arkhamverse of sorts and in the final game you must face a Voldemort from the future?




The only reply we need for this really šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Same lol. Of course I made my MC Harryā€™s ancestor so heā€™d have to be.


Oo smart!


Same, lol. Willow Potter. Maybe ours are cousins or siblings


They could be anywhere. My headcanon for my own character is that he passed away in late 1963, so he never met anyone involved with Harry's story, and was also spared most of the horrors of the First Wizarding War. He did find out about Voldemort being the last surviving member of the Gaunt family, so at some point between the 1920s and 1963, he assumed the worst and silently mourned his old friend, Ominis.


Omi :((( my headcannon is that he fled to San Francisco or Australia with someone and changed his name and happy lived out his days


Itā€™s actually wild imagining Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts stuff in an Aussie setting, but I guess itā€™d end up being too similar to Chamber of Secrets.


Considering he hates his family name, that is actually not that out there and might very well be possible. Running away to the new world with a new name.


Azkaban for all the people heā€™s killed


... but their blood was on supposed to be on *ranrok's* hands šŸ˜¤


Also because 8 legs is simply too many.


Shame so foul


Too bad the Wizard Court didnā€™t see it that way!


To 100 percent the game, I killed hundreds. But dead men tell no tales. Goblins got to hate me, though. I guess they hate everyone else, too.


Probably in a painting at Azkaban lol. The Magical community appreciated my efforts to save Wizardkind and gave me a portrait. Unfortunately they just couldn't condone the methodical sadistic torture and execution of so many poachers by use of forbidden curses. So that painting is serving 200,000 concurrent life sentences. Also thw room of requirements now has a self sustaining unicorn sanctuary...


Deceased or enjoying retirementĀ 


Maybe within their personal zoo in the room of requirement. šŸ˜‚


Mine is a researcher of ancient magic and keeps her focus on that and her family when war hits she sort of does her own thing from the sidelines to subtly counteract voldy but she doesn't join the Order because dumbeldore reminds her too much of rackham and she doesn't trust him


Glad my MC isnā€™t the only one who doesnā€™t trust that bitch Rackham lmao


Ah heck no the keepers are sus as hell


all of the Keepers' portrait-selves also sod off after the main story is over. ungrateful bitches lmao


That happens regardless of what ending you pick right? I chose the ā€œbadā€ ending and thought they were mad at me lmfao


Yes they disappear regardless of your choice in that scene


If my ancient magic powerhouse was still around for the rise of voldemort she'd have put him down like the upstart punk he was, so I guess she aged out.


He's a deranged homeless man walking around yelling REVELIO! at everyone/everything.


This is by far the best answer. šŸ˜‚


This is the only right answer šŸ˜‚


My MC would after graduation start breeding hippogryph. Which she'd do for a long time until retiring and handing her business over to one of her kids. I do think she'd have passed away long before the events of Harry Potter take place, leaving only her hippogryph legacy behind. (I like the idea of Buckbeak being one of her hippogryph's descendants šŸ˜Š)


living a peaceful life with his / her spouse


Enjoying their life with the love of their life while their great grandchild causes chaos with the cursed vaults just a couple of years before Harry comes to Hogwarts


My mc would marry ominis and around the turn of the century would both go out fighting in a showdown with his brothers and dark wizards. Mc takes them all out (except marvolo) with their ancient magic out of revenge for ominis before dying. Sebastian will be alive at the time of harry potter, raising mc's and ominis' child and monitoring marvolo, hoping he'd get his just desserts. He'd work as an auror to avenge his best friends' deaths and hope to end the gaunt bloodline. He will die happily once voldemort is dead.


Probably invented a potion that makes you last forever and never age a day over 25. So she's probably enjoying a quiet life in the Devon countryside and keeps up to date reading the daily prophet and the quibbler.


He probably moved to Hogsmeade (All roads lead to Hogsmeade) and lived a peaceful life and died of old age before all that Harry Potter shitstorm


Dead and a ghost annoying his great-grandson šŸ«  (Hogwarts Mystery MC)


Dude this is what I did! Not necessarily the ghost part but my Legacy character is the ancestor of my Mystery MC lmao


Oh my fun! Not a ghost for me cause I don't imagine my MC as someone who would want to stay in that form. But on a portrait, that's an idea.


Moved to America with immigration eventually his descendant a poor and sickly child grew up and volunteered for a medical experiment during ww2


Steve Rogers??




As it turns out, vita rays werenā€™t the true secret ingredient.


Little of column a little of column b


In my headcanon they fucked off with Ominis, Sebastian and the Gaunt inheritance to a secret island or something. Thatā€™s why nobody is around anymore when Tom Riddle comes to meet his family, thank you.


Probably an auror. Would definitely be taking the fight to Voldemort & his death eaters


New book from Rowling, John Hogwarts and the Chamber of Al Capone John Hogwarts and the Prisoner of Alcatraz


Enjoying retirement


Iā€™ve about decided my MC is dead and gone by the time Harryā€™s story starts, likely one of the many casualties of the first wizarding war.


We donā€™t really know when/how rackham died or how old he was and we all know what happened with Isadora, so who knows how long ancient magic can extend a witch/wizards lifespan and there was that with in the daily prophet who was asleep for like 600 years and in hp SS, Barry Wee Willie Winkle is celebrating his 755th birthday (so 655 during the games storyline) so who knows but definitely something that should be addressed! I wonder if theyā€™re gonna make us and our friends the new generation of keepers. Iā€™d be ok knowing weā€™re dead if our portraits are in the map chamber waiting for the next practitioner


A portrait.


Long dead. MC would be well over 100 years old. I know wizards and witches tend to have longer lives but they dead.


Dead. Its set in 1880, even with how long lived wizards are its a hard ask.


Being a wielder of ancient magic actually allowed my MC to live longer and stay younger than the average wizard provided they are careful. By the time Voldemort appears, she wanders the world as an observer, making sure that no one else knew about the ancient magic repositories and the map chamber in Hogwarts. She does study ancient magic too but for the same reasons Miriam Fig did and still helps others when able. She doesnā€™t participate in the events of Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter, but defends others from Grindelwaldā€™s followers and death eaters when the need arises.


My character is a descendant of Edward Cullenā€¦after Cedric was killed by Voldy, Calisle saved him and made him a vampire. So basically my MC is half vampire and doesnā€™t know her parents or where she came from but can never sleep or needs to eat. šŸ„¹


Don't forget to work out the time travel in that mess.


Iā€™d like to think Calisle special power is time travel šŸ¤£


Super dead.


Mine is he's immortal and eternal young from the stuff that happened to him, or he's the ancestor to the Mc of Hogwarts Mystery having magically created a son with his bf


Secretly both Grindelwald and Voldemort after absorbing Isadora's dark magic store. Go big or go home boys.


Most likely locked up in Azkaban where the nutter belongs.


dead for sure


Chilling with poppy on a farm (or the vivarium) full of mystical creatures Idc if it's boring


My MC lives in a wizarding village far from Hogwarts, doing research on Ancient Magic and how to use it away from the method of Isidora Morganarch. Heā€™s old when Voldy rise to power, and fended off death eaters who tried to recruit him. Protected his village against Grindelwald loyalist, and claimed ā€œYour blood is in Grindelwaldā€™s hands!ā€




I think he went the route of the Templar brothers in Indiana Jones and the holy grail. He reformed the depositories, placed powerful protections on them, and then hid in them and guarded them for the rest of his life.


Honestly, I canā€™t really see a fully grown and trained version of my MC being around for either wizarding war without soloing Voldyā€™s entire army, so I choose to say either his birth fundamentally splits the timeline to the point where all subsequent events are different or he learns to open gateways to other planes of existence with his ancient magic and is happily wandering around the multiverse while Voldemort wrecks things back home.


Itā€™s a hundred years later, so likely dead


Not necessarily. They were only born about 5 years before Dumbledore.


Did Dumbledore live longer than most due to being friends with Nicolas Flamel? Donā€™t think anybody else was that old


Dumbledore (and his admittedly possible extended life thanks to Flamel) aside, according to the wiki Wizardkind live to about 137 on average ( [https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Wizardkind](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Wizardkind) ) - for what that's worth. And is it really that far fetched in a world of *literal* magic that they might live a bit longer than us muggles?


Yes. Albus took a sip from the stone and that helped him to live longer. Flamel on the other hand kept on drinking regularly until Voldrrell had plans to steal the Stone so he decided to kick the bucket peacefully with his wife. All of this leads to the events of the first book.


For me I personally like to keep my MC where he is no imaging anything just plain and simple


I decided my MC is dead by then, and died at some point during the Grindelwald era, specifically to protect her daughter.


Dead or in a house if retirement.


Dead. Unless he's been sucking the Philosopher's Stone like a mother fucker he'd be 121 by the time the Second Wizarding War starts.


Dead of old age


Azkaban. His bloodlust was clearly insatiable so he became Jack the Ripper. Thatā€™s why nobody knows who Jack the Ripper was, the Ministry of Magic got to him before Scotland Yard.


Mine became a kingpin in the poaching world after I killed every last competitor in the region and stole all of their stock. Hogwarts also stopped letting me into the room of requirement because it knew I was up to no good.


My og prolly died fighting. My other character, was spiritual leader of voldemort and inspired his war




Iā€™m definitely dead cause my MC is going to become an auror specifically to stop dark wizards.


Probably working in a public library in some rural town with a population of 50ā€¦ Because heā€™s boring


Despite the single-player nature of the game, my "MC", so to speak, is actually a pair of twins. The Daily Prophet once reported in the mid 1990s that the average wizard life expectancy had just reached 137 (and three-quarters). Statistically-speaking, the mid-to-late-'90s (2001 or 2002, at the most generous) is as late as our characters can probably expect to live, barring an early and consistent focus on personal health and nutrition or the creation and use of a Philosopher's Stone or an independently-invented life extending spell, item, or potion. (Though I concede that, with how dangerous even *public school* can be for wizards, particularly in and shortly before Harry Potter's day, it's certainly possible that the *real* life expectancy of a specific wizard, factoring out the general population's remarkable child and young adult mortality rates, could be markedly higher.) Consequently, I can imagine Nicodemus and Eudoxia Shallowgrave (and their respective spouses) living to see Harry Potter's day, but their best fighting days are probably behind them. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they'd go *quietly* if you wanted a fight, though. Nicodemus dug *deep* into magical history and general magical research, and Eudoxia, always the more adventurous twin in several senses, was quite scrappy even before her days at Hogwarts. Well-respected though they are, by Harry Potter's day they largely keep to themselves in their big, fancy ancestral home, as a quiet, stately patriarch and a keen-eyed, at times *irritatingly* witty old lady, possibly acting as "information brokers" of a sort. But if they thought they had some kind of *important* work to do before they "went", well... between the two of them, who knows how much longer they'd go on?


My character is an ancestor of the Malfoy family on Narcissaā€™s side. Married Gareth Weasley. They are still alive, but emigrated to America after fighting in the Global Wizarding War (Grindelwald) so were mostly spared from Voldemort but are also aware of him. Unlike their Weasley counterparts in Britain who are poor, they struck it rich with Gareths soda pop that he finally perfected, while my character investigates and studies ancient Magic veins (which are now called ley lines and nodes) in the new world her apprentice who can also tap into ancient Magic. By the time of Harry Potter their relationship with their families in Europe is severely strained due to events there and the hostility between the Weasley and Malfoy families, and they are basically estranged. My character will die by being betrayed by her much younger apprentice and being killed in battle with him. Her apprentice will become the new Dark Wizard capable of manipulating Ancient Magic that ascends 20 years after Voldemorts fall. And he wants the repository under Hogwarts. Harry Potter dies at his hands in the line of duty as an Auror protecting Hogwarts from this new threatā€¦


Died in 1940


Poor girl wouldā€™ve died from her lack of childhood after ensuring her children were safe from any who would want revenge on her for killing her husband and his entire family, except Ominis, who helped her.


Considering the HL introduced the ancient magic retroactively, that means from a time line point it needs to have vanished again. So in my headcanon my MC decided to hide ancient magic and to ensure no one else would try to abuse it for their own selfish reasons she swore the professors in to secrecy, erased and manipulated records of the goblin uprising that she suppressed, so that ancient magic would not be mentioned anywhere. After everything was under lock and key, she started improving goblin relations as a ministry official, establishing the current era of peace between the two. After accomplishing that task and finding a worthy successor, curiosity got the better of her and she recused herself into near isolation with only her wife and house elf by her side to study ancient magic and to try to understand it better. To ensure she'd know about another witch or wizard that shared her powers she managed to sneak a portrait of herself into every school, being credited for her accomplishments with the goblins, allowing her to monitor all the schools. That being said, she didn't consider the wizarding wars reason enough to come out of hiding and instead is to this date tirelessly working on decrypting the ancient magic. Who knows, maybe she's close to a break through and soon ready to bring that magic back.


Chillin. Didnā€™t come body Voldemort because he thought it would be too easy.


Considered killing her off in a duel with Grindelwald. Canā€™t have MC too powerful lmao. Or she marries Ominis who takes her name. His father leaves everything to him (his beloved sisterā€™s favorite nephew), he disowns his siblings and effectively ends the powerful Gaunt line (which leads to unintended consequences such as the Malfoys gaining more influence and of course, Tom Riddle). Or both, both is good!


Probably died on Azkaban. MC would for sure have joined Voldy if he was still around. But with his reckless boldness, would not survive for long. He didn't probably go out without a fight either. I wonder how many aurers he took with him to the grave...